I wanted to create an Uptime check for my API which is an internal TCP load balancer under VPC network? - stackdriver

I wanted to create an Uptime check for my API which is an internal TCP load balancer under VPC network . I have a firewall set-up and i have allowed the IP Address for US region to access this internal TCP load balancer . But I am getting the error "responded with Skipping Unsafe Address". I have provided the IP Address of my internal TCP load balancer with port 8082 and protocol is HTTP and Resource Type is URL and I have given the value in path.

Currently, Stackdriver checks cannot check "non-routable" (also known as "private" IP addresses: ( -, -, - This is what accounts for the "Unsafe Address" error.
However, Private Checkers will be entering EAP soon, and you should be able to use them once they get to Beta. Private Checkers live on your VPC, and can probe non-routable addresses on your network.

The capability is now (June 2021) in beta - If you are interested please contact us (or me directly)and ask to join the beta program.
The new capability allows you to run Private uptime checks - which means you can run your uptime checks on a private network.


Details about how Nginx work with SSL on Google compute engine

I have successfully deployed my spring boot app to Compute Engine on ubuntu 18.04, it is behind Nginx proxy but currently Nginx is listening to 80 port, which is http. I need to set up secure connection. I have question about few details, im new to this, all i've done so far is write spring boot/react js apps on windows, in IDE.
Is it necessary to buy a domain for my compute engine or I can just make SSL for the external ip of compute engine ? On compute
engine only the back end rest api is deployed, the front end is on
Netlify and it's already working. I don't need a good sounding
domain name for back end because user won't see it, only front end
app will use the external ip of my compute engine to fetch data
from back end.
I have seen guides that set up SSL in the setting of Nginx, why is that ? Isn't the request first coming to the compute engine's external ip and only after that to Nginx ? Isn't it the job of compute engine to do secure connection by sending public key&certificate to front end and only then relay the request to Nginx ? Or does compute engine simply relay the https request that comes to it to Nginx right away, without securing it/doing any key&certificate sending ?
You can give some advice if you have any, i'm just trying to make a secure connection to my back end spring boot app which is behind Nginx on google compute engine, which currently works only with HTTP but not HTTPs.
1. Technically you're able to have SSL certificate for public IP, but it's rarely used. More details you can find in RFC 5280 and in this question.
Keep in mind that if your IP address changes your SSL certificate become useless.
I've checked a few SSL providers and found that you should be the owner of the IP to obtain such SSL certificate:
accordingly to the article Using an IP Address in an SSL Certificate posted by geocerts:
If you decide that you really need an IP in your cert there are
specific stipulations, conditions, and limitations to consider. The
biggest hurdle for most folks is that the IP address must be
specifically assigned to your company or organization (not your ISP or
hosting provider) as verified by an IP WHOIS lookup.
accordingly to the article Issuing SSL certificate for an IP address by LeaderSSL:
Quite frequent question: is it possible to issue an SSL certificate
for an IP address (and not for a domain name)? Yes, it is possible.
However, there are several requirements:
Only OV SSL certificates can be issued;
The company must own IP address (validation based on WHOIS information of IP-addresses).
An IP address SSL certificate secures connections directly with the IP
address submitted. Whereas typically an SSL certificate is issued to a
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), some organisations may need to
secure an IP address.
Only public IP addresses may be used and you must be the owner of the
IP address according to the records at RIPE.
As result, practically, it's almost not possible in case of GCE VM instance and it's easier to proceed with domain certificate.
2. In GCE all the connections to the external IP of VM instance passed through directly to the VM instance. GCE isn't able to secure connections on it's own. You should configure SSL certificate on VM instance. More details you can find in the documentation VPC network overview and IP Addresses.
In addition, you're able to use Google-managed SSL certificates or own SSL certificates on external HTTP(S) load balancers.

Google Cloud Platform networking: Resolve VM hostname to its assigned internal IP even when not running?

Is there any way in the GCP, to allow VM hostnames to be resolved to their IPs even when the VMs are stopped?
Listing VMs in a project reveals their assigned internal IP addresses even when the VMs are stopped. This means that, as long as the VMs aren't re-created, their internal IPs are statically assigned.
However, when our VMs are stopped, the DNS resolution stops working:
ping: my-vm: Name or service not known
even though the IP is kept assigned to it, according to gcloud compute instances list.
I've tried reserving the VM's current internal IP:
gcloud compute addresses create my-vm --addresses --region europe-west1 --subnet default
However, the address name my-vm above is not related to the VM name my-vm and the reservation has no effect (except for making the IP unavailable for automatic assignment in case of VM re-creation).
But why?
Some fault-tolerant software will have a configuration for connecting to multiple machines for redundancy, and if at least one of the connections could be established, the software will run fine. But if the hostname cannot be resolved, this software would not start at all, forcing us to hard-code the DNS in /etc/hosts (which doesn't scale well to a cluster of two dozen VMs) or to use IP addresses (which gets hairy after a while). Specific example here is freeDiameter.
Ping uses the IP ICMP protocol. This requires that the target is running and responding to network requests.
Google Compute Engine VMs use DHCP for private IP addresses. DHCP is integrated with (communicates with) Google DNS. DHCP informs DNS about running network services (VM IP address and hostname). If the VM is shutdown, this link does not exist. DHCP/DNS information is updated/replaced/deleted hourly.
You can set up Google Cloud DNS private zones, create entries for your VPC resources and resolve private IP addresses and hostnames that persist.

Mirth channel Source TCP Listener setting

I'm running mirth on Azure VM (Windows Server 2016) and trying to get HL7 messages from Meditech. Not really familiar with tcp/ip concept so help is appreciated here. When Meditech sends HL7 messages to my server (VM), how should I configure the setting in mirth's channel?
For example, in Listener Settings panel,
1.Select Specific interface and put my VM's public ip address.
2.Put port number I set in inbound rule in Local Port
or do I put Meditech's ip address and port number in Listener Settings?
TCP/IP is pretty simple. From the sending system, you specify the destination IP address and port # that you want to send to. From the destination system, you set up your listener to run on a specific port #. In Mirth you can choose to accept messages from any IP (All interfaces) or a specific IP address (specific interface) in the TCP Listener Settings:
So to address your specific example, it sounds like you want a message to go outbound from Meditech to your Mirth instance on an Azure VM. In Meditech, you would enter the Azure server's IP address and port # that you specified in Mirth. In Mirth, you can leave it open to the world and select "All interfaces," or specify your Meditech interface engine's IP address in "Specific interface."
One final thought.. I have never played around with Azure, but I'm sure there are some security settings. (hopefully it is behind a firewall of some sort) You may need to explicitly allow traffic from your Meditech interface engine's IP. If you need further help with that, I would post a new question and tag it under Azure.

Port forwarding with private IP

I use a static IP connection, Configured to TPLINK router.
I have a local server running which i can access from my network, but i want it to be accessed outside network.
So I did port forwarding. and its Successfully running.
Now the problem is :: The IP address of my WAN is also a private address like 10.10.X.X, so when am entering http://10.10.X.X, i can access my site, but not outside my network. Please guide me how to fix this?
If your WAN address is a private address, your ISP is using CGN. This is becoming more common since the RIRs have, or soon will, run out of public IP addresses to assign to ISPs. It sounds like your ISP has run out of public addresses and needs to use private addresses for its residential customers, reserving its remaining public addresses for its business customers which are willing to pay for public addresses.
Basically, your ISP is using NAT, too. You would need to have the ISP forward your port on its NAT router, but the odds of that are zero since it probably has a policy you agreed to to not host servers on your residential LAN (buried in the fine print of the ISP agreement). This situation will play out more and more over time.
You have to use the "Virtual Server" settings. Port triggering is used for.
Once the modem router is configured, the operation is as follows: 1. A local host makes an outgoing connection to an external host using a destination port number defined in the Trigger Port field. 2. The modem router records this connection, opens the incoming port or ports associated with this entry in the Port Triggering table, and associates them with the local host. 3. When necessary, the external host will be able to connect to the local host using one of the ports defined in the Incoming Ports field.
It is not used for incoming connections which are triggered from outside!
Of course, to have it working you have to have an application listening on that port not only having the firewall on Windows allowing the port.
After you set up the "Virtual Server" a port scanner should show you the port is open (even without having a running application listening) - it will try to port forward it. I use ShieldsUp for testing.

Azure RDP using public IP not DNS....?

I and unable to RDP Azure VM on my corporate network using "DNS:Port" (like vmname.cloudapp.net:3389). It works fine on my home network, which means, endpoints are set correctly.
However, it was possible to RDP VM using Public IP but not anymore. With public IP, I was able to RDP VM on my corporate network, but not sure this has restricted recently?
Any way of to access a VM using Public IP rather DNS:Port format?
It is common for enterprise IT to block outbound ports because some argue this provides better security. I don't think this necessarily makes sense, but here's what you can do to verify. As a best practice, always connect to Windows Azure VMs using DNS names rather than IP addresses because the addresses are subject to change, while DNS names will not.
1 Confirm the port you're trying to connect to. By default, Windows Azure assigns a port in the dynamic range (49152–65535) for Remote Desktop, which is mapped internally to the usual RDP port 3389. You can see which one this is by checking your VM endpoint public port in the Windows Azure portal (Select Virtual Machines > Your VM > Endpoints tab > RemoteDesktop entry). You need to connect using this port after the name (using the Connect button in the portal gives you an RDP shortcut file that does this for you). If my public port is 62472, I put this in the Remote Desktop Connection computer field:
If you like, you can edit the public port here in the portal using the "Edit the endpoint" option on the RemoteDesktop entry. That way you can make it 3389 if your IT department asks you for a single port number to allow outbound.
2 Test your DNS resolution to your VM using nslookup or ping. If you get "non-existent domain", then your corporate DNS is blocking Windows Azure resolution. This is what you want to see:
>nslookup percepten-vm1.cloudapp.net
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: percepten-vm1.cloudapp.net
3 If you can resolve DNS, then try using an outbound port scan tool to verify port 3389 is allowed out. I found a nice one at portquiz.positon.org. To use, open the site with a port appended in the URL. In this case, open "http://portquiz.positon.org:3389". You should see this on the page:
Outgoing port tester
This server listens on all TCP ports, allowing you to test any
outbound TCP port. You have reached this page on port 3389.
4 If you receive "page not available", then the port is blocked. Try contacting IT to ask them to open port 3389 (or the entire dynamic range if you're feeling ambitious). If they want to open it only to specific places on the Internet, provide them this list of all Windows Azure IP address ranges:
Windows Azure Datacenter IP Address Ranges
Hope that helps!
Noah Stahl
