I have a SCORM package which stores the current location the learner is on the content as follows
API.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_location", currentPage);
I would want set the current location of the user in its tin Can Xapi version as well.
But I am confused verb is visiting a read only content page
Completed , Mastered or experienced ?
& what Activity could thatverb be associated with
Some one may answer please ....
ADL created a SCORM Profile for xAPI. Its purpose is to give people using SCORM a way to convert that data to xAPI. Some of it can be converted into xAPI statements like your completed statement above. These statements tend to describe actions the learner is taking in the content (success, completion, answered a question, played a video).
Other SCORM data isn't as much about the learner as about the content, such as lesson_location. That stuff doesn't fit well in a statement. So xAPI also has API endpoints for this other stuff like activity state and activity profile information. The SCORM Profile uses activity state in xAPI to store that information because lesson_location is describing the state of the activity, see the lesson_location description in the SCORM Profile.
Hopefully that helps. As for your bookmarklet link, that is a small script you can bookmark in your browser that will post a statement that you visited that page, not a script that can be used to bookmark your SCORM lesson_location.
Okay .... I read the XAPI docs again... Turns out ... Xapi is like "I did this"
Where I is the actor , did is the Verb & this is the Activity
So the Scorm API.LMSSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_location", currentPage); ...
Could be the following in xApi
"actor": {
"objectType": "Agent"
"verb": {
"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed",
"display": {
"en-US": "completed"
"object": {
"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/example",
"definition": {
"name": {
"en-US": "Example Activity"
"description": {
"en-US": "Example activity description"
"objectType": "Activity"
Please correct where I am wrong
Here is my test tokenURI.json file w/ the imageURI I pass to my token contract.setTokenURI():
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "location",
"value": "West Awesomeville"
"display_type": "date",
"trait_type": "created",
"value": 1535250800
"description": "My awesome NFT.",
"image": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmaUXii41ESnUMxLJUoVcrEeXowz7RHcdTiumvrBmUvcwG?filename=test4.png",
"name": "NFT 1"
Which is the best IPFS uri form to use esp. if I want to load this NFT into Opensea?
The docs in IPFS recommend:
but the docs in Opensea recommend:
Which form is better and why?
In the above json I'm using the first form recommended by IPFS. It works but loading into Opensea is slow/somewhat unpredictable.
The form Opensea recommends is shorter, no gateway. Would the image load faster in Opensea if I used the 2nd form?
IPFS docs: Address IPFS on the Web
Opensea docs:
If you use IPFS to host your metadata, your URL should be in the format ipfs://CID. For example, ipfs://QmTy8w65yBXgyfG2ZBg5TrfB2hPjrDQH3RCQFJGkARStJb.
The ipfs:// url is the better way. Because gateways can go down. Now the ipfs pinner that you're using (pinata.cloud?) can also go down, or you can stop paying them and they will disappear your stuff.
Opensea is not likely to care, as long as they can find your metadata / images from the uri returned by the contract they will list your thing, and there's a way somewhere to do a metadata refresh (if you do a reveal)
And if I can also suggest, it probably might be a good idea to include a way to update the baseURI in the contract just in case.
I'm trying to scrape reviews from Google Play. Google Play loads reviews dynamically after page has been scrolled to the end. I intercepted post requests that browser sends for retrieving reviews and noticed that the only thing that changes per request is the request's body. What I'm struggling to understand is how the request's body is generated.
The first request's body looked like this:
f.req: [[["UsvDTd","[null,null,[2,null,[40,null,\"CpUBCpIBKm0KOfc7ms0D_z7jKJielp7Fz8_Pz8_Pms3OzpuZyJvMnMXOxYmSxc3MyczPz8vIycjMysbHxszPysb__hAoITbZQaENmbWoMU2VCwWZPGwZOdccwQD8MmXEUABaCwlwT4zmNQBa2BADYMm1lu0EMiEKHwodYW5kcm9pZF9oZWxwZnVsbmVzc19xc2NvcmVfdjI\"],null,[]],[\"com.feelingtouch.zf3d\",7]]",null,"generic"]]]
and this's is the second request:
f.req: [[["UsvDTd","[null,null,[2,null,[40,null,\"CpUBCpIBKm0KOfc7msyg_28-Rpielp7Fz8_Pz8_Pm56eypyZzcycm8XOxYmSxc3MyczPz8vIycjMysbHxszPysb__hB4ITbZQaENmbWoMZI5V7V-7g3BObnBkABfM2XEUABaCwli2aizD1W9ExADYMm1lu0EMiEKHwodYW5kcm9pZF9oZWxwZnVsbmVzc19xc2NvcmVfdjI\"],null,[]],[\"com.feelingtouch.zf3d\",7]]",null,"generic"]]]
Can I somehow reverse engineer how the request is generated?
I tried to use Selenium, but after scrolling down few dozens time RAM usage runs up and Selenium becomes unresponsive.
The thing that changes is the pagination token. But, there are a couple of other things as well.
Here is the full encoded request body, with the parameters wrapped in #{} (number_of_results, pagination_token, and product_id).
So each time you scroll the page the pagination_token would change. They use it to retrieve the next page results.
You don't need to reverse engineer the token itself. You can find the first one when inspecting the page source, and then, for each next time you make a request to retrieve the results, the next_page_toke will be included in there. So, you just keep replacing the token until you reach the last page, and retrieve all the reviews.
Alternatively, you could use a third-party solution like SerpApi. We handle proxies, solve captchas, and parse all rich structured data for you.
Example python code for retrieving YouTube reviews (available in other libraries also):
from serpapi import GoogleSearch
params = {
"api_key": "SECRET_API_KEY",
"engine": "google_play_product",
"store": "apps",
"gl": "us",
"product_id": "com.google.android.youtube",
"all_reviews": "true"
search = GoogleSearch(params)
results = search.get_dict()
Example JSON output:
"reviews": [
"title": "Qwerty Jones",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwSQC_a0OIQqkAkzuw8nAxt4vrVBgvkmwoSiEZ3=mo",
"rating": 3,
"snippet": "Overall a great app. Lots of videos to see, look at shorts, learn hacks, etc. However, every time I want to go on the app, it says I need to update the game and that it's \"not the current version\". I've done it about 3 times now, and it's starting to get ridiculous. It could just be my device, but try to update me if you have any clue how to fix this. Thanks :)",
"likes": 586,
"date": "November 26, 2021"
"title": "matthew baxter",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJy9NbOSrGscHXhJu8wmwBvR4iD-BiApImKfD2RN=mo",
"rating": 1,
"snippet": "App is broken, every video shows no dislikes even after I hit the button. I've tested this with multiple videos and now my recommended is all messed up because of it. The ads are longer than the videos that I'm trying to watch and there is always a second ad after the first one. This app seriously sucks. I would not recommend this app to anyone.",
"likes": 352,
"date": "November 28, 2021"
"title": "Operation Blackout",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjMRxVZafTAmwYA5xtamcfQbp0-rUWFRx_JzQML",
"rating": 2,
"snippet": "YouTube used to be great, but now theyve made questionable and arguably stupid decisions that have effectively ruined the platform. For instance, you now have the grand chance of getting 30 seconds of unskipable ad time before the start of a video (or even in the middle of it)! This happens so frequently that its actually a feasible option to buy an ad blocker just for YouTube itself... In correlation with this, YouTube is so sensitive twords the public they decided to remove dislikes. Why????",
"likes": 370,
"date": "November 24, 2021"
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "https://serpapi.com/search.json?all_reviews=true&engine=google_play_product&gl=us&hl=en&next_page_token=CpEBCo4BKmgKR_8AwEEujFG0VLQA___-9zuazVT_jmsbmJ6WnsXPz8_Pz8_PxsfJx5vJns3Gxc7FiZLFxsrLysnHx8rIx87Mx8nNzsnLyv_-ECghlTCOpBLShpdQAFoLCZiJujt_EovhEANgmOjCATIiCiAKHmFuZHJvaWRfaGVscGZ1bG5lc3NfcXNjb3JlX3YyYQ&product_id=com.google.android.youtube&store=apps",
"next_page_token": "CpEBCo4BKmgKR_8AwEEujFG0VLQA___-9zuazVT_jmsbmJ6WnsXPz8_Pz8_PxsfJx5vJns3Gxc7FiZLFxsrLysnHx8rIx87Mx8nNzsnLyv_-ECghlTCOpBLShpdQAFoLCZiJujt_EovhEANgmOjCATIiCiAKHmFuZHJvaWRfaGVscGZ1bG5lc3NfcXNjb3JlX3YyYQ"
Check out the documentation for more details.
Test the search live on the playground.
Disclaimer: I work at SerpApi.
During last couple of weeks any shares made using LinkedIn sharing API don't display large images, though we provide all required information for this, including image URL. The same happens when we use REST Console. Below you can see a sample request and how the share looks like.
"comment": "How Triggre achieves its simplicity",
"content": {
"title": "Triggre / Blog / Design Philosophy - Part 3",
"description": "In the previous two posts about our design philosophy you could read how we decided to build Triggre and why we chose simplicity as the core of our desi...",
"submitted-url": "https://www.triggre.com/en/blog/the-triggre-design-philosophy-part-3/",
"submitted-image-url": "https://www.triggre.com/media/1105/sagrada-familia.jpg?width=800"
"visibility": {
"code": "anyone"
A share without large image
What is happening and how could we workaround it?
I'm trying to integrate my CRM with Google Analytics to monitor lead changes (from lead to sell) and so on. As I understood, I need to use Google Measurement Protocol, to receive webhooks from CRM and translate it to Analytics Conversions.
But in fact, I don't really understand how to do it. I need to make some script, to translate webhook code to analytics, but where I need to place that script? Are there some templates? And so on.
So, If you know some tutorials/courses/freelancers to help me with intergrating webhooks with Analytics - I need your advice.
Example of webhook from CRM:
"leads": {
"status": {
"id": "25399013",
"name": "Lead title",
"old_status_id": "7039101",
"status_id": "142",
"price": "0",
"responsible_user_id": "102525",
"last_modified": "1413554372",
"modified_user_id": "102525",
"created_user_id": "102525",
"date_create": "1413554349",
"account_id": "7039099",
"custom_fields": [
"id": "427183",
"name": "Checkbox custom field",
"values": ["1"]
"id": "427271",
"name": "Date custom field",
"values": ["1412380800"]
"id": "1069602",
"name": "Checkbox custom field",
"values": ["0"]
"id": "427661",
"name": "Text custom field",
"values": ["Валера"]
"id": "1075272",
"name": "Date custom field",
"values": ["1413331200"]
"Webhook" is a fancy way of saying that your CRM can call a web based service whenever something interesting happens (i.e. the CRM can "hook" into a web based application). E.g. if a new lead is created you can call an url with the lead details as parameters.
Specifics depend on your CRM, but when you set up a webhook there should be a field to set a url; the script that evaluates the CRM data is located at the URL.
You have that big JSON thing as your example - No real way to tell without knowing your system, but I assume that is sent as request body. So in your script you evaluate the request body, extract the parameters you want to send to analytics (be mindful that you are not allowed to store personally identifiable information) and sent it via the measurement protocol as described in the documentation linked in the other answer.
Depending on the system you might even be able to call the measurement protocol without having a custom script in between (after all the measurement protocol is an url with a few parameters).
This is an awfully generic answer, but then the question is really broad.
I've done just this in my line of work.
You need to first decide your data model on how you would like the CRM data to look within Google Analytics. This could be just mapping Google Analytics' event category, event label, event action to your data, or perhpas using custom dimensions and metrics.
Then to make it most useful, you would like to be able to link the CRM activity of a customer to their online activity. You can do this if they login online. In that case, you can set the cid and/or uid of the user to your CRM id.
Then, if you send in a GA hit with the same cid/uid in your Measurement Protocol hit, you will link the online sessions with your offline CRM activity.
To make the actual record hit Google Analytics, you will need to program something that takes the CRM data and turns it into a Measurement Protocol hit, which is essentially just a URL with the correct parameters. Look here for reference: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/reference
An example could be: http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-123456-1&cid=5555&t=pageview&dp=%2FpageA
We usually have this as a seperate process, that fires when the CRM data is written to its database (the webhook in your example). If its a lot of data, you should probably implement checks to see if the hit was sucessful, and caching in case the service is not online - you have an optional parameter that gives you 4 hours leeway in sending data.
Hope this gets you at least started.
I think this question is more about best practices regarding web services and not necessarily limited to ServiceStack only. From what I've read here and on the SS wiki, the 'recommended' way to implement parent-child entities is to break them down via routes.
For example:
Where User is the logged on user, and entities are his/her items. I'm implementing jqueryui autocomplete and here is where I'm suspecting I'm not doing the right thing.
In the script the path needs the Userid, so I have to manually render it in the browser so that it reads:
type: "GET",
url: "svc/users/**8**/entities",
data: { "SearchTerm": request.term, "Format": 'json' },
This smells wrong to me. I have the UserID from the session and I can get it that way. So I wonder if there a better way to access these objects without having to render data directly into markup?
Am I doing this wrong?
On a side note: I know I could place this data in a hidden field and access it via script etc, I am just curious if there is a better/recommended way to do this via sessions while keeping the routes as is.
Generally this is done with another endpoint, Facebook for instance, uses /my/, but you could do what ever you want.
The reason being, it's very likely you will be returning different information for a user about themselves than you share about that user with someone else.
Let's pretend /user/{UserId}/books returns a user's favorite books. If I want to know what someone's favorite books are, I might be interested in the title, and a brief description, but if I want to see (and possibly manage) my list of favorite books then I might want more information, like the day I added the favorite book, or friends of mine that also like the book.
so /user/{UserId}/books returns:
{ "title":"Hary Potter", "desc":"A boy who is magic..." }
however /my/books returns:
"title":"Harry Potter",
"desc":"A boy who is magic...",
{ "id":1234, "name":"Bob" }
"personalCommentsAboutBookNotToBeShared":"This book changed my life..."