I have a dataset with several attributes and a value.
Input (sample)
X H 5 0.76
X A 2 0.34
X D 3 0.70
X I 3 0.33
X F 4 0.80
X E 1 0.39
I want to:
Determine all combinations of CAT and TYP
For each combination, calculate the average value when the combination is removed
Return a final table of differences
Final Table (sample)
1 <NA> NA 0.04000
2 H NA 0.03206
Row 1 means that if no records are removed, the difference between the average value of GRP='X' and GRP='Y' is 0.04. Row 2 means that if records with CAT='H' are removed, the difference is 0.032.
I have working code, but I want to make it faster. I'm open to your suggestions.
Working Code
# build example data frame
df <- data.frame(GRP = c(rep('X',25),rep('Y',25)),
CAT = sample(LETTERS[1:10], 50, T),
TYP = sample(1:5, 50, T),
VAL = sample(1:100, 50, T)/100,
stringsAsFactors = F)
# table of all combinations of CAT and TYP
splits <- expand.grid(lapply(df[,-c(1,4)], function(x) c(NA, unique(x))), stringsAsFactors = F)
# null data frame to store results
ans <- data.frame(CAT = character(),
TYP = integer(),
DIFF = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = F)
# loop through each combination and calculate the difference between group X and Y
for(i in 1:nrow(splits)) {
split.i <- splits[i,]
# determine non-na columns
by.cols <- colnames(split.i)[unlist(lapply(split.i, function(x) !all(is.na(x))))]
# anti-join to remove records that match `split.i`
if(length(by.cols) > 0){
df.i <- df %>%
anti_join(split.i, by = by.cols)
} else {
df.i <- df
# calculate average by group
df.i <- df.i %>%
group_by(GRP) %>%
summarize(VAL_MEAN = mean(VAL))
# calculate difference of averages
DIFF <- df.i[,2] %>%
as.matrix() %>%
diff() %>%
ans.tmp <- cbind(split.i, DIFF)
# bind to final data frame
ans <- bind_rows(ans, ans.tmp)
Speed results
> system.time(fcnDiffCalc())
user system elapsed
0.30 0.02 0.31
Consider assigning DIFF column with sapply rather than growing a data frame in a loop to avoid the repetitive in-memory copying:
fcnDiffCalc2 <- function() {
# table of all combinations of CAT and TYP
splits <- data.frame(expand.grid(lapply(df[,-c(1,4)], function(x) c(NA, unique(x))),
stringsAsFactors = F))
# loop through each combination and calculate the difference between group X and Y
splits$DIFF <- sapply(1:nrow(splits), function(i) {
split.i <- splits[i,]
# determine non-na columns
by.cols <- colnames(split.i)[unlist(lapply(split.i, function(x) !all(is.na(x))))]
# anti-join to remove records that match `split.i`
df.i <- tryCatch(df %>%
anti_join(split.i, by = by.cols), error = function(e) df)
# calculate average by group
df.i <- df.i %>%
group_by(GRP) %>%
summarize(VAL_MEAN = mean(VAL))
# calculate difference of averages
DIFF <- df.i[,2] %>%
as.matrix() %>%
diff() %>%
Even better, avoid the loop in expand.grid, use vapply over sapply (even the unlist + lapply = sapply or vapply) defining the outcome structure, and avoid pipes in loop to revert to base R's aggregate:
fcnDiffCalc3 <- function() {
# table of all combinations of CAT and TYP
splits <- data.frame(expand.grid(CAT = c(NA, unique(df$CAT)), TYP = c(NA, unique(df$TYP)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# loop through each combination and calculate the difference between group X and Y
splits$DIFF <- vapply(1:nrow(splits), function(i) {
split.i <- splits[i,]
# determine non-na columns
by.cols <- colnames(split.i)[vapply(split.i, function(x) !all(is.na(x)), logical(1))]
# anti-join to remove records that match `split.i`
df.i <- tryCatch(anti_join(df, split.i, by = by.cols), error = function(e) df)
# calculate average by group
df.i <- aggregate(VAL ~ GRP, df.i, mean)
# calculate difference of averages
}, numeric(1))
df_op <- fcnDiffCalc()
df_new <- fcnDiffCalc2()
df_new2 <- fcnDiffCalc3()
identical(df_op, df_new)
# [1] TRUE
identical(df_op, df_new2)
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(fcnDiffCalc(), fcnDiffCalc2(), fcnDiffCalc3())
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# fcnDiffCalc() 128.1442 140.1946 152.0703 154.3662 159.6809 180.5960 100
# fcnDiffCalc2() 115.4415 126.6108 138.0991 137.4108 145.2452 266.3297 100
# fcnDiffCalc3() 107.6847 116.9920 126.9131 126.0414 133.3887 227.2758 100
I am trying to extract random samples from 2 columns of my database (hours of work and relative amount of patients visited), and then I would like to calculate the mean progressively. By that I mean, the mean between the firsts 2 samples, then the mean between the mean I just calculated and the third sample...and so on.
Is it possible? Is there a function for that?
Thank you all for the help.
This is how I am extracting the samples.
obs <- rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 1)
time <- rnorm(10, mean = 0.5, sd = 1)
rdf <- data.frame(obs, time)
sample_n(rdf, 1)
p <- replicate(100, expr = (sample_n(rdf, 1) + sample_n(rdf, 1))/2)
One option is to use a for loop and determine the number of samples you would like. For example if we want to take 5 samples and calculate the means progressively we could do a loop which starts with first sample and iteratively selects the next sample. Then calculates the mean between the previous mean and the next sample:
obs <- rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 1)
time <- rnorm(10, mean = 0.5, sd = 1)
rdf <- data.frame(obs, time)
nsamp <- 5 # number of samples
mean_vect <- numeric(nsamp) # create a vector to store the means
mean_vect[1] <- mean(sample_n(rdf, 1)$obs) # mean of first sample as starting point
# start calculations to fifth sample iteratively
for (i in 2:nsamp) {
# select the next sample
next_samp <- sample_n(rdf, 1)
# calculate the mean between the previous mean and the next sample
mean_vect[i] <- mean(c(mean_vect[i-1], next_samp$obs))
# print the means
[1] -1.13040590 -0.20491620 0.04831609 0.08284144 0.40170747
You could define a recursive function (a function that calls itself).
f <- function(S, R, i=1, cm=NULL, res=NULL, ...) {
S <- rbind(cm, rdf[sample.int(nrow(rdf), 1), ])
cm <- colMeans(S)
res <- rbind(res, cm)
return(if (i < R) {
f(S, R=R, i=i + 1, cm=cm, res=res)
} else {
`rownames<-`(as.data.frame(res), NULL)
f(rdf[sample.int(nrow(rdf), 1), ], R=10)
# obs time
# 1 0.376972125 -0.35312282
# 2 -1.209781097 0.01180847
# 3 -0.416404486 -0.17065718
# 4 0.671363430 -0.97981606
# 5 0.394365109 -0.21075628
# 6 -0.368020398 -0.04117009
# 7 -0.033236012 0.68404454
# 8 0.042065388 0.62117402
# 9 0.209518756 0.13402560
# 10 -0.009929495 -1.20236950
You probably have to increase you C stack size.
But you could also use a for loop.
R <- 10
res1 <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
for (i in seq_len(R - 1)) {
if (nrow(res1) == 0) {
res1 <- rdf[sample.int(nrow(rdf), 1), ]
S <- rdf[sample.int(nrow(rdf), 1), ]
res1 <- rbind(res1, colMeans(rbind(res1[nrow(res1), ], S)))
# obs time
# 1 0.376972125 -0.35312282
# 2 -1.209781097 0.01180847
# 3 -0.416404486 -0.17065718
# 4 0.671363430 -0.97981606
# 5 0.394365109 -0.21075628
# 6 -0.368020398 -0.04117009
# 7 -0.033236012 0.68404454
# 8 0.042065388 0.62117402
# 9 0.209518756 0.13402560
# 10 -0.009929495 -1.20236950
Here a quick benchmark of both versions (R=2K), recursion appears to be almost twice as fast.
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# recursive 577.0595 582.0189 587.3052 586.9783 592.4281 597.8778 3 a
# for-loop 991.4360 993.7170 997.2436 995.9980 1000.1473 1004.2966 3 b
rdf <- structure(list(obs = c(0.376972124936433, 0.301548373935665,
-1.0980231706536, -1.13040590360378, -2.79653431987176, 0.720573498411587,
0.93912102300901, -0.229377746707471, 1.75913134696347, 0.117366786802848
), time = c(-0.353122822287008, 1.40925918161821, 1.69637295955276,
0.128416096258652, 0.376739766712564, 2.30004311672545, 2.20399587729432,
-2.53876460529759, -1.78897494991878, 0.558303494992923)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
another approach (with your example data rdf):
create a function mean_of_random_pair(xs) which draws two random items of a set xs and calculates their mean:
mean_of_random_pair <- function(xs){
xs |> sample(size = 2) |> mean(na.rm = TRUE)
create a function cumulative_mean which calculates the grand mean X as the mean of the existing X and a new item x:
cumulative_mean <- function(xs){
xs |> Reduce(f = \(X, x) mean(c(X, x)),
accumulate = TRUE
link above functions up into a pipeline and run it runs times on the set rdf$obs:
runs = 100
1:runs |>
Map(f = \(i) mean_of_random_pair(rdf$obs)) |>
output (the sequence of iterative averaging):
[1] 1.1000858 0.8557774 0.3041130 0.4262881 -0.4658256
# ...
inspect output (for n = 5000 simulation runs):
runs = 5e3
densities <-
list(obs = 'obs', time = 'time') |>
1:runs |>
Map(f = \(i) mean_of_random_pair(rdf[[var]])) |>
cumulative_mean() |>
densities$time |> plot(col = 'blue', ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(-3, 3), main = 'foo')
densities$obs |> lines(col = 'red')
I am running a Montecarlo simulation of a multinomial logit. Therefore I have a function that generates the data and estimates the model. Additionally, I want to generate different datasets over a grid of values. In particular, changing both the number of individuals (n.indiv) and the number of answers by each individual (n.choices).
So far, I have managed to solve it, but at some point, I incurred into a nested for-loop structure over a grid search of the possible values for the number of individuals (n.indiv_list) and the number of answers by each individual(n.choices_list). Finally, I am quite worried about the efficiency of the usage of my last bit of code with the double for-loop structure running on the combinations of the possible values. Probably there is a vectorized way to do it that I am missing (or maybe not?).
Finally, and this is mostly a matter of style, I managed to arrive a multiples objects that contain the models from the combinations of the grid search with informative names, but also would be great if I could collapse all of them in a list but with the current structure, I am not sure how to do it. Thank you in advance!
1) Function that generates data and estimates the model.
#function that generates the data and estimates the model.
mlogit_sim_data <- function(...){
# generating number of (n.alter) X (n.choices)
df <- data.frame(id= rep(seq(1,n.choices ),n.alter ))
# id per individual
df <- df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(altern = sequence(n()))%>%
#Repeated scheme for each individual + id_ind
df <- cbind(df[rep(1:nrow(df), n.indiv), ], id_ind = rep(1:n.indiv, each = nrow(df)))
## creating attributes
df<- df %>%
group_by(altern) %>%
id_choice = sequence(n()))%>%
group_by(id_ind) %>%
z1 = rpois(1,lambda = 25),
z2 = rlnorm(1,meanlog = 5, sdlog = 0.5),
z3 = ifelse(runif(1, min = 0 , max = 1) > 0.5 , 1 , 0)
# Observed utility
df$V1 <- with(df, b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 )
#### Generate Response Variable ####
fn_choice_generator <- function(V){
U <- V + rgumbel(length(V), 0, 1)
1L * (U == max(U))
# Using fn_choice_generator to generate 'choice' columns
df <- df %>%
group_by(id_choice) %>%
fn_choice_generator, .names = "choice_{.col}")) %>% # generating choice(s)
select(-starts_with("V")) %>% ##drop V variables.
model_result <- mlogit(choice_V1 ~ 0 + x1 + x2 |1 ,
data = df,
idx = c("id_choice", "altern"))
error = function(e){
2) Grid search over possible combinations of the data
#List with the values that varies in the simulation
#number of individuals
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
# Values that remains constant across simulations
#set number of alternatives
n.alter <- 3
## Real parameters
b1 <- 1
b2 <- 2
#Number of reps
nreps <- 10
#Set seed
#iteration over different values in the simulation
for(i in n.indiv_list) {
for(j in n.choices_list) {
n.indiv <- i
n.choices <- j
assign(paste0("m_ind_", i, "_choices_", j), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data))
You can vectorize using the map2 function of the purrr package:
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
l1 <- length(n.indiv_list)
l2 <- length(n.choices_list)
v1 <- rep(n.indiv_list, each = l2)
v2 <- rep(n.choices_list, l1) #v1, v2 generate all pairs
> v1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 15 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500
> v2
[1] 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10
result <- map2(v1, v2, function(v1, v2) assign(paste0("m_ind_", v1, "_choices_", v2), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data)))
result will be a list of your function outputs.
I have a matrix X, two data frames A and B and to vectors of indices vec_a and vec_b. A and B contain an index variable each, where the values correspond to the values in vec_a and vec_b. Other than that, A and B contain as as many values as there are columns in X:
# original data
X <- matrix(rnorm(200),100,2)
# values to substract in data.frames
A <- data.frame(index_a = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
B <- data.frame(index_b = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
# indices, which values to substract (one for each row of X)
vec_a <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
vec_b <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
What I want to achieve is the following: For each row iii in X get the values value1 and value2 from A and B based on elements iii in the vectors vec_a and vec_b. Then, subtract these values from the corresponding row in X. May sound a bit confusing, but I hope the following solution makes it more clear what the goal is:
# iterate over all rows of X
for(iii in 1:nrow(X)){
# get correct values
X_clean <- A[which(A$index_a == vec_a[iii]),-1] - # subtract correct A value
B[which(B$index_b == vec_b[iii]),-1] # subtract correct B value
# this intermediate step is necessary, otherwise we substract a data.frame from a matrix
X_clean <- as.numeric(X_clean)
# subtract from X
X[iii,] = X[iii,] - X_clean
Note that we have to convert to numeric in my loop solution, otherwise X loses class matrix as we subtract a data.frame from a matrix. My solution works fine, until you need to do that for many matrices like A and B and for millions of observations. Is there a solution that does not rely on looping over all rows?
Thanks, both answers improve the speed of the code massively. I chose the answer by StupidWolf as it was more efficient than using data.table:
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
datatable 5557.355 5754.931 6052.402 5881.729 5975.386 14154.040 100 b
stupid.wolf 818.529 1172.840 1311.784 1187.593 1221.164 4777.743 100 a
loop 111748.790 115141.149 116677.528 116109.571 117085.048 156497.999 100 c
You can just match the rows:
# original data
X <- matrix(rnorm(200),100,2)
A <- data.frame(index_a = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
B <- data.frame(index_b = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
vec_a <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
vec_b <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
newX <- X - as.matrix(A[match(vec_a,A$index_a),-1]-B[match(vec_b,B$index_b),-1])
Then we run your loop:
for(iii in 1:nrow(X)){
X_clean <- A[which(A$index_a == vec_a[iii]),-1] - # subtract correct A value
B[which(B$index_b == vec_b[iii]),-1] # subtract correct B value
X_clean <- as.numeric(X_clean)
X[iii,] = X[iii,] - X_clean
And check the values are equal:
[1] TRUE
Match should be pretty fast, but if it is still too slow, you can just call out the values of A using vec_a, like A[vec_a,] ..
This approach uses data.table for easy joining.
X <- matrix(rnorm(200),100,2)
A <- data.frame(index_a = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
B <- data.frame(index_b = 1:4, value1 = rnorm(4), value2 = rnorm(4))
vec_a <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
vec_b <- sample(1:4, nrow(X), replace = T)
dtX <- as.data.table(cbind(1:nrow(X),X,vec_a,vec_b))
dtX[A, on = .(vec_a = index_a)][B,
on = .(vec_b = index_b)][order(V1),
.(V2 - (value1 - i.value1), V3 - (value2 - i.value2))]
V1 V2
[1,] 0.22746 0.7069
[2,] 1.84340 -0.1258
[3,] -0.70038 1.2494
[98,] 2.04666 0.6767
[99,] 0.02451 1.0473
[100,] -2.72553 -0.6595
Hopefully this will be pretty fast for very large matrices.
I have the following data frame 'df'.
Each participant (here 10 participants) saw several stimuli (here 100), and made
a judgment about it (here a random number). For each stimuli, I know the true
answer (here a random number; a different number for each stimuli but always
the same answer for all participanst)
participant <- rep(1:10, each=100)
stimuli <- rep(1:100, 10)
judgment <- rnorm(1000)
df1 <- data.frame(participant, stimuli, judgment)
df2 <- data.frame(stimuli=1:100, criterion=rnorm(100))
df <- merge(df1, df2, by='stimuli') %>% arrange(participant, stimuli)
Here is what I am trying to do:
1) Taking n randomly selected participants (here n is between 1 and 10).
2) Computing the mean of their judgments per stimuli
3) Computing the correlation between this mean and the true answer
I want to perform step 1-3 for all n (that is, I want to take 1 randomly selected participants and perform steps 1-3, then I want to take 2 randomly selected participants and perform steps 1-3 ... 10 randomly selected participants and perform steps 1-3.
The results should be a data frame with 10 rows and 2 variables: N and the correlation. I want to work only with dplyr.
My solution is based on lapply. Here it is:
participants_id = unique (df$participant)
MyFun = function(Data) {
HelpFun = function(x, Data) {
# x is the index for the number of participants.
# It Will be used in the lapply call bellow
participants_x = sample(participants_id, x)
filter(Data, participant %in% participants_x) %>%
group_by(stimuli) %>%
summarise( mean_x = mean(judgment),
criterion = unique(criterion) ) %>%
summarise(cor = cor(.$mean_x, .$criterion))
N <- length(unique(Data$participant))
lapply(1:N, HelpFun, Data) %>% bind_rows()
The problem is that this code is slow. Since every selection is random, I
perform all this 10,000 times. And this slow. On my machine (Windows 10, 16 GB) 1000 simulations take 2 minutes. 10,000 simulations takes 20 minutes. (I also tried with loops but it did not help, although for some reasons it was a little bit faster). It has to be a solution faster. After all, a computations are not so complicated.
Below I wrote 100 simulations only in order to not interfere with your computer.
system.time(replicate(100, MyFun(df), simplify = FALSE ) %>% bind_rows())
Any idea about making all of this faster?
Using data.table and for loops we can get 10 times faster solution.
My function:
minem <- function(n) { # n - simulation count
participants_id <- unique(df$participant)
N <- length(unique(df$participant))
dt <- as.data.table(df)
setkey(dt, stimuli)
L <- list()
for (j in 1:n) {
corss <- rep(0, N)
for (i in 1:N) {
participants_x <- sample(participants_id, i)
xx <- dt[participant %in% participants_x,
.(mean_x = mean(judgment),
criterion = first(criterion)),
by = stimuli]
corss[i] <- cor(xx$mean_x, xx$criterion)
L[[j]] <- corss
# [1] 0.13642499 -0.02078109 -0.14418400 0.04966805 -0.09108837 -0.15403185
Your function:
Meir <- function(n) {
replicate(n, MyFun(df), simplify = FALSE) %>% bind_rows()
times = 10)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# Meir(10) 1897.6909 1956.3427 1986.5768 1973.5594 2043.4337 2048.5809 10 b
# minem(10) 193.5403 196.0426 201.4132 202.1085 204.9108 215.9961 10 a
around 10 times faster
system.time(minem(1000)) # ~19 sek
If your data size and memory limit allows then you can do it much faster with this approach:
minem2 <- function(n) {
participants_id <- unique(df$participant)
N <- length(unique(df$participant))
dt <- as.data.table(df)
setkey(dt, participant)
L <- lapply(1:n, function(x)
sapply(1:N, function(i)
sample(participants_id, i)))
L <- unlist(L, recursive = F)
names(L) <- 1:length(L)
g <- sapply(seq_along(L), function(x) rep(names(L[x]), length(L[[x]])))
L <- data.table(participant = unlist(L), .id = as.integer(unlist(g)),
key = "participant")
L <- dt[L, allow.cartesian = TRUE]
xx <- L[, .(mean_x = mean(judgment), criterion = first(criterion)),
keyby = .(.id, stimuli)]
xx <- xx[, cor(mean_x, criterion), keyby = .id][[2]]
times = 2, unit = "relative")
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# Meir(100) 316.34965 316.34965 257.30832 257.30832 216.85190 216.85190 2 c
# minem(100) 31.49818 31.49818 26.48945 26.48945 23.05735 23.05735 2 b
# minem2(100) 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2 a
But you will need to test yourself.
I have a large table consisting of several genes (newID) with associated values. Some genes (newID) are unique, some have several instances (appear in multiple rows). How to exclude from the table those with only one occurrence (row)? IN the example below, only the last row would be removed as it is unique.
head(exons.s, 10)
Row.names exonID pvalue log2fold.5_t.GFP_t. newID
1 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E001 E001 0.3597070 0.029731989 ENSMUSG00000000001
2 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E002 E002 0.6515167 0.028984837 ENSMUSG00000000001
3 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E003 E003 0.8957798 0.009665072 ENSMUSG00000000001
4 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E004 E004 0.5308266 -0.059273822 ENSMUSG00000000001
5 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E005 E005 0.4507640 -0.061276835 ENSMUSG00000000001
6 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E006 E006 0.5147357 -0.068357886 ENSMUSG00000000001
7 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E007 E007 0.5190718 -0.063959853 ENSMUSG00000000001
8 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E008 E008 0.8999434 0.032186993 ENSMUSG00000000001
9 ENSMUSG00000000001_Gnai3:E009 E009 0.5039369 0.133313175 ENSMUSG00000000001
10 ENSMUSG00000000003_Pbsn:E001 E001 NA NA ENSMUSG00000000003
> dim(exons.s)
[1] 234385 5
With plyr I would go about it like this:
## remove single exon genes:
multEx <- function(df){
if (nrow(df) > 1){return(df)}
genes.mult.ex <- ddply(exons.s , .(newID), multEx, .parallel=TRUE)
But this is very slow. I thought this would be easy with data.table but I can't figure it out:
exons.s <- data.table(exons.s, key="newID")
x.dt.out <- exons.s[, lapply(.SD, multEx), by=newID]
I am new to data.table so any pointers in the right direction would be welcome.
Create a column giving the number of rows in each group, then subset:
There is a simpler and more effiecent way of doing this using the duplicated() function instead of counting the group sizes.
First we need to generate a test dastaset:
# Generate test datasets
smallNumberSampled <- 1e3
largeNumberSampled <- 1e6
smallDataset <- data.table(id=paste('id', 1:smallNumberSampled, sep='_'), value1=sample(x = 1:26, size = smallNumberSampled, replace = T), value2=letters[sample(x = 1:26, size = smallNumberSampled, replace = T)])
largeDataset <- data.table(id=paste('id', 1:largeNumberSampled, sep='_'), value1=sample(x = 1:26, size = largeNumberSampled, replace = T), value2=letters[sample(x = 1:26, size = largeNumberSampled, replace = T)])
# add 2 % duplicated rows:
smallDataset <- rbind(smallDataset, smallDataset[sample(x = 1:nrow(smallDataset), size = nrow(smallDataset)* 0.02)])
largeDataset <- rbind(largeDataset, largeDataset[sample(x = 1:nrow(largeDataset), size = nrow(largeDataset)* 0.02)])
Then we implement the three solutions as functions:
# Original suggestion
getDuplicatedRows_Count <- function(dt, columnName) {
return( dt[n>1] )
# Duplicated using subsetting
getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_subset <- function(dt, columnName) {
# .. means "look up one level"
return( dt[which( duplicated(dt[, ..columnName]) | duplicated(dt[, ..columnName], fromLast = T) ),] )
# Duplicated using the "by" argument to avoid copying
getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_by <- function(dt, columnName) {
return( dt[which( duplicated(dt[,by=columnName]) | duplicated(dt[,by=columnName], fromLast = T) ),] )
Then we test that they give the same results
results1 <- getDuplicatedRows_Count (smallDataset, 'id')
results2 <- getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_subset(smallDataset, 'id')
results3 <- getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_by(smallDataset, 'id')
> identical(results1, results2)
[1] TRUE
> identical(results2, results3)
[1] TRUE
And the we time the average performance of the 3 solutions:
# Small dataset
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_Count (smallDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.00176 0.00007 0.00186
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_subset(smallDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.00206 0.00005 0.00221
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_by (smallDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.00141 0.00003 0.00147
#Large dataset
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_Count (largeDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.28571 0.01980 0.31022
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_subset(largeDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.24386 0.03596 0.28243
> system.time( temp <- replicate(n = 100, expr = getDuplicatedRows_duplicated_by (largeDataset, 'id')) ) / 100
user system elapsed
0.22080 0.03918 0.26203
Which shows that the duplicated() approach scales better, especially if the "by=" option is used.
UPDATE: 21 nov 2014. Test of identical output (As suggested by Arun - thanks) identified a problem with me using data.table v 1.9.2 where duplicated's fromLast does not work. I updated to v 1.9.4 and redid the analysis and now the differences is much smaller.
UPDATE: 26 nov 2014. Included and tested the "by=" approach to extract column from the data.table (as suggested by Arun so credit goes there). Furthermore the test of runtime was averaged over 100 test to ensure correctness of result.