Why does any changes are not reflecting into word-press website? - wordpress

My client is using GoDaddy server hosting for WordPress website.If i update some changes in pages its will reflected only when dashboard is opened else changes are reflected after 4 to 5 hours.
I also contact with my service provider for cleaning cache, but its don't work.
I am not able to identity where is the problem.

This definitely sounds like a cache problem.
Depending on your website hosting plan, this can affect the changes you/other users see on the site after you've made changes to the backend. If you use a shared hosting plan, you share your website server with other websites which can slow the website and sometimes affect the cache.
Firstly, make sure you've removed cookies from your browser relating to the website in question. This can affect how the website looks until new cookies are saved from the website.
You can download a cache plugin 'W3 Total Cache' on Wordpress and this can be integrated into your website to flush the cash from the dashboard. However on a GoDaddy shared hosting plan, I've found this doesn't always work. Worth a try though!
In the same way that your web browser has a cache of recent web pages, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be doing some caching on your behalf.
This could be the problem, so you may have to communicate with your Internet Service Provider to fix this problem.
I would call GoDaddy customer service again beforehand and explain your problem in more detail.

This is not a server issue , this is a cache issue. You need to clear cache from you back end wp-admin. After that please check your changes with hard refresh browser ctrl+shift+R or ctrl+f5. Wordpress changes will be reflect on to front end.


Why does my Wordpress website keep going offline?

I have designed and set up a website for a client at https://deabreuandcohen.co.za/. I have Jetpack monitoring activated.
I get daily notifications that the site goes down and comes back up again. The hosting reseller says it is the Wordpress website but I have updated everything, done a malware scan, etc and I can't see any reason why this should be happening.
What are my next steps to troubleshoot this?
In terms of why your website is going down ,
i have done a small inspection on your website in the developer tools
when the website goes down it seems some documents are not loaded to the page .
Have you tried installing a web application firewall to your website , this could be indication of DDOS attacks on your website?
In Terms of security
Install these plugins
WAF Webapplication Firewall https://wordpress.org/plugins/web-application-firewall/
Cloudflare which enables ddos mitigation https://wordpress.org/plugins/cloudflare/
Read more about DDOS Mitigation https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ddos/ddos-mitigation/
Here is a free website scanner by succri and their results
Btw i checked the network tab
There are no traces for ddos but these would help you in terms of security
Possible security fixes
Your TLS Certificate is expired
Your WordPress version could be updated to WordPress 6.0 , but please backup your website first or download your theme and test it in a local development environment
You have no firewall installed ,
Add cloudflare to your website for free to apply ddos mitigation

Wordpress site is not updating

Whenever I update something in my website whether it's on pages, posts, categories, menus, or more then it's not showing the changed result on the site when I open the website from google search or incognito. But it shows the changes when I access it from the dashboard.
More, I already have cleared the server cache, browser cache, website cache as well as Cloudflare cache but still not working.
So, can anyone help me out to fix this issue?
This is a cache-related issue. If you have used any caching plugin (WP-Rocket, W3 total cache, LiteSpeed, etc), you have to clear the cache from that plugin. You can use VPN & try a different browser to get the latest updates.
You can check instant results from different servers here:
Proxy Site

Weird Caching Issue - WordPress + Ultimate Member + WP Engine + Cloudflare

I am facing a very weird caching issue on my site. The site is hosted on WP Engine with Cloudflare setup. Here is the complete scenario when the user tried to access the site.
When the user upgrades to pro after successful payment, then all the pro listing should be visible to them OR I can say they can access pro listing. But after successful payment when a user tries to access the pro listing it shows you need an upgrade to pro. After hard refresh 2 to 3 times. It works normally.
I have already reached out to the support team. They are working
on it. I am just want to prepare my self for plan B :)
My site does not have any caching plugin.
I have already bypassed the caching from Cloudflare for that page.
I have added Cache Level to Bypass in page rules. Let me know if I need to add anything else to the page rules.
I am sure it is a caching issue. I am open to suggestions on how to fix that.
you can use wp-super cache plugin.
and you need to clear your browser cache.
I am using wp-engine. when I faced like that, I used wp-super cache plugin.
if the plugin is not working, you are working on different place.
check your file path, please. live site or staging site... because you might make a mistake..

Not able to log into wordpress website.... self hosting on Azure

When I try to sign into my websites wp-admin login screen it refreshes and redirects me to the login page. After researching this issue it looks like deactivating the plugins should fix the issue. However, when I try doing this from phpmyAdmin, it tells me that the UPDATE command is denied to user.
I have tried using the FTP client 'Fire FTP' to try and access my files but I do not know which username and password needs to be used (I have about a million at this point).
Is there somewhere in the Azure portal where I can edit my files and deactivate the plugins?
Other information: I accidentally deleted the file the had my Wordpress admin password, but I am able to log into Azure, and phpmyAdmin. I also have my cPanel login information but I cannot figure out how to access that either. I am also using a Mac.
Please help! I have a basic understanding of web development but not much and I have worked incredibly hard on my website business but this has been a rough setback.
Looking at your problem, FTP is your best option. You can define the user/password at the portal in your app service blade:
Login into the portal: https://portal.azure.com
Navigate to your app service blade
Look for Deployment Credentials and set your username/password.
I was able to resolve this. Turns out I had exceeded my database storage. Simply upgrading my plan fixed the issue. So if anyone sees this and has the same problem, make sue that your SQL db has enough storage available.
The plugins made me exceed my storage but I did not need to deactivate them.

Sandboxes and Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal Sites?

I'm looking into building database driven websites based on opensource platforms in a sandbox area rather than having them accessible via the final URL until clients have paid up.
Is anyone aware of any problems this may cause with paths or functionality, or, know of any good articles on the subject?
many thanks
There is no bad effect on functionality just because it is in sandbox. Generally, Joomla is almost location independent (untill and unless you are driving multiple websites from same joomla installation)
For security purpose secure the URL via .htaccess file (if more security required then setup a cron to update password every X hours, and email new details to user)
I would suggest having a cut-down, less privileged or demo account for signup users that can still enjoy the overall experience of your site without the full functionality of your killer-webapp services. "Restricting" them in a Sandbox area that is not even the actual site would not be as appealing and convincing as it could be for them to go from "freemium to premium" customers.
I develop all joomla sites on a local server and then upload to the production server once approved. In Joomla, when I upload the files to the production server, I usually need to change the mysql server as well and it can all be changed from the configuration.php file
