Within an admin menu point, set number of posts via input field - wordpress

I'm quite new to Wordpress and currently working on a custom plugin.
I know how to create a new admin menu point via plugin, now I'm trying to figure out how to add a functionality, when entering the site the user shall be able to specify the number of shown posts via input field - the amount of posts shall be saved in a way that you receive a shortcode for the amount.
Hope that was clear. Thanks in advance!
I know there are a lot of Wordpress php codesnippets and shortcuts to use, but I'm uncertain which the ones are I need.


How to show a widget only to customers who bought a product in WooCommerce (with Elementor)?

Here is what I am trying to do - a website with online courses using WooCommerce and Elementor. I want to have a page called "My Courses" where customers can see only the courses they've purchased.
I'm not using any LMS.
I will use the plugin Dynamic Conditions for Elementor to show or hide a widget.
I know that WooCommerce has a function to check if a user has bought a specific product.
I don't know how to make a connection between the two, though. That is my problem.
Dynamic Conditions uses Elementor's dynamic tags system to check against. How can I use the WC's function to check if the user bought the product and only if he/she did, then to show them the widget with the course page?
Thanks a lot for any answers with ideas or directions on how to solve this problem!
Using Dynamic.ooo you can benefit from "Visibility" extention (comes with Dynamic.ooo/ don't need seperate plugin installation) which allows you write your customized conditions (in PHP). I myself have not used the "Custom Condition" becuase I don't know much about PHP, but if you know the function and just need to connect them i think that'll do.

How to create a user input form with WordPress?

I'm completely new to the whole WordPress scene so I kind of don't know the "WordPress way" of doing the desired task:
Create a form where a user would fill in some details (such as name, surname, upload a video or post a youtube iframe link)
Submit it, once it's done - an admin must verify that everything has been filled out correctly and after that the video can be seen on the website.
Should I write a plugin of some sort that would do that or how does it happen?
Thank you.
The Gravity Forms plugin allows you to do exactly what you're looking to do. With it, you can set up a form that creates a post and sets it to be 'Pending Review' in WordPress. This tutorial contains everything you need to know about what you'll need to do.
If you want to create a Custom Post Type (ie. 'User Page') to better separate user submissions, you'll need to employ this special add-on (as mentioned in the tutorial above).

How To Add Custom Field In woo commerce product listing admin page in Wordpress

I am very much new to wordpress and need help. Well I need to add a custom field to woocommerce product listing page in admin and make it work.
So where do I have to make changes in code or in admin section.I need some suggestions on how to make it work.
Thanks in advance
if I'm understanding you right you want to add new fields to your woocommerce products, and you want those fields to show up in the admin panel. I am working on this right now myself and I have found a few good resources.
First of all, although I can't find any documentation on them yet directly in the woocommerce API docs, there are two hooks for extending the admin panel.
woocommerce_product_write_panel_tabs - this allows you to insert a new tab within the admin panel. from browsing the source of various free woocommerce plugins that do this it appears that the tab format should be <li>Tab Name</li>.
woocommerce_product_write_panel - this is where the insertion of your custom panel contents would go, placed within a <div id="#tab_name"></div>
These are the two hooks that I have had a great deal of difficulty locating. They allow you to hook into the actual woocommerce admin area, otherwise custom fields you might add will end up in a separate panel.
For all the details on actually adding the custom fields themselves and hooking them up to the front-end, I suggest this tutorial here, which covers the basic concepts involved in adding a new meta-data field and hooking it into the product display (in this case the single-product detail view, it sounds like you want to modify them in the list view but this will show you the basic principles).
Note: that tutorial doesn't use the woocommerce admin panel but creates its own panel, the instructions I gave above, plus this tutorial, should get you just about anywhere you need to go.

Wordpress - How to create a fav posts feature

I want my users to be able to mark posts as favorite. I tried the wp-favorite-posts plugin, but it doesn't work. I mark posts as favorites and after refreshing the page it's all gone. Furthermore, if I put {{wp-favorite-posts}} to a page, it just shows the text.
So I want to create my own solution, but don't really know how. I have never edited the WP database, but I have plenty of PHP mySQL experience.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction ?
You can use post_meta. You can store the "favourite" aspect as a custom field attached to each post. You don't need to manually edit the database (i.e. via mySQL).
When you want to show the favourited posts, run a custom query that only shows posts with the specific custom field that you've specified.

Cubepoints: author Link and Ranks

have been playing with Cubepoints (wordpress plugin) and have installed the ranks module but can't work out how I would add the persons ranks to the top user widget. I have ranks displaying in the authors profile but can't figure out what the shortcode would be and what I'd have to put in hooks file, anyone know?
On a related note I want to link to the authors profile page from the top user widget, but can't seem to find anything in the shortcode about this. Must be possible as I have seen blogs using this plugin doing so.
In the text field of the widget write:
This is for Buddypress. If you are using WordPress without this plugin, write this
