Raycaster camera with a-sky intersects with cursor - aframe

I just started developing with a-frame, please excuse if the answer is obvious.
In my project I would like to get the position of a-sky where the user is looking at. Therefor I implemented a raycaster within the camera, which works fine so far.
<a-camera listener>
<a-entity raycaster="far: 1000" position="0 -0.9 0" rotation="0 0 0"></a-entity>
<a-sky follow-intersection
AFRAME.registerComponent("follow-intersection", {
init: function() {
this.el.addEventListener("raycaster-intersected", evt => {
this.intersectingRaycaster = evt.detail.el.components.raycaster;
this.el.addEventListener("raycaster-intersected-cleared", () => {
this.intersectingRaycaster = null;
tick: function(t) {
if (!this.intersectingRaycaster) {
const intersection = this.intersectingRaycaster.getIntersection(this.el);
if (intersection) {
let point = intersection.uv;
console.log(point.x, point.y);
So far this works fine, the problem is that after I set the cursor in the scene (which is needed for the project)
cursor="rayOrigin: listener"
I always get the intersections with the cursor, which are not wanted.
How can I only get the intersections of the camera? Thank you!

I don't think the cursor in a-scene is needed. You could just do:
<a-camera listener>
<a-entity cursor raycaster="far: 1000" position="0 -0.9 0" rotation="0 0 0"></a-entity>


How to control camera rig orientation with optically tracked pinch in A-frame?

I wanna replicate what this guy does.
Basically, you go back and forth from one corner of your room to another and rotate the scene when you reach the guardian fence.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.1.0/aframe.min.js">
<a-box id="box" position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
<a-plane position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="4" height="4" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
<a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>
<a-entity id="rig" rotation="0 0 0">
<a-entity id="camera" camera look-controls></a-entity>
<!-- *** -->
<a-entity id="leftHand"
hand-tracking-controls="hand: left;modelColor:#E9967A;"
onpinchstarted="rig.object3D.rotation.x +=Math.Pi;"></a-entity>
<!-- *** -->
<a-entity id="rightHand" hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;modelColor:#E9967A"></a-entity>
I've added "onpinchstarted" event in the left hand's tag in the hope that when I pinch with my left hand the camera rig will rotate. And it doesn't.I think I have to somehow work with the event listeners and handlers but all the docs I read look like they are written for the robots. Any advice appreciated.
Does the rotation work if you trigger it outside of the event listener?
I see you're referring to "rig" in onpinchstarted, does "rig" exist as a variable in that scope?
One solution would be to start with a helper function that does the rotation, then run it in the console to confirm it works. Then, attach it to the scene via a javascript instead of html (doesn't have to be a component, but it might be easier to reuse).
The docs are unclear if onpinchstarted would work vs pinchstarted https://aframe.io/docs/1.1.0/components/hand-tracking-controls.html#events_pinchended
Well, I came up with a sort of a solution by dissecting the example project.
AFRAME.registerComponent('rig', {
init: function () {
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('pinchstarted', this.onPinchStarted);
//I still don't get what this thing does.
bindMethod: function () {
this.onPinchStarted = this.onPinchStarted.bind(this);
onPinchStarted: function () {
this.el.setAttribute('rotation', {y: this.el.getAttribute('rotation').y + 30});
<script src="rig.js"></script>
<a-entity rig>
<a-entity camera look-controls position="0 1 0"></a-entity>
<a-entity hand-tracking-controls="hand: left; modelColor:#E9967A;"></a-entity>
<a-entity hand-tracking-controls="hand: right; modelColor:#E9967A;"></a-entity>
Now I want the rig to yaw the same amount the camera has rotated while I was holding the pinch with my left hand.
And I made it work after a while thanks to this person.
<script src="rotator.js"></script>
<a-entity id="rig">
oculus-touch-controls="hand: left;"
hand-tracking-controls="hand: left; modelColor:#E9967A;"
rotator="rig: #rig"
oculus-touch-controls="hand: right;"
hand-tracking-controls="hand: right; modelColor:#E9967A;"
rotator="rig: #rig"
As web XR hand tracking in the Oculus Browser where I test it is still experimental and unstable I added touch controllers' grip buttons.
/* global AFRAME, THREE */
AFRAME.registerComponent("rotator", {
schema: {
rig: { type: "selector" },
init: function() {
this.el.addEventListener("pinchstarted", this.onPinchStarted);
this.el.addEventListener("pinchended", this.onPinchEnded);
this.el.addEventListener("gripdown", this.onPinchStarted);
this.el.addEventListener("gripup", this.onPinchEnded);
this.rig = this.data.rig;
this.box = this.data.box;
this.box2 = this.data.box2;
this.camera = this.el.sceneEl.camera.el;
this.axisY = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0);
bindMethods: function() {
this.onPinchStarted = this.onPinchStarted.bind(this);
this.onPinchEnded = this.onPinchEnded.bind(this);
onPinchStarted: function() {
this.trigger = 1;
this.oldCameraAngle = this.camera.getAttribute("rotation").y;
tick: function() {
if (this.trigger == 1) {
var angleDifference = THREE.Math.degToRad(
this.oldCameraAngle - this.camera.getAttribute("rotation").y );
this.oldCameraAngle = this.camera.getAttribute("rotation").y;
var cameraPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
this.rig.object3D.position.add( cameraPosition.negate() );
this.rig.object3D.position.applyAxisAngle( this.axisY, angleDifference );
this.rig.object3D.position.add( cameraPosition.negate() );
this.rig.object3D.rotateOnAxis( this.axisY, angleDifference );
onPinchEnded: function() {
this.trigger = 0;
GitHub link and the version published on my website.

Aframe - How to render HUD on top of everything else

The A-Frame camera docs say to create a HUD like this:
<a-entity camera look-controls>
<a-entity geometry="primitive: plane; height: 0.2; width: 0.2" position="0 0 -1"
material="color: gray; opacity: 0.5"></a-entity>
However, this causes the HUD element to be clipped by in-game objects. Normally HUDs are rendered on a separate layer above all the other game objects. Is there a simple way to fix this?
You have to:
Set renderer.sortObjects = true;
Set a the render order of the entity this.el.object3D.renderOrder = 100;
Disable the material depth test material.depthTest = false;
I created a simple overlay component that easily applies the above to any entity.
AFRAME.registerComponent("overlay", {
dependencies: ['material'],
init: function () {
this.el.sceneEl.renderer.sortObjects = true;
this.el.object3D.renderOrder = 100;
this.el.components.material.material.depthTest = false;
<a-entity camera look-controls wasd-controls position="0 1.6 0">
<a-plane id="hud" overlay rotation="0 0 0" position="0 0 -2" width="1" height="1" color="purple" shadow></a-plane>
Example on glitch

aframe - How to get what element collided with another element

I'm developing a simple VR game using A-Frame, and I'm struggling with collisions.
Specifically, I'm using aframe-physics-extras.min.js for the collision-filter, and aframe-extras.min.js for "hit" (and "hitend", in case) event handling.
In my game there are many bullets and many targets. I can get a "hit" event when a target is hit, but I can't find a way to get what bullet hit that target.
When a target is hit and I use the "hit" event, I can then refer to that specific target using "this.el", so that for example I can remove it from the scene with this.el.sceneEl.removeChild(this.el).
Is there a way to get the element that collided with the target? For example something like this.el.collidingEntity ?
This is the relevant part of the code:
// collision-filter : Requires aframe-physics-extras
// hit (and hitend, if used) : Requires aframe-extras
AFRAME.registerComponent('hit_target', {
init: function() {
this.el.addEventListener('hit', (e) => {
this.el.sceneEl.removeChild(this.el); // This is the Target
// this.el.collidingEntity.sceneEl.removeChild(this.el.collidingEntity); // THIS is what I'd need, to know what hit the Target
// Bullet
var elbullet = document.createElement('a-sphere');
elbullet.setAttribute('class', 'bullet');
elbullet.setAttribute('scale', '0.05 0.05 0.05');
elbullet.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
elbullet.setAttribute('color', '#ff3333');
elbullet.setAttribute('position', point);
elbullet.setAttribute('collision-filter', 'group: bullet; collidesWith: target');
elbullet.setAttribute('dynamic-body', 'shape: sphere; sphereRadius:0.05;');
// Target
var eltarget = document.createElement('a-gltf-model');
eltarget.setAttribute('src', '#target');
eltarget.setAttribute('class', 'target');
eltarget.setAttribute('scale', '1 1 1');
eltarget.setAttribute('opacity', '1');
eltarget.setAttribute('position', (rnd(-8,8,0))+' '+(rnd(-8,8,0))+' '+(rnd(-20,-6,0)));
eltarget.setAttribute('collision-filter', 'group: target; collidesWith: bullet');
A-Frame's aabb-collider component can help you print out the following:
bullet collided with ["plate_big", "plate_small"]
When the bullet hits the target, hitstart event will fire.
You can use event.target.id to get the bullet id.
You can use event.target.components["aabb-collider"]["intersectedEls"] to get the targets.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
document.querySelectorAll("a-entity").forEach(function(entity) {
entity.addEventListener("hitstart", function(event) {
"collided with",
event.target.components["aabb-collider"]["intersectedEls"].map(x => x.id)
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.0.4/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aframe-aabb-collider-component#3.2.0/dist/aframe-aabb-collider-component.min.js"></script>
<a-entity id="bullet" geometry="primitive: cone; radiusBottom:0.5; height:2;" material="color: red" position="0 1 -5" aabb-collider="objects: a-entity"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="plate_big" geometry="primitive: cylinder; height:0.2;" material="color: blue" position="0 0.8 -5" aabb-collider="objects: a-entity"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="plate_small" geometry="primitive: cylinder; height:0.2; radius:0.6;" material="color: blue" position="0 1.4 -5" aabb-collider="objects: a-entity"></a-entity>

a-frame: Unable to change camera position and rotation angle

I am using the a-frame components for a WebVR application. The camera has look-controls with a cursor to let the user pick an object. And when the event is fired I wish to change the camera position. This is what I have done. A camera is defined in the scene.
<a-entity id="cam" camera="userHeight: 1.6" look-controls>
<a-entity cursor="fuse: true; fuseTimeout: 500" position="0 0 -1" geometry="primitive: ring; radiusInner: 0.02; radiusOuter: 0.03" material="color: black; shader: flat">
I have a box with a listener as follows
<a-box box-listener color="tomato" position="1 0 3" depth="1" height="1" width="1"></a-box>
When the user moves the cursor to the box and holds for half a second, the event gets fired. The event script is as follows:
AFRAME.registerComponent('box-listener', {
init: function() {
this.el.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
var cam = document.getElementById("cam");
var campos = cam.getAttribute("position");
campos.x = 1; // some random change.
var camrot = cam.getAttribute("rotation");
camrot.x = 0;
camrot.y = 0;
camrot.z = 0; // setting it back to looking straight ahead
var look = cam.getAttribute("look-controls");
look.enabled = false;
cam.setAttribute("position", campos);
cam.setAttribute("rotation", camrot);
look.enabled = true;
By putting logs I find that the values are getting updated in the camera element however nothing changes on the screen.
where am I going wrong? Does the camera element need to be refreshed?

A-Frame: I am trying to add a click function that will change the color of a box. Why isn't it working?

I am trying to start by adding a simple click function to a box that will change its color to red. Can you please have a look at my script and html and please tell me what I am doing wrong?
HTML(only the element meant to change color):
<a-box id='soundbox' position='0 2 -5' color="#6173F4" rotation="0 45 45 opacity=" 0.8" depth="1" alongpath="path:2,2,-5 -2,1,-2.5 0,1,-1; closed:false; dur:5000; delay:4000; inspect:false;" change-colors></a-box>
var soundbox = document.querySelector('#soundbox');
AFRAME.registerComponent('change-color', {
init: function(){
this.soundbox = soundbox;
this.el.addEventListener('click', this.onClick.bind(this));
onClick: function(){
soundbox.setAttribute('color', 'red');
There is a very good description of how to create a component in A-Frame in the Building a Basic Scene Tutorial on the A-Frame website.
Your component would look like this:
AFRAME.registerComponent('change-color', {
schema: {
color: {default: '#666'}
init: function(){
var data = this.data;
this.el.addEventListener('click', function(){
this.setAttribute('color', data.color);
And your a-box:
position="0 2 -5"
rotation="0 45 45"
opacity=" 0.8"
change-color="color: #f00"
You also need to add a cursor to the scene in order to click on entities. You do this by attaching it to the camera entity:
<a-camera position="0 -0.5 0">
<a-cursor scale="0.5 0.5" color="#fff"></a-cursor>
The whole code is here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/enshrined-energy
And the working example: https://enshrined-energy.glitch.me/
