How to access firebase-functions environment configuration from Cloud Run - firebase

I'm migrating a Firebase Function to Cloud Run. Everything is working as expected so far, including the Firebase Hosting link (which is great!). I'm just not sure how I should read the environment variables I've configured for this project (via

You'll have to find a different way to configure Cloud Run. You won't be able to access your environment variables set for Cloud Functions when deployed with the Firebase CLI. Those variables are only accessible for code running in Cloud Functions that uses the "firebase-functions" module.
Instead, you should set your Cloud Run environment with gcloud as documented here.


How do you set variables, based on environment, for Firebase Cloud Functions?

Similar question to
How do you setup local environment variables for Cloud Functions for Firebase, but specifically looking how to setup environment variables that differ between development and production.
For example,
Say I would typically have:
REACT_APP_DOMAIN: http://localhost:3000/
How would one create a similar setup for Firebase Cloud Functions?
I have an answer to my own question, though I don't think it's optimal.
In the Firebase's local-emulator documentation, they have this section:
Set up functions configuration (optional)
If you're using custom functions configuration variables, first run the command to get your custom config (run this within the functions directory) in your local environment:
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
If using Windows PowerShell, replace the above with:
firebase functions:config:get | ac .runtimeconfig.json
Though poorly explained, this is just creating a json file .runtimeconfig.json, which contains your firebase config variables. The variables in this file are then used by the Firebase emulator, in place of what is stored in Firestore. This is better explained in this github repo ticket.
Now knowing this, .runtimeconfig.json can be used in a similar manner that .env.development is. Instead of using the command they suggest, you can just manually update it as you need (or use their command to pull down your firebase variables and then modify them as needed).
You access/use those local variables in the exact same way you would normally access Firebase variables, functions.config()
When deployed, they'll reference your variables as set on Firebase. When in development (through firebase emulator), they'll reference what you have in .runtimeconfig.json.

Download or sync Firebase Functions to local environment

I am working on a Firebase project that currently uses several Cloud Functions.
The thing is that I want to download or sync the Cloud Functions to the local environment on my laptop.
I mean some command using firebase-tools or another like:
git clone [project name]
git fetch [something]
Usually, we create some cloud functions using the Firebase Console, and I would like to have these functions locally to edit these when needed and deploy them again.
I know that firebase-tools have these two commands, but it is only for configurations:
functions:config:clone [options]
functions:config:get [options]
There's no provided solution for automatically copying or synchronizing functions that have already been deployed. You can certain get the source code for deployed functions, but the Firebase CLI will not automate that process for you.
Ideally, you will want to manage all of your functions from the same source control and CLI in order to deal with them all consistent. Editing functions from the console is primarily a convenience, not a proper deployment mechanism.

FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable in GCP Cloud Run

This page explains:
Note: The FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable is included automatically in Cloud Functions for Firebase functions that were deployed via the Firebase CLI.
Can we get access to the same FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable in Cloud Run environment? If yes, how?
If no, please give instructions on setting firebase-admin initializeApp and firebase initializeApp for authentication on Cloud Run.
Should we save the serviceAccount and firebase-config in our project and import them? If so, what are the best practices for doing that? When working on an open-source project, we should put these files in .gitignore. Then how should we push them to the Cloud Run environment using gcloud CLI?

Don't delete firebase cloud funtions

I'm configuring CD process on gitlab to google cloud functions (firebase).
Also i have 3 envs (development, staging and production) and i want to deploy each function with matching postfix (_development, _staging).
When i deploy functions to development, for instance, from my local machine with command
firebase deploy --only functions
it always asks me
Would you like to proceed with deletion? Selecting no will continue the rest of the deployments.
And i choose "No", because i don't want to delete existing functions with other postfixes. But on gitlab there is no possibility to enter "No" and it decides to delete all that functions as default.
Is there some solution to not delete existing functions in cloud? Probably some flag in deploy command?
The way you are managing environments is not recommended by the Firebase team. You should be using different projects to isolate the different environments as described in the documentation.
But if you absolutely can't make any changes to what you're doing, what you will have to do is call out the names of each function to deploy, as described in the documentation:
By default, the Firebase CLI deploys all of the functions inside
index.js at the same time. If your project contains more than 5
functions, we recommend that you use the --only flag with specific
function names to deploy only the functions that you've edited.
Deploying specific functions this way speeds up the deployment process
and helps you avoid running into deployment quotas. For example:
$ firebase deploy --only functions:addMessage,functions:makeUppercase
Or, you can use function groups.

microservice deployment in firebase hosting for an app

I've built an app with polymer 2.0 and polymerfire and deployed it into firebase hosting. This part is smooth.
But I wanted to maintain all my cloud functions as separate modules / separate projects and deploy them independently into firebase hosting. As per the Google IO 2017 talks, it is advised to go microservice style for the cloud functions.
The problem I am facing:
Whenever I deploy an individual module, it erases all the previously deployed cloud functions. Meaning firebase deploy from a project with only firebase functions enabled, will erase all the other cloud functions and deploy the ones declared in this project.
In a nutshell, it looks like I need to create a single monolith with the complete web application, all the cloud functions all in one single fat project and deploy the whole thing. This defeats the point of being microservice style!
Please advise if I am missing something important in the whole setup procedure?
You can deploy/undeploy individual functions with the Firebase tools/CLI version 3.8 or higher by specifying what function(s) to update: firebase deploy --only functions:function1,function2. It will still deploy all the code in your project, since the CLI doesn't "know" what file(s) are needed for each specific function. But it will then only update the function(s) that you specify.
