How to duplicate ACP Pro settings in a different hosted WP? - wordpress

I am using Advanced Custom Fields Pro on a WordPress site. In order to make the site a sandbox playground environment for our client, I am duplicating the site in a different instance so their changes won't break our site. However, when I duplicated the site, the ACF Pro settings and the custom fields did not transfer over to the new site.
1) Where are the settings saved for the ACF Pro fields we created?
2) How can I duplicate the settings from the old site to the new site without having to manually recreate the same settings by hand?


grab content from custom cms site and insert it in wp as pages

I have to recreate a custom made cms site in Wordpress, I have no access to the old database.
Is there a way, to automatically grab the texts from the old site and insert it in Wordpress maintaining the hierarchy?
Thank you.
You can export posts and pages from old site and import it to new site
using import/export options in wp-admin

How to integrate Magento Store and display products into wordpress theme/ website?

I am a newbie to eCommerce, and in process of developing a website for my upcoming eCommerce store from scratch.
I have been working with WordPress "Albar " theme. After researching I found Magento to go ahead with my store.
I have installed Magento through Hostgator ( Hosting service), I am somewhat familiar with adding products , but not able to get a solution to display the products to my website , ie; on WordPress theme.
How to link the store to website ? I have come across WordPress Integration plugins , but still couldn't find a solution.
By default there are some pages appearing in the Magento > CMS > Pages and in preview it opens with the link after my domain name.
Kindly help me out with this problem.
Regards ,
You have to write extension for Magento that adds new controller which return json with products. In Wordpress create ajax request that reads this json and displays products.

Migrating to Wordpress from Zen Cart

Im currently managing
The site is currently managed by a developer on Zen Cart and hosted on Rackspace.
Due to slow response and generally incompetency and high cost, we decided to manage both the website and the webshop on our own.
There are 2 things we need to do:
1) Migrating to another host and preserving the original design (as an information site)
2) After migration when visitor click on "Shop", it will direct it to the NEW wordpress woocommerce storefront. (as an online shop using woocommerce)
In short, under new host of goDaddy (previously Rackspace), we will have with its current existing look and clicking on "Shop" will lead to the woocommerce plugin as our online shop.
Is it possible to do so? (Under WP, one main website for information and clicking on "Shop" category leads to our webshop using Woocommerce)
Do I need another developer to migrate all the content from old site to new site? Or can I do so myself easily.
you can create a "shop" folder where you can upload WordPress and install WooCommerce there.

Woocommerce multisite (product)

I created a network of sites after activating the network of wordpress. I also installed on the network woocommerce to manage the purchasing system.
Now I need to connect the database woocommerce main site with one of it's sub-sites so that the subsites see the categories and product attributes of the main site.
Question :
when I go to add a product default categories and attributes are loaded from the current site but I need to take this data from the main site.
How to do that ?
get it from the wp_terms and wp_woocommerce_attributes_taxonomies

Multiple wordpress sites using the same files?

I want to automate the creation process. My idea is:
1- the client creates an account in my site
2- I confirms this account and creates one wordpress instalation to my client.
3- The client logs into the admin area and chooses one pre-fixed theme and fills the wordpress with content.
Ok. My doubts are related with the file structure to this project.
If I have 5 clients, can I use 5 different sql tables connected to just one wordpress archives directory?
See that would be 5 different sites with different themes and different databases using the same files.
You should also check out wordpress multisite. You may find that the functionality is already there, and all you have to do is unlock it.
A multisite build will allow each user to have a completely custom site, and if you want, you can theme all of the sites under the same theme.
