GeoFire with .net core - firebase

I'm converting a small web api from Node.js to .net core. We use Google Firebase for our database. For the new api, I am using FireSharp as my basic library for accessing the db, and I like it a lot.
However, I can't figure out how to access Google's GeoFire library from .net? Is there any way to do this?

There is no pre-built Geofire library provided by Firebase for .NET.
But a quick search show this SideGeoFire library that looks promising.
If that doesn't work for you, consider building your own. The code for Firebase's GeoFire library is open-source, and while it isn't trivial, it's not the hardest code to port either. To learn more about the basics of how Geohashes, GeoFire, and Geoqueries work, have a look at the video of my talk Querying Firebase and Firestore based on geographic location or distance.


Is Firebase App Check available for Unity, Godot, or other game engines?

I am about to start making a game for iOS/Android which involves connection to Firebase backend.
Since the game contains a bit controversy theme, I'm scared of DDoS kind of attacks.
To make protection, I know Google provides Firebase App Check service and they say it's available for iOS/Android/Flutter/Web according to their webpage.
My question is, is the service available for Unity, Godot, or other game engines?
Since App Check SDK is available for Flutter, does this mean we need SDK for Unity, Godot etc. if we use those engines?
Or can we just use Firebase iOS/Android SDK together with any game engine?
I checked whether they provide SDK (with App Check) for any game engine and only found that Firebase Unity SDK seems to be trying to implement App Check feature (but not done yet).
It would appear Firebase is available in the Play Core Native SDK, so it would be possible to use GDNative to access the API.

Firebase Cloud Firestore "Request/response" documentation

Most of "bigger" project I was working with was using REST API for Frontend->Backend communication. I was using Firebase Cloud Firestore for some small (one-day/hackathon) projects. Now I'm thinking about using Firestore for some bigger project but I'm not sure if this will work.
For "standard", REST api project I had Swagger documentation, where each developer could see list of all endpoints with request/response data structures. How does it work with Firestore? Can I create similar documentation for developers to check data structure, so they will know what can they add and what should they read? Or maybe there is another way?
I'm thinking, maybe there is no tool for this kind of documentation because frontend data structures are defining database structure? But what if I am connecting database from two or more platform (ex. web, mobile and cloud functions)? How can I synchronize knowledge about data structures between all the developers?
I was looking for some answers but couldn't find anything useful expect advice to manually maintain some documentation. How does it work in your projects? Is there some automation? Manually written documentation? Or no documentation - everything "in code"?
I understand your concerns, but unfortunately, there is no such tool available for Cloud Firestore to generate the documentation for database structure as Swagger.
I believe you can do it programatically.
Generating Swagger Docs in Firebase Cloud Functions project
I'm using express and nodejs in my Firebase Function implementations, and for me, Swagger doc generation can be implemented via the following libraries:.
You can find other libraries at:
In addition to the responses there, the following service allows you to access Firestore metadata, click the explorer tab, looks promising for your use case though not necessarily more so than the links above.

Accessing Cloud Datastore from Qt app

I've developed a REST API back end using Endpoints-Proto-Datastore, which wraps the Cloud Endpoints Python API. I'm starting to look at Qt and trying to get an idea what will be involved in accessing my API from the Qt networking or other library. Might it be nearly as straightforward as is making the calls from the command line using the Python Client library, which even handles OAuth2 flows? This would be very nice. I might use PyQt if this makes things simpler.
Your Endpoints service can generate an OpenAPI specification file which describes the API. Once you do this, there are many OpenAPI-compatible packages which can generate client code for you.
I located this document which gives a pretty good overview for my purposes:
"The Google APIs Client Library for C++ will automatically take care of many of the tedious details for interpreting and complying with the discovery documents so that you can write simpler and familiar C++ code."
Now it's a matter of building and installing the C++ client and then figuring out how to generate the client library and access it from a Qt application. But that is beyond the scope of this question.

Firebase with architecture components

I am looking for advice on how to use android architecture components and firebase.
I am new to android programming and I've heard of architecture components and how it makes it easy for beginners to get started with android. I am using firebase realtime database as my backend.
Should I place the database calls like addListenerForSingleValueEvent in the repository class or its okay if I use it inside my activities and fragments?
I have searched for guidance on how to use firebase with the android architecture components but haven't found any. Any best practices on how I can use firebase with architecture components?
Have you taken a look at this Firebase Blog post Using Android Architecture Components with Firebase Realtime Database

Integrating a custom data store into meteor?

All the meteor samples I've seen have been mongo based. How do I plug another data source into meteor, eg my own custom REST API?
Well, REST has nothing to do with the type of database you using (relational, or something else, like Mongo). You can implement a REST api while using Mongo.
According to this SO answer (couldn't find it in the docs though):
You can substitute another database for MongoDB by providing a
server-side database driver and/or a client-side cache that implements
an alternative API.
I am guessing this is probably not the route you would like to go. That being said, if you are interested in building out a REST api with Mongo you can look on the atmosphere site for helpful packages. Example: Collection-API
