Is there a way to create custom URLs in WordPress for each client - wordpress

I'm trying to create a site for a client who want's to use the WP Workscout theme. He want's a client portal that's able to do 2 things;
The clients logo and basic chosen style in their portal area
A url for the client for example
I could do this quite simply with a custom site but I'm not sure about WordPress. Is it possible? If so, how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated

You might want to consider building a WordPress multisite. Sounds like it might be what you're looking for.
It will allow you to have some different styling for each site in the network, and you can set up each site on different subdomains.


How do I integrate a website template on my main wordpress website?

I have a Wordpress website made to show a portfolio of websites, so the client can have an idea about what kind of wordpress-based website I can create for them.
My question is, is there any smart way of creating a live website template inside a website? My approach would be to install another wordpress release into a folder (e.g; /template2 etc.) but it feels kind of...ancient.
Is there any other way or am I steering into the right direction?
I would say, the easiest way is to make a second customize.php, because there you have the possibility to take a live preview and make a new site template with it.
Important: Do not forget to restrict a lot of settings like, choose this Template - otherwise it will be set as default for your website :)

Wordpress Plugin with database for Networks Sites

Ok, So i know how to code a Wordpress widget plugin. But what i want is to create a plugin to display some external links(Like Title and Link) in Footer of websites(Networks Sites). These links are different on each Network site.
So can anyone tell me how can i store those links in database for each Network sites ?
Thanks in advance
Go to the footer widget, and activate Custom Links, make sure you use the full HTTP address.

Rebuild wordpress site with codeigniter

I have a client that has a website that is built with WordPress. They want to expand the site adding new features. To me it seems best to rebuild the site so WP is not being used. I like using codeigniter but one issue is how we keep our SEO rankings.
The urls in WP are something like
Is there a way to build the site in Codeigniter but utilize that URL structure? I basicly need to keep all the current pages working at the same url.
Does anyone know if this is possible with Codeigniter and how this may affect search ranking? Or is there a better way to go about this. Any sort of direction would be helpful
By using the URI Routing in Code Igniter, you can customize all the link structures you want in any way you want.
You will just have to make sure you support all the same links than WordPress and you'll be fine.

How to use wordpress to make a commerical/non blog website

I have managed to setup a blog on localhost quickly using wordpress. But what is ivolved in setting up a commercial website that is not a blog?
Also, should learning to use wordpress be more diffcult than learning Asp.Net or php? I can use these languages to create a website more quickly than using wordpress it seems. I'm guessing it should be possible to create a basic php website and then somehow hook it up to the admin functionality of wordpress to publish content and update it?
Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
A few thoughts on this.
First, Wordpress is based on PHP. So if you know your way around in PHP you are able to change anything within wordpress, you can build customized plugins, templates, etc.
However, using Wordpress has nothing to do with the programming languages you know. The fact that you are struggling with it is probably more because you don't understand yet what the features of Wordpress are or what you can use them for.
You can easily use Wordpress to create a simple non-blog website by setting up pages instead of posts. So you would be using Wordpress not as a blog engine but more as what's usually called a content management system CMS (not that using it as a blog engine wouldn't make Wordpress a CMS, but I'm talking about the general usage of those wordings).
A simple Google search might help you find more information about how to accomplish it in your specific case.
Hope this helps!
You need experience with PHP, HTML and CSS to configure WordPress to run like a non-blog website. Is it easier? Maybe, you get what you want but you won't understand what is going on.
If you are creating a static web page, say like a company's web site with little to none dynamic content, use pages (not posts) and create a static front page.
If you wish to use WordPress like a generic CMS, you can either use the Pods plugin or the newly introduced custom post types and taxonomies (new in Wordpress 3.0). You still need knowledge of PHP/MySQL to configure the Wordpress Loop (which is used to display blog posts and other dynamic content) and Wordpress Theme tags (to display name of the current logged in user).
Some plugins help with customizing the site for a non-blog look. Theme My Login and Theme my Profile blends the log-in page and profile page with your theme. However, if you need to customize the appearance, or add new logic, you pretty much need programming.
In short, you would need knowledge of PHP and MySQL; CSS too, if possible. Get your hand dirty building some sites, then what Wordpress offer and does for you with its API will be more relevant.

How to change the theme of Person.aspx in SharePoint My Sites

I have my custom theme working everywhere except for the profile page for users under My Sites, which is the Person.aspx page. Any thoughts on how to apply the theme to this page? Or even just hard coding custom styling to it?
The issue is that person.aspx is in a completely different site collection to the rest of the pages in the users site. You need to apply the theme separately to the mysite host site.
The best approach is to use a Solution Package to push a feature containing the master pages/page layouts/styles to a site collection. That way you simply activate the feature at each site collection...e.g one for your Intranet and one for your MySites Site collection.
Here my solution for this issue. Assume your profile page URL http://sitename/Person.aspx
Enter the below url on IE and login http sitename/_layouts/settings.aspx
The Page (_layouts/settings.aspx) may requires admin privileges. Once you login then you'll get the option to change theme and other features. That's it.
Hard coding custom style can be done by replacing the Person.aspx page inside of the MySite Site Definition, however this is not a recommended practice.
Here is a different approach that might work for you, just depends on how far you have gotten with MySite rollout.
