How to turn off Motion Controller line pointer - pointers

That's it, I'll step on my pride!
I'm using MRTK v2 and working fine except that at some point I want to turn off the line extending from the Motion Controller to the object and that provides input. After looking around and trying to find it in the MRTK documentation (it's gotta be easy, right?), I'm still banging my head on the wall and it's starting to hurt....
The MRTK documentation explains quite well how to configure it here:
But I'm looking to do this in script, enabling and disabling it as I need it in my application.
Any clue how to do this?
Many thanks!

Answered my own question. Simple:
See documentation here:

Great question! Here's one way to do this that has worked for me. You can see my solution at this repository: Open the scene Assets/TurnOffLinePointerTest.unity and then use hand simulation to press the buttons. The code to turn the pointers on/off is in Assets/PointerConfigurationExample.cs.
Note: the reason you need to use this approach of modifying the mediator instead of directly setting myPointer.IsActive = false is because the default mediator overwrites these values every frame. Luckily, you can customize this behavior.
Step 1: Update MRTK a bit so that PointerMediator can be accessed
Apply the changes from this commit to your MRTK clone. This change updates the FocusProvider in MRTK to make the PointerMediator publicly accessible, and makes the DefaultPointerMediator extensible by updating fields to be protected instead of private, and making methods virtual. See this pull request that implements this change directly into MRTK.
Step 2: Create a custom PointerMediator that will turn off far pointers
Create a custom Pointer Mediator like the one from this commit.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input;
public class CustomPointerMediator : DefaultPointerMediator
public bool FarPointersDisabled {get; set;}
public override void UpdatePointers()
if (FarPointersDisabled)
foreach(var pointer in farInteractPointers)
pointer.IsActive = false;
Note that this mediator extends DefaultPointerMediator so it adapts almost all the default mediator logic. Make sure you have fully applied the changes from the first commit otherwise you will not be able to extend DefaultPointerMediator.
Step 3: Tell MRTK to use your custom pointer mediator
In your pointer profile, configure MRTK to use the custom pointer mediator instead of the default pointer mediator. Notice in the picture that I've created a custom pointer profile as part of a custom input system (don't modify the default profile otherwise your changes might get overwritten when you update MRTK).
Step 4: Component that uses custom mediator to turn line pointers on / off
You can now write your component which will use your custom mediator to turn the line pointers on and off.
public class PointerConfigurationExample : MonoBehaviour
/* Turns off all far interaction pointers */
public void TurnOffFarPointers()
Debug.Log("Line pointers off");
public void TurnOnFarPointers()
Debug.Log("Line pointers on");
private void SetFarPointersDisabled(bool isDisabled)
FocusProvider focusProvider = (FocusProvider) MixedRealityToolkit.InputSystem.FocusProvider;
if (focusProvider != null)
foreach(var mediator in focusProvider.PointerMediators)
// Note: you could check here to make sure you only disable pointers for hands
CustomPointerMediator myMediator = (CustomPointerMediator) (mediator.Value);
if (myMediator != null)
myMediator.FarPointersDisabled = isDisabled;


DayDream, detect pointer without using Event System

Google's new DayDream samples are using the Event System to detect if the pointer is on an object.
Previously it wasn't working like that at all, it was a reticle, and you would then create a Raycast between the Camera and the reticle, such as:
Vector3 rayDirection = GvrController.Orientation * Vector3.forward;
if (Physics.Raycast(origin, rayDirection, out hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity)) {
And then you detect if a specific Object is between the reticle and the Camera.
This way doesn't exactly work anymore. Google is now using the event system, and then checking if the reticle is positioned on an object.
Is there a way for me to check that for any object without using the Event System.
The Event System is a good method, it's just I have about 40 different objects that all work the same way, and implementing an event point/click for these 40 different objects seems like an overkill when previously I could just check an object by tag.
Anyone was able by any chance to be able to detect if the pointer is positioned on an object without using the Event system?
Raycasts don't seem to properly work anymore as the pointer seems to be more of a 2D object, just like a Mouse.
This works approximately, but not very well:
Vector3 origin = Head.transform.position + GvrController.ArmModel.wristPosition;
Vector3 rayDirection = GvrController.ArmModel.pointerRotation * Vector3.forward;
Any help would be appreciated :)
If you don't want to use EventTrigger component, you can simply use your same old script and implement IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, OnPointerClickHandler etc and use same compare tag method for every object.
I think its much more easy to use than custom raycast. As there is always a Graphics Raycaster (or Physics Raycaster for 3D Objects) at work so why not use what it has to offer.
public class MyOldScriptWhichUsedRaycasting: MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerClickHandler
public void OnPointerEnter (PointerEventData eventData)
//do stuff here.
public void OnPointerExit (PointerEventData eventData)
//do stuff here.
public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData)
//do stuff here.
Hope this helps

PropertyName in VariableLinks not being assigned (UDK/Unreal Script)

So basically I have a custom SequenceCondition that has a VariableLink which takes in a propertyname, when ever i run the code I always get false (ActivateOutputLink(1)) because my property value is always "none". The item being linked is a custom class called OHSQuest and I am connecting the quest in kismet. Here is the code:
// extend UIAction if this action should be UI Kismet Action instead of a Level Kismet Action
class OHSQuestCompare extends SequenceCondition;
var() OHSquest questToCompare;
event Activated()
local OHSPlayerController PC;
local int i;
VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'OHSQuest',bWriteable=true,LinkDesc="Quest To Compare",PropertyName=questToCompare);
I also have another custom SequenceAction that takes in a OHSQuest for its variable link and it works fine. Any idea why this one isn't being filled out?
I think your ExpectedType might need to be 'SeqVar_Object'?

Notifying that all properties have changed on a ViewModel

I am working on a Silverlight application using V3 SP1 of MVVM Light Toolkit.
My application is fully French/English. All UI elements (buttons, labels, etc.) and all the data (models). I need dynamic language switching and this is fully implemented and works with anything coming from a resource file. What I am struggling with is the ViewModels.
The Models have language specific prperties (DescriptionEn, DescriptionFr) and an additional property call LocalizedDescription which uses the current culture to return call the language specific property.
When the language changes (via a button click) I raise and broadcast (via the Messenger) a property changed event.
In each of my ViewModels, I register to receive the property changed message for the language swap.
I want to notify all the properties of the ViewModel that something has changed.
The PropertyChanged event can indicate all properties on the object have changed by using either null or String.Empty as the property name in the PropertyChangedEventArgs.
However, since the toolkit abstracts the raising of the changed event with RaisePropertyChanged(...) I cannot get this to work. I have also examined the source of the tookit and discovered that RaisePropertyChanged calls VerifyPropertyName(..) which in turn returns an error is the property does not belong to the ViewModel. I also noticed that the VerifyPropertyName method is attributed with Conditional("DEBUG"), but even if I choose the Release configuration, the ArgumentException("Property not found") is still raised.
Does anyone know of a way to get this to work using the toolkit aside from manually calling RaisePropertyChanged for every property of the ViewModel?
Based on the comment from Simon, I attempted to create my own class that extends ViewModelBase. I looked at the source on CodePlex and decided to create a single method called RaiseAllPropertyChanged(). It would simply be a copy of the RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) but without the parameter and without the call to VerifyPropertyName(...). I cannot get it to work. Here is what I have.
public class ViewModelBaseExtended : ViewModelBase
protected void RaiseAllPropertyChanged()
var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(String.Empty));
But I get a compiler error: The event 'GalaSoft.MvvmLight.ViewModelBase.PropertyChanged' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=. This is a copy of the code that is used in the ViewModelBase.
Can someone offer some advice as to how to get this to work?
I copied all the code from ViewModelBase into a new class. I then added the method RaisePropertyChanged() mentioned above which instantiates the PropertyChangedEventArgs class with String.Empty. This is now the new subclass for my ViewModels.
Thanks again to Simon for leading the way!
In case you're reading this in 2016, you can use ObservableObject and notify that all of the properties have changed by doing:
Unfortunately this is not possible with the current code-base of MVVMLight
In the short term your have 2 options:
User your own custom base class. And by custom base class I mean "Do not inherit from the MVVMLight class".
Download and compile MVVMLight in Release mode. This will force the "VerifyPropertyName" method to be excluded. Of course then you don't get the value of property name checks.
I am sure Laurent Bugnion will have this fixed soon.
A lighter solution to this problem would have been to override RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) in your class :
protected override void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (propertyName != null)
var handler = PropertyChangedHandler;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(null));

Unity 2 trouble referencing RegisterInstance using InjectonProperty

I have the following code:
Unity Container:
Settings settings = CreateSettings();
.RegisterType<MyHttpHandler>(new InjectionProperty[]
// How do I tell Unity to inject my settings created above?
new InjectionProperty("Settings", new ResolvedParameter(????))
public class MyHttpHandler: IHttpHandler
public MyHttpHandler()
public Settings Settings
How do I tell Unity to inject the settings? This works just fine with interfaces but not sure how to proceed here.
Any help is appreciated.
It just goes off the type. You've registered an instance for the Settings class, so you just need to tell it to inject that type:
new InjectionProperty("Settings", new ResolvedParameter<Settings>());
(Note that you don't need the extra array, RegisterType takes a variable parameter list.)
Since this is a common requirement, there are shorthands you can use. First off, if you're resolving a dependency and you just need the default (non-named) registration, you don't need to use ResovledParameter, you can just pass the type object:
new InjectionProperty("Settings", typeof(Settings));
But, we can also go simpler than that. If you're using the default for a property based on the type, you don't need to pass the value at all - the container will simply use the type of the property. So you can just say:
new InjectionProperty("Settings"));
and the container will figure it out.

watin - Settings.FindByDefaultFactory - doesn't seem to use my custom FindByDefaultFactory

Based on this article, I've written a custom class which implements the Watin.Core.interfaces.IFindByDefaultFactory, but I don't think I'm correctly assigning it to the watin settings, because it is never used.
Basically, Where/when should I assign to the Settings.FindByDefaultFactory? I've tried in my test Setup, and the text fixture's constructor, but neither seem to cause my custom class to be used. The tests still run and work, but I have to use the full ID's.
I'm using Watin in VS2008 from nUnit I am running visual studio as administrator, and tests run sucessfully as long as I don't rely on my custom find logic.
Here's what the start of my text fixture looks like, where I set the FindByDefaultFactory
namespace Fundsmith.Web.Main.BrowserTests
class WatinHomepageTests
private IE _ie;
public void Setup()
Settings.FindByDefaultFactory = new FindByAspIdFactory();
_ie = new IE("http://localhost/somepage.aspx");
//etc etc...
And this is what my custom Find By Default factory looks like (simplified), unfortunately, it's never called.
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using WatiN.Core;
using WatiN.Core.Constraints;
using WatiN.Core.Interfaces;
namespace Fundsmith.Web.Main.BrowserTests
public class FindByAspIdFactory : IFindByDefaultFactory
public Constraint ByDefault(string value)
// This code is never called :(
// My custom find by id code to cope with webforms ids...
return Find.ById(value);
public Constraint ByDefault(Regex value)
return Find.ById(value);
Edit: Extra information after the fact.
Based on me fuguring this out, (see answer below), It turns out that the way I was consuming Watin to find the elements was wrong. I was explicitly calling Find.ById, rather than letting the default action occur. So I'd reassigned the default but was then failing to use it!
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
Right, I've figured this one out, and it was me being an idiot and explicitly calling the Find.ById method, rather than letting the default action occur. It seems the test setup is a fine place to set the FindByDefaultFactory.
ie, I was doing this (wrong):
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
When I should have been simply doing this. (Without the explicit "Find.ById")
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
Not only was this me being stupid, but I didn't include this in my original question, so it would have been impossible for anyone else to figure it out for certain. Double slaps for me.
