Type error on the function passed to Dict.map - dictionary

I am reletively new to functional programming, to be honest about 2 days. I am trying to print out values from a Dict Int Int, but I can't seem to figure out how to pass this Dict Int Int to a function.
The error I am receiving is below.
The 1st argument to map is not what I expect:
32| div [] (Dict.map toLiDict dict)
^^^^^^^^ This toLiDict value is a:
Dict Int Int -> Html msg
But map needs the 1st argument to be:
Dict Int Int -> b
The function toHtmlDict and toLiDict is the one's causing me this issue, they are currently commented out below. Also I am calling this from the view, div [] [ toHtmlDict model.uniqueValues ], I have this commented out as well.
Here is what I am currently working with; I posted the whole code as it would be easier if you should need anything else.
Here's a link on Ellie here that can be ran.
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Html.Attributes
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, strong, p, li, ul)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
type alias Model =
{ currentNumber : Int, clicks : Int, outputList : List(String), uniqueValues : Dict Int Int }
--{ currentNumber : Int, clicks : Int, history : String, outputList : List(String) }
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ currentNumber = 0, clicks = 0, outputList = [""], uniqueValues = Dict.fromList [(1,1)] } --Dict.empty should be default here...
--{ currentNumber = 0, clicks = 0, history = "Current outputs ...", outputList = ["Current outputs ...", " "] }
-- applies a new div for each element in the list
toHtmlList : List String -> Html msg
toHtmlList strings =
div [] (List.map toLi strings)
-- creates a div along with the text to be shown
toLi : String -> Html msg
toLi s =
div [] [ text s ]
-- --applies a new div for each element in the dictionary
-- toHtmlDict : Dict Int Int -> Html msg
-- toHtmlDict dict =
-- div [] (Dict.map toLiDict dict)
-- -- creates a div along with the text to be shown
-- toLiDict : Dict Int Int -> Html msg
-- toLiDict k =
-- div [] [ text "What here?" ]
type Msg
= Increment
| Decrement
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
-- Note: when assigning the model.currentNumber and then concatenating the value, it will not be updated...
Increment ->
{ model | currentNumber = model.currentNumber + 1, clicks = model.clicks + 1, outputList = model.outputList ++ [addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber + 1)) (model.currentNumber + 1)], uniqueValues = model.uniqueValues }
--{ model | currentNumber = model.currentNumber + 1, clicks = model.clicks + 1, history = model.history ++ addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber + 1)) (model.currentNumber + 1), outputList = model.outputList ++ [addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber + 1)) (model.currentNumber + 1)] }
Decrement ->
{ model | currentNumber = model.currentNumber - 1, clicks = model.clicks + 1, outputList = model.outputList ++ [addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber - 1)) (model.currentNumber - 1)]}
--{ model | currentNumber = model.currentNumber - 1, clicks = model.clicks + 1, history = model.history ++ addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber - 1)) (model.currentNumber - 1), outputList = model.outputList ++ [addToPage (oddOrEven(model.currentNumber - 1)) (model.currentNumber - 1)]}
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Html.div []
[ button [ onClick Increment ] [ strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "black"] [ text "+1" ]]
, button [ onClick Decrement ] [ strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "red"] [ text "-1" ]]
, p [] []
--, div [] [ text <| "The current number is: ", strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "red"] [ text <| String.fromInt model.currentNumber ], text " and it's ", text (oddOrEven model.currentNumber) ]
, div [] [ text <| "The current number is: ", strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" <| evenOddColor model.currentNumber] [ text <| String.fromInt model.currentNumber ], text " and it's ", strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" <| evenOddColor model.currentNumber ] [ text <| oddOrEven model.currentNumber ] ]
, div [] [ text "Total clicks: ", strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "red"] [ text <| String.fromInt model.clicks ]]
, p [] []
, div [] [ strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "Blue"] [ text "Unique values ..." ]]
, p [] []
--, div [] [ toHtmlDict model.uniqueValues ]
--, div [] [ text <| "The current number is: " ++ String.fromInt model.currentNumber ++ " and it's " ++ oddOrEven model.currentNumber ]
--, div [] [ text "Total clicks: ", strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "red"] [ text <| String.fromInt model.clicks ]]
--, p [] []
, div [] [ strong [Html.Attributes.style "color" "Blue"] [ text "History ..." ]]
, p [] []
--, div [] [ text <| model.history ] - TEMPORARY
, div [] [ toHtmlList model.outputList ]
-- appendToList string number =
-- "Number was " ++ String.fromInt number ++ " and it was " ++ string
addToPage string number =
"Number was " ++ String.fromInt number ++ " and it was " ++ string
-- determines if number is even or odd
oddOrEven number =
if modBy 2 number == 0 then
-- call another function with param
evenOddColor number =
if oddOrEven(number) == "even" then
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update

Dict.map is a function that will transform the values of a Dict and return another Dict with the new values. This is not what you want here, but lets try to grok its type anyway, because it's a useful learning experience.
A Dicts full type is Dick k v, meaning that the type variables correspond to the type of its keys and values respectively. Dict.map, according to the documentation, has the type (k -> a -> b) -> Dict k a -> Dict k b. As its first argument it takes a function of two arguments, k and a, and that returns a b. maps second argument is a Dict k a, and it returns a Dict k b.
We can see that the k is the same in both the input and return Dicts, which means its type will remain the same, but the type variable for the values is different, a in the input and b in the return Dict. And the function similarly takes a as one of its inputs, along with a k, and returns a b. So for each of the key-value pairs in the input Dict, the mapping function will be called with its key, 'k', and value 'a', and is expected to return a b value.
For a Dict Int Int as you have, both k and v are Ints. If we substitute these in the type of Dict.map we get (Int -> Int -> b) -> Dict Int Int -> Dict Int b. We don't know what b is yet since that will be determined by the function we pass it, but we can at least see that the function expects two Int arguments`.
Meanwhile, the function you give it, toLiDict, has the type Dict Int Int -> Html msg which takes one argument that isn't an Int. This is what the error message is clumsily trying to convey. We could rewrite toLiDict to conform to what Dict.map expects, as a function Int -> Int -> Html msg, but that would have Dict.map return a Dict Int (Html msg), which isn't what you want. So let's drop that.
In general, map functions conventionally transform the elements of a collection without changing the type of collection.
If you want instead is to transform the elements of a collection into something else entirely, and there isn't something more specific to use, a "fold" is usually the right tool. Dict provides foldl and foldr, which basically does the same thing but in different order, foldl iterates over the elements from the "left" and foldr from the "right". If the order doesn't matter, use foldl because it's more efficient.
The type signature of Dict.foldl is (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> Dict k v -> b. That is, the transformation function now takes three arguments, the key, k, value, v, and a b which we'll call the accumulator, and returns a b. foldl itself also takes an additional argument, again a b, which will be the initial b value passed to the transformation function. The third argument is the Dict, and the return value is again a b.
For each key-value pair in the input Dict, foldl will, just like map, call the transformation function with its key and value. But it also provides a b which initially is the b value passed to foldl itself, but for subsequent iterations will be the b value returned from the transformation function. In that way the "accumulator" accumulates the return value.
Let's rewrite your code to use Dict.foldl instead:
toHtmlDict : Dict Int Int -> Html msg
toHtmlDict dict =
div [] (Dict.foldl toLiDict [] dict)
toLiDict : Int -> Int -> List (Html msg) -> List (Html msg)
toLiDict k v acc =
div [] [ text "What here?" ] :: acc
Here, toHtmlDict remains largely the same, but uses Dict.foldl instead of Dict.map and provides it an initial value of an empty list, [].
toLiDict sees bigger changes. Its type has changed to Int -> Int -> List (Html msg) -> List (Html msg), mneaning it takes the arguments: The key and value, both of which are Ints, and the accumulator is a List (Html msg), as is the return value.
But the implementation has barely changed. Instead of just returning an element directly, it's appended to the accumulator with :: acc.
And that's all there is to it. The result of the fold is the accumulated list of Html elements, as expected. If you plop the above code into yours, it will work.
Dict.values and Dict.toList
Finally, I noted earlier that foldl is a good choice if there aren't more appropriate specialized function. And since the end result you want is a list, either Dict.values or Dict.toList, as #bdukes has suggested, probably are. These aren't as efficient as a fold, since you'll iterate trough the elements twice, once to convert to a list and then to map them, but this rarely matters in practice. Specialized functions are also more descriptive and documents your intent better, so use them if you can.

The definition of Dict.map is (k -> a -> b) -> Dict k a -> Dict k b. So it takes a function and a Dict and returns a new Dict. That mapping function takes the key and value, and returns a new value.
In your case, you're looking to return a List (Html Msg), rather than a Dict of anything. So, rather than using Dict.map, I would call Dict.values to get a List of the values, and then use List.map to transform those values into Html Msg. If you need both the key and value to generate the Html Msg, use Dict.toList instead, to get a List (k, v) (i.e. a List of tuples, where the tuple has the key and value).
toHtmlDict : Dict Int Int -> Html Msg
toHtmlDict dict =
div [] (List.map viewDictEntry (Dict.toList dict))
viewDictEntry : (Int, Int) -> Html Msg
viewDictEntry (key, value) =
li [] [ text (String.fromInt key), text " = ", text (String.fromInt value) ]


Using `should equal` with sequences in F# and FsUnit

I am using FsUnit.Xunit. I am getting a failure for the following test case:
let ``Initialization of DFF`` () =
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> should equal (seq {Zero})
The test failure is:
FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException : Exception of type 'FsUnit.Xunit+MatchException' was thrown.
Expected: Equals seq [Zero]
Actual: seq [Zero]
Stack Trace: 
That.Static[a](a actual, IMatcher`1 matcher)
Signal.Initialization of DFF() line 11
I get the same error if the test is:
let ``Initialization of DFF`` () =
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> should equal (Seq.singleton Zero)
I have never tested equality of sequences using FsUnit.Xunit, so I am confused what's going on. I'm not even for sure what the failure message is telling me, as it seems to be saying that the expected and actual are the same. I can get this to work fine by converting the sequences to lists, but it would be nice to not have to do that.
Could someone explain what's going on here? It seems I'm not understanding the error message and thus probably something about Equals and comparing sequence values (literals?). Thanks.
Source code to be able to reproduce (I think this is everything):
type Bit =
| Zero
| One
type Signal = seq<Bit>
let Nand a b =
match a, b with
| Zero, Zero -> One
| Zero, One -> One
| One, Zero -> One
| One, One -> Zero
let Not input =
Nand input input
let And a b =
Not (Nand a b)
let Or a b =
Nand (Not a) (Not b)
let private liftToSignal1 op (signal: Signal) : Signal =
Seq.map op signal
let private liftToSignal2 op (signalA: Signal) (signalB: Signal) : Signal =
Seq.map2 op signalA signalB
let Not' = liftToSignal1 Not
let And' = liftToSignal2 And
let Or' = liftToSignal2 Or
let rec dff data clock : Signal =
seq {
yield Zero
yield! Or' (And' data clock)
(And' (dff data clock) (Not' clock))
This is an issue with structural vs. referential equality.
In F# seq { 'a' } = seq { 'a' } // false but [ 'a' ] = [ 'a' ] // true due to seq being IEnumerable and not supporting structural equality (or comparison).
Lists (and other F# container-like types) are much more 'intelligent', i.e. they support structural equality / comparison if the contained objects support it:
[ {| foo = StringComparison.Ordinal; bar = Some(1.23) |} ] =
[ {| foo = StringComparison.Ordinal; bar = Some(1.23) |} ] // true
but don't, if they contain anything that doesn't:
[ box(fun() -> 3) ] = [ box(fun() -> 3) ] // false
So, to make the test work, add a List.ofSeq:
dff Seq.empty Seq.empty |> List.ofSeq |> should equal [ Zero ]

How to make input[][] return a Just Int instead of String in Elm?

I'm a complete beginner to Elm an I'm struggling with types. I've been struggling a lot with types and I couldn't figure out a convenient way of fixing this problem. The piece of code in question is this:
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Robot" ]
, input [ onInput SetX, value model.x ] []
, input [ onInput SetY, value model.y ] []
, input [ type_ "Int" , onInput SetCommands, value model.x] []
, button [ onClick ButtonPressed] []
, input [ readonly True ] []
X and Y are Ints used in the following function:
execute_orders : Int -> Int -> String -> String -> String -> { x : Int, y : Int, dir : String }
execute_orders x y commands lang dir =
moves =
case lang of
"English" ->
"French" ->
"Swedish" ->
_ ->
Debug.todo "No Language Found"
fw =
right 1 moves
directions =
facing dir
rght =
left 1 moves
lft =
slice 1 2 moves
first_move =
left 1 (toUpper commands)
rest =
slice 1 (length commands) (toUpper commands)
if first_move == "" then
{ x = x, y = y, dir = fromJust (head directions) }
else if first_move == fw then
if dir == "N" then
execute_orders x (y - 1) rest lang dir
else if dir == "E" then
execute_orders (x + 1) y rest lang dir
else if dir == "S" then
execute_orders x (y + 1) rest lang dir
execute_orders (x - 1) y rest lang dir
else if first_move == lft then
execute_orders x y rest lang (fromJust (head (turn_left directions)))
else if first_move == rght then
execute_orders x y rest lang (fromJust (head (turn_right directions)))
Debug.todo "branch '_' not implemented"
I need x and y to be Int's but casting them from String results in the Maybe Integer type...
There is no way to simply "cast" a String to an Int because there's no total mapping in that direction. There is, for example, no obvious integer representation for the string "banana". What you are struggling with isn't "types", but different things being different for different reasons, and having to make a decision to consolidate those differences.
String.toInt returns a Maybe Int because it's up to you to decide what to do when there's no reasonable and obvious integer representation for a given string. It's your choice whether you want to just default to 0, -1, or perhaps display the string - instead. These are all reasonable choices for different scenarios, but since String.toInt can't possibly know which scenario you're in, you have to make that decision.
If you simply want to fall back to a default integer, or you're certain that any given string will have a valid integer representation, you can use Maybe.withDefault:
String.toInt "42" |> Maybe.withDefault 0 -- 42
String.toInt "banana" |> Maybe.withDefault 0 -- 0
Or you can use a case expression to do something completely different:
case String.toInt s of
Just n ->
span [] [ text (n + 1 |> String.fromInt) ]
Nothing ->
button [ onClick ... ] [ text "-" ]
Since the HTML input event always deals with strings, you need to parse the string you receive at some point. There are three options that I see.
First, the payload of your event message can be a String, and then you parse that string in your update function.
type Msg
= SetX String
type alias Model =
{ x : Int }
update msg model =
case msg of
SetX xString ->
case String.toInt xString of
Nothing ->
Just x ->
{ model | x = x }
A variation of the above would be to store x as a Maybe String on your model if that makes sense, and/or storing some value for tracking an error state if you want to show a message when an invalid value is sent. This is the simplest and most flexible approach.
A second option is to have the payload of your event message be a Maybe Int. Html.Events.onInput is a function which takes a "tagger" function which accepts a String and outputs a message. While you can just give a message constructor that takes a String payload, you can also give a function which does some processing before creating a Msg value.
type Msg
= SetY (Maybe Int)
view model =
input [ type_ "number", onInput (\value -> String.toInt value |> SetY) ] []
The third option is to have the payload of your event message be an Int. This will require you to create your own version of onInput using Html.Events.on. on takes a Json.Decode.Decoder msg instead of the (String -> msg) function that onInput takes. The message will only be produced if the decoder succeeds; that is, events which produce a failed decoder will be ignored. This allows you to handle the case where the parsing fails within the event handler.
type Msg
= SetY Int
view model =
input [ type_ "number", onNumericInput SetY ] []
-- based on https://github.com/elm/html/blob/97f28cb847d816a6684bca3eba21e7dbd705ec4c/src/Html/Events.elm#L115-L122
onNumericInput : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onNumericInput toMsg =
alwaysStop : a -> ( a, Bool )
alwaysStop x =
( x, True )
failIfNothing : Maybe a -> Decode.Decoder a
failIfNothing maybe =
case maybe of
Nothing ->
Decode.fail "Parsing failed"
Just a ->
Decode.succeed a
decoder : Decode.Decoder msg
decoder =
|> Decode.map String.toInt
|> Decode.andThen failIfNothing
|> Decode.map toMsg
Events.stopPropagationOn "input" (decoder |> Decode.map alwaysStop)
You can see the last two options in a full example at https://ellie-app.com/h6fstFTyjXDa1

A function that compare a two lists of string

I am a new at F# and i try to do this task:
Make a function compare : string list -> string list -> int that takes two string lists and returns: -1, 0 or 1
Please help. I spend a lot of time, and i can not understand how to implement this task.
Given the task I assume what your professor wants to teach you with this exercise. I'll try to give you a starting point without
Confusing you
Presenting a 'done-deal' solution
I assume the goal of this task is to work with recursive functions and pattern matching to element-wise compare their elements. It could looks somewhat like this here
open System
let aList = [ "Apple"; "Banana"; "Coconut" ]
let bList = [ "Apple"; "Banana"; "Coconut" ]
let cList = [ "Apple"; "Zebra" ]
let rec doSomething f (a : string list) (b : string list) =
match (a, b) with
| ([], []) ->
printfn "Both are empty"
| (x::xs, []) ->
printfn "A has elements (we can unpack the first element as x and the rest as xs) and B is empty"
| ([], x::xs) ->
printfn "A is empty and B has elements (we can unpack the first element as x and the rest as xs)"
| (x::xs, y::ys) ->
f x y
printfn "Both A and B have elements. We can unpack them as the first elements x and y and their respective tails xs and ys"
doSomething f xs ys
let isItTheSame (a : string) (b : string) =
if String.Equals(a, b) then
printfn "%s is equals to %s" a b
printfn "%s is not equals to %s" a b
doSomething isItTheSame aList bList
doSomething isItTheSame aList cList
The example has three different lists, two of them being equal and one of them being different. The doSomething function takes a function (string -> string -> unit) and two lists of strings.
Within the function you see a pattern match as well as a recursive call of doSomething in the last match block. The signatures aren't exactly what you need and you might want to think about how to change the parametrization for cases where you don't want to stop the recursion (the last match block - if the strings are equal you want to keep on comparing, right?).
Just take the code and try it out in FSI. I'm confident, that you'll find the solution πŸ™‚
In F# many collections are comparable if their element type is:
let s1 = [ "a"; "b" ]
let s2 = [ "foo"; "bar" ]
compare s1 s2 // -5
let f1 = [ (fun () -> 1); fun () -> 2 ]
let f2 = [ (fun () -> 3); fun () -> 42 ]
// compare f1 f2 (* error FS0001: The type '(unit -> int)' does not support the 'comparison' constraint. *)
let slcomp (s1 : string list) s2 = compare s1 s2 |> sign
Posting for reference as the original question is answered already.

How to create and use my own structure/signature in SML/NJ?

I'm new to functional programming and I want to create my own structure/signature called Dictionary. So far I have this in file called dictionary-en.sml:
(* The signature DICTIONARY defines a type and a programming interface for
the dictionary data structure. The data structure allows us to store
data in the form of (key, value) pairs and to query the data using a key. *)
signature DICTIONARY =
(* The structure has to implement a dictionary type. It defines key type,
which has to support equality checking, and a value type for the data
stored in the dictionary. *)
type (''key, 'value) dict
(* Creates an empty dictionary. *)
val empty: (''key, 'value) dict
(* Returns true if a key exists in the dictionary. *)
val exists: (''key, 'value) dict -> ''key -> bool
And I have this in file solution.sml:
structure Dictionary :> DICTIONARY =
type (''key, 'value) dict = (''key * 'value) list
val empty = []
fun exists dict key =
case dict of
[] => false
| (k, _ )::rep => if k = key
then true
else exists rep key
But I don't how to use this.
When I wrote in REPL:
- Dictionary.exists [(3,"c"), (5, "e"), (7, "g")] 3;
I got this error:
stdIn:1.2-3.7 Error: operator and operand do not agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: (''Z,'Y) Dictionary.dict
operand: ([int ty] * string) list
in expression:
Dictionary.exists ((3,"c") :: (5,"e") :: (<exp>,<exp>) :: nil)
Can someone please help me? I don't know what I did wrong.
In the function
fun exists dict key =
case dict of
[] => []
| (k, _ )::rep => if k = key
then true
else exists rep key
I spot two issues:
You can't return [] in one place and true in another.
Instead of if P then true else Q, write P orelse Q.
You're using :> which means that the module is opaque, so you can only access the things specified in the signature. The internal list representation is not mentioned in the signature, so you can't refer to a dict as a list, even though you may know that that's how it's implemented. This is a feature.
I would probably call exists for member, since List.exists is a higher-order predicate, e.g. List.exists (fn x => x > 5) [3, 6, 9]. You could also deviate from any standard library naming and say containsKey and containsValue, or something like that.
Besides the insert function that molbdnilo suggested, you may like to have a fromList function.
Here's a refactored version (comments omitted for brevity, but I think your comments are good!):
signature DICTIONARY =
type (''key, 'value) dict
val empty: (''key, 'value) dict
val member: ''key -> (''key, 'value) dict -> bool
val insert: (''key * 'value) -> (''key, 'value) dict -> (''key, 'value) dict
val fromList: (''key * 'value) list -> (''key, 'value) dict
structure Dictionary :> DICTIONARY =
type (''key, 'value) dict = (''key * 'value) list
val empty = []
fun member key [] = false
| member key ((key2, _)::dict) =
key = key2 orelse member key dict
fun insert (key, value) [] = [(key, value)]
| insert (key, value) ((key2, value2)::dict) =
if key = key2
then (key, value) :: dict
else (key2, value2) :: insert (key, value) dict
fun fromList pairs = foldl (fn (pair, dict) => insert pair dict) empty pairs
But since you're building a dictionary module, there are two things you want to consider:
Make it possible to use some kind of binary tree as internal representation, requiring that the keys can be ordered rather than compared for equality.
Since Standard ML doesn't have special syntax like ''key to express that something can be ordered (Haskell generalises this as type classes, but Standard ML has only the special syntax ''key), this is a good case for using functors, which is the name given to higher-order modules, aka parameterised modules.
Here's an example signature, functor and structure that you can fill out:
signature ORD = sig
type t
val compare : t * t -> order
signature DICT = sig
type key
type 'value dict
val empty: 'value dict
val member: key -> 'value dict -> bool
val insert: key * 'value -> 'value dict -> 'value dict
val fromList: (key * 'value) list -> 'value dict
functor Dict (Ord : ORD) :> DICT = struct
type key = Ord.t
type 'value dict = (key * 'value) list
val empty = ...
fun member _ _ = raise Fail "not implemented"
fun insert _ _ = raise Fail "not implemented"
fun fromList _ = raise Fail "not implemented"
At this point you can change type 'value dict into using a binary tree, and when you need to decide whether to go left or right in this binary tree, you can write:
case Ord.compare (key1, key2) of
LESS => ...
| EQUAL => ...
| GREATER => ...
And when you need a dictionary where the key is some particular orderable type, you can create a module using this functor:
structure IntDict = Dict(struct
type t = int
val compare = Int.compare
structure StringDict = Dict(struct
type t = string
val compare = String.compare
See also Standard ML functor examples for more examples.
You can't access the internal representation; the entire interface is given by the signature.
You need to add to the signature some way to create a dictionary without depending on the representation used in a particular structure.
For instance,
val insert : (''key * 'value) -> (''key, 'value) dict -> (''key, 'value) dict
would let you write
Dictionary.exists (Dictionary.insert (3,"c") Dictionary.empty) 3;
Implementation left as an exercise.

Elm : extract a record values from a list of string

I try to make a function which take a record and a list of property names and return the values as a list of string:
Model -> (List String) -> (List String)
The goal is later to be able to render dynamically a record into an HTML table :
Model -> (List String) -> (Html Cmd)
I succeed to implement this:
import Html exposing (text)
type Field
= FieldInt Int
| FieldString String
type alias Model =
{ name: Field
, age: Field
user1 = Model (FieldString "foo") (FieldInt 3)
field2text: Field -> String
field2text field =
case field of
FieldInt value ->
toString value
FieldString value ->
updateModel: (List (a -> Field)) -> (List String)
model2values fns model =
List.map (\fn -> field2text <| fn model) fns
main =
text <| toString (model2values [.name, .age] user1)
How one would update the model2values function to be able to change the last line into:
main =
text <| toString (model2values ["name", "age"] user1)
There is no nice way, so you are left with:
toFieldGetter : String -> (a -> Field)
toFieldGetter : name =
case name of
"name" -> .name
model2values_ = model2values << List.map toFieldGetter
main =
text <| toString (model2values_ ["name", "age"] user1)
