R Caret: seeds and createMultiFolds - r

I want to make my code reproducible and use the seeds argument as well as createMultiFolds within a loop.
I set up this code:
cv_model <- function(dat, targets){
results <<- list(weight = NA, vari = NA)
# set up error measures
sumfct <- function(data, lev = NULL, model = NULL){
mape <- MLmetrics::MAPE(y_pred = data$pred, y_true = data$obs)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((data$pred - data$obs)^2, na.omit = TRUE))
c(MAPE = mape, RMSE = RMSE)
for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
folds <- caret::createMultiFolds(y = dat$weight,
k = 3,
times = 3)
myseeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3*3+1)
for (i in 1:9) {
myseeds[[i]] <- sample.int(n=1000, 1)
# for the final model
myseeds[[10]] <- sample.int(n=1000, 1)
# specifiy trainControl
control <- caret::trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=3, repeats=3, search="grid",
savePred =T,
summaryFunction = sumfct, index = folds, seeds = myseeds)
# fixed mtry
params <- data.frame(mtry = 2)
# choose predictor columns by excluding target columns
preds <- dat[, -c(which(names(dat) == "Time"),
which(names(dat) == "Chick"),
which(names(dat) == "Diet"))]
# set target variables
response <- dat[, which(names(dat) == targets[i])]
model <- caret::train(x = preds,
y = response,
data = dat,
ntree = 25,
metric= "RMSE",
results[[i]] <<- model
targets <- c("weight", "vari")
dat <- as.data.frame(ChickWeight)
# generate random numbers
dat$vari <- c(runif(nrow(dat)))
## use 2 of the cores
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
# use function
cv_model(dat = dat, targets = targets)
# end parallel computing
# unregister doParallel by registering DoSeq (do sequential)
After running the code, the error message Error: Please make sure 'y' is a factor or numeric value.. occurs.
If you delete the following lines
myseeds <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3*3+1)
for (i in 1:9) {
myseeds[[i]] <- sample.int(n=1000, 1)
# for the final model
myseeds[[10]] <- sample.int(n=1000, 1)
and within trainControl , seeds = myseeds, then the code runs without an error message.
How can I fix the error and at the same time provide seeds and createMultiFolds within the code?


R caret: train() failed for repeatedcv with factor predictors

The following function shall be used with Caret's train() function. Without any factor variables or without cross-validation it works fine.
The problems appear when using factors as predictors and repeatedcv, because in the folds not all the factors are present but still appear within the factor levels:
Consider the following adapted cforest model (from the package partykit):
cforest_partykit <- list(label = "Conditional Inference Random Forest with partykit",
library = c("partykit", "party"),
loop = NULL,
type = c("Classification", "Regression"),
parameters = data.frame(parameter = 'mtry',
class = 'numeric',
label = "#Randomly Selected Predictors"),
grid = function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid"){
if(search == "grid") {
out <- data.frame(mtry = caret::var_seq(p = ncol(x),
classification = is.factor(y),
len = len))
} else {
out <- data.frame(mtry = unique(sample(1:ncol(x), replace = TRUE, size = len)))
fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
# make consistent factor levels
if(any(sapply(x, is.factor))){
fac_col_names <- names(grep("factor", sapply(x, class), value=TRUE))
# assign present levels to each subset
for (i in 1:length(fac_col_names)) {
x[, which(names(x) == fac_col_names[i])] <- factor(x[, which(names(x) == fac_col_names[i])],
levels = as.character(unique(x[, which(names(x) == fac_col_names[i])])))
dat <- if(is.data.frame(x)) x else as.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
dat$.outcome <- y
theDots <- list(...)
if(any(names(theDots) == "mtry")) # # change controls to mtry?
theDots$mtry <- as.integer(param$mtry) # remove gtcrl
theDots$mtry <- NULL
} else mtry <- min(param$mtry, ncol(x))
## pass in any model weights
if(!is.null(wts)) theDots$weights <- wts
modelArgs <- c(list(formula = as.formula(.outcome ~ .),
data = dat,
mtry = mtry), # change controls to mtry?
out <- do.call(partykit::cforest, modelArgs)
predict = function(modelFit, newdata = NULL, submodels = NULL) {
if(!is.null(newdata) && !is.data.frame(newdata)) newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# make consistent factor levels
if(any(sapply(newdata, is.factor))){
fac_col_names <- names(grep("factor", sapply(newdata, class), value=TRUE))
# assign present levels to each subset
for (i in 1:length(fac_col_names)) {
newdata[, which(names(newdata) == fac_col_names[i])] <- factor(newdata[, which(names(newdata) == fac_col_names[i])],
levels = as.character(unique(newdata[, which(names(newdata) == fac_col_names[i])])))
## party builds the levels into the model object, so I'm
## going to assume that all the levels will be passed to
## the output
out <- partykit:::predict.cforest(modelFit, newdata = newdata, OOB = TRUE) # predict_party, id?
if(is.matrix(out)) out <- out[,1]
if(!is.null(modelFit$'(response)')) out <- as.character(out) # if(!is.null(modelFit#responses#levels$.outcome)) out <- as.character(out)
prob = function(modelFit, newdata = NULL, submodels = NULL) { # submodels ?
if(!is.null(newdata) && !is.data.frame(newdata)) newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
obsLevels <- levels(modelFit$'(response)')
rawProbs <- partykit::predict.cforest(modelFit, newdata = newdata, OOB = TRUE) # predict(, type="prob) ? id?
probMatrix <- matrix(unlist(rawProbs), ncol = length(obsLevels), byrow = TRUE)
out <- data.frame(probMatrix)
colnames(out) <- obsLevels
rownames(out) <- NULL
predictors = function(x, ...) {
vi <- partykit::varimp(x, ...)
names(vi)[vi != 0]
varImp = function(object, ...) {
variableImp <- partykit::varimp(object, ...)
out <- data.frame(Overall = variableImp)
tags = c("Random Forest", "Ensemble Model", "Bagging", "Implicit Feature Selection", "Accepts Case Weights"),
levels = function(x) levels(x#data#get("response")[,1]),
sort = function(x) x[order(x[,1]),],
oob = function(x) {
obs <- x#data#get("response")[,1]
pred <- partykit:::predict.cforest(x, OOB = TRUE, newdata = NULL)
postResample(pred, obs)
When applying it within train and repeatedcv using a data frame with a factor predictor variable, an error occurs:
dat <- as.data.frame(ChickWeight)[1:20,]
dat$class <- as.factor(rep(letters[seq( from = 1, to = 20)], each=1))
# specifiy folds with CreateMultiFolds
set.seed(43, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
folds_train <- caret::createMultiFolds(y = dat$weight,
k = 3,
times = 2)
# specifiy trainControl for tuning mtry and with specified folds
finalcontrol <- caret::trainControl(search = "grid", method = "repeatedcv", number = 3, repeats = 2,
index = folds_train,
savePred = T)
preds <- dat[,2:5]
response <- dat[,1]
# tune hyperparameter mtry and build final model
tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(1,2,3,4))
#set.seed(42, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
model <- caret::train(x = preds, # predictors
y = response, # response
method = cforest_partykit,
metric = "RMSE",
tuneGrid = tunegrid,
trControl = finalcontrol,
ntree = 150)
1: predictions failed for Fold1.Rep1: mtry=1 Error in model.frame.default(object$predictf, data = newdata, na.action = na.pass, : factor class has new levels a, c, g, k, m, p, s, t
The aim is to identify the levels of each fold.rep and assign only those, which are present in the respective fold:
for (i in 1:length(folds_train)) {
preds_temp <- preds[folds_train[[i]],]
# check levels
# which are actually present
# assign present levels to each subset
preds_temp$class <- factor(preds_temp$class, levels = as.character(unique(preds_temp$class)))
I tried to include the assignment of the right factor levels within the cforest_partykit function (# make consistent factor levels), but it seems to have no effect.
How could I implement this in the caret train() or trainControl() or createDataPartition() function?
To make sure cforest_partykit treats categorical variables appropriately, it is best to create the design matrix explicitly through the model.matrix command.
For example
# Create a formula for the model
model_formula <- as.formula("y_column ~ . -1")
# Then create the design matrix
model_train.design.matrix <- model.matrix(model_formula, data = dat)
# Add in the y-variable
model_train.design.data <- cbind(y_column = data$y_column, model_train.design.matrix)

Looping a function in R

I have written a cross validation/grid search style code in R that tries to find an optimal threshold value for a given value of mtry (using the random forest algorithm). I have posted my code below using the Sonar data from the library mlbench However, there seems to be some problems with this code.
res <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 6)
colnames(res) <- c("mtry","Threshhold","Accuracy", "PositivePred", "NegativePred", "F-value")
out <- matrix(0, nrow = 17, ncol = 6)
colnames(out) <- c("mtry","Threshhold","Avg.Accuracy", "Avg.PosPred", "Avg.NegPred", "Avg.F_Value")
rep <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 6)
colnames(out) <- c("mtry","Threshhold","Avg_Accuracy", "Avg_PosPred", "Avg_NegPred", "Avg_F_Value")
### creating 10 folds
folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(N)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
for (mtry in 5:14) {
for(thresh in seq(1,9,0.5)) {
J = 2*thresh-1
dataset<-N[sample(nrow(N)),] #### mix up the dataset N
for(I in 1:10){
#Segement your data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds==I,arr.ind=TRUE)
N_test <- dataset[testIndexes, ] ### select each fold for test
N_train <- dataset[-testIndexes, ] ### select rest for training
rf = randomForest(Class~., data = N_train, mtry=mtry, ntree=500)
pred = predict(rf, N_test, type="prob")
label = as.factor(ifelse(pred[,2]>=thresh,"M","R"))
confusion = confusionMatrix(N_test$Class, label)
out[J,1] = mtry
out[J,2] = thresh
out[J,3] = mean(res[,2])
out[J,4] = mean(res[,3])
out[J,5] = mean(res[,4])
out[J,6] = mean(res[,5])
rep[K,1] = mtry
rep[K,2] = thresh
rep[K,3] = mean(out[,2])
rep[K,4] = mean(out[,3])
rep[K,5] = mean(out[,4])
rep[K,6] = mean(out[,5])
Earlier, I wrote a similar code with the "iris" dataset, and I did not seem to have any problems:
N <- iris
N$Species = ifelse(N$Species == "setosa", "a", "b")
N$Species = as.factor(N$Species)
res <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 5)
colnames(res) <- c("Threshhold","Accuracy", "PositivePred", "NegativePred", "F-value")
out <- matrix(0, nrow = 9, ncol = 5)
colnames(out) <- c("Threshhold","Avg.Accuracy", "Avg.PosPred", "Avg.NegPred", "Avg.F_Value")
### creating 10 folds
folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(N)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
for(J in 1:9) {
thresh = J/10
dataset<-N[sample(nrow(N)),] #### mix up the dataset N
for(I in 1:10){
#Segement your data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds==I,arr.ind=TRUE)
N_test <- dataset[testIndexes, ] ### select each fold for test
N_train <- dataset[-testIndexes, ] ### select rest for training
rf = randomForest(Species~., data = N_train, mtry=3, ntree=10)
pred = predict(rf, N_test, type="prob")
label = as.factor(ifelse(pred[,1]>=thresh,"a","b"))
confusion = confusionMatrix(N_test$Species, label)
out[J,1] = thresh
out[J,2] = mean(res[,2])
out[J,3] = mean(res[,3])
out[J,4] = mean(res[,4])
out[J,5] = mean(res[,5])
Could someone please assist me in debugging the first code?
You need to close parenthesis ) in your for loop.
Replace this
for(thresh in seq(1,9,0.5) {
for(thresh in seq(1,9,0.5)) {
Also, it appears that your thresh is always above 1 giving a single value R in the label, as it is never above thresh.
label = as.factor(ifelse(pred[,2]>=thresh,"M","R"))
and that creates a problem in the next statement
confusion = confusionMatrix(N_test$Class, label)
I tested with 0.5, and I get no error.
label = as.factor(ifelse(pred[,2]>=0.5,"M","R"))
If you can define a better thresh - to stay between 0 and 1, you should be fine.

R doParallel: couldn't find function

I have set up the following function:
cv_model <- function(dat, targets, predictors_name){
# set up error measures
sumfct <- function(data, lev = NULL, model = NULL){
mape <- MAPE(y_pred = data$pred, y_true = data$obs)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((data$pred - data$obs)^2, na.omit = TRUE))
MAE <- mean(abs(data$obs - data$pred))
BIAS <- mean(data$obs - data$pred)
Rsquared <- R2(pred = data$pred, obs = data$obs, formula = "corr", na.rm = FALSE)
c(MAPE = mape, RMSE = RMSE, MAE = MAE, BIAS = BIAS, Rsquared = Rsquared)
for (k in 1:length(dat)) {
a <- dat[[k]][dat[[k]]$vari == "a", -c(which(names(dat[[k]]) == "vari"))]
b <- dat[[k]][dat[[k]]$vari == "b", -c(which(names(dat[[k]]) == "vari"))]
ab <- list(a, b)
for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
for (j in 1:length(ab)) {
# specifiy trainControl
control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=10, search="grid", savePred =T,
summaryFunction = sumfct)
tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(1:length(predictors_name)))
model <- train(formula(paste0(targets[i],
" ~ ",
paste(predictors_name, sep = '', collapse = ' + '))),
data = ab[[j]],
ntree = 25,
metric= "RMSE",
According to this tutorial (https://topepo.github.io/caret/parallel-processing.html) I can parallelize my code just by calling library(doParallel); cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2); registerDoParallel(cl).
When I then use the function with doParallel
predictors_name <- c("Time", "Chick")
targets <- "weight"
dat <- as.data.frame(ChickWeight)
dat$vari <- rep(NA, nrow(dat))
dat$vari[c(1:10,320:350)] <- "a"
dat$vari[-c(1:10,320:350)] <- "b"
d <- list(dat[1:300,], dat[301:500,])
## use 2 of the cores
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
cv_model(dat = d, targets = targets, predictors_name = predictors_name)
# end parallel computing
the error message couldn't find function "MAPE" occurs.
How can I fix this without using the foreach syntax?
If I specify the package while calling the function like package::function, then it is working. Maybe there is a more elegant solution, but this is how I made the code running without an error:
cv_model <- function(dat, targets, predictors_name){
# set up error measures
sumfct <- function(data, lev = NULL, model = NULL){
mape <- MLmetrics::MAPE(y_pred = data$pred, y_true = data$obs)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((data$pred - data$obs)^2, na.omit = TRUE))
MAE <- mean(abs(data$obs - data$pred))
BIAS <- mean(data$obs - data$pred)
Rsquared <- R2(pred = data$pred, obs = data$obs, formula = "corr", na.rm = FALSE)
c(MAPE = mape, RMSE = RMSE, MAE = MAE, BIAS = BIAS, Rsquared = Rsquared)
for (k in 1:length(dat)) {
a <- dat[[k]][dat[[k]]$vari == "a", -c(which(names(dat[[k]]) == "vari"))]
b <- dat[[k]][dat[[k]]$vari == "b", -c(which(names(dat[[k]]) == "vari"))]
ab <- list(a, b)
for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
for (j in 1:length(ab)) {
# specifiy trainControl
control <- caret::trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=10, search="grid", savePred =T,
summaryFunction = sumfct)
tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(1:length(predictors_name)))
model <- caret::train(formula(paste0(targets[i],
" ~ ",
paste(predictors_name, sep = '',
collapse = ' + '))),
data = ab[[j]],
ntree = 25,
metric= "RMSE",
predictors_name <- c("Time", "Chick", "Diet")
targets <- "weight"
dat <- as.data.frame(ChickWeight)
dat$vari <- rep(NA, nrow(dat))
dat$vari[c(1:10,320:350)] <- "a"
dat$vari[-c(1:10,320:350)] <- "b"
d <- list(dat[1:300,], dat[301:578,])
## use 2 of the cores
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(2)
cv_model(dat = d, targets = targets, predictors_name = predictors_name)
# end parallel computing

Custom classification threshold for GBM

I'm trying to create a custom GBM model that tunes the classification threshold for a binary classification problem. There is a nice example provided on the caret website here, but when I try to apply something similar to GBM I receive the following error:
Error in { : task 1 failed - "argument 1 is not a vector"
Unfortunately, I have no idea where the error is and the error isn't very helpful.
Here's an example, with the code that I've used for defining the custom GBM
## Get the model code for the original gbm method from caret
customGBM <- getModelInfo("gbm", regex = FALSE)[[1]]
customGBM$type <- c("Classification")
## Add the threshold (i.e. class cutoff) as another tuning parameter
customGBM$parameters <- data.frame(parameter = c("n.trees", "interaction.depth", "shrinkage",
"n.minobsinnode", "threshold"),
class = rep("numeric", 5),
label = c("# Boosting Iterations", "Max Tree Depth", "Shrinkage",
"Min. Terminal Node Size", "Probability Cutoff"))
## Customise the tuning grid:
## Some paramters are fixed. Will give a tuning grid of 2,500 values if len = 100
customGBM$grid <- function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid") {
if (search == "grid") {
grid <- expand.grid(n.trees = seq(50, 250, 50),
interaction.depth = 2, ### fix interaction depth at 2
shrinkage = 0.0001, ### fix learning rate at 0.0001
n.minobsinnode = seq(2, 10, 2),
threshold = seq(.01, .99, length = len))
} else {
grid <- expand.grid(n.trees = floor(runif(len, min = 1, max = 5000)),
interaction.depth = sample(1:10, replace = TRUE, size = len),
shrinkage = runif(len, min = .001, max = .6),
n.minobsinnode = sample(5:25, replace = TRUE, size = len),
threshold = runif(1, 0, size = len))
grid <- grid[!duplicated(grid),] ### remove any duplicated rows in the training grid
## Here we fit a single gbm model and loop over the threshold values to get predictions from the
## same gbm model.
customGBM$loop = function(grid) {
loop <- ddply(grid, c("n.trees", "shrinkage", "interaction.depth", "n.minobsinnode"),
function(x) c(threshold = max(x$threshold)))
submodels <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(loop))
for (i in seq(along = loop$threshold)) {
index <- which(grid$n.trees == loop$n.trees[i] &
grid$interaction.depth == loop$interaction.depth[i] &
grid$shrinkage == loop$shrinkage[i] &
grid$n.minobsinnode == loop$n.minobsinnode[i])
cuts <- grid[index, "threshold"]
submodels[[i]] <- data.frame(threshold = cuts[cuts != loop$threshold[i]])
list(loop = loop, submodels = submodels)
## Fit the model independent of the threshold parameter
customGBM$fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
theDots <- list(...)
if (any(names(theDots) == "distribution")) {
modDist <- theDots$distribution
theDots$distribution <- NULL
} else {
if (is.numeric(y)) {
stop("This works only for 2-class classification problems")
} else modDist <- if (length(lev) == 2) "bernoulli" else
stop("This works only for 2-class classification problems")
# if (length(levels(y)) != 2)
# stop("This works only for 2-class problems")
## check to see if weights were passed in (and availible)
if (!is.null(wts)) theDots$w <- wts
if (is.factor(y) && length(lev) == 2) y <- ifelse(y == lev[1], 1, 0)
modArgs <- list(x = x,
y = y,
interaction.depth = param$interaction.depth,
n.trees = param$n.trees,
shrinkage = param$shrinkage,
n.minobsinnode = param$n.minobsinnode,
distribution = modDist)
do.call("gbm.fit", modArgs)
## Now get a probability prediction and use different thresholds to
## get the predicted class
customGBM$predict = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
out <- predict(modelFit, newdata, n.trees = modelFit$tuneValue$n.trees,
type = "response")#[, modelFit$obsLevels[1]]
out[is.nan(out)] <- NA
class1Prob <- ifelse(out >= modelFit$tuneValue$threshold,
## Raise the threshold for class #1 and a higher level of
## evidence is needed to call it class 1 so it should
## decrease sensitivity and increase specificity
out <- ifelse(class1Prob >= modelFit$tuneValue$threshold,
if (!is.null(submodels)) {
tmp2 <- out
out <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(submodels$threshold))
out[[1]] <- tmp2
for (i in seq(along = submodels$threshold)) {
out[[i + 1]] <- ifelse(class1Prob >= submodels$threshold[[i]],
## The probabilities are always the same but we have to create
## mulitple versions of the probs to evaluate the data across
## thresholds
customGBM$prob = function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
out <- predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "response",
n.trees = modelFit$tuneValue$n.trees)
out[is.nan(out)] <- NA
out <- cbind(out, 1 - out)
colnames(out) <- modelFit$obsLevels
if (!is.null(submodels)) {
tmp <- predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "response", n.trees = submodels$n.trees)
tmp <- as.list(as.data.frame(tmp))
lapply(tmp, function(x, lvl) {
x <- cbind(x, 1 - x)
colnames(x) <- lvl
x}, lvl = modelFit$obsLevels)
out <- c(list(out), tmp)
fourStats <- function (data, lev = levels(data$obs), model = NULL) {
## This code will get use the area under the ROC curve and the
## sensitivity and specificity values using the current candidate
## value of the probability threshold.
out <- c(twoClassSummary(data, lev = levels(data$obs), model = NULL))
## The best possible model has sensitivity of 1 and specificity of 1.
## How far are we from that value?
coords <- matrix(c(1, 1, out["Spec"], out["Sens"]),
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)
colnames(coords) <- c("Spec", "Sens")
rownames(coords) <- c("Best", "Current")
c(out, Dist = dist(coords)[1])
And then some code showing how to use the custom model
trainingSet <- twoClassSim(500, -9)
mod1 <- train(Class ~ ., data = trainingSet,
method = customGBM, metric = "Dist",
maximize = FALSE, tuneLength = 10,
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5,
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = fourStats))
The model appears to run, but finishes with the error from above. If someone could please help me with customising the GBM model to tune the GBM parameters, and the probability threshold for the classes that would be great.

Error with prediction - ROCR package (using probabilities)

I have used "rfe" function with svm to create a model with reduced features. Then I use "predict" on test data which outputs class labels (binary), 0 class probabilities, 1 class probabilities. I then tried using prediction function, in ROCR package, on predicted probabilities and true class labels but get the following error and am not sure why as the lengths of the 2 arrays are equal:
> pred_svm <- prediction(pred_svm_2class[,2], as.numeric(as.character(y)))
Error in prediction(pred_svm_2class[, 2], as.numeric(as.character(y))) :
Number of predictions in each run must be equal to the number of labels for each run.
I have the code below and the input is here click me.It is a small dataset with binary classification, so code runs fast.
sensor6data_2class <- read.csv("/home/sensei/clustering/svm_2labels.csv")
sensor6data_2class <- within(sensor6data_2class, Class <- as.factor(Class))
inTrain_svm_2class <- createDataPartition(y = sensor6data_2class$Class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training_svm_2class <- sensor6data_2class[inTrain_svm_2class,]
testing_svm_2class <- sensor6data_2class[-inTrain_svm_2class,]
trainX <- training_svm_2class[,1:20]
y <- training_svm_2class[,21]
ctrl_svm_2class <- rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs , method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 2, allowParallel = TRUE)
model_train_svm_2class <- rfe(x = trainX, y = y, data = training_svm_2class, sizes = c(1:20), metric = "Accuracy", rfeControl = ctrl_svm_2class, method="svmRadial")
pred_svm_2class = predict(model_train_svm_2class, newdata=testing_svm_2class)
pred_svm <- prediction(pred_svm_2class[,2], y)
Thanks and appreciate your help.
This is because in the line
pred_svm <- prediction(pred_svm_2class[,2], y)
pred_svm_2class[,2] is the predictions on test data and y is the labels for training data. Just generate the labels for test in a separate variable like this
y_test <- testing_svm_2class[,21]
And now if you do
pred_svm <- prediction(pred_svm_2class[,2], y_test)
There will be no error. Full code below -
# install.packages("caret")
# install.packages("ROCR")
# install.packages("e1071")
# install.packages("randomForest")
sensor6data_2class <- read.csv("svm_2labels.csv")
sensor6data_2class <- within(sensor6data_2class, Class <- as.factor(Class))
inTrain_svm_2class <- createDataPartition(y = sensor6data_2class$Class, p = .75, list = FALSE)
training_svm_2class <- sensor6data_2class[inTrain_svm_2class,]
testing_svm_2class <- sensor6data_2class[-inTrain_svm_2class,]
trainX <- training_svm_2class[,1:20]
y <- training_svm_2class[,21]
y_test <- testing_svm_2class[,21]
ctrl_svm_2class <- rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs , method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 2, allowParallel = TRUE)
model_train_svm_2class <- rfe(x = trainX, y = y, data = training_svm_2class, sizes = c(1:20), metric = "Accuracy", rfeControl = ctrl_svm_2class, method="svmRadial")
pred_svm_2class = predict(model_train_svm_2class, newdata=testing_svm_2class)
pred_svm <- prediction(pred_svm_2class[,2], y_test)
