How To Erase and Overwrite Data in Spi EEPROM - microcontroller

I am using WinBond W25Q64JV SPI Flash chip for storing data and micro controller is STM32F101RCT6. When i am try to store the data in Winbond chip it is working fine i can able to read and write data in winbond chip but if i want to overwrite the new data in same address it is not overwrite and it is giving the old data that is new data is not written in same memory.If i use the erase option it is erase all data in all address location i am unable to erase particular address data. After all address data erased i can able to write the new data but i am losing the data in all other locations so please guide me to overwrite the new data in same address location/ Erase option for particular address my code is below
Spi_data[0]=0x06; //Write Enable
Spi_data[0]=0x02; //Page Program
Spi_data[0]=0x03;//Read Data
when i am try to overwrite the new data in 0x1014 location it is not overwritten if i am use the following erase option it is erase all memory address data
please guide me to overwrite the new data in same address/Erase option for particular address

From the product datasheet
8.3 Sector Erase (20h)
The Sector Erase instruction sets all memory within a specified sector (4K-bytes) to the erased state of all 1s
This is a flash memory, not an eeprom, therefore there's a minimum erase block size, which is 4 kilobytes. There's no way to erase individual bytes.

W25Q64JV has 64 mbit = 8 mbyte
each sector has 4 kbytes size then you have 2000 sector or 0x7d0
so the maximum address you can erase is 0x7d0
you want to erase 0x1014 this byte is on sector 2
then you should erase sector 0x2 but every other bytes in this sector erase too
you can copy sector 2 in array then erase sector 2 and after that write array in to this sector


Arduino as slave with multiple i2c addresses

I would like to use an Arduino as an i2c slave. But I require that the Arduino acts as multiple devices by registering itself with multiple i2c addresses.
This is probably not something one would normally do, but here is my reason for doing it:
I want to use an Arduino to act as Telemetry sensors for Spektrum Telemetry. The Telemetry receiver has a few i2c plugs which connects to multiple sensors (current 0x02, voltage 0x03, airspeed 0x11, etc) each that have a fixed i2c address which the Telemetry receiver expects.
I would like to use one Arduino to act as all these devices by registering itself with all of the above addresses, and responding appropriately with the readings.
I could use one Arduino per sensor, which seems silly as I can perform all these readings with one Arduino pro-mini.
I know you can register the Arduino using
But I require something similar to this (pseudo code)
Wire.begin(0x02, 0x03, 0x11);
And when a request is received, I need to know with what address the Arduino was queried.
For example (pseudo code)
void receiveEvent(byte address, int bytesReceived){
if(address == 0x02){
// Current reading
else if(address == 0x03){
// Voltage reading
else if(address == 0x11){
// Airspeed reading
Any advice would be appreciated.
It is not possible to make the Arduino listen to to multiple slave addresses by using the Wire library since Wire.begin() only allows to pass a single slave address.
Even the Atmel ATmega microcontroller on which most Arduinos are based only allows its hardware 2-wire serial interface (TWI) to be set to a single 7-bit address via its 2-wire address register TWAR. However, it is possible to work around this limitation by masking one or more address bits using the TWI address mask register TWAMR as documented (somewhat briefly) in e.g. this ATmega datasheet section 22.9.6:
The TWAMR can be loaded with a 7-bit Salve (sic!) Address mask. Each of the bits in TWAMR can mask (disable) the corresponding address bits in the TWI address Register (TWAR). If the mask bit is set to one then the address match logic ignores the compare between the incoming address bit and the corresponding bit in TWAR.
So we would first have to set up the mask bits based on all I2C addresses we want to respond to by OR'ing them and shifting right to match the TWAMR register layout (TWAMR holds mask in bit7:1, bit0 is unused):
TWAMR = (sensor1_addr | sensor2_addr | sensor3_addr) << 1;
The main problem from here on will be to find out which particular I2C address was queried (we only know it was one that matches the address mask).
If I interpret section 22.5.3 correctly, stating
The TWDR contains the address or data bytes to be transmitted, or the address or data bytes received.
we should be able to retrieve the unmasked I2C address from the TWDR register.
ATmega TWI operation is interrupt-based, more specifically, it utilizes a single interrupt vector for a plethora of different TWI events indicated by status codes in the TWSR status register.
In the TWI interrupt service routine, we'll have to
make sure the reason why we've entered the ISR is because we've been queried. This can be done by checking TWSR for status code 0xA8 (own SLA+R has been received)
decide which sensor data to send back to the master based on what I2C address was actually queried by checking the last byte on the bus in TWDR.
This part of the ISR could look something like this (untested):
if (TWSR == 0xA8) { // read request has been received
byte i2c_addr = TWDR >> 1; // retrieve address from last byte on the bus
switch (i2c_addr) {
case sensor1_addr:
// send sensor 1 reading
case sensor2_addr:
// send sensor 2 reading
case sensor3_addr:
// send sensor 3 reading
// I2C address does not match any of our sensors', ignore.
Thanks for asking this interesting question!
I really do like vega8's answer, but I'd also like to mention that if your I2C master isn't going to clock things incredibly fast, using a software-based implementation of I2C would also be feasible and give you the freedom you want.
You might want to consider that approach if rough calculation shows that the time spent in the TWI ISR is too high and interrupts might start to overlap.
void setup()
Wire.begin(0x11 | 0x12); // Adr 11 and 12 are used for Alt and Speed by Spectrum DX
Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // register callback function
TWAMR = (0x11 | 0x12) << 1; // set filter for given adr
void requestEvent() {
int adr = TWDR >> 1; // move 1 bit to align I2C adr
if (adr == 0x12) // check for altitude request at adr 12
Wire.write(tmpSpektrumDataAlt, 16); // send buffer
if (adr == 0x11) // check for speed request at adr 11
Wire.write(tmpSpektrumDataSpd, 16); // send buffer
This works with a Spectrum DX8 with telemetry module.
The Spectrum interface was made public on Sectrums home page. Technical documents.
There could be other devices on the I2C bus, the TWAMR should be set with as less bits as possible. So I think the better way to calculate the mask is:
AddrOr = Addr1 | Addr2 | Addr3 | Addr4 ...
AddrAnd = Addr1 & Addr2 & Addr3 & Addr4 ...
TWAMR = (AddrOr ^ AddrAnd) << 1
while TWAR can be set as either AddrOr or AddrAnd
In this way we can limit the possibility of address conflict to the minimum

SoftwareSerial clear buffer?

My software serial(Arduino Uno pins 5/6) is never clears the incoming buffer data.
So , if i send some data to the serial ,and later i would like to read the incoming data, i get all the previous data i have sent+ the new incoming data.
Why is it not clearing my previous sent data ?
wifiChar =;
Serial.println(wifiContent); //gets all the data i have sent+the new received
that is because you are using the ATE (echo return)
in this case it will return the command that you send and the request data.

Reading a long text from GPRS Shield with Arduino

I am having hell with this and I know it is probably really simple. I am trying to read a text message from my Seeed GPRS shield. I have the shield setup as a software serial and I am displaying the information received from the GPRS to the serial monitor. I am currently sending all AT commands over serial while I work on my code. To display the data from the software serial to the serial monitor, I am using the following code.
while(GPRS.available()!=0) {
GPRS is my software serial obviously. The problem is, the text is long and I only get a few characters from it. Something like this.
+CMGR: "REC READ","1511","","13/12/09,14:34:54-24" Welcome to TM eos8
This text is a "Welcome to T-Mobile" text that is much longer. The last few characters shown are scrambled. I have done some research and have seen that I can mod the serial buffer size to 256 instead of the default 64. I want to avoid this because I am sure there is an easier way. Any ideas?
Have you tried reading into a character array, one byte at a time? See if this helps:
if (GPRS.available()) { // GPRS talking ..
while(GPRS.available()) { // As long as it is talking ..
// read char into array
if(count == 64) break; // Enough said!
Serial.write(buffer,count); // Display in Terminal
count = 0;
You need to declare the variables 'buffer' and 'count' appropriately and define the function 'clearBufferArray()'
Let me know if this helps.
Looks like this is simply the result of the lack of flow control in all Arduino serial connections. If you cannot pace your GPRS() input byte sequence to a rate that guarantees the input FIFO can't overflow, then your Serial.write() will block when the output FIFO fills. At that point you will be dropping new GPRS input bytes on the floor until Serial output frees up more space.
Since the captured output is apparently clean up to about 64 bytes, this suggests
a) a 64 byte buffer,
b) a GPRS data rate much higher than the Serial one, and
c) that the garbage data is actually the occasional valid byte from later in the sequence.
You might confirm this by testing the return code from Serial.write. If you get back zero, that byte is getting lost.
If you were using 9600 for Serial and 57600 for GPRS, I would expect somewhat more than 64 bytes to come through before the output gets mangled, but if the GPRS rate is more than 64x the Serial rate, the entire output FIFO could fill up within a single output byte transmission time.
Capturing to an intermediate buffer should resolve your issue, as long as it is large enough for the whole message. Similarly, extending the size of either the source (in conjunction with testing the Serial.write) or destination (without any additional code) FIFOs to the maximum datagram size should work.
I've had the same problem trying to read messages and get 64 characters. I overcame it by adding a "delay(10)" in the loop calling the function that does the read from the GPRS. Seems to be enough to overcome the race scenario. - Using Arduino Mega.
void loop() {
delay(10); //A race condition exists to get the data.
void ReadmyGPRS(){
if (Serial1.available()){ // if data is comming from GPRS serial port
count = 0; // reset counter
while(Serial1.available()) // reading data into char array
buffer[count++]; // writing data into array
if(count == 160)break;

Using ElectricImp and Arduino

I'm following the sparkfun tutorial for connecting an arduino to electric imp. I only have one arduino and imp, so I'm trying to get whatever I type in the arduino serial monitor to display in the imp node using
I've modified one of the functions in the sparkfun code to look like this:
function pollUart()
imp.wakeup(0.00001, pollUart.bindenv(this)); // schedule the next poll in 10us
local byte =; // read the UART buffer
// This will return -1 if there is no data to be read.
while (byte != -1) // otherwise, we keep reading until there is no data to be read.
// server.log(format("%c", byte)); // send the character out to the server log. Optional, great for debugging
// impeeOutput.set(byte); // send the valid character out the impee's outputPort
byte =; // read from the UART buffer again (not sure if it's a valid character yet)
toggleTxLED(); // Toggle the TX LED
} is only displaying seemingly random numbers. I have an idea of why this is, I just don't know how to fix it because I'm not that familiar with UARTs and squirrel.
local byte =; reads in the ascii characters from the arduino in byte form (I think), and they're not being 'translated' into their ascii characters before I use
How do I do this in squirrel?
Also, I think polling every 10us is the wrong way to go here. I'd like to only poll when there's new information, but I also don't know how to do that in squirrel. Can someone point me to an example where this happens?
I think you are passing the wrong data type to the show method of the server object. The electric imp docs state that it takes a string, I think that local is the correct type to receive the value from You can tell from the docs as well. So, you need to find a way to cast your byte to a string. I bet you could find the answer here. From what I read Squirrel use's Unicode so there is a probably a function that takes Unicode bytes and loads them into a string object.

Identification of packets in a byte stream

I'm having a bit of a problem with the communication to an accelerometer sensor. The sensor puts out about 8000 readings/second continuously. The sensor is plugged in to a usb port with an adaper and shows up as com4. My problem is that I can't seem to pick out the sensor reading packets from the byte stream. The packets have the size of five bytes and have the following format:
High nibble Low nibble
Byte 1 checksum, id for packet start X high
Byte 2 X mid X low
Byte 3 Y high Y mid
Byte 4 Y low Z high
Byte 5 Y mid Y low
X, y, z is the acceleration.
In the documentation for the sensor it states that the high nibble in the first byte is the checksum (calculated Xhigh+Xlow+Yhigh+Ylow+Zhigh+Zlow) but also the identification of the packet start. I'm pretty new to programming against external devices and can't really grasp how the checksum can be used as an identifier for the start of the package (wouldn't the checksum change all the time?). Is this a common way for identifying the start of a packet? Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
... can't really grasp how the checksum can be used as an identifier for the start of the package (wouldn't the checksum change all the time?).
Yes, the checksum would change since it is derived from the data.
But even a fixed-value start-of-packet nibble would (by itself) not be sufficient to (initially) identify (or verify) data packets. Since this is binary data (rather than text), the data can take on the same value as any fixed-value start-of-packet. If you had a trivial scan for this start-nibble, that algorithm could easily misidentify a data nibble as the start-nibble.
Is this a common way for identifying the start of a packet?
No, but given the high data rate, it seems to be a scheme to minimize the packet size.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
You probably have to initially scan every sequence of bytes five at a time (i.e. the length of a packet).
Calculate the checksum of this "packet", and compare it to the first nibble.
A match indicates that you (may) have packet alignment.
A mismatch means that you should toss the first byte, and test the next possible packet that would start with what was the second byte (i.e. shift the 4 remaining bytes and append a new 5th byte).
Once packet alignment has been achieved (or assumed), you need to continually verify the checksum of every packet in order to confirm data integrity and ensure packet data alignment. Any checksum error should force another hunt for correct packet data alignment (starting at the 2nd byte of the current "packet").
What you need to do is get some free SerialPortTerminal in c# import in your project and first check all the data and packets you are getting, unless you have already done that. Than just to read you will need to do something like...
using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace SPE
class SerialPortProgram
// Create the serial port with basic settings
private SerialPort port = new SerialPort("COM4", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Instatiate this class
new SerialPortProgram();
private SerialPortProgram()
Console.WriteLine("Incoming Data:");
// Attach a method to be called when there // is data waiting in the port's buffer
port.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(port_DataReceived);
// Begin communications
// Enter an application loop to keep this thread alive
private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// Show all the incoming data in the port's buffer
