Removing specific widgets from specific pages - wordpress

I have specific pages that I need specific widgets to be hidden from the sidebar. I have
-5 pages that are supposed to only display nav_menu-1
-6 other pages that are supposed to display only nav_menu-2
-and then all single-posts that are supposed to only show nav_menu-3
I have this code
add_filter( 'widget_display_callback', 'widget_display_2', 50, 3 );
function widget_display_2( $instance, $widget, $args ){
if ( is_single() && $widget->id == 'nav_menu-1' ) {
return false;
return $instance;
but what is the best way to insert all my pages and widget IDs to achieve my goal?

It may sound weird but why not using three different sidebars and call them by condition. This way your Theme would become more flexible. It´s always bad to hardcode this into your theme or plugin.
// Register Sidebars
function custom_sidebars() {
$args = array(
'id' => 'custom-sidebar-1',
'name' => __( 'Custom Sidebar 1', 'text_domain' ),
register_sidebar( $args );
$args = array(
'id' => 'custom-sidebar-2',
'name' => __( 'Custom Sidebar 2', 'text_domain' ),
register_sidebar( $args );
$args = array(
'id' => 'custom-sidebar-3',
'name' => __( 'Custom Sidebar 3', 'text_domain' ),
register_sidebar( $args );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'custom_sidebars' );
... after you added this to your functions.php you can call the different sidebars with conditional functions.
/** call custom sidebar on single.php template **/
if ( is_single() ){
dynamic_sidebar( 'custom-sidebar-1' );
/** call custom sidebar on page.php template (all pages) **/
if ( is_page() ){
dynamic_sidebar( 'custom-sidebar-2' );
/** call custom sidebar on multiple pages by id **/
if ( is_page( array( 11, 22, 33, 44 ) ) ){
dynamic_sidebar( 'custom-sidebar-3' );


How can I dynamically add a new menu item to the beginning of a specific WordPress menu?

I have 4 menus registered within my WordPress theme.
register_nav_menus( array(
'menu-1' => esc_html__( 'Primary', 'honeycomb' ),
'menu-2' => esc_html__( 'Mobile Cat Products', 'honeycomb' ),
'menu-3' => esc_html__( 'Top Bar', 'honeycomb' ),
'menu-4' => esc_html__( 'Shopify Nav', 'honeycomb' ),
) );
I need to dynamically insert a new menu link at the beginning of menu-4 From what I understand its possible to filter a specific menu using a variant of wp_nav_menu_items by simply passing in the theme location name of the menu. In my case 'menu-4'.
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_menu-4_items', 'prefix_add_menu_item', 10, 2 );
function prefix_add_menu_item ( $items, $args ) {
$items .= '<li class="menu-item">My New Item Here</li>';
return $items;
However this is not working. I am not sure what I am missing here.
The $menu->slug here apply_filters( "wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items", $items, $args ); is not the nav menu id... it's the Menu Name slug... like here i have named my Menu as Main Menu so the slug becomes main-menu so your filter would be...
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_main-menu_items', 'so68759013_add_menu_item', 10, 2 );
function so68759013_add_menu_item( $items, $args )
$items .= '<li class="menu-item">My New Item Here</li>';
return $items;

ACF Field Wordpress - Custom Shortcode Problems

I have a small problem
I wrote a simple shortcode function to display my acf value in the grid of the visual grid composer, this is my simple custom shortcode
function my_module_add_grid_shortcodes( $shortcodes ) {
$shortcodes['vc_say_hello'] = array(
'name' => __( 'Say Hello', 'my-text-domain' ),
'base' => 'vc_say_hello',
'category' => __( 'Content', 'my-text-domain' ),
'description' => __( 'Just outputs Hello World', 'my-text-domain' ),
'post_type' => Vc_Grid_Item_Editor::postType(),
return $shortcodes;
add_shortcode( 'vc_say_hello', 'vc_say_hello_render' );
function vc_say_hello_render() {
if( get_field('item') ):
echo "<h2>ITEM LOCKED</h2>";
When I call the shortcode in the builder, "ITEM Locked" is displayed, even if the value of the element is set in the post !!!
Looks like get_field doesn't know where to get it from in the shortcode. Try adding the current post id as the second parameter
add_shortcode( 'vc_say_hello', 'vc_say_hello_render' );
function vc_say_hello_render() {
$id = get_the_ID();
if( get_field('item', $id) ):
the_field('item', $id);
echo "<h2>ITEM LOCKED</h2>";

Trying to create dynamic widget area using post ID

In functions.php I added this code.
function page_widget_init( $post_id = 0 ) { {
register_sidebar( array(
'name' => __( 'Page Widgets', 'seven_theme' ),
'id' => 'page-widgets-' . $post_id,
'description' => __( 'To display Layers Widgets in front page, before your posts, after header.', 'seven_theme' ),
) );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'page_widget_init', 100 );
First how to get post id in functions.php register_sidebar $post_id
Now going to page template which i created using page.php, called Blog Template
Call this widget in this page.
dynamic_sidebar( 'page-widgets-' . $post->ID );
My idea is to create unique widget content using post ID.

Add custom post type template via plugin

I'm creating a plugin for a custom post type. I want to add a custom template for it. But I'm not sure how to add it via the plugin.
How can I add a custom post type template via the plugin?
Please help!
You can simply create and assign custom page templates for your custom post type in your custom plugin.
Just create 2 template file - single-{post_type}.php and archive-{post_type}.php - in a new templates sub-directory of your plugin directory.
Then add some code as per below example in your main plugin:
* Set Page templates for CPT "your_cpt"
add_filter( 'template_include', 'my_plugin_templates' );
function my_plugin_templates( $template ) {
$post_type = 'your_cpt'; // Change this to the name of your custom post type!
if ( is_post_type_archive( $post_type ) && file_exists( plugin_dir_path(__DIR__) . "templates/archive-$post_type.php" ) ){
$template = plugin_dir_path(__DIR__) . "templates/archive-$post_type.php";
if ( is_singular( $post_type ) && file_exists( plugin_dir_path(__DIR__) . "templates/single-$post_type.php" ) ){
$template = plugin_dir_path(__DIR__) . "templates/single-$post_type.php";
return $template;
Hope this example would be helpful for you.
Cheers !!
Below is a complete (blank) plugin that I put together based on my previously posted answer. I loaded it in my theme (based on twentyfifteen) and it works. Together with the plugin, as-is, you would also need The following file structure
- schs-blank/css schs-blank/js schs-blank/images
schs-blank/archive-blank.php schs-blank/single-blank.php
It should not be too tricky to figure out what should be in the above files, but for starters just put "<h1>{filename}</h1>" to see where each page is called.
Plugin Name: SCHS Blank Plugin
Plugin URI:
Tags: jquery, flyout, vertical, menu, animated, css, navigation, widget, plugin, scroll
Description: Creates a widget to place a vertical menu which caters for many menu items.
Author: Gavin Simpson
Version: 0.1
Author URI:
074 355 1881
class schs_blank
protected $plugin_slug;
private static $instance;
protected $templates;
public static function get_instance()
if( null == self::$instance )
self::$instance = new schs_blank();
return self::$instance;
private function __construct()
$this->templates = array();
$page_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/schs-blank-template.php';
$this->templates = array('schs-blank-template.php' => 'SCHS Blank Page Template','schs-blank-edit-posts.php'=>'Edit Blank Post Template');
add_action( 'wp_blank', array('schs_blank', 'header') );
add_action( 'wp_blank', array('schs_blank', 'footer') );
add_filter('page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args',array( $this, 'register_project_templates' ));
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', array( $this, 'register_project_templates' ));
add_filter( 'template_include', array($this,'schs_force_template' ));
add_filter('template_include', array( $this, 'view_project_template') );
add_action('admin_menu', array($this,'setup_blank_admin_menus'));
add_action( 'init', array($this,'blank_custom_post' ));
function schs_force_template($template)
if( is_archive( 'blank' ) )
$template = WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/'. plugin_basename( dirname(__FILE__) ) .'/archive-blank.php';
if( is_singular( 'blank' ) )
$template = WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/'. plugin_basename( dirname(__FILE__) ) .'/single-blank.php';
return $template;
function header(){
wp_enqueue_style( 'blank-css', schs_blank::get_plugin_directory() . "/css/blank.css" );
wp_enqueue_script('schs_blank', schs_blank::get_plugin_directory() . '/js/schs-blank.js', array('jquery'));
function footer()
function get_plugin_directory(){
return WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/schs-blank';
function setup_blank_admin_menus()
add_menu_page('SCHS Blank Settings', 'SCHS Blank Settings', 'manage_options',
'SCHS_blank_settings', array($this,'SCHS_page_settings'));
'SCHS Page Elements', 'Blank Topics', 'manage_options',
'SCHS_blank_topics_settings', array($this,'SCHS_blank_topics_settings'));
function SCHS_page_settings()
<div class="wrap">
<h2>There are no Blank options at this stage.</h2>
function SCHS_blank_topics_settings()
<div id="blank_topics" class="wrap">
<h1>There are no blank topics at this stage</h1>
function blank_custom_post()
$labels = array(
'name' => _x( 'Blank', 'post type general name' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Topic', 'post type singular name' ),
'add_new' => _x( 'Add New', 'book' ),
'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Blank Topic' ),
'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Blank Topic' ),
'new_item' => __( 'New Blank Topic' ),
'all_items' => __( 'All Blank Topics' ),
'view_item' => __( 'View Blank Topics' ),
'search_items' => __( 'Search Blank Topics' ),
'not_found' => __( 'No blank topics found' ),
'not_found_in_trash' => __( 'No blank topics found in the trash' ),
'parent_item_colon' => '',
'menu_name' => 'Blank'
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'description' => 'Holds our blank topic specific data',
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 5,
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor'),
'has_archive' => true,
'menu_icon' => $this->get_plugin_directory().'/images/blank-icon.png',
register_post_type( 'blank', $args );
public function register_project_templates( $atts )
// Create the key used for the themes cache
$cache_key = 'page_templates-' . md5( get_theme_root() . '/' . get_stylesheet() );
// Retrieve the cache list.
// If it doesn't exist, or it's empty prepare an array
$templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates();
if ( empty( $templates ) ) {
$templates = array();
// New cache, therefore remove the old one
wp_cache_delete( $cache_key , 'themes');
// Now add our template to the list of templates by merging our templates
// with the existing templates array from the cache.
$templates = array_merge( $templates, $this->templates );
// Add the modified cache to allow WordPress to pick it up for listing
// available templates
wp_cache_add( $cache_key, $templates, 'themes', 1800 );
return $atts;
* Checks if the template is assigned to the page
public function view_project_template( $template )
global $post;
if (!isset($this->templates[get_post_meta(
$post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true
)] ) ) {
return $template;
$file = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__). get_post_meta(
$post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true
// Just to be safe, we check if the file exist first
if( file_exists( $file ) )
return $file;
echo $file;
return $template;
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'schs_blank', 'get_instance' ) );
I hope this helps a bit more.
This work for me, kindly try it, Thanks
Templates is loaded into cpt file, which was located at
custom_plugin -> app -> cpt -> cpt_article.php
Template is located
custom_plugin -> app -> templates
add_filter( 'single_template', 'load_my_custom_template', 99, 1 );
function load_custom_templates($single_template) {
global $post;
if ($post->post_type == 'article' ) {
$single_template = trailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) .'app/templates' ).'single_article.php';
return $single_template;
You create a template file in your plugin, e.g /templates/myposttype-page.php
Then add below code into your plugin.
Change 'myposttype' to your post type
$custom_post_type = 'myposttype';
add_filter("theme_{$custom_post_type}_templates", "add_{$custom_post_type}_template");
add_filter('single_template', "redirect_{$custom_post_type}_template");
function add_myposttype_template() {
$templates['myposttype-page.php'] = 'My type Template';
return $templates;
function redirect_myposttype_template ($template) {
if( is_page_template('myposttype-page.php') ){
$template = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__). 'templates/myposttype-page.php';
return $template;

how can i display product's custom field in wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product ( product listing table in admin ) woocommerce

I have added some custom fields in woocommerce when adding product. Now i want to display those custom fields in product listing page ( wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product ). I also want to quick edit and save like other values can be edit and save in listing page.
I tried bellow code but it did not work.
add_filter( 'manage_edit-product', 'show_product_order' );
function show_product_order($columns){
$new_columns = (is_array($columns)) ? $columns : array();
unset( $new_columns['order_actions'] );
$new_columns['product_order'] = 'Product Order';
$new_columns['order_actions'] = $columns['order_actions'];
return $new_columns;
I also tried below code but it did not worked too.
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'woocommerce_general_product_data_custom_field' );
function woocommerce_general_product_data_custom_field() {
global $woocommerce, $post;
echo '<div class="options_group">';
'id' => 'product_order',
'wrapper_class' => 'checkbox_class',
'label' => __('Order for Product', 'woocommerce' ),
'description' => __( 'Order for Product', 'woocommerce' )
echo '</div>';
i also reffered this post WooCommerce show custom column but i did not succeed to get solution
Please help.
