How to get the type of each union case for a given union type in F# - reflection

I am wondering in the F# code below how to fetch the type associated with each union case via reflection
type AccountCreatedArgs = {
Owner: string
AccountId: Guid
CreatedAt: DateTimeOffset
StartingBalance: decimal
type Transaction = {
To: Guid
From: Guid
Description: string
Time: DateTimeOffset
Amount: decimal
type AccountEvents =
| AccountCreated of AccountCreatedArgs
| AccountCredited of Transaction
| AccountDebited of Transaction
I tried using FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<AccountEvents>) but UnionCaseInfo does not provide any information about the case type (only the declaring type aka AccountEvents so not really useful in my case) =/
The answer of glennsl really helped me
What I really found handy in my case was:
let getUnionCasesTypes<'T> =
|> (fun x -> x.GetFields().[0].DeclaringType)

UnionCaseInfo has a GetFields method which returns an array of PropertyInfos which describe each field/argument of the union case. For example:
|> c -> (c.Name, c.GetFields()))
|> printfn "%A"
will print
[|("AccountCreated", [|AccountCreatedArgs Item|]);
("AccountCredited", [|Transaction Item|]);
("AccountDebited", [|Transaction Item|])|]
The name assigned to a single field union case is "Item", and if multiple is "Item1", "Item2" etc. The field type itself can be retrieved from the PropertyType property of PropertyInfo, so:
|> c -> (c.Name, c.GetFields() |> p -> p.PropertyType.Name)))
|> printfn "%A"
will thus print
[|("AccountCreated", [|"AccountCreatedArgs"|]);
("AccountCredited", [|"Transaction"|]);
("AccountDebited", [|"Transaction"|])|]


Custom attribute on record fields F#

I am trying to declare a custom attribute in a record and trying to read it. It seems to be not working. Please advise.
// Custom Attribute for record fields
type Name(x: string) =
inherit Attribute()
member _.value = x
// Record type
type User =
{ [<Name("id")>]
Id: int
Email: string
OrganizationId: option<string> }
// Trying to read the attribute. This is not working. I am getting <null> here.
let parse () =
|> (fun p -> p.Name, p.GetCustomAttribute(typeof<Name>, false))
|> Array.iter (fun (t, a) -> printfn "%s : %A" t a)
The below code fixes the problem. For more detailed answer, refer this link.
// Changing to property instead of field
type Name(x: string) =
inherit Attribute()
member _.value = x

Simulate polymorphic variants in F#?

I'm new to F# so forgive me in advance if this is a stupid question or if the syntax may be a bit off. Hopefully it's possible to understand the gist of the question anyways.
What I'd like to achieve is the possibility to compose e.g. Result's (or an Either or something similar) having different error types (discriminated unions) without creating an explicit discriminated union that includes the union of the two other discriminated unions.
Let me present an example.
Let's say I have a type Person defined like this:
type Person =
{ Name: string
Email: string }
Imagine that you have a function that validates the name:
type NameValidationError =
| NameTooLong
| NameTooShort
let validateName person : Result<Person, NameValidationError>
and another that validates an email address:
type EmailValidationError =
| EmailTooLong
| EmailTooShort
let validateEmail person : Result<Person, EmailValidationError>
Now I want to compose validateName and validateEmail, but the problem is that the error type in the Result has different types. What I'd like to achieve is a function (or operator) that allows me to do something like this:
let validatedPerson = person |> validateName |>>> validateEmail
(|>>> is the "magic operator")
By using |>>> the error type of validatedPerson would be a union of NameValidationError and EmailValidationError:
Result<Person, NameValidationError | EmailValidationError>
Just to make it clear, it should be possible to an use arbitrary number of functions in the composition chain, i.e.:
let validatedPerson : Result<Person, NameValidationError | EmailValidationError | XValidationError | YValidationError> =
person |> validateName |>>> validateEmail |>>> validateX |>>> validateY
In languages like ReasonML you can use something called polymorphic variants but this is not available in F# as afaict.
Would it be possible to somehow mimic polymorphic variants using generics with union types (or any other technique)?! Or is this impossible?
There's some interesting proposals for erased type unions, allowing for Typescript-style anonymous union constraints.
type Goose = Goose of int
type Cardinal = Cardinal of int
type Mallard = Mallard of int
// a type abbreviation for an erased anonymous union
type Bird = (Goose | Cardinal | Mallard)
The magic operator which would give you a NameValidationError | EmailValidationError would have its type exist only at compile-time. It would be erased to object at runtime.
But it's still on the anvil, so maybe we can still have some readable code by doing the erasing ourselves?
The composition operator could 'erase' (box, really) the result error type:
let (|>>) input validate =
match input with
| Ok(v) -> validate v |> Result.mapError(box)
| Error(e) -> Error(box e)
and we can have a partial active pattern to make type-matching DU cases palatable.
let (|ValidationError|_|) kind = function
| Error(err) when Object.Equals(kind, err) -> Some ()
| _ -> None
Example (with super biased validations):
let person = { Name = "Bob"; Email = " "}
let validateName person = Result.Ok(person)
let validateEmail person = Result.Ok(person)
let validateVibe person = Result.Error(NameTooShort)
let result = person |> validateName |>> validateVibe |>> validateEmail
match result with
| ValidationError NameTooShort -> printfn "Why is your name too short"
| ValidationError EmailTooLong -> printfn "That was a long address"
| _ -> ()
This will shunt on validateVibe
This is probably more verbose than you would like but it does allow you to put things into a DU without explicitly defining it.
F# has Choice types which are defined like this:
type Choice<'T1,'T2> =
| Choice1Of2 of 'T1
| Choice2Of2 of 'T2
type Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3> =
| Choice1Of3 of 'T1
| Choice2Of3 of 'T2
| Choice3Of3 of 'T3
// Going up to ChoiceXOf7
With your existing functions you would use them like this:
// This function returns Result<Person,Choice<NameValidationError,EmailValidationError>>
let validatePerson person =
validateName person
|> Result.mapError Choice1Of2
|> Result.bind (validateEmail >> Result.mapError Choice2Of2)
This is how you would consume the result:
let displayValidationError person =
match person with
| Ok p -> None
| Error (Choice1Of2 NameTooLong) -> Some "Name too long"
| Error (Choice2Of2 EmailTooLong) -> Some "Email too long"
// etc.
If you want to add a third validation into validatePerson you'll need to switch to Choice<_,_,_> DU cases, e.g. Choice1Of3 and so on.

How do I check 'T for types not being allowed to be null?

let inline deserialize<'t> x :'t option =
printfn "Attempting to deserialize %A" typeof<'t>.Name
|> Some
with ex ->
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(sprintf "Error deserialization failed:%s" ex.Message)
is returning for example an obj list as null. FSharpList<_> is not allowed to be null. How can I, without knowing what 't is ask F# if the type I'm about to return supports null so that I can halt/throw/act accordingly? Is there a reflection flag or Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection... method for this?
The full answer involves checking if the type is a record (in which case null is never allowed), or if it's a union (in which case null is allowed if the type has a CompilationRepresentation CustomAttribute whose flags contain the UseNullAsTrueValue member ( for more details)).
To answer the first question you can use the IsRecord function in the FSharpType module ( and to answer the second you can use a combination of the IsUnion function on that same module and CustomAttribute hunting.
In case the type is a union with UseNullAsTrueValue set, you should be good to go, just send the value along.
Best I can think of is to box the result (in case you are deserializing structs) and pattern match it with null:
let inline deserialize<'t> x :'t option =
printfn "Attempting to deserialize %A" typeof<'t>.Name
let obj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'t>(x)
match box obj with
| null -> None
| _ -> Some obj
with ex ->
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(sprintf "Error deserialization failed:%s" ex.Message)
let r1 = deserialize<obj list> ("[1,2,3]") //val r1 : obj list option = Some [1L; 2L; 3L]
let r2 = deserialize<obj list> ("null") //val r2 : obj list option = None

How can I use reflection to determine if an F# union type is an enum-like union (no fields in each case)

For the following post, I will use the term "reference enum" to refer to an F# type that is a discriminated union with no fields in each case. For example:
type AReferenceEnum = Yes | No | Maybe
I need a function that given a Type, returns a bool that tells whether the type is a reference enum or not.
Given these types:
type AReferenceEnum = Yes | No | Maybe
type ARecord = { name : string }
type AUnion = This of int | That of (int * string)
type AEnum = Left = 1 | Right = 2
The function would return these values
isReferenceEnum typeof<AReferenceEnum> -> true
isReferenceEnum typeof<ARecord> -> false
isReferenceEnum typeof<AUnion> -> false
isReferenceEnum typeof<AEnum> -> false
What I've tried
It seems like the implementation could be done using FSharpType and FSharpValue in the FSharp.Reflection namespace.
I know you can check FSharpType.IsUnion t to check if a type is a union, which includes reference enums.
I know you can check FSharpType.GetUnionCases t to get a UnionCaseInfo[] describing the different cases of the union type.
I know you can check FSharpValue.GetUnionFields (value, type) to get the fields of the case that value is an instance of, but not other cases.
If I could iterate the fields of each case of the union, then I could check that all cases have 0 fields, and then the type would be a reference enum.
Any suggestions?
This passes your test cases:
let isReferenceEnum ty =
if FSharpType.IsUnion ty then
FSharpType.GetUnionCases ty
|> Array.forall (fun i -> i.GetFields().Length = 0)

f# types' properties in inconsistent order and of slightly differing types

I'm trying to iterate through an array of objects and recursively print out each objects properties.
Here is my object model:
type firmIdentifier = {
firmId: int ;
firmName: string ;
type authorIdentifier = {
authorId: int ;
authorName: string ;
firm: firmIdentifier ;
type denormalizedSuggestedTradeRecommendations = {
id: int ;
ticker: string ;
direction: string ;
author: authorIdentifier ;
Here is how I am instantiating my objects:
let getMyIdeasIdeas = [|
{id=1; ticker="msfqt"; direction="buy";
author={authorId=0; authorName="john Smith"; firm={firmId=12; firmName="Firm1"}};};
{id=2; ticker="goog"; direction="sell";
author={authorId=1; authorName="Bill Jones"; firm={firmId=13; firmName="ABC Financial"}};};
{id=3; ticker="DFHF"; direction="buy";
author={authorId=2; authorName="Ron James"; firm={firmId=2; firmName="DEFFirm"}};}|]
And here is my algorithm to iterate, recurse and print:
let rec recurseObj (sb : StringBuilder) o=
let props : PropertyInfo [] = o.GetType().GetProperties()
sb.Append( o.GetType().ToString()) |> ignore
for x in props do
let getMethod = x.GetGetMethod()
let value = getMethod.Invoke(o, Array.empty)
ignore <|
match value with
| :? float | :? int | :? string | :? bool as f -> sb.Append(x.Name + ": " + f.ToString() + "," ) |> ignore
| _ -> recurseObj sb value
for x in getMyIdeas do
recurseObj sb x
sb.Append("\r\n") |> ignore
If you couldnt tell, I'm trying to create a csv file and am printing out the types for debugging purposes. The problem is, the first element comes through in the order you'd expect, but all subsequent elements come through with a slightly different (and confusing) ordering of the "child" properties like so:
1,ticker: msfqt,direction:
0,authorName: john
12,firmName: Firm1,
2,ticker: goog,direction:
ABC Financial,firmId: 13,authorId: 1,
3,ticker: DFHF,direction:
DEFFirm,firmId: 2,authorId: 2,
Any idea what is going on here?
Does adding this help?
for x in props |> Array.sortBy (fun p -> p.Name) do
In general, I think reflection returns entities (like attributes, methods, properties) in an unspecified order. So just pick a fixed sort order?
(Or did I misunderstand the issue?)
This is a reflection thing. You can't rely on the order of the properties using reflection. I need to sort using MetaTokens. I will post this solution when I get around to implementing it.
