How to add weight to variable for GAM model? - r

I am running a gam model based on a large dataset with many variables. My response variable is the level of "recruitment" by a herd every fall/autumn. This is calculated by the fawn:female ratio every fall/autumn over a 60 year period.
My problem is that there are many years and study sites where only between 1 - 10 females are recorded. This means that the robustness of the ratio is not trustworthy. For example if one female and one fawn is seen, it has a recruitment of 100%, but if they see one more female, that drops by 50%!
I need to tell the model that years/study sites with smaller sample sizes should be weighted less than those with larger sample sizes as these smaller sample sizes are no doubt affecting the results.
Above is a table of the females observed every year and a histogram of the same.
My model is as follows:
gamFIN <- gam(Fw.FratioFall
~ s(year)
+ s(percentage_woody_coverage)
+ s(kmRoads.km2)
+ s(WELLS_ACTIVEinsideD)
+ s(d3)
+ s(WT_DEER_springsurveys)
+ s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi)
+ s(Average_mintemp_winter, BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi)
+ s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi, WELLS_ACTIVEinsideD)
+ s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi, d3)
+ s(YEAR, bs = "re") + s(StudyArea, bs = "re"), method = "REML", select = T, data = mydata)
How might I tell the model to weight my response variable by the sample sizes they are based on.

Do not model this as a ratio for your outcome. Instead model the fawn counts as your outcome and model the female counts via an offset() term using logged values on the RHS of the formula. You should be offsetting with the log of the fawn count. So the formula would look like this:
~ s(year)
+ all_those_smooth_terms
+ offset( lnFemale_counts)
The gam models have an implicit log link which is the reason for the logging of the Female counts.
Edit (Gavin's correct. The default for gam is not a linear link):
gamFIN <- gam(FawnFall ~ s(year) + s(percentage_woody_coverage) + s(kmRoads.km2) +
s(WELLS_ACTIVEinsideD) + s(d3) + s(WT_DEER_springsurveys) +
s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi) + s(Average_mintemp_winter, BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi) +
s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi, WELLS_ACTIVEinsideD) + s(BadlandsCoyote.1000_mi, d3) +
s(YEAR, bs = "re") + s(StudyArea, bs = "re") + offset(FemaleFall),
family="poisson", method = "REML", select = T, data = mydata)


prediction interval for multiple linear regression in r. Why results show multiple rows?

I am running a multi-linear regression in R. And I want to add 3 to all the rows for column named "educ", then find out the 99% confidence interval for this predicted change.
here are my codes:
reg5 = lm(sleep ~ educ + age + gdhlth + smsa + union + selfe +
marr + yrsmarr + yngkid, data = data)
newdata = data
newdata$educ = newdata$educ + 3
keeps <- c('educ', 'age', 'gdhlth','smsa', 'union','selfe' ,
'marr', 'yrsmarr','yngkid')
newdata = newdata[keeps]
predict(reg5, newdata = newdata, interval = 'prediction', level=0.99)
And my results are having over 300 rows enter image description here
Can anyone help to look at why I can't get a simple confidence interval?

LMM on Chickweight data

I would like to write a model with random intercepts and random slopes with respect to time. I am not sure if my code is correct.
model4<-lmer(weight~Time + Diet + Time*Diet + (1+Time|Chick), data = Data, REML = TRUE)
Yes, that is the correct specification for those random effects. You can check this out, by applying a similar model, but temporarily removing the fixed effect on diet and the interaction between time and diet
model4<-lmer(weight~Time + (1+Time|Chick), data = ChickWeight, REML = TRUE)
Column bind the original data, plus predictions from this simple model above, and select five random Chicks to plot
weight_hat = predict(model4)
cw = cbind(ChickWeight,weight_hat)
random_chicks = sample(unique(cw$Chick),5)
ggplot(cw[cw$Chick %in% random_chicks,], aes(Time, color=Chick)) +
geom_point(aes(y=weight), size=2) +
geom_line(aes(y=weight_hat), size=1.5) +
You can see that the intercept and slope for each Chick differs.

Significant variables for Logistic regression in R

I am still new to R and still struggling. I am trying to do a logistic regression using a categorical and continuous variable and I am supposed to select the right variable for my model. There are 27 variables and a 8,000 observations.
I have gone through a couple of articles online including stepwise regression by AIC and all I do is confuse myself the more. I was also told to select my variables from the correlation matrix but when I do the correlation I don't seem to find the correlation especially with the categorical variable. I also try to fit all the model and I get some variables with p-value less than 0.5. This is the code:
d4 <- d3[,c('SW','MOI','YOI','DOI_CMC','RMOB','RYOB','RDOB_CMC',
d5 <- cor(d4)
When I select the significant variables and try to apply logistic regression all the p value will be between 0.9 to 1. See code:
d3 <- lm(TPR ~ SW + MOI + RMOB + RYOB + RCA + Region + TPR + DPR +
NV + HEL + Has_Radio + Has_TV + Religion + WI + MOFB +
data = d3, family = "binomial")
I need help with this please!!
Here is the sample of d3

Hedonic price method multivariate regression in R | Interpretation of linear-linear, log-linear and log-log model

I am aware that there are similar questions on this site, however, none of them seem to answer my question sufficiently.
I am performing a multivariate regression in order to predict real estate data using Hedonic price method.
Dependent variable is AV_TOTAL, which is actually the price of the unit apartments'.
Distances from the closer park/highway are expressed in meters.
U_NUM_PARKS/U_FPLACE(presence of parkings and fireplace) are taken into account as dummy variables.
1) Linear-Linear Model --> Results Model 1
DIST_HIGHdiff + DIST_BIGDIG, data = data)
Residuals Model 1
2) Log-linear Model --> Results Model 2
U_BASE_FLO + U_BDRMS + factor(U_NUM_PARK) + DIST_PARKS + DIST_HIGHdiff + DIST_BIGDIG, data = data)
Residuals Model 2
3) Log-Log Model --> Results Model 3
lm(formula = log(AV_TOTAL) ~ log(LIVINGA_AREAM2) + NUM_FLOORS +
U_BASE_FLO + log(U_BDRMS) + factor(U_NUM_PARK) + log(DIST_PARKS) +
log(DIST_HIGHdiff) + log(DIST_BIGDIG), data = data)
Residuals Model 3
All the models have quite good R^2 while residuals plot shows better normal distribution for Model 2 and 3.
I can't figure out which is the difference between model 2 and 3 especially in interpreting the variable DIST_PARKS (distance from parks) and also which is the more correct model.

How to get p-values for random effects in glmer

I want to analyze when the claims of a protest are directed at the state, based on action and country level characteristics, using glmer. So, I would like to obtain p-values of both the fixed and random effects. My model looks like this:
targets <- glmer(state ~ ENV + HLH + HRI + LAB + SMO + Capital +
(1 + rile + parties + rep + rep2 + gdppc + election| Country),
data = df, family = binomial)
The output only gives me the Variance & Std.Dev. of the random effects, as well as the correlations among them, which makes sense for most multilevel analyses but not for my purposes. Is there any way I can get something like the estimates and the p-values for the random effects?
If this cannot be done with R, is there any other statistical software that would give such an output?
UPDATE: Following the suggestions here, I have moved this question to Cross Validated:
xyplot(incidence/size ~ period|herd, cbpp, type=c('g','p','l'),
layout=c(3,5), index.cond = function(x,y)max(y))
gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
data = cbpp, family = binomial)
