Forcing discrete time series to be monotonous decreasing - r

I've an evaluations series. Each evaluation could have discrete values ranging from 0 to 4. Series should decrease in time. However, since values are inserted manually, errors could happen.
Therefore, I would like to modify my series to be monotonous decreasing. Moreover, I would minimize the number of evaluations modified. Finally, if two or more series would satisfy these criteria, would choose the one with the higher overall values sum.
Recorded evaluation
Ideal evaluation
Recorded evaluation
Ideal evaluation
(in this case, 4332222111 would have satisfied criteria too, but I chose with the higher values)
I tried with brutal force approach by generating all possible combinations, selecting those monotonous decreasing and finally comparing each one of these with that recorded.
However, series could be even 20-evaluations long and combinations would too many.

x1 <- c(4,3,3,2,4,2,2,1,1,1)
x2 <- c(4,3,3,2,3,2,2,1,1,1)
You could almost certainly break this algorithm, but here's a first try: replace locations with increased values by NA, then fill them in with the previous location.
dfun <- function(x) {
r <- replace(x,which(c(0,diff(x))>0),NA)
This gives the "less-ideal" answer in the second case.
For the record, I also tried
dfun2 <- function(x) {
s <- as.stepfun(isoreg(-x))
but this doesn't handle the first example as desired.
You could also try to do this with discrete programming (about which I know almost nothing), or a slightly more sophisticated form of brute force -- use a stochastic algorithm that strongly penalizes non-monotonicity and weakly penalizes the distance from the initial sequence ... (e.g. optim(..., method="SANN") with a candidate function that adds or subtracts 1 from an element at random)


TraMineR, Extract all present combination of events as dummy variables

Lets say I have this data. My objective is to extraxt combinations of sequences.
I have one constraint, the time between two events may not be more than 5, lets call this maxGap.
User <- c(rep(1,3)) # One users
Event <- c("C","B","C") # Say this is random events could be anything from LETTERS[1:4]
Time <- c(c(1,12,13)) # This is a timeline
df <- data.frame(User=User,
If want to use these sequences as binary explanatory variables for analysis.
Given this dataframe the result should be like this.
res.df <- data.frame(User=1,
(CB) and (CBC) will be 0 since the maxGap > 5.
I was trying to write a function for this using many for-loops, but it becomes very complex if the sequence becomes larger and the different number of evets also becomes larger. And also if the number of different User grows to 100 000.
Is it possible of doing this in TraMineR with the help of seqeconstraint?
Here is how you would do that with TraMineR
df.seqe <- seqecreate(id=df$User, timestamp=df$Time, event=df$Event)
constr <- seqeconstraint(maxGap=5)
subseq <- seqefsub(df.seqe, minSupport=0, constraint=constr)
(presence <- seqeapplysub(subseq, method="presence"))
which gives
(B) (B)-(C) (C)
1-(C)-11-(B)-1-(C) 1 1 1
presence is a table with a column for each subsequence that occurs at least once in the data set. So, if you have several individuals (event sequences), the table will have one row per individual and the columns will be the binary variable you are looking for. (See also TraMineR: Can I get the complete sequence if I give an event sub sequence? )
However, be aware that TraMineR works fine only with subsequences of length up to about 4 or 5. We suggest to set maxK=3 or 4 in seqefsub. The number of individuals should not be a problem, nor should the number of different possible events (the alphabet) as long as you restrict the maximal subsequence length you are looking for.
Hope this helps

Representing closeness among elements of a double vector

I have a double vector:
r = -50 + (50+50)*rand(10,1)
Now i want to ideally have all the numbers in the vector equal upto a tolerance of say 1e-4. I want to represent each r with a scalar say s(r) such that its value gives an idea of the quality of the vector. The vector is high quality if all elements in the vector are equal-like. I can easily run a for loop like
for i=1:10
for j=i+1:10
check equality upto the tolerance
But even then i cannot figure what computation to do inside the nested for loops to assign a scalar representing the quality . Is there a better way such that given any vector r length n, i can quickly calculate a scalar representing the quality of the vector.
Your double-loop algorithm is somewhat slow, of order O(n**2) where n is the number of dimensions of the vector. Here is a quick way to find the closeness of the vector elements, which can be done in order O(n), just one pass through the elements.
Find the maximum and the minimum of the vector elements. Just use two variables to store the maximum and minimum so far and run once through all the elements. The difference between the maximum and the minimum is called the range of the values, a commonly accepted measure of dispersion of the values. If the values are exactly equal, the range is zero which shows perfect quality. If the range is below 1e-4 then the vector is of acceptable quality. The bigger the range, the worse the equality.
The code is obvious for just about any given language, so I'll leave that to you. If the fact that the range only really considers the two extreme values of the vector bothers you, you could use other measures of variation such as the interquartile range, variance, or standard deviation. But the range seems to best fit what you request.

How to run a function to EACH of my observations in R?

My problem is as follows:
I have a dataset of 6000 observation containing information from costumers (each observation is one client's information).
I'm optimizing a given function (in my case is a profit function) in order to find an optimal for my variable of interest. Particularly I'm looking for the optimal interest rate I should offer in order to maximize my expected profits.
I don't have any doubt about my function. The problem is that I don't know how should I proceed in order to apply this function to EACH OBSERVATION in order to obtain an OPTIMAL INTEREST RATE for EACH OF MY 6000 CLIENTS (or observations, as you prefer).
Until now, it has been easy to find the UNIQUE optimal (same for all clients) for this variable that would maximize my profits (This is, the global maximum I guess). But what I need to know is how I should proceed in order to apply my optimization problem to EACH of my 6000 observations, INDIVIDUALLY, in order to have the optimal interest rate to offer to each costumer (this is, 6000 optimal interest rates, one for each of them).
I guess I should do something similar to a for loop, but my experience in this area is limited, and I'm quite frustrated already. What's more, I've tried to use mapply(myfunction, mydata) as usual, but I only get error messages.
This is how my (really) simple code now looks like:
profits<- function(Rate)
((Previous.Rate - Rate)+(Competition.Rate - Rate))))))
And results for ONE optimal for the entire sample:
> optimise(profits, lower = 0, upper = 100, maximum = TRUE)
[1] 6.644821
[1] 1347291
So the thing is, how do I rewrite my code in order to maximize this and obtain the optimal of my variable of interest for EACH of my rows?
Hope I've been clear! Thank you all in advance!
It appears each of your customers are independent. So you just put lapply() around the optimize() call:
lapply(customer_list, function(one_customer){
optimise(profits, lower = 0, upper = 100, maximum = TRUE)
This will return a very big list, where each list element has a $maximum and a $objective. You can then run lapply to total the $maximums, to find just how rich you have become!

Speeding up identification of subsequences

I am using a dataset which has hundreds of events in each sequence. I am trying to identify subsequences and sequential association rules using TraMineR. For example, here is code that I would write:
# Frequent subsequences:
fsubseq <- seqefsub(weaver, minSupport = 0.05, maxK = 4)
fsubseq <- seqentrans(fsubseq)
fsb <- fsubseq[fsubseq$data$nevent > 1]
plot(fsb[1:20], col = "cyan")
# Sequential association rules:
rules <- TraMineR:::seqerules(fsubseq)
rules[order(rules$Lift, decreasing = TRUE)[1:25], 1:4]
This is usually workable as long as I set maxK to 1-3, but as I move over that value the computations takes hours if not days. Are there any specific parameters I can adjust to speed these computations up?
Computation time is strongly linked to:
Number of events per sequence. The algorithm was designed for a small number of event per sequence (<6 typically) and many sequences. You can try removing some events that are not your main interest or analysing group of events. I guess that the relationship between number of events and computation time is at least exponential. With more than 10 events per sequences, it can be really slow.
Minimum support. With low minimum support the possible number of subsequence get really big. Try to set it to an higher value.
Hope this helps.

R: How to get a count for a certain value in a matrix row in R?

Ok I have the following problem:
I have several ranks in a matrix in r. (I've got this by ranking asset returns. Ranks>=3 get an NA, Ranks <3 get the rank number. If some assets share a rank, less NAs are in a row). Here are two example rows and two example rows of a matrix with returns.
ranks<-matrix(c(1,1,2,NA,NA, 1,2,NA,NA,NA),nrow=2,ncol=5)
Now if all assets are equally bought for our portfolio, I can calculate the average return with:
However I want to have the option of giving a vector of weights for the two ranks and these weights say how big of a percentage this particular rank should have in my portfolio. As an example we have a vector of
Now how would I use this in my code? I want to calculate basically ranks*returns*weights. If only ONE rank 1 and ONE rank 2 are in the table, the code works. But how would I do this variable? I mean a solution would be to calculate for each rank how many times it exists in a particular row and then divide the weight by this count. And then I would multiply this "net weight" * rank * returns.
But I have no clue how to do this in code..any help?
Ok I want to Keep it flexible to adjust the weights depending on how many times a certain rank is given. A user can choose the top 5 ranked assets, so none or several assets may share ranks. So the distribution of weights must be very flexible. I've programmed a formula which doesn't work yet since I'm obviously not yet experienced enough with the whole matrix and vector selection syntax I guess. This is what I got so far:
MatrixRow <- Weights[MatrixRow]
} else {
for(i in 1:length(MatrixRow)){
Function seems to work, however now the resulting ranks object is the transposed version of the original matrix without the column names..
Since your ranks are integers above zero, you can use this matrix for indexing the vector ranks:
mat.weights <- weights[ranks]
mat.weighted.ret <- returns * ranks * mat.weights
Update based on comment.
I suppose you're looking for something like this:
if (length(unique(na.omit(as.vector(ranks)))) == 1)
mat.weights <- (! * 0.5
mat.weights <- weights[ranks]
mat.weighted.ret <- returns * ranks * mat.weights
If there is only one rank. All weights become 0.5.
