Nginx - 301 redirect for pages with specific GET param to the same page without get params - nginx

I have
many pages which were indexed by search engines with crappy GET-parameter like _escaped_fragment_ (for more info about escaped fragments see more Yandex man page)
nginx as reverse proxy in front of many different frontend apps
So I need to get 301 redirect only for all these pages with some GET-parameter to the same pages but without any get parameters. For example
should be 301-redirected to
I can do it by adding this logic to each frontend app or I can do it at nginx configuration. I prefer to use second variant.
Potential solution can include
using http rewrite module
using if in rewrite to check GET-params
using map module to define request uri path without args from $request_uri

I've fixed my initial issue in such manner
add below code to my http context to define request uri path without args from $request_uri (here we use map module)
map $request_uri $request_uri_path {
"~^(?P<path>[^?]*)(\?.*)?$" $path;
add below code to my server context to make 301 redirect from pages with _escaped_fragment_ in GET parameters to the same pages without any GET parameters (here we use rewrite module)
if ($args ~* "_escaped_fragment_") {
rewrite ^ $scheme://$host$request_uri_path? permanent;
And this works for me.


NGINX: redirect request_uri that contains http

I have rewritten all external links sent to standard output on the fly as an internal link in PHP from to, yet I want Nginx to handle the request for this URL and not PHP.
I have tried it via the line below, but it is not working
rewrite ^/http(.+)$ http$1 redirect;
Please advise on the best way to redirect, to on request
I was able to have it work with this.
rewrite ^/https?\W+(.*) https://$1 redirect;
I am not sure why the former did not work but seems NGINX is passing it back internally.
NGINX seems not to honor an external redirect without the "https://" statically written before and jointly with the second option of the directive despite being captured in the parenthesis.

Nginx forwarding to different app's different path using `#` symbol

Quick question. We have two apps. Ports 3001 and 3002. Our domain is
What we want to have it once person enters we want them to be redirected into another app's specific path.
How to do it?
We already came up to this in my nginx
location /pathname/ {
It nearly works. However, our app under 3002 works on path /#/pathname.
We can access it by typing We want to access same link by typing
How to shorten it? What do I miss?
(upd) Just redirect /pathname to /pathname/#/pathname
According to your comment, you want just redirect from /pathname to /pathname/#/pathname
Try these combined directives:
rewrite to append # and fragment identifier
and proxy_pass to reverse proxy to the app.
location /short_path_name/ {
rewrite ^ /pathname/#/$uri permanent;
location /pathname/ {
And use link for your app.
Unfortunately, nginx can't see the fragment identifier
Unfortunately, you can't. Because server never get the fragment identifier from browser.
The fragment identifier functions differently to the rest of the URI: its processing is exclusively client-sided with no participation from the web server
Naming a bit amusing, but it has a long history. See TBL (1997): Fragment Identifiers on URIs:
The URI reference is a thing you build by taking a URI for an information object, adding a "#" sign and then a Fragement identifier. (The last term is historical, so try not to thinl of it necessarily identifying a fragment).
There are workarounds, e.g. encode hashtag symbol into %23 but I'm not sure is it your way.
Handle request arguments with nginx
Note: rewriting url, nginx can preserve request arguments if you add ? at the end of rewrite directive.
See Nginx rewrite manual:
If a replacement string includes the new request arguments, the previous request arguments are appended after them. If this is undesired, putting a question mark at the end of a replacement string avoids having them appended, for example:
rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1? last;

Nginx 301 Permanent Redirect For Language Support

I am now enabling language support for my web site. I am including the language as part of the URL. For example: I need to setup 301 redirects for existing search engine indexing.
The following works in Nginx to redirect from to
location = /blog {
return 301 /en/blog;
I don't understand the redirect needed to go from to (where # is the sequence field in a postgres database table)
I have spent time looking, searching and reading docs to find this answer myself. I am not understanding.
To prefix the existing requested URI with /en you can use:
return 301 /en$request_uri;
The above will add the three characters before the existing request and also include any arguments that may be present.
To match any URI that begins with /blog, use location /blog { ... }. To match any URI that begins with /blog/read/ use location /blog/read/ { ... }.
Nginx chooses a location to process a request based on a set of rules. So, you will need to consider the other location blocks present within your configuration.

Sending extra header in nginx rewrite

Right now, I am migrating the domain of my app from to using the following nginx config:
server {
location /app/ {
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$$1;
I need to show-up a popup-banner to notify the user of the domain name migration.
And I want to this based upon the referrer or some-kind-of-other-header at
But how can I attach an extra header on the above rewrite so that the javascript would detect that header and show the banner only when that header is present coz the user going directly at should not see that popup-banner?
The thing is that, when you "rewrite" into URI having protocol and hostname (that is in your case), Nginx issues fair HTTP redirect (I guess the code will be 301 aka "permanent redirect"). This leaves you only two mechanisms to transfer any information to the handler of new URL:
URL itself
Since you are redirecting users to the new domain, cookie is no-go. But even in the case of a common domain I would choose URL to transfer this kind of information, like
location /app/ {
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$$1?from_old=yes;
This gives you the freedom to process at either Nginx or in a browser (using JavaScript). You may even do what you wanted intially, issuing a special HTTP header for JavaScript in new app server Nginx configuration:
location /app {
if ($arg_from_old) {
add_header X-From-Old-Site yes;
A similar problem was discussed here. You can try to use a third-party module HttpHeadersMore (I didn't try it myself). But even if it does not work at all, with the help of this module you can do absolutely everything. Example is here.
Your redirect is missing one thing, the redirect type/code, you should add permanent at the end of your rewrite line, I'm not sure what's the default redirect code if not explicitly mentioned.
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$$1 permanent;
An even better way is using return
location /app {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
Adding a get parameter as mentioned above would also be a reliable way to do it, you can easily set a session ( flash ) and redirect again to the page it self but after removing the appended get parameter.
Redirecting doesn't send referrer header, if the old domain is still working you could put a simple php file that does the redirect with a header call.
One possible solution without any headers would be to check the document.referrer property:
if (document.referrer.indexOf("") === 0) {
alert("We moved!");
Using a 301 will set the referrer to the old page. If the referrer doesn't start with the old page url, it was not directed by that page. Maybe a bit quick n dirty, but should work.

nginx multi-stage 404 handling

We just moved to a new site, and want to redirect old links where necessary - however, some still work. For instance,
still works, while
no longer works. I'd like to be able to allow the site to attempt to serve a page, and when a 404 is reached, THEN try to pass it through a series of regex redirects, that may look like:
location ~* /holidays/(.*)+$ { set $args ""; rewrite ^ /holidays.html?r=1 redirect; }
I'm using a ~* location directive instead of doing a direct rewrite because we're moving from a Windows-based ASPX site to Magento with php-fpm behind nginx, so we suddenly have to worry about case sensitivity.
Without using nested location directives (which are actively discouraged by nginx documentation) with an #handler of some sort, what's the best way to allow nginx to attempt to serve the page first, THEN pass it across redirects if it fails?
