How can I make Go's http.Server exit after being idle for a period of time? - http

I am writing a web server in Go using the standard library net/http package that makes use of systemd socket activation.
I have the basics working such that the server is started the first time a connection is made to the listening socket, and I can perform a graceful shutdown when signalled (i.e. so systemctl stop will work without cutting off active requests).
What I would like is for the server to automatically exit when it has been idle for some period of time. Something like the following:
when the last active request completes, start a timer for say 30 seconds.
if any new request arrives during that period, stop the timer.
if the timer expires, perform a graceful shutdown.
The idea being to release the resources the server was using, in the knowledge that systemd will start us again when a new client turns up.
It's parts (1) and (2) that I'm not sure about. Ideally I'd like a solution that doesn't involve modifying all the registered handlers too.

Using #CeriseLimón's suggestion, the following helper type seems to do the trick:
type IdleTracker struct {
mu sync.Mutex
active map[net.Conn]bool
idle time.Duration
timer *time.Timer
func NewIdleTracker(idle time.Duration) *IdleTracker {
return &IdleTracker{
active: make(map[net.Conn]bool),
idle: idle,
timer: time.NewTimer(idle),
func (t *IdleTracker) ConnState(conn net.Conn, state http.ConnState) {
oldActive := len(
switch state {
case http.StateNew, http.StateActive, http.StateHijacked:[conn] = true
// stop the timer if we transitioned to idle
if oldActive == 0 {
case http.StateIdle, http.StateClosed:
delete(, conn)
// Restart the timer if we've become idle
if oldActive > 0 && len( == 0 {
func (t *IdleTracker) Done() <-chan time.Time {
return t.timer.C
Assigning its ConnState method to the server's ConnState member will track whether the server is busy, and signal us when we've been idle for the requested amount of time:
idle := NewIdleTracker(5 * time.Second)
server.ConnState = idle.ConnState
go func() {
if err := server.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error shutting down: %v\n", err)


Dialing TCP Error: Timeout or i/o Timeout after a while of high concurrency request

I recently run into a problem when I develope a high concurrency http client via valyala/fasthttp: The client works fine in the first 15K~ requests but after that more and more dial tcp4 i/o timeout and dialing to the given TCP address timed out error occours.
Sample Code
var Finished = 0
var Failed = 0
var Success = 0
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
go get()
start := time.Now().Unix()
for {
fmt.Printf("Rate: %.2f/s Success: %d, Failed: %d\n", float64(Success)/float64(time.Now().Unix()-start), Success, Failed)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func get() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(100+rand.Intn(2900)) * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
client := &fasthttp.Client{
MaxConnsPerHost: 10000,
for {
req := &fasthttp.Request{}
res := &fasthttp.Response{}
err := client.DoTimeout(req, res, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
} else {
The server is built on labstack/echo/v4 and when client got timeout error, the server didn't have any error, and manually perform the request via Postman or Browser like Chrome are works fine.
The client runs pretty well in the first 15K~ request, but after that, more and more timeout error occours and the output Rate is decreasing. I seached for google and github and I found this issue may be the most suitable one, but didn't found a solution.
Another tiny problem...
As you can notice, when the client start, it will first generate some the server closed connection before returning the first response byte. Make sure the server returns 'Connection: close' response header before closing the connection error, and then works fine till around 15K issues, and then start generating more and more timeout error.Why it would generate the Connection closed error in the begining?
Machine Info
Macbook Pro 14 2021 (Apple M1 Pro) with 16GB Ram and running macOS Monterey 12.4
So basically, If you trying to open a connection and then close it as soon as possibile, it's not going to be like "connection#1 use a port then immediately return it back", there gonna be lots of processing needs to be done, so If you want to send many request at the same time, I think it's better to reuse the connection as possible as you can.
For example, in fasthttp:
req := fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
res := fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
defer fasthttp.ReleaseRequest(req)
defer fasthttp.ReleaseResponse(res)
// Then do the request below

Respond to HTTP request while processing in the background

I have an API that receives a CSV file to process. I'd like to be able to send back an 202 Accepted (or any status really) while processing the file in the background. I have a handler that checks the request, writes the success header, and then continues processing via a producer/consumer pattern. The problem is that, due to the WaitGroup.Wait() calls, the accepted header isn't sending back. The errors on the handler validation are sending back correctly but that's because of the return statements.
Is it possible to send that 202 Accepted back with the wait groups as I'm hoping (and if so, what am I missing)?
func SomeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
endAccepted := time.Now()
err := verifyRequest(req)
if err != nil {
data := JSONErrors{Errors: []string{err.Error()}}
// ...FILE RETRIEVAL CLIPPED (not relevant)...
// e.g. csvFile, openErr := os.Open(tmpFile.Name())
// TODO this isn't sending due to the WaitGroup.Wait()s below
jobs := make(chan *Job, 100) // buffered channel
results := make(chan *Job, 100) // buffered channel
// start consumers
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { // 5 consumers
go consume(i, jobs, results)
// start producing
go produce(jobs, csvFile)
// start processing
go process(results)
wg.Wait() // wait for all workers to finish processing jobs
wg2.Wait() // wait for process to finish
log.Println("===> Done Processing.")
You're doing all the processing in the background, but you're still waiting for it to finish. The solution would be to just not wait. The best solution would move all of the handling elsewhere to a function you can just call with go to run it in the background, but the simplest solution leaving it inline would just be
go func() {
jobs := make(chan *Job, 100) // buffered channel
results := make(chan *Job, 100) // buffered channel
// start consumers
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { // 5 consumers
go consume(i, jobs, results)
// start producing
go produce(jobs, csvFile)
// start processing
go process(results)
wg.Wait() // wait for all workers to finish processing jobs
wg2.Wait() // wait for process to finish
log.Println("===> Done Processing.")
Note that you elided the CSV file handling, so you'll need to ensure that it's safe to use this way (i.e. that you haven't defered closing or deleting the file, which would cause that to occur as soon as the handler returns).

How to interrupt an HTTP handler?

Say I have a http handler like this:
func ReallyLongFunction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World!")
// run code that takes a long time here
// Executing dd command with cmd.Exec..., etc.
Is there a way I can interrupt this function if the user refreshes the page or kills the request some other way without running the subsequent code and how would I do it?
I tried doing this:
notify := r.Context().Done()
go func() {
println("Client closed the connection")
but the code after whenever I interrupt it still runs anyway.
There's no way to forcibly tear a goroutine down from any code external to that goroutine.
Hence the only way to actually interrupt processing is to periodically check whether the client is gone (or whether there's another signal to stop processing).
Basically that would amount to structuring your handler something like this
func ReallyLongFunction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World!")
done := r.Context().Done()
// Check wheteher we're done
// do some small piece of stuff
// check whether we're done
// do another small piece of stuff
// …rinse, repeat
Now a way to check whether there was something written to a channel, but without blocking the operation is to use the "select with default" idiom:
select {
case <- done:
// We're done
This statemept executes the code in the "// We're done" block if and only if done was written to or was closed (which is the case with contexts), and otherwis the empty block in the default branch is executed.
So we can refactor that to something like
func ReallyLongFunction(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World!")
done := r.Context().Done()
closed := func () bool {
select {
case <- done:
return true
return false
if closed() {
// do some small piece of stuff
if closed() {
// do another small piece of stuff
// …rinse, repeat
Stopping an external process started in an HTTP handler
To address the OP's comment…
The os/exec.Cmd type has the Process field, which is of type os.Process and that type supports the Kill method which forcibly brings the running process down.
The only problem is that exec.Cmd.Run blocks until the process exits,
so the goroutine which is executing it cannot execute other code, and if exec.Cmd.Run is called in an HTTP handler, there's no way to cancel it.
How to best handle running a program in such an asynchronous manner heavily depends on how the process itself is organized but I'd roll like this:
In the handler, prepare the process and then start it using exec.Cmd.Start (as opposed to Run).
Check the error value Start have returned: if it's nil
the process has managed to start OK. Otherwise somehow communicate the failure to the client and quit the handler.
Once the process is known to had started, the exec.Cmd value
has some of its fields populated with process-related information;
of particular interest is the Process field which is of type
os.Process: that type has the Kill method which may be used to forcibly bring the process down.
Start a goroutine and pass it that exec.Cmd value and a channel of some suitable type (see below).
That goroutine should call Wait on it and once it returns,
it should communicate that fact back to the originating goroutine over that channel.
Exactly what to communicate, is an open question as it depends
on whether you want to collect what the process wrote to its standard
output and error streams and/or may be some other data related to the process' activity.
After sending the data, that goroutine exits.
The main goroutine (executing the handler) should just call exec.Cmd.Process.Kill when it detect the handler should terminate.
Killing the process eventually unblocks the goroutine which is executing Wait on that same exec.Cmd value as the process exits.
After killing the process, the handler goroutine waits on the channel to hear back from the goroutine watching the process. The handler does something with that data (may be logs it or whatever) and exits.
You should cancel the goroutine from inside, so for a long calculation task, you may provide checkpoints, to stop and check for the cancelation:
Here is the tested code for the server which has e.g. long calculation task and checkpoints for the cancelation:
package main
import (
func main() {
http.HandleFunc(`/`, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
log.Println("wait a couple of seconds ...")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { // long calculation
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Println("Client closed the connection:", ctx.Err())
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) // long calculation
io.WriteString(w, `Hi`)
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":8081", nil))
Here is the client code, which times out:
package main
import (
func main() {
log.Println("HTTP GET")
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 1 * time.Second,
r, err := client.Get(``)
if err != nil {
defer r.Body.Close()
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("HTTP Done.")
You may use normal browser to check for not canclation, or close it, refresh it , disconect it, or ..., for the cancelation.

Is the Go HTTP handler goroutine expected to exit immediately in this case?

I have one Go HTTP handler like this:
mux.HandleFunc("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
if cn, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
go func(done <-chan struct{}, closed <-chan bool) {
select {
case <-done:
case <-closed:
fmt.Println("client cancelled....................!!!!!!!!!")
}(ctx.Done(), cn.CloseNotify())
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
fmt.Println("I am still running...........")
fmt.Fprint(w, "cancellation testing......")
The API works fine, then with curl before the request finish I terminate the curl command deliberately with Control-C, and on server side I do see the client cancelled....................!!!!!!!!! get logged out, but after a while the I am still running........... get logged out also, I thought this goroutine will be terminated immediately!
So, is this desired behaviour, or I did something wrong?
If it is expected, since whatever the goroutine will complete its work, then what is the point of the early cancellation?
If I did something wrong, please help to point me out the correct way.
You create a contex.Context that can be cancelled, which you do cancel when the client closes the connection, BUT you do not check the context and your handler does nothing differently if it is cancelled. The context only carries timeout and cancellation signals, it does not have the power nor the intent to kill / terminate goroutines. The goroutines themselves have to monitor such cancellation signals and act upon it.
So what you see is the expected output of your code.
What you want is to monitor the context, and if it is cancelled, return "immediately" from the handler.
Of course if you're "sleeping", you can't monitor the context meanwhile. So instead use time.After(), like in this example:
mux.HandleFunc("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
if cn, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
go func(done <-chan struct{}, closed <-chan bool) {
select {
case <-done:
case <-closed:
fmt.Println("client cancelled....................!!!!!!!!!")
}(ctx.Done(), cn.CloseNotify())
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
fmt.Println("5 seconds elapsed, client didn't close")
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("Context closed, client closed connection?")
fmt.Fprint(w, "cancellation testing......")

Go bufio.Scanner stops while reading TCP connection to Redis

Reading TCP connection between Redis-server by using bufio.Scanner
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$5\r\nmykey\r\n$7\r\nHello!!\r\n")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
for {
// fmt.Println("marker00")
if ok := scanner.Scan(); !ok {
// fmt.Println("marker01")
// fmt.Println("marker02")
"+OK" comes as the result for first scanning, but the second scanning stops just in invoking Scan method. (marker00 -> marker02 -> marker00 and no output any more)
Why does Scan stop and how can I know the end of TCP response (without using bufio.Reader)?
Redis does not close the connection for you after sending a command. Scan() ends after io.EOF which is not sent.
Check out this:
package main
import (
// before go run, you must hit `redis-server` to wake redis up
func main() {
conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379")
message := "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$1\r\na\r\n$1\r\nb\r\n"
go func(conn net.Conn) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(conn, message)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn)
for {
if ok := scanner.Scan(); !ok {
fmt.Println("Scanning ended")
Old question, but I had the same issue. Two solutions:
1) Add a "QUIT\r\n" command to your Redis message. This will cause Redis to close the connection which will terminate the scan. You'll have to deal with the extra "+OK" that the quit outputs.
2) Add
just before you start scanning. This will cause the scan to stop trying after 5 seconds. Unfortunately, it will always take 5 seconds to complete the scan so choose this time wisely.
