Counting properties of a particular class? - reflection

I'm trying to retrieve the number of properties of a certain type. For example in class Player:
public Player(string name, Stat endurance, Stat sprint, Stat dribble, Stat passing, Stat shooting)
//Some code
public Stat Endurance { get; private set; }
public Stat Sprint { get; private set; }
public Stat Dribble { get; private set; }
public Stat Passing { get; set; }
public Stat Shooting { get; private set; }
public double OverallSkillLevel { get; private set; } {
public string Name { get; private set; }
public void CalculateAverage()
double sumOfStat = this.Endurance.Level + this.Sprint.Level +
this.Dribble.Level + this.Shooting.Level +
Type type = this.GetType();
int countOne = type .GetProperties().Count(x => x.MemberType is Stat);
double countTwo = this.GetType().GetFields().Count(x => x is Stat);
//this.OverallSkillLevel = Math.Round((sumOfStat / ), 0);
I expect the variables "countOne " or "countTwo " to return me as a count only the properties that are Stat. But I always get 0

You are checking the wrong property of your PropertyInfo object; about the MemberInfo.MemberType property from msdn:
When overridden in a derived class, gets a MemberTypes value indicating the type of the member - method, constructor, event, and so on.
You should check the PropertyInfo.PropertyType property. Also your check using the is keyword ist wrong in this context, when comparing Type-instances use Type.IsAssignableFrom() or ==.
That should do the trick:
int countOne = this.GetType().GetProperties().Count(x => x.PropertyType == typeof(Stat));


.Net Core 6.0 Web API - How to implement postgresql database(eg: Product Table -> Description column) localization for English and French?

I am developing a Web API using Core 6.0 with localization. Localization should be supported for both static (e.g., basic strings like greeting) and dynamic content (e.g., Values of the Product Instance).
I have implemented the localization for static content using JsonStringLocalizerFactory as discussed in this article -
public class LocalizerController : ControllerBase
private readonly IStringLocalizer<LocalizerController> _stringLocalizer;
public LocalizerController(IStringLocalizer<LocalizerController> stringLocalizer)
_stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
public IActionResult Get()
var message = _stringLocalizer["hi"].ToString();
return Ok(message);
public IActionResult Get(string name)
var message = string.Format(_stringLocalizer["welcome"], name);
return Ok(message);
public IActionResult GetAll()
var message = _stringLocalizer.GetAllStrings();
return Ok(message);
Next, I would like to implement localization for dynamic content (e.g., Details of the Product which will be sent to the WEB API and stored in the postgresql database table).
A possible approach is to duplicate the postgresql database table for each language (English and French). Could there be a better approach to avoid duplicate data and additional manual work?
You can create language table for each multi-language entity.
Langugage model;
public class Language
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string IsoCode { get; set; }
Static language list;
public class Constant
public static List<Language> Languages { get; set; } = new()
new Language
Id = 1,
Name = "English(United States)",
IsoCode = "en-US"
new Language
Id = 2,
Name = "Turkish",
IsoCode = "tr-TR"
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ProductLang> ProductLangs { get; set; }
public class ProductLang
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public Guid ProductId { get; set; }
public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
public int LanguageId { get; set; }
You can change the LanguageId property name. If you want to store languages in database, you can create a Languages table and create a relationship with that table from entity language tables. This can reduce duplication.
After include the language table to the entity, you can write an extension method to easily get the requested language data.
public static string GetLang<TEntity>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> langs, Expression<Func<TEntity, string>> propertyExpression, int defaultLangId)
var languageIdPropName = nameof(ProductLang.LanguageId);
var requestedLangId = GetCurrentOrDefaultLanguageId(defaultLangId);
if (langs.IsNullOrEmpty())
return string.Empty;
var propName = GetPropertyName(propertyExpression);
TEntity requestedLang;
if (requestedLangId != defaultLangId)
requestedLang = langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType()
.GetValue(lang) == requestedLangId)
?? langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType()
.GetValue(lang) == defaultLangId);
else requestedLang = langs.FirstOrDefault(lang => (int)lang.GetType().GetProperty(languageIdPropName).GetValue(lang) == defaultLangId);
requestedLang ??= langs.FirstOrDefault();
return requestedLang.GetType().GetProperty(propName).GetValue(requestedLang, null)?.ToString();
static int GetCurrentOrDefaultLanguageId(int defaultLanguageId)
var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
var currentLanguage = Constant.Languages.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsoCode == culture.Name);
if (currentLanguage != null)
return currentLanguage.Id;
return defaultLanguageId;
static string GetPropertyName<T, TPropertyType>(Expression<Func<T, TPropertyType>> expression)
if (expression.Body is MemberExpression tempExpression)
return tempExpression.Member.Name;
var op = ((UnaryExpression)expression.Body).Operand;
return ((MemberExpression)op).Member.Name;
This extension method checks for 3 conditions;
If there is data in the requsted language, it returns this data,
If there is no data in the requsted language, it checks if there is data in the default language. If the data is available in the default language, it will return the data,
Returns the first available language data if there is no data in the default language
var defaultLangId = 1;
Product someProduct = await _dbContext.Set<Product>().Include(i => i.ProductLangs).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
var productName = someProduct.ProductLangs.GetLang(i => i.Name, defaultLangId);
It is up to you to modify this extension method according to your own situation. I gave you an example scenario where languages are kept in a static list.

Out-only field in JSON deserialization [duplicate]

We have some configuration files which were generated by serializing C# objects with
We'd like to migrate one property of the serialised class away from being a simple enum property into a class property.
One easy way to do this, would be to leave the old enum property on the class, and arrange for to read this property when we load the config, but not to save it again when we next serialize the object. We'll deal with generating the new class from the old enum separately.
Is there any simple way to mark (e.g. with attributes) a property of a C# object, so that will ignore it ONLY when serializing, but attend to it when deserializing?
There are actually several fairly simple approaches you can use to achieve the result you want.
Let's assume, for example, that you have your classes currently defined like this:
class Config
public Fizz ObsoleteSetting { get; set; }
public Bang ReplacementSetting { get; set; }
enum Fizz { Alpha, Beta, Gamma }
class Bang
public string Value { get; set; }
And you want to do this:
string json = #"{ ""ObsoleteSetting"" : ""Gamma"" }";
// deserialize
Config config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Config>(json);
// migrate
config.ReplacementSetting =
new Bang { Value = config.ObsoleteSetting.ToString() };
// serialize
json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config);
To get this:
Approach 1: Add a ShouldSerialize method
Json.NET has the ability to conditionally serialize properties by looking for corresponding ShouldSerialize methods in the class.
To use this feature, add a boolean ShouldSerializeBlah() method to your class where Blah is replaced with the name of the property that you do not want to serialize. Make the implementation of this method always return false.
class Config
public Fizz ObsoleteSetting { get; set; }
public Bang ReplacementSetting { get; set; }
public bool ShouldSerializeObsoleteSetting()
return false;
Note: if you like this approach but you don't want to muddy up the public interface of your class by introducing a ShouldSerialize method, you can use an IContractResolver to do the same thing programmatically. See Conditional Property Serialization in the documentation.
Approach 2: Manipulate the JSON with JObjects
Instead of using JsonConvert.SerializeObject to do the serialization, load the config object into a JObject, then simply remove the unwanted property from the JSON before writing it out. It's just a couple of extra lines of code.
JObject jo = JObject.FromObject(config);
// remove the "ObsoleteSetting" JProperty from its parent
json = jo.ToString();
Approach 3: Clever (ab)use of attributes
Apply a [JsonIgnore] attribute to the property that you do not want to be serialized.
Add an alternate, private property setter to the class with the same type as the original property. Make the implementation of that property set the original property.
Apply a [JsonProperty] attribute to the alternate setter, giving it the same JSON name as the original property.
Here is the revised Config class:
class Config
public Fizz ObsoleteSetting { get; set; }
private Fizz ObsoleteSettingAlternateSetter
// get is intentionally omitted here
set { ObsoleteSetting = value; }
public Bang ReplacementSetting { get; set; }
For any situation where it's acceptable to have your deserialization-only property be marked internal, there's a remarkably simple solution that doesn't depend on attributes at all. Simply mark the property as internal get, but public set:
public class JsonTest {
public string SomeProperty { internal get; set; }
This results in correct deserialization using default settings/resolvers/etc., but the property is stripped from serialized output.
I like sticking with attributes on this one, here is the method I use when needing to deserialize a property but not serialize it or vice versa.
STEP 1 - Create the custom attribute
public class JsonIgnoreSerializationAttribute : Attribute { }
STEP 2 - Create a custom Contract Reslover
class JsonPropertiesResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType)
//Return properties that do NOT have the JsonIgnoreSerializationAttribute
return objectType.GetProperties()
.Where(pi => !Attribute.IsDefined(pi, typeof(JsonIgnoreSerializationAttribute)))
STEP 3 - Add attribute where serialization is not needed but deserialization is
public string Prop1 { get; set; } //Will be skipped when serialized
public string Prop2 { get; set; } //Also will be skipped when serialized
public string Prop3 { get; set; } //Will not be skipped when serialized
STEP 4 - Use it
var sweet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObj, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new JsonPropertiesResolver() });
Hope this helps! Also it's worth noting that this will also ignore the properties when Deserialization happens, when I am derserializing I just use the converter in the conventional way.
Use setter property:
public string IgnoreOnSerializingSetter { set { _ignoreOnSerializing = value; } }
private string _ignoreOnSerializing;
public string IgnoreOnSerializing
get { return this._ignoreOnSerializing; }
set { this._ignoreOnSerializing = value; }
Hope this help.
After i spent a quite long time searching how to flag a class property to be De-Serializable and NOT Serializable i found that there's no such thing to do that at all; so i came up with a solution that combines two different libraries or serialization techniques (System.Runtime.Serialization.Json & Newtonsoft.Json) and it worked for me like the following:
flag all your class and sub-classes as "DataContract".
flag all the properties of your class and sub-classes as "DataMember".
flag all the properties of your class and sub-classes as "JsonProperty" except those you want them not to be serialized.
now flag the properties the you do NOT want it to be serialized as "JsonIgnore".
then Serialize using "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject" and De-Serialize using "System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer".
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
namespace LUM_Win.model
public class User
public User() { }
public User(String JSONObject)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(JSONObject));
DataContractJsonSerializer dataContractJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(User));
User user = (User)dataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(stream);
this.ID = user.ID;
this.Country = user.Country;
this.FirstName = user.FirstName;
this.LastName = user.LastName;
this.Nickname = user.Nickname;
this.PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber;
this.DisplayPicture = user.DisplayPicture;
this.IsRegistred = user.IsRegistred;
this.IsConfirmed = user.IsConfirmed;
this.VerificationCode = user.VerificationCode;
this.Meetings = user.Meetings;
[DataMember(Name = "_id")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "_id")]
public String ID { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "country")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "country")]
public String Country { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "firstname")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "firstname")]
public String FirstName { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "lastname")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "lastname")]
public String LastName { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "nickname")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "nickname")]
public String Nickname { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "number")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "number")]
public String PhoneNumber { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "thumbnail")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "thumbnail")]
public String DisplayPicture { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "registered")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "registered")]
public bool IsRegistred { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "confirmed")]
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "confirmed")]
public bool IsConfirmed { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "verification_code")]
public String VerificationCode { get; set; }
[DataMember(Name = "meeting_ids")]
public List<Meeting> Meetings { get; set; }
public String toJSONString()
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });
Hope that helps ...
Depending on where in the application this takes place and if it's just one property, one manual way you can do this is by setting the property value to null and then on the model you can specify that the property be ignored if the value is null:
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValue.Ignore)]
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
If you are working on an ASP.NET Core web app, you can globally set this for all properties in all models by setting this in your Startup.cs file:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
// other configuration here
.AddJsonOptions(options => options.SerializerSettings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore);
with reference to #ThoHo's solution, using the setter is actually all that is needed, with no additional tags.
For me I previously had a single reference Id, that I wanted to load and add to the new collection of reference Ids. By changing the definition of the reference Id to only contain a setter method, which added the value to the new collection. Json can't write the value back if the Property doesn't have a get; method.
// Old property that I want to read from Json, but never write again. No getter.
public Guid RefId { set { RefIds.Add(value); } }
// New property that will be in use from now on. Both setter and getter.
public ICollection<Guid> RefIds { get; set; }
This class is now backwards compatible with the previous version and only saves the RefIds for the new versions.
To build upon Tho Ho's answer, this can also be used for fields.
public string IgnoreOnSerializingSetter { set { IgnoreOnSerializing = value; } }
public string IgnoreOnSerializing;
If you use JsonConvert,IgnoreDataMemberAttribute is ok.My standard library not refrence Newton.Json,and I use [IgnoreDataMember] to control object serialize.
From help document.
Is there any simple way to mark (e.g. with attributes) a property of a C# object, so that will ignore it ONLY when serializing, but attend to it when deserializing?
The easiest way I've found as of this writing is to include this logic in your IContractResolver.
Sample code from above link copied here for posterity:
public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public Employee Manager { get; set; }
public bool ShouldSerializeManager()
// don't serialize the Manager property if an employee is their own manager
return (Manager != this);
public class ShouldSerializeContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
public new static readonly ShouldSerializeContractResolver Instance = new ShouldSerializeContractResolver();
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.DeclaringType == typeof(Employee) && property.PropertyName == "Manager")
property.ShouldSerialize =
instance =>
Employee e = (Employee)instance;
return e.Manager != e;
return property;
All of the answers are good but this approach seemed like the cleanest way. I actually implemented this by looking for an attribute on the property for SkipSerialize and SkipDeserialize so you can just mark up any class you control. Great question!
Jraco11's answer is very neat. In case, if you want to use the same IContractResolver both for serialization and deserialization, then you can use the following:
public class JsonPropertiesResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (member.IsDefined(typeof(JsonIgnoreSerializationAttribute)))
property.ShouldSerialize = instance => false;
return property;
thats will do the trick, create a property with set only
example 1:
public JArray DisabledProtections { set => IsPartialResult = (value != null && value.HasValues); }
public bool IsPartialResult { get; private set; }
example 2:
private JArray _disabledProtections;
public JArray DisabledProtections { set => _disabledProtections = value; }
public bool IsPartialResult => _disabledProtections != null && _disabledProtections.HasValues;
Use [JsonIgnore] attribute in the public property of the model class.

SQLite.NET PCL returning 0 in all instances of autoincrement primary key

I am totally not getting this, because I have used this library in Xamarin apps for several years.
I have this base class that contains properties common in all db items:
public class BaseItem
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int ID { get; set; } = 0; // SQLite ID
public long CreatedTimeSeconds { get; set; } = DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
public long ModifiedTimeSeconds { get; set; } = DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
Now, I derive from it:
public class Category : BaseItem
public int CategoryTypeID { get; set; } = (int)CategoryType.Invalid;
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
Here's a simplified version of what I'm seeing:
public class DBWorld
ISQLiteService SQLite { get { return DependencyService.Get<ISQLiteService>(); } }
private readonly SQLiteConnection _conn;
public DBWorld()
_conn = SQLite.GetConnection("myapp.sqlite");
public void TestThis()
var category = new Category();
category.Name = "This Should Work";
int recCount = connection.Insert(category);
// at this point recCount shows as 1, and category.ID shows as zero.
// I thought Insert was supposed to set the autoincrement primary key
// regardless, it should be set in the database, right? So...
var categoryList = connection.Query<Category>($"SELECT * FROM {DBConstants.CategoryTableName}");
// at this point categoryList[0] contains all the expected values, except ID = 0
I am obviously missing something, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what...
Like so many other bizarre things that happen in the Visual Studio Xamarin world, when I went back later, this worked the way all of us expect. I guess Visual Studio was just tired and needed to be restarted.

Unit Test a method that searches element in db

I wanted to do a Unit Test for a method in the following Class:
public class SearchInfo : IDisposable
public List<SearchResult> SerialResults { get; set; }
public List<SearchResult> TagResults { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Uses the Search string to filter a resultset by Serial and Tag
/// </summary>
/// <param name="search"></param>
public SearchInfo(string search)
SerialResults = new List<SearchResult>();
TagResults = new List<SearchResult>();
private static IEnumerable<SearchResult> FindTags(string search)
List<SearchResult> result;
using (var db = new TIPWebITDataContext())
result = (from i in db.tblTechInventories
where i.Tag.Equals(search)
select new SearchResult()
SearchType = "Tag",
Key = i.Tag,
KeyCaption = i.Tag,
Name = i.tblTechItem.ItemName
return result;
private static IEnumerable<SearchResult> FindSerial(string search)
List<SearchResult> result;
using (var db = new TIPWebITDataContext())
result = (from i in db.tblTechInventories
where i.Serial.Contains(search)
select new SearchResult()
SearchType = "Searial",
Key = i.Tag,
KeyCaption = i.Serial,
Name = i.tblTechItem.ItemName
return result;
#region Implementation of IDisposable
public void Dispose()
SerialResults = null;
TagResults = null;
public class SearchResult
public string SearchType { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public string KeyCaption { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Method Name = FindTags() returns return result.
The method checks the entered tag is present in database or not. If it is available returns the result.
How will we unit test this method?
Have mocked the Repo
Have covered scenario of "THROWS EXCEPTION"
Question is how to unit test the scenario of ALL WENT WELL ie user;s makeModel matched with repository's makeModel
Strictly speaking, this is an integration test and not a unit test.
With a unit test, you would mock the DB interaction and simple test the logic in your code.
However, I appreciate that it is easier to test in this manner and do so myself. The way to deal with this would be to inject test data into your database that gives a consistent result and assert against that. This test data can be injected in TestSetup and removed if required in TestCleanup.

ASP.NET MVC - Choose which validation annotations to use

I have a model with properties that look like this:
public class YourDetails {
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Code is required")]
[StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Code length is wrong", MinimumLength = 2)]
[Range(0, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a value bigger than {1}")]
public int Code { get; set; }
The UI validation is setup the usual out of the box way with unobtrusive JS validation plugin.
The issue: I have 2 navigation actions, back and next. Next is fine, validation fires when things are wrong, and when things are right i.e. .isValid() returns true, the data is passed to the DB service etc etc.
However when I press 'back' I have a requirement to validate the form/ViewModel differently prior to saving. I.e. make sure Code is a positive integer, but don't bother with the Required or StringLength validation.
So basically I want to validate fully on Next but partially on Back. Is that possible?
When I've done something similar in the past the easiest way i found was to use fluent validation You can pass parameters to the validator and switch to different rule sets.
I've used the following conditional "Required" & "StringLength" attributes in the past and they work well.
Required If Attribute:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }
public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
: base()
OtherProperty = otherProperty;
OtherPropertyValue = value;
private object _TypeId = new object();
public override object TypeId
return _TypeId;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
if (property == null)
return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");
// Get
object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
// If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
// Call base and validate required as normal
ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
return isValid;
return ValidationResult.Success;
protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
String Length If Attribute:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }
public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
: base(maximumLength)
OtherProperty = otherProperty;
OtherPropertyValue = value;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
if (property == null)
return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");
// Get
object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
// If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
// Call base and validate required as normal
return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
return null;
Example Usage:
public class MyModel
[RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsBack { get; set; }
