How to catch click to dial events in Unified Service Desk? - crm

The event raised by clicking on a phone number will either be of the form "tel:" or "skype:". Here are the steps I've followed so far to enable a window navigation rule to capture the event, and I've attached events to the rule to actually see the action get fired in the Debugger. Still, even with navigation rules set to capture tel: and skype:, the action will never fire in USD Debugger. Here is the general approach I've used so far (From another post):
Create a Windownavigation rule.
Don't put anything into the entity Settings but put "tel:" or "skype:" into the URL TextBox.
Routetype will be Popup
Target will be Tab (or registercard, at least I think that's the name for it in english - I'm using a german one)
Define None as Action in result for your Windownavigationrule
Create your own Action to resolve when the Navigation rule is triggered
Set your own hosted control (In this case I use the CTIConnector class.)
Define an Actionname for your Action that will be exectued (I named it "MakeCall" in CRM)
Set Data to [[SUBJECTURL]] so the URL ist given to the Action als Parameter.
Override the method DoAction from your hosted control

Just 2 -3 points to verify.
Do you have a UII action with the name "MakeCall"? If that is there then only your code will be triggered from DoAction.
In case, if you have above in place please check whether your action calls and other records are added to the respective configuration reocrd?


PrismTabbedPage created dynamicly with each tab having its own parameters

I'm setting up a PrismTabbedPage dynamically in Xamarin.Forms. I have a content page PrismContentPageProfile which shows the profile of a given Id. The Id I want to pass with a parameter. Problem is that each initialize is having all the parameters.
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("NavigationPage/PrismTabbedPage1?createTab=PrismContentPageProfile?Id=Michel&createTab=PrismContentPageProfile?Id=Erik");
I expect to tabs. One for the profileId Michel and one for Erik. Problem is that the paramters in the Initialize look like this on each page:
As I don't know which tab I am, I don't know which profile to load.
I hoped that calling:
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("NavigationPage/PrismTabbedPage1?createTab=PrismContentPageProfile?Id=Michel&createTab=PrismContentPageProfile?Id=Erik");
would result in different parameters on each page. Id=Michel on the first page, Id=Erik on the second.
Or, if that is not possible, that I know which tab index I am. Then I can read the related parameter.

How to Persist Previous Events in Google Tag Manager

I need it to build a specific Events Flow - for certain buy-buttons that refer to corresponding paywalls and success-pages in order to find out what buttons/paywalls are more efficient.
My website is an SPA. I use History Change triggers instead of Page View triggers (Old/New History State is what changes when surfing web pages).
There is a chain of actions:
Paywall-button click from a /page-1 to /subscription;
Paywall view (History) on a /subscription;
Authorisation (eg. on a Form Subscription event) on a /subscription;
Subscription-button click on a /subscription;
Subscription success on a /subscription/success (let's name it "Subscription Success 1").
However, there are other ways to reach /subscription/success (let's call it "Subscription Success 2"). For example, when step-1's click occurs on a big set of other pages (not /page-1)).
On the step-5, I made a special Tag that tracks "Subscription Success 1". It is based on a Trigger-group-1 that tracks success page's URL and a Paywall-button click from step-1.
So, in order to track "Subscription Success 2", I need to set up a Trigger exception on either Trigger-group-1 or on a Trigger that is responsible for Paywall-button click on the step-1. But it doesn't work like this: "Subscription Success 2" Tag fires anyway.
How to solve it? How to persist that 1st step's event and use it as an exception?
You could create a cookie that will save a value for the first event and then use the value as a trigger/exception for your tag.

"Iteration ID" for a CustomVision Project (for use in MSFlow action)?

I'm building an MSFlow which sends a SharePoint pic lib pic to a just-trained CustomVision Classifier, which then sends back a label (eg "Green", "Red", etc);
My MSFlow "CustomVision" action is failing, stating "there's no default iteration for this project. please provide an Iteration ID"
There is nowhere on the CustomVision project's settings page which displays this IterationID !
How / where to find this iteration ID (appears to be a GUID) ???
Turns out the IterationID can be found as follows:
Browse to your custom vision projects page URL
=> browser will display a set of "tiles" - one for each of your existing projects;
Navigate (click) on your particular project for which you seek the IterationID;
=> browser will redirect to the "manage" page (note: defaults to Training Images page) for your project;
It will look something like this:<project GUID here>#/manage
Navigate (click) on the Performance tab of this project
=> browser will direct to the "performance" page, something like this:<project GUID here>#/performance
Note: all of the "iterations" (ie training iterations) will be tabbed along the left side
Select the (training) iteration you wish to use as the "web service" for actually classifiying incoming images;
=> browser will display details/metrics for that (training) iteration
Click on the "PredictionURL" tab in the upper left region of the page
=> a pop-up window will display all the settings-related data you'll need to consume the underlying web service ("API") wrapped around this classifier!
In particular, you'll see 2 different URLs:
For ImageURL-as-input:<projectGUIDhere>/url?iterationId=g9fc4e82-3f95-4ec1-acf2-9b12bba2b409
For ImageFILE-as-input:<projectGUIDhere>/image?iterationId=g9fc4e82-3f95-4ec1-acf2-9b12bba2b409
No matter which URL you inspect, you'll see the same value for IterationID - and there you have it!
Copy & paste this IterationID GUID into your MSFlow CustomVision Action, and it should work!
In the custom vision portal home, Select the project you are using, then select the Performance Tab. On the left side of the page you would see Iterations. Select the Iteration that you want and select Prediction URL. This will open a new dialog which gives the URL's for image URL and image file. In this URL the iteration id is a parameter that is passed, Copy the id and use it in your application.
If you choose any iteration as default the iteration id would not be required in the image URL.

How to get the User Agent of a user triggering a GTM event?

I have a Data Layer event push in JS and was wondering if it is also possible to learn the User-Agent of the users triggering the event.
You need to create variable which will return user agent
1) Go to Variables -> New
2) Name: User Agent
3) Type: Custom JavaScript
4) Code:
function () {return navigator.userAgent;}
Then you can use this variable in your tags like that {{User Agent}}
Even more simply, can't you use a "JavaScript Variable" (instead of a "Custom JavaScript" and then just set navigator.userAgent?
Google analytics custom dimension field can be maximum 150 characters and user agent data (when encoded) usually exceed the limit. You need to find a way to shorten the user agent information within a custom js script before sending to GA. You may crop the first 150 character of the user agent information or remove the unnecessary sections or remove the blank characters.

Node "interest" notification in drupal

My question is quite simple (i think) but cannot find the right module for that.
I'm working on a small classified website in which i have a bunch of nodes. I display them using views.
I'd like for any (authenticated with role) user of the website to be able to click on a kind of button like "I'm interested" which will trigger an event doing various actions like 'changing one cck field' on that content-type and also send an e-mail to the author of the classified.
Pretty straight forward but no clue on where to start, which module should i use ?
For this, you can use the Flag Module and Rules Module
In your view, you can create a relationship to flags to allow the use of other 'fields'.
Using Rules, create a new rule that is triggered when a node is flagged (or unflagged). Rules allows you to do both: changing a CCK field and sending out emails when an event occurs.
Install and enable the Flag Module and Rules Module
Create a new flag at "admin/build/flags"
Edit/Create you classified view, add a relationship to Flags: Node Flag and choose > the name of the flag you just created.
Under "fields" add Flags: Flag link and configure as you like
Add a new rule at "admin/rules/trigger/add" for the event A node has been flagged,
under "FLAG NAME"
Add action to perform of Populate a field under the heading CCK
Add action to perform of Send a mail to a user under the heading System
and configure your desired settings.
Then when a user clicks the "interested" flag a field will be populated and email sent.
