What is "+0" in a simple mixed model code (R)? - r

I'm trying to compare a difference I encountered in mixed model analyses using the package lme4. Maybe my statistical background is not sharp enough but I just can't figure what the "+0" in the code is and what the resulting difference (to a model without +0) implies.
Here my example with the +0:
lmer(Yield ~ Treatment + 0 + (1|Batch) + (1|Irrigation), data = D)
in contrast to:
lmer(Yield ~ Treatment + (1|Batch) + (1|Irrigation), data = D)
Does anyone have a smart explanation for what the +0 is and what it does to the results?

Models with + 0 usually mean "without an overall intercept" (in the fixed effects). By default, models have an intercept included, you can also make that explicit using + 1.
Most discussions of regression modelling will recommend including an intercept, unless there's good reason to believe the outcome will be 0 when the predictors are all zero (maybe true of some physical processes?).
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + 0 + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
paying attention to the fixed effects


AIC() for mgcv model

I am creating a series of logistic regression models using mgcv and comparing them with AIC(). I have only four variables (socioeconomic class (Socio), sex, year of death (YOD), and age) for each individual and I am curious how these variables explain the likelihood of someone being buried with burial goods (N=c.12,000).
For one model, I ran the following:
model5 <- mgcv::gam(Commemorated ~ s(Age, k=5) + s(YOD, k=5) + Socio + Sex +
ti(Age,YOD, k=5) + s(Age, by=Socio, k=5) + s(YOD, by=Socio, k=5),
family=binomial(link='logit'), data=mydata, method='ML')
AIC(model5) was -1333.434. This was drastically different than I expected given models I had run previously. As a test, I ran the following:
model6 <- mgcv::gam(Commemorated ~ s(Age, k=6) + s(YOD, k=5) + Socio + Sex +
ti(Age,YOD, k=5) + s(Age, by=Socio, k=5) + s(YOD, by=Socio, k=5),
family=binomial(link='logit'), data=mydata, method='ML')
gam.check() for both models were fine. For the second model, I only shifted the k value of the first term up 1, which in my understanding should not have altered the AIC drastically but when I ran AIC(model6), it was 6048.187, which is as expected given previous models I have run.
Other things I have looked at:
model5$aic: 6047.284
model6$aic: 6047.245
logLik.gam(model5): -3005.652 (df=-3673.87)
logLik.gam(model6): -3005.629 (df=18.46467)
So it would appear that for some reason, the degrees of freedom for model5 is drastically different than model6 for a reason I cannot explain. If anyone has any ideas on how to troubleshoot this problem further, it would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: As commented below, I have also altered model5 from s(YOD, k=5) to ti(YOD,k=5) and this 'fixes' the AIC() result. Running model5 without the term, Sex (which previous models have shown has little effect but I have left in because it is meaningful from a theoretical standpoint), also 'fixes' the AIC() result. So this problem is not specific to the term s(Age), the number of knots, or the smoothed terms in general.

Residual modeling for mixed models: Any other package than nlme?

Aside from R function nlme::lme(), I'm wondering how else I can model the Level-1 residual variance-covariance structure?
ps. My search showed I could possibly use glmmTMB package but it seems it is not about Level-1 residuals but random-effects themselves (see below code).
glmmTMB::glmmTMB(y ~ times + ar1(times | subjects), data = data) ## DON'T RUN
nlme::lme (y ~ times, random = ~ times | subjects,
correlation = corAR1(), data = data) ## DON'T RUN
glmmTMB can effectively be used to model level-1 residuals, by adding an observation-level random effect to the model (and if necessary suppressing the level-1 variance via dispformula ~ 0. For example, comparing the same fit in lme and glmmTMB:
data("sleepstudy" ,package="lme4")
ss <- sleepstudy
ss$times <- factor(ss$Days) ## needed for glmmTMB
I initially tried with random = ~Days|Subject but neither lme nor glmmTMB were happy (overfitted):
lme1 <- lme(Reaction ~ Days, random = ~1|Subject,
correlation=corAR1(form=~Days|Subject), data=ss)
m1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) +
ar1(times + 0 | Subject),
Unfortunately, in order to get a good answer with glmmTMB I did have to tweak the starting values ...

Syntax equivalence r vs spss

I built a model in r with the lmer function:
lmer(DV ~ IV1 + IV1:IV2 - 1 + (1|Group/Participant)
This was correctly specified and I got the results I expected.
I'm now trying to replicate these results in spss. so far I have:
My results are not remotely similar, and I believe it is because of the differences between the : and * terms.
How can I replicate IV1 + IV1:IV2 in SPSS?
If I'm understanding the R formula documentation properly, the ":" there is the same as the "*" or "BY" specification in SPSS.
If you want a second, uncorrelated random effect with just Group as the subject specification, simply add a second RANDOM subcommand, such as:

how to use update() for random part in lmer()?

I would like to use the update() function to update the random part of my model, specifically, adding a random effect. Most examples (help("update"), help("update.formula"), lme4:mixed effects modeling with R) focus on the fixed part of the model. How would I go from fm0 to fm1 using update() in the example below?
(fm0 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy))
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 + Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
I doubt this will be useful in your case, but you have to remove the random effect and then add the desired on back in:
update(fm0, . ~ . -(1|Subject) + (1 + Days | Subject))

drop1 function for lmer

I constructed a mixed effect model with three fixed effects and one random effect.
mdl1 <- lmer(yld.res ~ veg + rep + rip + (1|state),
I want to get the most parsimonious model from the above model. To do this, I want to drop one independent variable at a time and see if it improved the fit of the model (by looking at the AICc value). But when I use drop1, it gives me the following error:
drop1(mdl1, test="F")
Error in match.arg(test) : 'arg' should be one of “none”, “Chisq”, “user”
I am not really sure how to go about this and would really appreciate any help.
If you just use drop1() with the default test="none" it will give you the AIC values corresponding to the model with each fixed effect dropped in turn.
Here's a slightly silly example (it probably doesn't make sense to test the model with a quadratic but no linear term):
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
## Single term deletions
## Model:
## Reaction ~ Days + I(Days^2) + (Days | Subject)
## Df AIC
## <none> 1764.3
## Days 1 1769.2
## I(Days^2) 1 1763.9
How badly do you need AICc rather than AIC? That could be tricky/require some hacking ...
