How to get Timezone info, Timezone id in particular, in HERE API Batch geocoding process - here-api

I am moving from Google to Here-Api Geocoding service.I need to implement batch geocoding using HERE Batch Geocoder API. Till now I am able to get almost all of the needed info from Batch Geocoder API. However, I am not able to find a way to get TimeZone info in Batch Geocoder API response.
For example,I was able to get Timezone object through Here Forward Geocoding API- by set query parameters 'gen=9&&locationattributes=adminInfo,timeZone', but this two APIs-Geocoding and Batch Geocoder API seems to work slightly different.
I tried various combinations of query params using this generic URL:[your-app-code]&app_id=[your-app-id]&gen=8&header=true&indelim=|&outdelim=|&outcols=displayLatitude,displayLongitude,navigationLatitude,navigationLongitude,mapViewTopLeftLatitude,mapViewTopLeftLongitude,mapViewBottomRightLatitude,mapViewBottomRightLongitude,locationLabel,houseNumber,street,district,city,county,state,postalCode,country,relevance,matchLevel,matchType,matchCode,mapReferenceId,responseAdditionalData,addressAdditionalData&addressattributes=all&locationattributes=all&responseattributes=all&maxresults=5&outputcombined=true&mailto=[]
I took it from a response here:
How and what do responseattributes return for the Here Batch Geocoder API?
However, neither in posted URL nor in HERE Api documentation I found a way to include in "outcols" information for Timezone(i need only the TimeZone Id anyway).My logic is basically that if params gen=9 and locationattributes=adminInfo,timeZone are set it should work in Batch geocoding(as it works in Forward Geocoding API).
Looking at the documentation it seems to me that Timezone info is not included in batch geocoding response at all, which is a problem for me since I need Timezone Id and in this way after Batch geocoding I need to make request for each entry to set Timezone id.
In short, I need to take TimeZone info(TimeZone Id) from HERE Batch Geocoder API

The BatchGeocoder Service does not support time zones only the Geocoder Service does support this right now.


Call a REST API from Kusto function

I have a logs endpoint rest url that I want to call and get the contents by calling a function. In a simplified way, create function like below.
create function getData(url:string)
let data = curl GET url;
print data
//Call it.
getData("<some rest url here>")
The documentation from Microsoft seems to talk about Kusto's own APIs not not how to call an external API. Am I missing something?
The documentation you reference relates to calling Kusto service REST APIs.
Kusto query language is a query language, not a open-ended programming platform.
Call-outs to external sources such as SQL Azure are possible, but subject to certain restrictions, primarily security-oriented by nature.
See external data operator, sql_request plugin, and callout policy articles.

Difference between and

i am modifying my code to use the new apiKey instead of app_code and i have a problem with the new service.
When i try to feed a route bigger than 600-800 linkID's i am getting the following error:
414 Request-URI Too Large
I dont have any problems with the old service.
I was trying to reduce the linkID count but the result is altered too.
Can i somehow compress the list of linkID's ?
The TCE API( is legacy api and deprecated (but is still in functionality status) and will be not improved and not bug-fixed.
Please use the Fleet Telematics API to calculate toll cost instead of TCE API.
Fleet Telematics API is being improved and supported.

problems with reverse geocoding

I'm trying to query several coordinates through the revgeocode command of the ggmap package, but at the time of running my code tells me that it is not possible to connect to the API url.
I'm trying to understand:
How to place the API key inside the code so that the query can be generated?
Why does it tell me that I have already exceeded the number of consultations if I have not made one?
Below is part of the code:
ll <- cbind(Longitud, Latitud)
LL_1 <- as.matrix(ll)
DirR <- rep(0, nrow(LL_1))
for (j in 1:nrow(LL_1)){
DirR[j]<- revgeocode(LL_1[j,])
You need to upgrade ggmap to version 2.7.903 from Github and register your Google Maps API key. There is a tutorial under this link.
How to place the API key inside the code so that the query can be generated?
You have to register_google(key = "...") in every new R session before you execute any calls to the API.
Why does it tell me that I have already exceeded the number of consultations if I have not made one?
If you do not register a billing-enabled Google Maps API key, you share the quota with all the requests of your geographical region.

Different results in Evernote search and API search

I would like to search for all notes with reminder_time today. I use the following search query for this purpose:
reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1
If I use it in the Evernote client everything works fine. But if I use the findNotesMetadata function in the word field in the NoteFilter parameter I also get notes with reminder tomorrow. The official API documentation says for the word field in the NoteFilter-struct:
If present, a search query string that will filter the set of notes to be returned. Accepts the full search grammar documented in the Evernote API Overview.
The problem was that the notebook filter wasn't working correctly for business accounts. This was caused by a bug (slash not-implemented feature) in the Evernote service where the notebook:"notebookName" feature wasn't implemented in the Evernote service. It has now been implemented, and everything works perfectly.
There is still a difference in the API and the Evernote view. I want to search all notes created today. As the API documentation says the query is:
From the API I get all notes created from today 9:00 until tomorrow 8:59 (tomorrow date is manually changed in the note meta data). So I get the time interval from today for PST time zone, but I'm in Europe/Berlin, which explains a time difference of 9 hours between my location and Evernotes headquarter.
If I run the same query in Evernote Mac Client or the Evernote web client I get the correct notes from today in my time zone. In the Evernote Account, the correct time zone is stored.
Using the API, the concept of "days" will use UTC when searching for notes - we don't take the User.timezone field into account. When you use a client eg the web or mac client, the current time zone will be taken from the system when interpreting a search query.

Google Geocoding API, HTTP, CSV-data in API v3

I'm developing embedded software for a gps-tracker. Until this time I used Google Maps v2 for reverse geocoding (to convert GPS-coordinates to address string). I used http-request and a short-response-form (csv) ( Now, when the support of API v2 is almost over, I try to migrate to v3, but I can't find a csv response-format in http-request settings. The response-size is a critical parameter for the device. How do I solve this problem? Thank you.
According to the documentation you're stuck with JSON or XML.
A Geocoding API request must be of the following form:
where output may be either of the following values:
json (recommended) indicates output in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
xml indicates output as XML
Example: the query should look like this:
where required parameter sensor indicates you are calling from a location sensor enabled device or not.
