I am implementing a scenario where I am trying to animate map accuracy indicator surrounding the position indicator using here maps
It should animate like ripples along the route with position indicator
But could not find any interface in HereMaps Android SDK document
Can you help with the same ? !
Ripple animated circle
What about using different MapCircles on the coordinates of the current position in different colors?
A MapCircle represents a type of MapObject in the shape of a circle with an assigned radius distance and a GeoCoordinate center. It can be created by calling the constructor MapCircle(double radius, GeoCoordinate center).
I'am using reactJS and want to design a component with following functionality :
Display pixelated image which is able to zoom in and zoom out at pixel level.
When clicked on image , display a marker- which can be a dot or icon at specific position.
When image is zoomIn/zoomOut, marker size and position should not change.
Even after zoomIn/zoomOut when clicked on image, marker should get repositioned at proper pixel on the image.
I am thinking of applying same logic as used in the maps/ leaflet. Like they maintain separate layers for map and markers on the map. If we zoomIn/out maps it won't affect the marker position or size, same functionality I want for the image.
Anyone with the solution or related library will be welcomed !
(For reference, I want this design for marking GCP(Ground Control Points) on the image, which requires very precise marking at pixel level)
I need to clip 3D shapes for group of the object.
I have a Box and some 3D shapes (for example Sphere) inside Box, I want to clip this box that all shape parts, which outside the box were truncated.
I tried setClip method
Group root = new Group(sphere,box);
root.setClip(new Box(box.getWidth(),box.getHeight(),box.getDepth()));
it works with simple scene and direct view. In other situation it looks bad
Documents says:
Clipping is essentially a 2D image operation. The result of a Clip set on a Group node with 3D transformed children will cause its children to be rendered in order without Z-buffering applied between those children.
Is it limitation of the setClip or I'm doing something wrong, I'm new in javafx.
I'm using aframe for a VR project I'm doing and I'm using checkpoint on the ground to lead the user around the 3D space. I received help before on how to create a checkpoint here
Here is the link to the most current iteration of my project -> https://museum-exhibit-demo.glitch.me/webVR.html
Is it possible to have the animation that takes you to the cylinder also change the view of the camera and height? Basically once I click the cylinder to take me to the position it will also snap my view to the text on the wall even if it is not eye height
Great Demo. I've prepared a candidate solution on glitch (app). This solution changes the height of the camera, and the horizontal direction/yaw of the camera. It does not change the pitch of the camera. Ideally any AR/VR app would minimise forcing a change of camera orientation. If you forcibly change the pitch of the camera that's like permanently tilting the floor of the user. If you just change the yaw then that just permanently changes the horizontal direction they are look. Changing the pitch can be done, but I think from a user perspective that might cause more problems than it is worth, changing the yaw is just about OK. Similar recommendations were previously mentioned in https://stackoverflow.com/a/47667912/10849562.
I'll break down the solution code by how it solves your two issues, to have the animation that takes you to the cylinder also change the height of the camera, and separately how it can change the view/direction? I'll add in line references to the solution were relevant.
Change the height to match the height of the text
First you need to know the height of the text associated with the checkpoint cylinder. One way to do this is to provide the id of the related a-text entity to the goto component. To do that I added a new component property textId to your goto component (L79). Then in each of the places where you have used the goto component the textId property was set. For example for the checkpoint cylinder associated with the Welcome! text, the goto component was changed to goto="textId: welcome" (L298).
The id of the associated a-text enitity can be accessed from methods of the goto component using this.data.textId which will be different for each goto component. Using this information within the component, the position of the a-text enitity can be found in a similar way to how you found the rig position, by finding the a-text element with document.querySelector L83 and then finding the position L93.
let text = document.querySelector(`#${this.data.textId}`);
Note that instead of using text.getAttribute("position") the getWorldPosition method is used instead. That is because you have wrapped your a-text elements inside a-entity elements that also have positions set. getAttribute("position") only gives you the position relative to its parent entity, but this solution requires the absolute/world position of the text. Of course other solutions might do things different, and it's also possible to change the HTML structure of your demo so that you could use getAttribute("position"). getWorldPosition is a method from THREE.js (which A-Frame is based on) and stores the position in the textPos variable. You can use textPos in the same way as rigPos. Instead of rigPos.y you can now do textPos.y to get the height of the text as the end point of the position animation to change the height of the camera.
Note that 1.6 is taken away from the height in the solution. The default height of the camera in A-Frame is 1.6. You've handled this by reducing the position of the camera by -1.1 in the #pov entity.
Change the direction of the camera match the direction of the text
First we need to know the direction of the text with respect to its associated checkpoint cylinder. Because we now have access to the position of the cylinder the direction vector between from the cylinder to the text can be calculated (L111). From this the azimuthal angle or yaw angle of the direction from the checkpoint cylinder to the text can be calculated (L115). To do this calculation a function getYaw was created (L46) to calculate the yaw angle.
Because you have already applied a yaw rotation of 90 degrees on your #pov entity that wraps your a-camera entity, the yaw angle is calculated from the negative z-axis (0, 0, -1).
Now that you have the direction the text is from the checkpoint cylinder, you need to know the yaw direction the camera is currently pointing in. You can find this out from the rotation component of the a-camera entity. Just like finding the position of any entity, you can find the a-camera element with document.querySelector (L84) and the find its yaw angle camera.getAttribute("rotation").y (L116). You can then calculate the target yaw angle that you should set the rig to by calculating the relative angle from the camera entity to the text entity which is called targetRigYaw in the solution (L117).
Note that there are lots of applications of a mod function. This simply ensures that all yaw angles are always positive and between [0, 360] which helps simplify things when applying angles.
You could now use the targetRigYaw as the angle to set your rig to to change the view direction to look at the text. However depending on the yaw angles of the text direction and camera direction, this angle might be greater than 180 degrees. You can imagine that you could rotate left or right to end up looking in a particular direction. Unless the direction you would like to look in is directly behind you, one of the direction will be a shorted rotation than the other. L120-123 change the targetRigYaw angle so that you are always rotating in the shortest angular direction to end up looking at the text.
In order to animate the yaw in the same way as you animated the position you can add second component to the #pov entity. In the solution this is called animation__rotation (L144). The A-Frame docs describe how you can add multiple animation using the __ notation https://aframe.io/docs/1.0.0/components/animation.html#multiple-animations.
We can then set the animation__rotation component to perform an animation of the rotation of the #pov entity in a similar way to the position. The animation__rotation component is set using setAttribute to rotate from the current yaw angle of the rig to the targetRigYaw angle, and the duration of the animation is set to the same length as the position animation.
I hope this helps solve your two questions. Please let me know if you have any questions. I've added comment to the code, however there were quite a few snippets that I added that might not be obvious what they do.
I have a request that want to know the zoom level that can just bring a position(GeoCoordinate) into current map view rect with a specific transform center.
Is there a method to calculate this zoom level in one time? but not use looply a small zoom step to try setZoom and later check if this point is still in the view rect throgh ProjectToPixel function.
This will do:
Map#zoomTo(GeoBoundingBox, ViewRect, Animation, Orientation)
It will directly move the map to a geoarea given a view rectangle. You can center the view rectangle at the transform center you wanted. The GeoBoundingBox is your current geo view port expanded to fit the position you want to fit in.
I'm using GMap V3 API Circle to display the event location, if the more events occurs in that location, the size of the circle, i.e the radius would be bigger, in other words, the size of circle only relates to the event number occur in that location.
However, the radius of circle API is in meters on the Earth Surface, which means if I zoom in/out, the visual size of circle varies, so is there some function or formula to keep the circle size constant no matter which zoom level I'm in?
Thank you!
I haven't seen any function to make the constant circle overlay on Google map. So the alternative solution which I am using that I have make the image of circle and then use the marker overlay with custom image on Google map. Following is the code of marker overlay.
var image = 'circle.png';
var beachMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: centerPoint,
map: map,
icon: image,