How to get service price in GetReservationRS - sabre

I have booked a valid available service through Sabre PassengerDetailsRS and booking was successful. But in the GetReservationRS, price of the service is missing. How can we get that price. My GetReservationRQ was as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns7:GetReservationRQ xmlns:ns7="" Version="1.19.0">
<ns7:ReturnOptions PriceQuoteServiceVersion="3.2.0">
And in the response, that service is present which I booked in the booking step. But there is no pricing reference for that service, only the flight total price is present which is service excluded price
. . .
How can I get the price of ode="WEAP" (<or114:FreeText>/SPORTING FIREARMS</or114:FreeText>)

you have to add ReturnOptions->SubjectArea->PRICE_QUOTE in GetReservationRQ
<ReturnOptions PriceQuoteServiceVersion="3.2.0">
for more details please have a look at below URL (Sabre Documentation)

I use GetPriceQuoteRQ after GetReservationRQ.

As this is an upsell for most airlines it falls under ancillary services - therefore to price them you should use: GetAncillaryOffersRQ


how to update date of birth through 'Update Passenger Name Record' Sabre API

Im not able to update DOB through update PNR sabre api call, could someone help me to resolve this issue?
-<ns2:PersonName NameNumber="1.1" Gender="M" DateOfBirth="1984-05-15">
ns2:GivenNameTest name</ns2:GivenName>
-<ns2:PersonName NameNumber="2.1" Gender="M" DateOfBirth="1990-07-11">
ns2:GivenNameTest givenname</ns2:GivenName>

ExtendedProperty is not available in the get event api response

We are working on Google Calendar Add-on and need some help regarding Add-on development.
• We used to set the key-value pair under “ExtendedProperty -> private” section of the event and read it on need basis. Earlier(a week back) “ExtendedProperty->private” used to be available but now, we are seeing that “ExtendedProperty” itself is not available in the event response. Whenever we are trying to fetch the key from the event response, error with message “Cannot read property "private" from undefined” occurred.
• Sample event response when extended property was available:
"conferenceData":{ },
"reminders":{ }
• Sample event response when extended property is not available:
"conferenceData":{ },
"reminders":{ }
• Sample code for reading/writing into the event response.
o Get: ```{Event_Response}.extendedProperties.private.Recurence
o Set:
 {Event_Response}.extendedProperties.private['Recurence'] = value
 Calendar.Events.patch(Event_Response, accountId, eventid)```
• Is there any change at API level occurred because get and set for the extended property was working properly earlier(a week back).

Are the XML APIs deprecated in Authorize.Net?

I heard that has a new API. I use an API to manage recurring payments where I send XML requests of the form shown below (in PHP, i.e. $authnet_ etc . will be replaced by actual values). Is this deprecated?
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>
<ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest xmlns= \"AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd\">
<phoneNumber> $x_phone </phoneNumber>
Authorize.Net did not deprecate XML formatted API requests. They work in parallel with the newer JSON format.
They still list it on their API Reference and documentation.

ElectronicHorizon Constructor AccessControlException using HERE-API

I receive the following error when calling the ElectronicHorizon constructor. I have the Freemium Premium SDK and I've already verified that the package name, app id, app code, and license key are correct. I am already successfully performing routing using CoreRouter. Is this behavior expected for a freemium account? Or is it an issue with my implementation
The following is called to start the MapEngine:
MapEngine.getInstance().init(appContext, onEngineInitListener);
In the OnEngineInitListener is defined the following:
public void onEngineInitializationCompleted(Error error) {
if (error == Error.NONE) {
ElectronicHorizon eh = new ElectronicHorizon();
} else {
The following is the offending code:
ElectronicHorizon eh = new ElectronicHorizon();
Error: Access to this operation is denied. Contact your HERE representative for more information.
Please see
Especially Point 4 in section "Licensing & Terms":
"What other limits apply to my Freemium or Pro plan?
The Electronic Horizon feature in the Premium Mobile SDK is excluded. Please contact us if you're interested in this feature."

Why getting "User is not allowed to perform this action" in PayPal Sandbox

I am POSTing the following message to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<PayRequest xmlns:xsi=""
<memo>MP ref 8050042402450937112</memo>
and getting this response:
<ns3:FaultMessage xmlns:ns3=""
<message>User is not allowed to perform this action</message>
<parameter>Sender is not allowed to perform this action</parameter>
The sender email is the personal account I set up. It is verified and has balance of 5000 USD. The Card status is "Activatged". Why am I getting "User is not allowed to perform this action"?
Found this info in the API docs
Note: FundingConstraint is unavailable to API callers with standard
permission levels; for more information, refer to the section Adaptive
Payments Permission Levels.
If I remove the fundingConstraint node from the request, I get a successful response.
Is it possible to test requests requiring higher permsission levels in the sandbox?
