Hazelcast Distributed Map Heap Size Control - out-of-memory

I'm using Hazelcast as embedded Distributed Map in my APIs such as MemTable to accumulate entries before It would send to another storage. My question is :
Can I control the Heap Size using the LocalMapStats object provided for IMap ?
I was reading about that object and I though methods such as getHeapSize() or getOwnedEntryMemoryCost() plus getBackupEntryMemoryCost() maybe could be give me the Memory Cost to compare against a threshold and then decide what to do with the data.
Thanks in advance.

You can identify the heap cost of the Map via the API. This can also be done easily via the scripting console in Hazelcast management center portal. The code is as below
function findOverallDataSizeImap() {
var objs = hazelcast.getDistributedObjects();
var len = objs.length;
var output='';
var totalSizeInMB=0.0;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
if(objs[i] instanceof com.hazelcast.core.IMap){
output = output+' Name : '+objs[i].getName() +' Size (MB) :'+
(objs[i].getLocalMapStats().getHeapCost()/100000)+' \n';
output = output + ' Total Size (MB) = ' + totalSizeInMB;
return output;


How quickly can Realm return sorted data?

Realm allows you to receive the results of a query in sorted order.
let realm = try! Realm()
let dogs = realm.objects(Dog.self)
let dogsSorted = dogs.sorted(byKeyPath: "name", ascending: false)
I ran this test to see how quickly realm returns sorted data
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class TestModel: Object {
#Persisted(indexed: true) var value: Int = 0
class RealmSortTest {
let documentCount = 1000000
var smallestValue: TestModel = TestModel()
func writeData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
var documents: [TestModel] = []
for _ in 0 ... documentCount {
let newDoc = TestModel()
newDoc.value = Int.random(in: 0 ... Int.max)
try! realm.write {
func readData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let sortedResults = realm.objects(TestModel.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "value")
let start = Date()
self.smallestValue = sortedResults[0]
let end = Date()
let delta = end.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - start.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
print("Time Taken: \(delta)")
func updateSmallestValue() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let sortedResults = realm.objects(TestModel.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "value")
smallestValue = sortedResults[0]
print("Originally loaded smallest value: \(smallestValue.value)")
let newSmallestValue = TestModel()
newSmallestValue.value = smallestValue.value - 1
try! realm.write {
print("Originally loaded smallest value after write: \(smallestValue.value)")
let readStart = Date()
smallestValue = sortedResults[0]
let readEnd = Date()
let readDelta = readEnd.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate - readStart.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
print("Reloaded smallest value \(smallestValue.value)")
print("Time Taken to reload the smallest value: \(readDelta)")
With documentCount = 100000, readData() output:
Time taken to load smallest value: 0.48901796340942383
and updateData() output:
Originally loaded smallest value: 2075613243102
Originally loaded smallest value after write: 2075613243102
Reloaded smallest value 2075613243101
Time taken to reload the smallest value: 0.4624580144882202
With documentCount = 1000000, readData() output:
Time taken to load smallest value: 4.807577967643738
and updateData() output:
Originally loaded smallest value: 4004790407680
Originally loaded smallest value after write: 4004790407680
Reloaded smallest value 4004790407679
Time taken to reload the smallest value: 5.2308430671691895
The time taken to retrieve the first document from a sorted result set is scaling with the number of documents stored in realm rather than the number of documents being retrieved. This indicates to me that realm is sorting all of the documents at query time rather than when the documents are being written. Is there a way to index your data so that you can quickly retrieve a small number of sorted documents?
Following discussion in the comments, I updated the code to load only the smallest value from the sorted collection.
Edit 2
I updated the code to observe the results as suggested in the comments.
import Foundation
import RealmSwift
class TestModel: Object {
#Persisted(indexed: true) var value: Int = 0
class RealmSortTest {
let documentCount = 1000000
var smallestValue: TestModel = TestModel()
var storedResults: Results<TestModel> = (try! Realm()).objects(TestModel.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "value")
var resultsToken: NotificationToken? = nil
func writeData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
var documents: [TestModel] = []
for _ in 0 ... documentCount {
let newDoc = TestModel()
newDoc.value = Int.random(in: 0 ... Int.max)
try! realm.write {
func observeData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
print("Loading Data")
let startTime = Date()
self.storedResults = realm.objects(TestModel.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "value")
self.resultsToken = self.storedResults.observe { changes in
let observationTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime)
print("Time to first observation: \(observationTime)")
let firstTenElementsSlice = self.storedResults[0..<10]
let elementsArray = Array(firstTenElementsSlice) //print this if you want to see the elements
elementsArray.forEach { print($0.value) }
let moreElapsed = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime)
print("Time to printed elements: \(moreElapsed)")
and I got the following output
Loading Data
Time to first observation: 5.252112984657288
Time to printed elements: 5.253015995025635
Reading the data with an observer did not reduce the time taken to read the data.
At this time it appears that Realm sorts data when it is accessed rather than when it is written, and there is not a way to have Realm sort data at write time. This means that accessing sorted data scales with the number of documents in the database rather than the number of documents being accessed.
The actual time taken to access the data varies by use case and platform.
dogs and dogsSorted are Realm Results Collection object that essentially contains pointers to the underlying data, not the data itself.
Defining a sort order does NOT load all of the objects and they remain lazy - only loading as needed, which is one of the huge benefits to Realm; giant datasets can be used without worrying about overloading memory.
It's also one of the reasons that Realm Results objects always reflect the current state of the data of the underlying data; that data can change many times and what you see in your app Results vars (and Realm Collections in general) will always show the updated data.
As a side node, at this time working with Realm Collection objects with Swift High Level functions causes that data to load into memory - so don't do that. Sort, Filter etc with Realm functions and everything stays lazy and memory friendly.
Indexing is a trade off; on one hand it can improve the performance of certain queries like an equality ( "name == 'Spot'" ) but on the other hand it can slow down write performance. Additionally, adding indexes takes up a bit more space.
Generally speaking, indexing is best for specific use cases; maybe in a situation were you doing some kind of type ahead autofill where performance is critical. We have several apps with very large datasets (Gb's) and nothing is indexed because the performance advantage received is offset by slower writes, which are done frequently. I suggest starting without indexing.
Going to update the answer based on additional discussion.
First and foremost, copying data from one object to another is not a measure of database loading performance. The real objective here is the user experience and/or being able to access that data - from the time the user expects to see the data to when it's shown. So let's provide some code to demonstrate general performance:
We'll first start with a similar model to what the OP used
class TestModel: Object {
#Persisted(indexed: true) var value: Int = 0
convenience init(withIndex: Int) {
self.value = withIndex
Then define a couple of vars to hold the Results from disk and a notification token which allows us to know when that data is available to be displayed to the user. And then lastly a var to hold the time of when the loading starts
var modelResults: Results<TestModel>!
var modelsToken: NotificationToken?
var startTime = Date()
Here's the function that writes lots of data. The objectCount var will be changed from 10,000 objects on the first run to 1,000,000 objects on the second. Note this is bad coding as I am creating a million objects in memory so don't do this; for demonstration purposes only.
func writeLotsOfData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
let objectCount = 1000000
autoreleasepool {
var testModelArray = [TestModel]()
for _ in 0..<objectCount {
let m = TestModel(withIndex: Int.random(in: 0 ... Int.max))
try! realm.write {
print("data written: \(testModelArray.count) objects")
and then finally the function that loads those objects from realm and outputs when the data is available to be shown to the user. Note they are sorted per the original question - and in fact will maintain their sort as data is added and changed! Pretty cool stuff.
func loadBigData() {
let realm = try! Realm()
print("Loading Data")
self.startTime = Date()
self.modelResults = realm.objects(TestModel.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "value")
self.modelsToken = self.modelResults?.observe { changes in
let elapsed = Date().timeIntervalSince(self.startTime)
print("Load completed of \(self.modelResults.count) objects - elapsed time of \(elapsed)")
and the results. Two runs, one with 10,000 objects and one with 1,000,000 objects
data written: 10000 objects
Loading Data
Load completed of 10000 objects - elapsed time of 0.0059670209884643555
data written: 1000000 objects
Loading Data
Load completed of 1000000 objects - elapsed time of 0.6800119876861572
There are three things to note
A Realm Notification object fires an event when the data has
completed loading, and also when there are additional changes. We are
leveraging that to notify the app when the data has completed loading
and is available to be used - shown to the user for example.
We are lazily loading all of the objects! At no point are we going
to run into a memory overloading issue. Once the objects have loaded
into the results, they are then freely available to be shown to the
user or processed in whatever way is needed. Super important to work
with Realm objects in a Realm way when working with large datasets.
Generally speaking, if it's 10 objects well, no problem tossing
them into an array, but when there are 1 Million objects - let Realm
do it's lazy job.
The app is protected using the above code and techniques. There
could be 10 objects or 1,000,000 objects and the memory impact is
(see comment to the OP's question for more info about this edit)
Per a request fromt the OP, they wanted to see the same exercise with printed values and times. Here's the updated code
self.modelsToken = self.modelResults?.observe { changes in
let elapsed = Date().timeIntervalSince(self.startTime)
print("Load completed of \(self.modelResults.count) objects - elapsed time of \(elapsed)")
print("print first 10 object values")
let firstTenElementsSlice = self.modelResults[0..<10]
let elementsArray = Array(firstTenElementsSlice) //print this if you want to see the elements
elementsArray.forEach { print($0.value)}
let moreElapsed = Date().timeIntervalSince(self.startTime)
print("Printing of 10 elements completed: \(moreElapsed)")
and then the output
Loading Data
Load completed of 1000000 objects - elapsed time of 0.6730009317398071
print first 10 object values
Printing of 10 elements completed: 0.6745189428329468

How to get a Firestore document size?

From Firestore docs, we get that the maximum size for a Firestore document is:
Maximum size for a document 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes)
How can I know the current size of a single doc, to check if I'm approaching
that 1mb limit?
var docRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF");
docRef.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:", doc.data());
} else {
// doc.data() will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
The calculations used to compute the size of a document is fully documented here. There is a lot of text there, so please navigate there to read it. It's not worthwhile to copy all that text here.
If you're having to manually compute the size of a document as it grows, my opinion is that you're probably not modeling your data scalably. If you have lists of data that can grow unbounded, you probably shouldn't be using a list field, and instead put that data in documents in a new collection or subcollection. There are some exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, you should not have to worry about computing the size of a document in your client code.
I've published a npm package that calculates the size of a Firestore document.
Other packages like sizeof or object-sizeof that calculate the size of JS object will not give you a precise result because some primitives in Firestore have different byte value. For example boolean in Js is stored in 4 bytes, in a Firestore document it's 1 byte. Null is 0 bytes, in Firestore it's 1 byte.
Additionally to that Firestore has own unique types with fixed byte size: Geo point, Date, Reference.
Reference is a large object. Packages like sizeof will traverse through all the methods/properties of Reference, instead just doing the right thing here. Which is to sum String value of a document name + path to it + 16 bytes. Also, if Reference points to a parent doc , sizeof or object-sizeof will not detect circular reference here which might spell even bigger trouble than incorrect size.
For Android users who want to check the size of a document against the maximum of 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes) quota, there is a library I have made and that can help you calculate that:
In this way, you'll be able to always stay below the limit. The algorithm behind this library is the one that is explained in the official documentation regarding the Storage Size.
I was looking in the Firebase reference expecting the metadata would have an attribute, but it doesn't. You can check it here.
So my next approach would be to figure the weight of the object as an approximation. The sizeOf library seems to have a reasonable API for it.
So it would be something like:
I wouldn't use the document snapshot, because it contains metadata, like if there are pending saves. On another hand overestimating could be better in some cases.
[UPDATE] Thanks to Doug Stevenson for the wonderful insight
So I was curious how much the difference would actually be, so with my clunky js I made a dirty comparison, you can see the demo here
Considering this object:
"boolean": true,
"number": 1,
"text": "example"
And discounting the id this is the result:
| Method | Bytes |
| FireDoc | 37 |
| sizeOf | 64 |
So sizeOf library could be a good predictor if we want to overestimate (assuming calculations are fine and will behave more or less equal for more complex entities). But as explained in the comment, it is a rough estimation.
For Swift users,
If you want to estimate the document size then I use the following. Returns the estimated size of document in Bytes. It's not 100% accurate but gives a solid estimate. Basically just converts each key, value in the data map to a string and returns total bytes of String + 1. You can see the following link for details on how Firebase determines doc size: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/storage-size.
func getDocumentSize(data: [String : Any]) -> Int{
var size = 0
for (k, v) in data {
size += k.count + 1
if let map = v as? [String : Any]{
size += getDocumentSize(data: map)
} else if let array = v as? [String]{
for a in array {
size += a.count + 1
} else if let s = v as? String{
size += s.count + 1
return size
You can use this calculator (code snipped), i write by myself.
source : https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/storage-size
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Calculte Firestore Size</title>
<h1>Firestore Document Size Calculator</h1>
<h2 id="response" style="color:red">This is a Heading</h2>
<textarea id="id" style="width: 100%" placeholder="Firestore Doc Ref"></textarea>
<textarea id="json" style="width: 100%; min-height: 200px" placeholder="Firestore Doc Value JSON STRING"></textarea>
<textarea id="quantity" style="width: 100%;" placeholder="How Many repeat this value?"></textarea>
document.getElementById("json").value='{"type": "Personal","done": false , "priority": 1 , "description": "Learn Cloud Firestore"}'
document.getElementById("id").value = 'users/jeff/tasks/my_task_id'
function yuzdeBul(total,number) {
if (number == 0) {
return 0;
const sonuc = Math.ceil(parseInt(number) / (parseInt(total) / 100));
return sonuc;
function calculate(){
var quantity = parseInt(document.getElementById("quantity").value || 1);
var firestoreId = document.getElementById("id").value;
var refTotal = firestoreId
.map((v) => v.length + 1)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) + 16;
var idTotal = 0
var parseJson = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("json").value);
idTotal += calculateObj(parseJson);
document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = idTotal + "/" + 1048576 + " %"+yuzdeBul(1048576,idTotal);
function calculateObj(myObj) {
var total = Object.keys(myObj).map((key) => {
var keySize = key.toString().length + 1;
var findType = typeof myObj[key];
if (findType == "string") {
keySize += myObj[key].length + 1;
} else if (findType == "boolean") {
keySize += 1;
if (findType == "number") {
keySize += 8;
if (findType == "object") {
keySize += calculateObj(myObj[key]);
return keySize;
return total.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
document.getElementById("json").addEventListener("change", calculate);
document.getElementById("id").addEventListener("change", calculate);
document.getElementById("quantity").addEventListener("change", calculate);
So I was looking for a way to reduce unnecessary document reads by accumulating data in arrays and go worried about the size.
Turns out I wasn't even close to the limit.
Here's what you can do,
Create a new collection and add a document with the worst-case scenario for live data and using cloud console export that collection, you will see the document size.
Here is a screenshot of my export
Assuming all the documents are equal in size, each is 0.0003MB
You can also see if the documents exceed the 1024byte limit
document exceeding limit from the console
Note: you can only export when you have enabled billing.!

How to read, change and replace data with Firebase?

I'm trying to make a gambling website simulation, and I need to have a variable that stores the user's balance. This will change when they place a bet.
The variable is called "userbalance" and it set at 500 on Firebase. The user's bet is successfully stored on firebase. Therefore, I need to restrive this bet value again, and take it away from "userbalance", therefore updating their balance.
function storewager(){
var coinref = firebase.database().ref();
var coinwager = document.getElementById("coininput").value;
var userbalance =
function changeuserbal(coinwager, userbalance){
var balref = firebase.database().ref().child('userbalance');
var coinwager = document.getElementById("coininput").value;
var userbalchg = balref - coinwager;
I can't understand why it is working correctly in storewager, but not in changeuserbal.
Here's the firebase database layout:
coinbet: "66" <--- this is the user bet, which is changed by storewager()
userbalance: 500 <--- I'm trying to take coinbet away from this
Thank you very much for your help, as when I can do this, I should be able to progress a good amount more.
I've now managed to send the variable value, not the name To "userbalance". However, the calculation isn't correct. I believe the issue lies with the original value of "userbalance" not being referenced correctly.
Therefore, "userbalance" is just the wager but minus.
bal - coinwager = userbalchg ---> this is uploaded to "userbalance"
0 - coinwager = userbalchg ---> This is what I think is occuring
Here's the updated piece of my code:
function changeuserbal(coinwager){
var balref = firebase.database().ref().child("userbalance");
var bal = snapshot.child("userbalance").val();
var coinwager = document.getElementById("coininput").value;
var userbalchg = bal - coinwager;

DocumentDB Change Feed and saving Checkpoint

After reading the documentation, I'm having a hard time conceptualizing the change feed. Let's take the code from the documentation below. The second change feed is picking up the changes from the last time it was run via the checkpoints. Let's say it is being used to create summary data and there was an issue and it needed to be re-run from a prior time. I don't understand the following:
How to specify a particular time the checkpoint should start. I understand I can save the checkpoint dictionary and use that for each run, but how do you get the changes from X time to maybe rerun some summary data
Secondly, let's say we are rerunning some summary data and we save the last checkpoint used for each summarized data so we know where that one left off. How does one know that a record is in or before that checkpoint?
Code that runs from collection beginning and then from last checkpoint:
Dictionary < string, string > checkpoints = await GetChanges(client, collection, new Dictionary < string, string > ());
await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection, new DeviceReading {
DeviceId = "xsensr-201", MetricType = "Temperature", Unit = "Celsius", MetricValue = 1000
await client.CreateDocumentAsync(collection, new DeviceReading {
DeviceId = "xsensr-212", MetricType = "Pressure", Unit = "psi", MetricValue = 1000
// Returns only the two documents created above.
checkpoints = await GetChanges(client, collection, checkpoints);
private async Task < Dictionary < string, string >> GetChanges(
DocumentClient client,
string collection,
Dictionary < string, string > checkpoints) {
List < PartitionKeyRange > partitionKeyRanges = new List < PartitionKeyRange > ();
FeedResponse < PartitionKeyRange > pkRangesResponse;
do {
pkRangesResponse = await client.ReadPartitionKeyRangeFeedAsync(collection);
while (pkRangesResponse.ResponseContinuation != null);
foreach(PartitionKeyRange pkRange in partitionKeyRanges) {
string continuation = null;
checkpoints.TryGetValue(pkRange.Id, out continuation);
IDocumentQuery < Document > query = client.CreateDocumentChangeFeedQuery(
new ChangeFeedOptions {
PartitionKeyRangeId = pkRange.Id,
StartFromBeginning = true,
RequestContinuation = continuation,
MaxItemCount = 1
while (query.HasMoreResults) {
FeedResponse < DeviceReading > readChangesResponse = query.ExecuteNextAsync < DeviceReading > ().Result;
foreach(DeviceReading changedDocument in readChangesResponse) {
checkpoints[pkRange.Id] = readChangesResponse.ResponseContinuation;
return checkpoints;
DocumentDB supports check-pointing only by the logical timestamp returned by the server. If you would like to retrieve all changes from X minutes ago, you would have to "remember" the logical timestamp corresponding to the clock time (ETag returned for the collection in the REST API, ResponseContinuation in the SDK), then use that to retrieve changes.
Change feed uses logical time in place of clock time because it can be different across various servers/partitions. If you would like to see change feed support based on clock time (with some caveats on skew), please propose/upvote at https://feedback.azure.com/forums/263030-documentdb/.
To save the last checkpoint per partition key/document, you can just save the corresponding version of the batch in which it was last seen (ETag returned for the collection in the REST API, ResponseContinuation in the SDK), like Fred suggested in his answer.
How to specify a particular time the checkpoint should start.
You could try to provide a logical version/ETag (such as 95488) instead of providing a null value as RequestContinuation property of ChangeFeedOptions.

Is the Expression.* namespace the only way to create expression trees for EF 4.3 + ODAC?

I am having an issue with ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components), Entity Framework 4.3.1, and expression trees. We have a legacy database (don't we all?) that we are mapping in Entity Framework. The table has millions of records and over one hundred columns (sad face).
Here is an example query on an indexed column:
int myId = 2;
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(v=>v.Id == myId).ToList(); //Super slow (5+ minutes, sometimes Out of Memory exception)
int myId = 2;
Expression<Func<bool>> myLambda = v => v.Id == myId; //Shouldn't this work now?
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(myLambda).ToList(); //Still super slow (5+ minutes, sometimes Out of Memory exception)
var elementName = Expression.Parameter(typeof(LargeTable), "v");
var propertyName = Expression.Parameter(elementName, "Id");
var constantValue = Expression.Constant(myId);
var comparisonMethod = Expression.Call(
typeof(int).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(int) }),
var finalTree = Expression.Lambda<Func<LargeTable, bool>>(comparisonMethod, elementName);
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(finalTree).ToList(); //Super fast
I've read things like this that explain the different between Func<> and Expression> and how Expression> actually gets passed to the database for the query and that's why it is faster.
http://www.fascinatedwithsoftware.com/blog/post/2011/12/02/Falling-in-Love-with-LINQ-Part-7-Expressions-and-Funcs.aspx - Whole thing is good, but if in a rush, just read the section titled “Unintended Consequences” for the main takeaway
Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>? - No set of links is complete without a corresponding SO question
My question is this: Are people really sitting there constructing expression trees using Expression.* classes? Any query beyond simple comparisons get really complicated and is almost impossible to read. What am I missing about passing the Expression> to the database? Who do I go punch in the face for this manually constructed expression tree solution? Oracle? EF? What am I missing?
