Cannot find a function declared inside a for each loop - r

I am coding a Rscript for carrying out Jtst for pair trading.I declared a function to find out the correlation between two single stocks in the first place, then I add a for each loop to do the task for a list of stocks.However the for each loop did not recognize the first function.
I have tried to use doSHOW function as suggested by information on the Internet, but it did not work.
pkgs <- list("quantmod", "doParallel", "foreach", "urca")
lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T)
registerDoParallel(cores = 4)
jtest <- function(t1, t2) {
start <- sd
getSymbols(t1, from = start)
getSymbols(t2, from = start)
j <- summary([, 6], get(t2)[, 6])))
r <- data.frame(stock1 = t1, stock2 = t2, stat = j#teststat[2])
r[, c("pct10", "pct5", "pct1")] <- j#cval[2, ]
pair <- function(lst) {
d2 <- data.frame(t(combn(lst, 2)))
stat <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(d2), .combine = rbind) %dopar% jtest(as.character(d2[i, 1]), as.character(d2[i, 2]))
stat <- stat[order(-stat$stat), ]
rownames(stat) <- NULL
sd <- "2018-01-01"
tickers <- c("FITB", "BBT", "MTB", "STI", "PNC", "HBAN", "CMA", "USB", "KEY", "JPM", "C", "BAC", "WFC")
Error in jtest(as.character(d2[i, 1]), as.character(d2[i, 2])) :
task 1 failed - "could not find function "jtest""

I had the same problem until I specified the necessary function in the foreach call. The function supposed to generate lags of the time series variable.
This version does not work:
Ylag = foreach(i = 1:maxlagsY,.combine = 'cbind') %dopar%{mylag(Y,k = i)}
While this one does:
Ylag = foreach(i = 1:maxlagsY,.export = "mylag",.combine = 'cbind') %dopar%{mylag(Y,k = i)}
So, the answer is in specifying the user-defined functions in the foreach call.


parallelizing lapply with parLapply does not recognize objects even though I suppied them

I am trying to parallelize something with parLapply. I am exporting all necessary information to the cores, but somehow I am getting an error saying that it cannot find the object 'market_time' (first line of the function that is called in parLapply. However, this object is just a column of the data table 'dt' that I export to the cores.
cl <- makeCluster(cores[1], type = 'PSOCK')
markets <- unique(dt[, market_time])
R = 10000
nu_p <- rnorm(n = R, -2, 0.5)
nu_xr <- rnorm(n = R, 2, 0.5)
nu_xm <- rnorm(n = R, 2, 0.5)
nu_xj <- rnorm(n = R, 2, 0.5)
temp <- parLapply(cl, markets,calc_mc_w, dt=dt,nu_p=nu_p,nu_xr= nu_xr,
where the function calc_mc_w calls:
calc_mc_w <- function(m, dt,nu_p,nu_xr,nu_xm,nu_xj){
dt_mkt = dt[market_time==m,]
market_time <- dt_mkt[, market_time]
x_m <- dt_mkt[, x_m]
x_j <- dt_mkt[, x_j]
x_r <- dt_mkt[, x_r]
p <- as.matrix(dt_mkt[, p])
xi <- dt_mkt[, xi]
p <- as.matrix(dt_mkt[, p])
jacobian <- jacobian(function(x){calc_shares(x, x_m, x_j, x_r, xi, nu_p,
nu_xm, nu_xj, nu_xr,
output <- dt_mkt[,c('prod','market','time','retailer')]
#Get a system of equations with as many equations as unknowns
retailers = unique(dt_mkt[, retailer])
temp <- lapply(retailers,calc_mc_w_r,dt_mkt = dt_mkt, jacobian = jacobian)
temp <- rbindlist(temp)
output <- merge(output,temp,by.x = c('prod','retailer'),
by.y = c('prod','retailer'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
calc_mc_w_r <- function(r, dt_mkt, jacobian){
dt_r = dt_mkt[retailer == r,]
result <- dt_r[,c('prod','retailer')]
rows = (dt_mkt[,'retailer']== r)
jacobian_r = jacobian[rows,rows]
result <- result[,mc_w := solve(jacobian_r, dt_r[,shares]+ jacobian_r %*% dt_r[,p])]
The error I get is:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
2 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'market_time' not found
If instead, I do not export the data table dt, but instead each column of it, I get the same error but just for 'jacobian' which is something that I calculate in the function (I do not want to calculate it across the whole dataset as it is super costly, which is why I just want to calculate it on each subset).

Repeat analysis for several datasets in R

How can I repeat this code for each subject (xxx), so that the results are added to the data.frame (centralities)?
fullDataDetrend_xxx <- subset(fullDataDetrend, subjno == xxx, select=c(subjno,depressed,sad,tired,interest,happy,neg_thoughts,concentration_probl,ruminating,activity,datevar,timestamp,dayno,beepno))
model_xxx <- var1(
model_xxx_omega <- getmatrix(model_xxx, "omega_zeta")
centrality_model_xxx_omega <- centrality(model_xxx_omega )
centralities[nrow(centralities) + 1,] <- c("xxx",centrality_model_xxx_omega$InExpectedInfluence)
Did as suggested:
fullDataDetrend_split <- split(fulldataDetrend, fulldataDetrend$subjno)
then, to estimate network, pull centrality estimates, and write to centralities in global environment:
analyze_one <- function(dataframe){
network_model <- var1(
vars = useVars,
contemporaneous = "ggm",
dayvar = "dayno",
beepvar = "beepno",
estimator = "FIML",
verbose = TRUE,
omega_zeta = "full")
model_omega <- getmatrix(network_model, "omega_zeta")
centrality_omega<- centrality(model_omega)
model_beta <- getmatrix(network_model, "beta")
centrality_beta<- centrality(model_beta)
subjno <- as.list(dataframe[1,2])
centralities[nrow(centralities) + 1,] <- c(subjno,centrality_omega$InExpectedInfluence,centrality_beta$InExpectedInfluence,centrality_beta$OutExpectedInfluence)
assign('centralities',centralities, envir=.GlobalEnv)
then rerun the code with lapply for all dataframes (with ignoring errors):
lapply_with_error <- function(X,FUN,...){
lapply(X, function(x, ...) tryCatch(FUN(x, ...),
error=function(e) NULL))
lapply_with_error(fullDataDetrend_split, FUN = analyze_one)

Multiple loop Syntax Error

I cannot figure out what's going wrong with my loop and it is already too complicated for my current level. I have already tried applybut obviously I do something wrong, so I didn't use it at all.
indeces <- ls() # my initial datasets
wfilters <- array(c("haar","la8","d4","c6")) # filter option in "modwt" function
wfiltname <- array(c("h","l","d","c")) # to rename the new objects
for (i in 1:nrow(as.array(indeces))) {
x <- get(as.matrix(indeces[i]))
x <- x[,2]
# Creates modwt objects equal to the number of filters
for (j in 1:nrow(as.array(wfilters))) {
x <- wavelets::modwt(x, filter = wfilters[j], n.levels = 4,
boundary = "periodic")
# A loop that creates a matrix with benford fun output per modwt n.levels option
for (l in 1:4) {
x <- as.matrix(x#W$W[l]) # n.levels are represented as x#W$W1, x#W$W2,...
x <- benford.analysis::benford(x, number.of.digits = 1,
sign = "both", discrete = T,
round = 3) # accepts matrices
x[,l] <- x$bfd$data.dist # it always has 9 elements
assign(paste0("b", wfiltname[j], indeces[i]), x)
The above loop should be reproducible with any data (where the values are in second column). The error I get is the following:
Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
Thanks to #Cath and #jogo I made it work after some improvements. Here's the correct code:
temp <- list.files(path = "...")
lapply(setNames(temp, make.names(gsub("*.csv$", "", temp))),
read.csv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
indeces <- ls()
wfilters <- array(c("haar","la8","d4","c6"))
wfiltname <- array(c("h","l","d","c"))
k <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 9,ncol = 4))
nlvl <- 4
for (i in 1:length(indeces)) {
x <- as.matrix(get(indeces[i]))
for (j in 1:length(wfilters)) {
y <- wavelets::modwt(as.matrix(x), filter = wfilters[j], n.levels = nlvl,
boundary = "periodic")
y <- as.matrix(y#W)
for(m in 1:nlvl) {
z <- as.matrix(y[[m]])
z <- benford.analysis::benford(z, number.of.digits = 1, sign = "both", discrete = TRUE, round = 16)
k[m] <-$bfd$data.dist)
colnames(k)[m] <- paste0(wfilters[j], "W", m)
assign(paste0(indeces[i], wfiltname[j]), k)
I would appreciate if there is a way to write it more efficiently. Thank you very much

Wrapping very long functions in RExcel VBA?

When you want to use R functions in VBA via RExcel, you have to use
RInterface.RRun "..."
Then, if you'd like to define your own R function, you can simply
RInterface.RRun "y <- function(x) { ... }"
If y is made up by more than one command line, you can separate each line with ;, as you're used to do in R environment.
But... what if your y function is very very long?
A 20 ~ 30 rows R function is damn difficult to be written in such a way in VBA; and there's a limit to the length of VBA sentences.
So: how may I wrap?
Here's an example of a quite long R function: can you show me how to put in VBA using RExcel?
bestIV <- function(dT, IVTS.t, Spot, r) {
b <- r
xout <- seq(0, max(T), dT)
sfm <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(K), ncol = length(xout))
for(i in 1:length(K)) {
sfm[i,] <- approx(x = T, y = IVTS.t[i,], xout = xout, rule = 2)$y
sfm[,1] <- sfm[,1] + sfm[,2] - sfm[,3]
rownames(sfm) <- K
colnames(sfm) <- xout
Option <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(K), ncol = length(xout))
for(i in 1:length(K)) {
for(j in 1:length(xout)) {
TypeFlag <- ifelse(K[i] < Spot, 'p', 'c')
Option[i,j] <- GBSOption(TypeFlag = TypeFlag, S = Spot, X = K[i],
Time = xout[j] / 365, r = r, b = b,
sigma = sfm[i,j] / 100)#price
rownames(Option) <- K
colnames(Option) <- xout
dP <- (cbind(0, -t(apply(X = Option, MARGIN = 1, FUN = diff))) / Option)[,-(1:2)]
dV <- dP / dT
min.V <- which(dV == min(dV), arr.ind = TRUE, useNames = TRUE)
Strike <- as.numeric(dimnames(min.V)[1])
Maturity <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(dV)[2]))[min.V[2]]
Days <- dT
Mat <- c(dV[which(dV == min(dV))], Strike, Maturity, Days)
names(Mat) <- c('Value', 'Strike', 'Maturity', 'Days')
Put your R code in your spreadhseet (in a range of cells) and use this function instead:
RInterface.RunRCodeFromRange range
Executes the commands in range on a worksheet
(allows to use commands prepared for interactive execution with R to be run in macro code)
You are passing a string as an argument to a VBA function. Thus your question reduces to "how can I concatenate strings in VBA".
The answer is to use the concatenation operator &, like this:
"a" & "b"
Say you have an R function:
y <- function(x, a, b){
Then you can do this in VBA:
RInterface.RRun "y <- function(x, a, b) {" &
"return(x)" &

How to get list of matrices as a result of foreach?

I would like to transform the following nested for loop
first <- c(1, 2, 3)
second <- c(1, 2, 3)
dummy = matrix(double(), len(first), len(second))
c <- list()
c$sum <- dummy
c$times <- dummy
for (i in 1:len(first)) {
for (j in 1:len(second)) {
c$sum[i, j] <- first[i] + second[j]
c$times[i, j] <- first[i] * second[j]
into code using foreach and get the same list of matrices as a result. I tried many different things but the closest "result" is this:
x <- foreach(b = second, .combine = "cbind") %:% foreach(a = first, .combine = "c") %do% {
c <- list()
c$sum <- a+b
c$times <- a*b
out <- c
How to get this list of matrices right using foreach?
EDIT: One possibility is using a result and transform it after calling foreach:
res <- list()
res$sum <- x[rownames(x)=="sum", ]
rownames(res$sum) <- NULL
colnames(res$sum) <- NULL
res$times <- x[rownames(x)=="times", ]
rownames(res$times) <- NULL
colnames(res$times) <- NULL
How to "parametrize" foreach so there is no need to transform results?
You "just" have to provide the correct .combine function.
If you only have numbers, you can return an array rather than a list.
first <- 1:3
second <- 4:5
x <-
foreach(b = second, .combine = function(...) abind(..., along=3)) %:%
foreach(a = first, .combine = rbind) %do% {
c( sum=a+b, times=a*b )
If you really need lists, writing the combining functions is much harder.
Instead, you can build a data.frame, and reshape it afterwards, if needed.
x <-
foreach(b = second, .combine = rbind) %:%
foreach(a = first, .combine = rbind) %do% {
data.frame(a=a, b=b, sum=a+b, times=a*b )
sum = dcast(x, a ~ b, value.var="sum" )[,-1],
times = dcast(x, a ~ b, value.var="times")[,-1]
