F#: How to get the type of an instance of an empty discriminated union case using Reflection? - reflection

I read the answers of those questions:
Generic F# function: How to get the Type of an F# Discriminated Union?
C# types for empty F# discriminated union cases
(mine) How to get the type of each union case for a given union type in F#
But I found out something surprising about the underlying type of discriminated unions:
type Union1 =
| A
| B
type Union2 =
| A
| B of int
let main argv =
printfn "%A" (Union1.A.GetType())
printfn "%A" (Union1.B.GetType())
printfn "%A" (Union2.A.GetType())
printfn "%A" (Union2.B(32).GetType())
Hence my question how I can discriminate a case based on the type when a case is empty?

There is no way to distinguish between two union cases with no parameters based on type, because their type in compiled .NET code is the same. You can see that this is the case by slightly tweaking your example:
type Union1 = A | B
Union1.A.GetType() = Union1.B.GetType() // Returns 'true'
The F# compiler compiles Union1 as a class with a numerical Tag field. For cases with no additional parameters like A and B here, it will just create an instance of Union1 and set the Tag field to 0 or 1.
When you have a union case with additional parameters, then the compiler generates a new inherited class that then stores values of these parameters (which is why you get a different type for Union2.B).
From the F# perspective, values of a discriminated union have the same type (even if the way DUs are compiled means that the type can sometimes be an inherited class), so there is no reason to expect that you would be able to distinguish cases based on a type - if you have a case where you need this, you should probably reconsider your approach.


SProxy in purescript?

What's the use of Sproxy in purescript?
In Pursuit, it's written as
data SProxy (sym :: Symbol)
--| A value-level proxy for a type-level symbol.
and what is meant by Symbol in purescipt?
First, please note that PureScript now has polykinds since version 0.14 and most functions now use Proxy instead of SProxy. Proxy is basically a generalisation of SProxy.
About Symbols and Strings
PureScript knows value level strings (known as String) and type level strings (known as Symbol).
A String can have any string value at runtime. The compiler does not track the value of the string.
A Symbol is different, it can only have one value (but remember, it is on the type level). The compiler keeps track of this string. This allows the compiler to type check certain expressions.
Symbols in Practice
The most prominent use of Symbols is in records. The difference between a Record and a String-Map is that the compiler knows about the keys at compile time and can typecheck lookups.
Now, sometimes we need to bridge the gap between these two worlds: The type level and the value level world. Maybe you know that PureScript records are implemented as JavaScript objects in the official compiler. This means we need to somehow receive a string value from our symbol. The magical function reflectSymbol allows us to turn a symbol into a string. But a symbol is on the type level. This means we can only write a symbol where we can write types (so for example in type definition after ::). This is where the Proxy hack comes in. The SProxy is a simple value that "stores" the type by applying it.
For example the get function from purescript-records allows us to get a value at a property from a record.
get :: forall proxy r r' l a. IsSymbol l => Cons l a r' r => proxy l -> Record r -> a
If we apply the first paramerter we get:
get (Proxy :: Proxy "x") :: forall r a. { x :: a | r } -> a
Now you could argue that you can get the same function by simply writing:
_.x :: forall r a. { x :: a | r } -> a
It has exactly the same type. This leads to one last question:
But why?
Well, there are certain meta programming szenarios, where you don't programm for a specific symbol, but rather for any symbol. Imagine you want to write a JSON serialiser for any record. You might want to "iterate" over every property of the record, get the value, turn the value itself into JSON and then concatinate the key value pair with all the other keys and values.
An example for such an implementation can be found here
This is maybe not the most technical explanation of it all, but this is how I understand it.

Initialise empty\undef Dict while using abstract types

I want to generate a Dict with undef values so I can later loop over the keys and fill in correct values. I can initialise an such a Dict using concrete types in the following way and it all works fine:
currencies = ["USD", "AUD", "GBP"]
struct example
undef_array = Array{example}(undef,3)
Dict{String,example}(zip(currencies, undef_array))
When my struct has an abstract type however I can still generate the undef array but I cannot create the dict. I get an error "UndefRefError: access to undefined reference"
abstract type abstract_num end
struct example2
undef_array = Array{example2}(undef,3)
Dict{String,example2}(zip(currencies, undef_array))
Although it is possible to create such a Dict with a concrete array:
struct numnum <: abstract_num
def_array = [example2(numnum(5.0)), example2(numnum(6.0)), example2(numnum(4.5))]
Dict{String,example2}(zip(currencies, def_array))
My question is whether it is possible to generate a Dict with undef values of a type that relies on an abstract type? Is it is possible what is the best way to do it?
In your second (not working) example, undef_array is an array whos elements aren't initialized:
julia> undef_array = Array{example2}(undef,3)
3-element Array{example2,1}:
The reason is that it's not possible to instantiate an object of type example2 because your abstract type abstract_num (the type of the field of example2) doesn't have any concrete subtypes and, thus, can't be instantiated either. As a consequence even indexing undef_array[1] gives an UndefRefError and, hence, also zip won't work.
Compare this to the first case where the array elements are (arbitrarily) initialized:
julia> undef_array = Array{example}(undef,3)
3-element Array{example,1}:
and undef_array[1] works just fine.
Having said that, I'm not really sure what you try to achieve here. Why not just create a mydict = Dict{String, example2}() and fill it with content when the time comes? (As said above, you would have to define concrete subtypes of abstract_num first)
For performance reasons you should, in general, avoid creating types with fields of an abstract type.
a=Dict{String,Union{example3,UndefInitializer}}(currencies .=>undef)
However, for representing missing values the type Missing is usually more appropriate:
b=Dict{String,Union{example3,Missing}}(currencies .=>missing)
Please note that typeof(undef) yields UndefInitializer while typeof(missing) yields Missing - hence the need for Union types in the Dict. The dot (.) you can see above (.=>) is the famous Julia dot operator.
Moreover, I recommend to keep to Julia's naming conversion - struct and DataType names should start with a Capital Letter.
Last but not least, in your first example where concrete type Float64 was given, Julia has allocated the array to some concrete address in memory - beware that it can contain some garbage data (have a look at console log below):
julia> undef_array = Array{example}(undef,3)
3-element Array{example,1}:

Unboxing values of F# discriminated unions

Some functions of my F# code receive values boxed as object even though the underlying values are typed. If the value is a discriminated union, it's not possible to unbox it back to its F# type. Here is a simple example:
type Result<'TOk,'TError> =
| Ok of 'TOk
| Error of 'TError
type ResultA = Result<string, int>
let a = Ok "A"
let o = box a
match o with
| :? ResultA -> printfn "match ResultA"
// | :? ResultA.Ok -> printfn "match" // doesn't compile
| _ when o.GetType().DeclaringType = typedefof<ResultA> -> printfn "match via reflection"
| _ -> printfn "no match"
The output from this example is "match via reflection", ResultA is never matched because the boxed value is of a different CLR type - Result.Ok. Since F# discriminated union cases are represented as its own types, the boxed value doesn't match the type ResultA. Moreover, it's not possible to match it to ResultA.OK because inside F# code it's not a legal type. The only option seems to be manual instantiation of a value using reflection, which is inefficient and silly because the value is already instantiated, it's here, it just can not be accessed in F# code once it's boxed.
Am I overlooking something? Is there a more straightforward way of unboxing an F# discriminated union value?
You're just matching a different type. Your variable a is not of type ResultA, but of generic type Result<string, 'a>, which when boxed gets coerced to Result<string, obj>.
Either make the variable have the right type explicitly:
let a : ResultA = Ok "A"
Or match with the right type:
match o with
| :? Result<string, obj> -> printfn "match ResultA"
Both options will work.
A note on your assumption:
ResultA is never matched because the boxed value is of a different CLR type - Result.Ok
That is not the reason. Matching with a type works just the same as the is/as operators in C# - i.e. it matches subtypes as well as the exact type. And DU members get compiled as subtypes of the DU type itself. That is how F# can get .NET to handle different cases as one type.
A note on runtime typing in general:
Handling types at runtime shouldn't be necessary. Try to avoid it if at all possible. The rule of thumb should be, if you find yourself handling types at runtime, you've probably modeled something wrong.
This is especially true if you don't know exactly how everything works.

Is the same Empty returned when it matched in a function?

we have mapOptional from the NICTA course:
mapOptional :: (a -> b) -> Optional a -> Optional b
mapOptional _ Empty = Empty
mapOptional f (Full a) = Full (f a)
When matching f we obviously use that function that was passed, what about the Empty? and what about Full?
There is nothing in Haskell that lets you observe whether the two Emptys are the same Empty or not, and no guarantees about what an implementation must do with that code in that regard.
That said, in GHC, nullary constructors for a given parameterized type are shared across all parameterizations; so there is just one Empty in the whole program, and just one [], and so forth.
They can't be the same Empty, the argument has the type Optional a and the output has the type Optional b. When I try to force some sort of reuse, I will typically use something of the type
mapOptional _ a#Empty = a
This won't compile, and I don't think that's implementation dependent.

Trying to understand the SML option structure

Okay so I started learning SML for a class, and I'm stuck with the option structure.
What I have so far for this example:
datatype suit = spades|hearts|clubs|diamonds;
datatype rank = ace|two|three|...|j|q|k|joker;
type card = suit*rank;
My lecturer was trying to explain the use of the option structure by saying that not all cards necessarily have a suit; jokers don't have a suit associated with them.
So when designing a function getsuit to get the suit of a card, we have the following:
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a;
fun getsuit ((joker,_):card):suit option = NONE
| getsuit ((_,s):card):suit option = SOME s;
But using emacs, I get two errors, one saying how the pattern and constraint don't agree,
pattern: rank * ?.suit
constraint: rank * suit
and the other saying how the expression type and the resulting types don't agree.
expression: ?.suit option
result type: suit option
This was the code provided by the lecturer so clearly they're not of much help if it results in errors.
What's the meaning of "?." and why does it show up? How would I correctly define this function?
Not really a problem with option as you've defined it.
You've got the order of suit and rank in your card patterns the wrong way:
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a;
fun getsuit ((_, joker):card):suit option = NONE
| getsuit ((s, _):card):suit option = SOME s;
My version of ML probably prints errors differently so I'm not sure how to explain the the meaning of ?. etc. But it's simple enough if you take it bit by bit:
(clubs, ace);
The interpreter (or emacs if that's what you're using) tells you the type is a product of a suit * rank. That's ML's type inference at work, but you can specify the type (you expect) like this:
(clubs, ace): suit*rank;
(clubs, ace): card; (* Works, since card is defined as (suit*rank) *)
And you won't have any complaints. But obviously you would if you did
(clubs, ace): rank*suit;
(clubs, ace): card; (* card is defined as (rank*) *)
You placed a constraint on the type of getsuit's argument (that it must be a card, or the compatible (suit*rank) product), but the pattern is of type (rank*?) or (?*rank), neither of which are compatible with (suit*rank).
