Wix React Native Navigation V2 initialise Stack with more screens - wix-react-native-navigation

I am new to RNN V2. I was going through the documentation and I was testing some of the layouts.
One thing that I found confusing when reading about the stack is (from the documentation) - Support children layouts of any kind. A stack can be initialised with more than one screen, in which case the last screen will be presented at the top of the stack. -
I have done it but I do not understand the purpose of it.
The very last screen in the array is presented at the top of the stack with a back button that lets you navigate back to the the very first screen in the array. I don’t see how it can be useful. I am sure I am missing something and I would appreciate if anyone with some experience with it could elaborate it more.
last screen in array
Stack description

This is useful for Push Notifications flows.
Imagine a social app where a user can be a member of several groups. The user is using the app and is currently scrolling through the feed of group A. While scrolling he receives an in-app notification about a reply he got to a his post in group B.
In such case, if the user clicks on the in-app notification, we can show a modal with a stack which contains two children:
Child 1 (Not visible) - Group B feed screen
Child 2 (Top child, visible) - Post screen where the user can read his post and the reply
This is useful because once we navigates back, he'll remain in Context of the post since he'll see Group B's feed (home) screen.
Navigating back again, will close the modal and the user returns to where he left off.
Another reason why this is possible - while designing the api we didn't want to limit out users. We wanted to think of layouts as generic building blocks which you could mix and match according to your product needs.


How to make an accessible input that's connected to a dropdown

I'm working on identifying accessibility issues with a database-driven web application. One of the features of this web application is that the user can open up a modal window and filter by data columns. I included a couple of images to show what this looks like.
This is incredibly hard to use with a screen reader, mainly because I can't figure out how to associate the relationship dropdown with the input field. If a user selects a relationship (equal to, not equal to, greater than, etc...) I need to let the user know that it's associated with the input field to the right of it. But, I don't even know what this would be called or what I would wrap it in. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Event Listing Wordpress Plugin

I'm seeking a very specific event plugin for wordpress (if it exists), if you can suggest one please let me know! Or if there's another easy workaround, I'd appreciate it!
Basically I want to list my events as 4 column square images at the top of a page under the UPCOMING EVENTS section - just like this screenshot:
Screenshot 1 - Upcoming Events
But after the event passes I'd like it to drop down to the PAST EVENTS section (automatically if possible) - if manually, I'd like the images to stack so if there's an odd number of past events the most recent would be at the top and the single event would be at the bottom. The only workaround I've found is for the single event to be at the top and I keep adding rows to the top of the PAST EVENTS section. See the next screenshot for clarification. Thanks so much for taking a look!
Screenshot 2- Past Events
Events Manger does this, you would obviously have to use styling in order to make it appear across the top but their easy widget implementation allows you to select how many events display. You then just need to style the widget.
You can also then enable in the settings archive events, once enabled you will be able to display past events.
If you purchase the pro version you can also take payment for tickets online if you so wish.
This website isn't mean't to be used for looking for recommendations due to certain reasons of favouritism and much more. However, I did need a similar plugin to what you require and this was the one I used. It should fit your needs.

Push Google Analytics Tracking Event on Section / Image View

I have section on our products pages towards the bottom that shows similar products. Is it possible to use event tracking to track when someone sees them? I am currently doing click tracking on them, but it would be nice to be able to track a percent of click through for different suggestion types and to know what percent of people scroll down enough to see them on smaller screen sizes.
You might be able to use something like this jQuery 'in view' plugin to fire an event when that element comes into view: http://remysharp.com/2009/01/26/element-in-view-event-plugin/
Then, when that happens, you could fire a GA event. Depending on your use-case (whether or not you want to fire more than one event if the user scrolls away again and then brings it back into view), you may want to only bind once.
This jQuery plugin:
seems to be well maintained and documented. It will do more than the one Remy Sharp suggested on his blog post, which is kind of old-ish by now. It can track scrolling-depth and detect when elements come into view. Once you have both you can do what you want with events, so you can calculate CTR on visible elements/sections.
There is also a non-jQuery fork, which is not as updated but might serve just as well:

SEO for CSS and JS hide/show

We're building a site for an academic institution. This institution offers many subjects, and we don't want to show all of them at once on the homepage. So we designed a homepage that shows the 2 main categories of studies, and clicking on a category will show a div with the list of subjects in that category.
Our client is worried SEO-wise about those div's being hidden on page-load. Is he correct in his concern?
It depends on how you hide them if you use a z-order or a far left off screen position they will still be read by the Google bot. if you use display none or hidden then it may have an effect on your SEO.
You're right to have concern. Google will count some of or significantly reduce content that isn't displayed on page load. I would recommend letting the text display at load, then setting it to display none via JavaScript. This way the search engine picks it up.
You can do so with a simple jQuery hide snippet like this:
<p class="remove">Text displayed on load.</p>
I read an article by Roger Johansson on this subject, and it seems that the conclusion is that as long as the intent isn't to show that content only to search engines, hiding is fine. I don't see any mention of preferring one method of hiding over the other.
In addition, in that post's comments there was a link to an answer by a Google worker that said:
Merely using display:none will not automatically trigger a penalty. The key is whether or not there is a mechanism - either automatic or one that is invoked by the user - to make the content visible
In my case of course there will be such a mechanism, because we want our users to see that content, just not at page-load...

How can I stop the Flash privacy popup from occurring twice on a page?

My web-app records users via webcam and microphone. I want to use HTML/JS for the controls and content, so I created two separate Flex modules:
* A "Webcam Setup" module that lets you choose your camera and mic input devices
* A "record" module that lets the user record and submit the recording
When I embed either of these on the page, since they access the user's Camera/Mic object, Flash shows the Privacy dialog that says "[mysite] is requesting access to your camera and microphone. If you click Allow, you may be recorded."
The problem is, if I answer Yes in the Setup module, and later add the Record module to the page using Javascript, it again shows the Privacy dialog.
Is there a way to avoid the second privacy popup?
I would think that saying "Yes" for [mysite] would store that permission for at least that session, but apparently not.
What I've tried
I tried combining them into one SWF, adding it to the page once and moving the DOM element with jQuery's append() function when needed. When I move it, however, it reloads and asks me again.
Imagine if [mysite] was, say, blogger.com or livejournal.com (or, if it were still around, geocities.com). Would you want a "yes" response on that site to be good for every page under that domain?
Rememeber, just because you promise (cross your heart & hope to die) not to abuse the security hole you request, doesn't mean they can allow you to have that security hole.
Eventually, I found a usable workaround, similar to what I originally tried (above).
I combined the setup and record modules into one SWF. I first show the setup screen. When the user hits the Continue button on my page, Javascript calls a function in the SWF to swap to the Record screen.
I then move the <div> containing the Flash object to another location on page using absolute positioning, and resize the object.
Previously, I was trying to use jQuery's append() function to move the div within the DOM, and that was causing the SWF to reload. Just changing position and size does actually work.
You could build the "record" component to simply send and receive signals using an API you've created for your "setup" component (which has already been authorized, meaning one auth & two swfs) by using the LocalConnection class:
This seems far closer to best practice than the other implementations mentioned, which smell a bit hacky and would probably confuse anyone who may inherit the codebase in the future.
