Dijkstra's algorithm with adjacency matrix - julia

I'm trying to implement the following code from here but it won't work correctly.
What I want is the shortest path distances from a source to all nodes and also the predecessors. Also, I want the input of the graph to be an adjacency matrix which contains all of the edge weights.
I'm trying to make it work in just one function so I have to rewrite it. If I'm right the original code calls other functions (from graph.jl for example).
I don't quite understand how to rewrite the for loop which calls the adj() function.
Also, I'm not sure if the input is correct in the way the code is for now.
function dijkstra(graph, source)
node_size = size(graph, 1)
dist = ones(Float64, node_size) * Inf
dist[source] = 0.0
Q = Set{Int64}() # visited nodes
T = Set{Int64}(1:node_size) # unvisited nodes
pred = ones(Int64, node_size) * -1
while condition(T)
# node selection
untraversed_nodes = [(d, k) for (k, d) in enumerate(dist) if k in T]
if minimum(untraversed_nodes)[1] == Inf
break # Break if remaining nodes are disconnected
node_ind = untraversed_nodes[argmin(untraversed_nodes)][2]
push!(Q, node_ind)
delete!(T, node_ind)
# distance update
curr_node = graph.nodes[node_ind]
for (neigh, edge) in adj(graph, curr_node)
t_ind = neigh.index
weight = edge.cost
if dist[t_ind] > dist[node_ind] + weight
dist[t_ind] = dist[node_ind] + weight
pred[t_ind] = node_ind
return dist, pred
So if I'm trying it with the following matrix
A = [0 2 1 4 5 1; 1 0 4 2 3 4; 2 1 0 1 2 4; 3 5 2 0 3 3; 2 4 3 4 0 1; 3 4 7 3 1 0]
and source 2 i would like to get the distances in a vector dist and the predeccessors in anothe vectore pred.
Right now I'm getting
ERROR: type Array has no field nodes
Stacktrace: [1] getproperty(::Any, ::Symbol) at .\sysimg.jl:18
I guess I have to rewrite it a bit more.
I m thankful for any help.

Assuming that graph[i,j] is a length of path from i to j (your graph is directed looking at your data), and it is a Matrix with non-negative entries, where 0 indicates no edge from i to j, a minimal rewrite of your code should be something like:
function dijkstra(graph, source)
#assert size(graph, 1) == size(graph, 2)
node_size = size(graph, 1)
dist = fill(Inf, node_size)
dist[source] = 0.0
T = Set{Int}(1:node_size) # unvisited nodes
pred = fill(-1, node_size)
while !isempty(T)
min_val, min_idx = minimum((dist[v], v) for v in T)
if isinf(min_val)
break # Break if remaining nodes are disconnected
delete!(T, min_idx)
# distance update
for nei in 1:node_size
if graph[min_idx, nei] > 0 && nei in T
possible_dist = dist[min_idx] + graph[min_idx, nei]
if possible_dist < dist[nei]
dist[nei] = possible_dist
pred[nei] = min_idx
return dist, pred
(I have not tested it extensively, so please report if you find any bugs)


CVXPY violates constraints when it solves SDP

Let's say that I want to solve the following problem.
minimize Tr(CY)
s.t. Y = xxT
x is 0 or 1.
where xxT indicates an outer product of n-1 dimension vector x. C is a n-1 by n-1 square matrix. To convert this problem to a problem with a single matrix variable, I can write down the code as follows by using cvxpy.
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
n = 8
S = np.zeros(shape=(int(n), int(n)))
S[int(n-1), int(n-1)] = 1
C = np.zeros(shape=(n,n))
C[:n-1, :n-1] = np.random.randn(n-1, n-1)
X = cp.Variable((n,n), PSD=True)
constraints.append(cp.trace(S # X) == 1)
for i in range(n-1):
Q = np.zeros(shape=(n,n))
Q[i,i] = 1
Q[-1,i] = -0.5
Q[i,-1] = -0.5
const = cp.trace(Q # X) == 0
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C # X)),constraints)
print("X is")
print("C is")
To satisfy the binary constraint that the entries of the vector x should be one or zero, I added some constraints for the matrix variable X.
X = [Y x; xT 1]
Tr(QX) == 0
There are n-1 Q matrices which are forcing the vector x's entries to be 0 or 1.
However, when I ran this simple code, the constraints are violated severely.
Looking forward to see any suggestion or comments on this.

Error in for loop - attempt to select less than one element in integerOneIndex

I'm trying to translate a C routine from an old sound synthesis program into R, but have indexing issues which I'm struggling to understand (I'm a beginner when it comes to using loops).
The routine creates an exponential lookup table - the vector exptab:
# Define parameters
sinetabsize <- 8192
prop <- 0.8
BP <- 10
BD <- -5
BA <- -1
# Create output vector
exptab <- vector("double", sinetabsize)
# Loop
while(abs(BD) > 0.00001){
BY = (exp(BP) -1) / (exp(BP*prop)-1)
if (BY > 2){
BS = -1
BS = 1
if (BA != BS){
BD = BD * -0.5
BP = BP + BD
if (BP <= 0){
BP = 0.001
BQ = 1 / (exp(BP) - 1)
incr = 1 / sinetabsize
x = 0
stabsize = sinetabsize + 1
for (i in (1:(stabsize-1))){
x = x + incr
exptab [[sinetabsize-i]] = 1 - (BQ * (exp(BP * x) - 1))
Running the code gives the error:
Error in exptab[[sinetabsize - i]] <- 1 - (BQ * (exp(BP * x) - 1)) :
attempt to select less than one element in integerOneIndex
Which, I understand from looking at other posts, indicates an indexing problem. But, I'm finding it difficult to work out the exact issue.
I suspect the error may lie in my translation. The original C code for the last few lines is:
for (i=1; i < stabsize;i++){
x += incr;
exptab[sinetabsize-i] = 1.0 - (float) (BQ*(exp(BP*x) - 1.0));
I had thought the R code for (i in (1:(stabsize-1))) was equivalent to the C code for (i=1; i< stabsize;i++) (i.e. the initial value of i is i = 1, the test is whether i < stabsize, and the increment is +1). But now I'm not so sure.
Any suggestions as to where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated!
As you say, array indexing in R starts at 1. In C it starts at zero. I reckon that's your problem. Can sinetabsize-i ever get to zero?

Torch - Query matrix with another matrix

I have a m x n tensor (Tensor 1) and another k x 2 tensor (Tensor 2) and I wish to extract all the values of Tensor 1 using indices based on Tensor 2. For example;
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 4x5]
2 1
3 5
1 1
4 3
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 4x2]
And the function would yield;
The first solution that comes into mind is to simply loop through indexes and pick the correspoding values:
function get_elems_simple(tensor, indices)
local res = torch.Tensor(indices:size(1)):typeAs(tensor)
local i = 0
function ()
i = i + 1
return tensor[indices[i]:clone():storage()]
return res
Here tensor[indices[i]:clone():storage()] is just a generic way to pick an element from a multi-dimensional tensor. In k-dimensional case this is exactly analogous to tensor[{indices[i][1], ... , indices[i][k]}].
This method works fine if you don't have to extract lots of values (the bottleneck is :apply method which is not able to use many optimization techniques and SIMD instructions because the function it executes is a black box). The job can be done way more efficiently: the method :index does exactly what you need... with a one-dimensional tensor. Multi-dimensional target/index tensors need to be flattened:
function flatten_indices(sp_indices, shape)
sp_indices = sp_indices - 1
local n_elem, n_dim = sp_indices:size(1), sp_indices:size(2)
local flat_ind = torch.LongTensor(n_elem):fill(1)
local mult = 1
for d = n_dim, 1, -1 do
flat_ind:add(sp_indices[{{}, d}] * mult)
mult = mult * shape[d]
return flat_ind
function get_elems_efficient(tensor, sp_indices)
local flat_indices = flatten_indices(sp_indices, tensor:size())
local flat_tensor = tensor:view(-1)
return flat_tensor:index(1, flat_indices)
The difference is drastic:
n = 500000
k = 100
a = torch.rand(n, k)
ind = torch.LongTensor(n, 2)
ind[{{}, 1}]:random(1, n)
ind[{{}, 2}]:random(1, k)
elems1 = get_elems_simple(a, ind) # 4.53 sec
elems2 = get_elems_efficient(a, ind) # 0.05 sec
print(torch.all(elems1:eq(elems2))) # true

Scilab code giving submatrix incorrectly defined error

I am trying to plot a 3D graph between 2 scalars and one matrix for each of its entries. On compiling it is giving me "Submatrix incorrectly defined" error on line 11. The code:
i_max= 3;
u = zeros(4,5);
a1 = 1;
a2 = 1;
a3 = 1;
b1 = 1;
hx = linspace(1D-6,1D6,13);
ht = linspace(1D-6,1D6,13);
for i = 1:i_max
for j = 2:4
Full error message:
-->exec('C:\Users\deba123\Documents\assignments and lecture notes\Seventh Semester\UGP\Scilab\Simulation1_Plot.sce', -1)
!--error 15
Submatrix incorrectly defined.
at line 11 of exec file called by :
emester\UGP\Scilab\Simulation1_Plot.sce', -1
Please help.
For a 3-dimensional figure, you need 2 argument vectors and a matrix for the function values. So I expanded u to a tensor.
At every operation in your code, I added the current dimension of the term. Now, a transparent handling of you calculation is given. For plotting you have to use the plot3d (single values) or surf (surface) command.
In a 3-dim plot, you want two map 2 vectors (hx,ht) with dim n and m to an scalar z. Therefore you reach a (nxm)-matrix with your results. Is this, what you want to do? Currently, you have 13 values for each u(i,j,:) - entry, but you want (13x13) for every figure. Maybe the eval3d-function can help you.
i_max= 3;
u = zeros(4,5,13);
a1 = 1;
a2 = 1;
a3 = 1;
b1 = 1;
hx = linspace(1D-6,1D6,13); // 1 x 13
ht = linspace(1D-6,1D6,13); // 1 x 13
for i = 1:i_max
for j = 2:4
u(i+1,j,:)= u(i,j)...
+ ht*(a1*u(i,j))*b1... // 1 x 13
+(((a2*u(i,j+1)) -(2*a2*u(i,j)) +(a2*u(i,j-1)))*(hx.^-2))... // 1 x 13
+(((a3*u(i,j+1))-(a3*u(i,j-1)))*(0.5*hx.^-1)) ... // 1 x 13
+ hx*ones(13,1)*ht; // added to get non-zero values
z = squeeze( u(i+1,j, : ))'; // 1x13
// for a 3d-plot: (1x13, 1x13, 13x13)
plot3d(ht,hx, z'* z ,'*' ); //

Sorting with parity in julia

Suppose I have the following array:
Is there an already implemented way to sort the array and that returns also the number of permutations that it had to make the algorithm to sort it?
For instance, I have to move 3 times to the right with the 6 so it can be ordered, which would give me parity -1.
The general problem would be to order an arbitrary array (all integers, with repeated indexes!), and to know the parity performed by the algorithm to order the array.
sortperm(a) - [ 1:size(a)[1] ]
Results in
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
sortperm shows you where each n-th index should go into. We're using 1:size(a)[1] to compare the earlier index to its original indexation.
If your array is small, you can compute the determinant of the permutation matrix
function permutation_sign_1(p)
n = length(p)
A = zeros(n,n)
for i in 1:n
A[i,p[i]] = 1
In general, you can decompose the permutation as a product of cycles,
count the number of even cycles, and return its parity.
function permutation_sign_2(p)
n = length(p)
not_seen = Set{Int}(1:n)
seen = Set{Int}()
cycles = Array{Int,1}[]
while ! isempty(not_seen)
cycle = Int[]
x = pop!( not_seen )
while ! in(x, seen)
push!( cycle, x )
push!( seen, x )
x = p[x]
pop!( not_seen, x, 0 )
push!( cycles, cycle )
cycle_lengths = map( length, cycles )
even_cycles = filter( i -> i % 2 == 0, cycle_lengths )
length( even_cycles ) % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1
The parity of a permutation can also be obtained from the
number of inversions.
It can be computed by slightly modifying the merge sort algorithm.
Since it is also used to compute Kendall's tau (check less(corkendall)),
there is already an implementation.
using StatsBase
function permutation_sign_3(p)
x = copy(p)
number_of_inversions = StatsBase.swaps!(x)
number_of_inversions % 2 == 0 ? +1 : -1
On your example, those three functions give the same result:
x = [6,3,3,5,6]
p = sortperm(x)
permutation_sign_1( p )
permutation_sign_2( p )
permutation_sign_3( p ) # -1
