Regarding multiple linear models simultaneously - r

I am trying to run many linear regressions models simultaneously. Please help me to make a code for this.
I am working on two data frames. In first data frame have 100 dependent variables and in second data frame i have 100 independent variables. Now I want simple linear models like
lm1 <- lm(data_frame_1[[1]] ~ data_frame_2[[1]])
lm2 <- lm(data_frame[[2]] ~ data_frame[[2]])
and so on .That means I have to run 100 regression models. I want to do this simultaneously. Please help me to make respective codes to run these all models simultaneously.

It is not that clear what you mean by simultaneously. But maybe doing a loop is fine in your case?
model.list = list()
for (i in 1:100){
model.list[[i]] = lm(data.frame.1[[i]] ~ data.frame2[[i]])

Using dataframe_1 and dataframe_2 defined in the Note at the end we define a function LM that takes an x name and y name and performs a regression of y on x using the columns from those data frames. The result is a list of lm objects. Note that the Call: line in the output of each output list component correctly identifies which columns were used.
LM <- function(xname, yname) {
fo <- formula(paste(yname, "~", xname))"lm", list(fo, quote(cbind(dataframe_1, dataframe_2))))
Map(LM, names(dataframe_1), names(dataframe_2))
lm(formula = y1 ~ x1, data = cbind(dataframe_1, dataframe_2))
(Intercept) x1
3.0001 0.5001
... etc ...
Using the builtin anscombe data frame define dataframe_1 as the x columns and data_frame_2 as the y columns.
dataframe_1 <- anscombe[grep("x", names(anscombe))]
dataframe_2 <- anscombe[grep("y", names(anscombe))]


fitting linear regression models with different predictors using loops

I want to fit regression models using a single predictor variable at a time. In total I have 7 predictors and 1 response variable. I want to write a chunk of code that picks a predictor variable from data frame and fits a model. I would further want to extract regression coefficient( not the intercept) and the sign of it and store them in 2 vectors. Here's my code-
for (x in (1:7))
fit <- lm(distance ~ FAA_unique_with_duration_filtered[x] , data=FAA_unique_with_duration_filtered)
append(coeff_value_vector,coeff_value , after = length(coeff_value_vector))
append(RCs_sign_vector ,sign(coeff_values[2]) , after = length(RCs_sign_vector))
Over here x in will use the first column , then the 2nd and so on. However, I am getting the following error.
Error in model.frame.default(formula = distance ~ FAA_unique_with_duration_filtered[x], :
invalid type (list) for variable 'FAA_unique_with_duration_filtered[x]'
Is there a way to do this using loops?
You don't really need loops for this.
Suppose we want to regress y1, the 5th column of the built-in anscombe dataset, separately on each of the first 4 columns.
a <- anscombe
reg <- function(i) coef(lm(y1 ~., a[c(5, i)]))[[2]] # use lm
coefs <- sapply(1:4, reg)
signs <- sign(coefs)
# or
a <- anscombe
reg <- function(i) cov(a$y1, a[[i]]) / var(a[[i]]) # use formula for slope
coefs <- sapply(1:4, reg)
signs <- sign(coefs)
Alternately the following where reg is either of the reg definitions above.
a <- anscombe
coefs <- numeric(4)
for(i in 1:4) coefs[i] <- reg(i)
signs <- sign(coefs)

Stargazer one line per data set

I am running regressions using various subsets of a data set and a number of dependent variables.
An example using attitude data:
linear1.1 <- lm(rating ~ complaints, data = attitude) #dependent 1
linear1.2 <- lm(privileges ~ complaints, data = attitude) #dependent 2
linear2.1 <- lm(rating ~ complaints, data = attitude[1:15,]) #dependent 1
linear2.2 <- lm(privileges ~ complaints, data = attitude[1:15,]) #dependent 2
As you can see, both depdendent variables rating and privileges are used in regressions for both subsets of the data. Using a standard stargazer approach produces the following table:
omit.stat = "all",
keep = "complaints")
Each column represents one of the regression models. However, I'd like to have each column represent one dependent variable. Each subset of the data should represent one row:
I have produced this table by hand. Does anyone know whether it's possible to achieve this using stargazer? I have a lot of regression subsets and dependent variables, so a highly automatic solution is appreciated. Thanks!
I just wonder if this little modification from this (Exporting output of custom multiple regressions from R to Latex) will suit you
## generate dummy data
x <- runif(1000)
z <- x^0.5
y <- x + z + rnorm(1000, sd=.05)
model1 <- lm(y ~ x)
model2 <- lm(y ~ z)
## transform model summaries into dataframes
tidy(model1) -> model1_tidy
tidy(model2) -> model2_tidy
output <- rbind(model1_tidy,model2_tidy)
stargazer(output, type='text', summary=FALSE)

how to use loop to do linear regression in R

I wonder if I can use such as for loop or apply function to do the linear regression in R. I have a data frame containing variables such as crim, rm, ad, wd. I want to do simple linear regression of crim on each of other variable.
Thank you!
If you really want to do this, it's pretty trivial with lapply(), where we use it to "loop" over the other columns of df. A custom function takes each variable in turn as x and fits a model for that covariate.
df <- data.frame(crim = rnorm(20), rm = rnorm(20), ad = rnorm(20), wd = rnorm(20))
mods <- lapply(df[, -1], function(x, dat) lm(crim ~ x, data = dat))
mods is now a list of lm objects. The names of mods contains the names of the covariate used to fit the model. The main negative of this is that all the models are fitted using a variable x. More effort could probably solve this, but I doubt that effort is worth the time.
If you are just selecting models, which may be dubious, there are other ways to achieve this. For example via the leaps package and its regsubsets function:
a <- regsubsets(crim ~ ., data = df, nvmax = 1, nbest = ncol(df) - 1)
summa <- summary(a)
Then plot(a) will show which of the models is "best", for example.
If I understand what you want (crim is a covariate and the other variables are the responses you want to predict/model using crim), then you don't need a loop. You can do this using a matrix response in a standard lm().
Using some dummy data:
df <- data.frame(crim = rnorm(20), rm = rnorm(20), ad = rnorm(20), wd = rnorm(20))
we create a matrix or multivariate response via cbind(), passing it the three response variables we're interested in. The remaining parts of the call to lm are entirely the same as for a univariate response:
mods <- lm(cbind(rm, ad, wd) ~ crim, data = df)
> mods
lm(formula = cbind(rm, ad, wd) ~ crim, data = df)
rm ad wd
(Intercept) -0.12026 -0.47653 -0.26419
crim -0.26548 0.07145 0.68426
The summary() method produces a standard summary.lm output for each of the responses.
Suppose you want to have response variable fix as first column of your data frame and you want to run simple linear regression multiple times individually with other variable keeping first variable fix as response variable.
for (j in 2:ncol(h)){
assign(paste("a", j, sep = ""),lm(h[,1]~h[,j]))
Above is the code which will create multiple list of regression output and store it in a2,a3,....

R:fit dynamic number of explanatory variable into polynomial regression

Suppose I was given an data frame df on runtime, how do I fit a polynomial model using polynomial regression, with each predictor is a column from df and has a degree of a constant k >= 2
The difficulty is, 'df' is read during runtime so the number and names of its columns are unknown when the script is written.(but I do know the response variable is the 1st column) So when I call lm I do not know how to write the formula.
In case of k = 1, then I can simply write a generic linear formula
names(df)[1] <- "y"
lm(y ~ ., data = df)
is there something similar I can do for polynomial formula?
One rather convoluted way is to create a formula for the lm regression call by pasting the terms together.
# some data
dat <- data.frame(replicate(10, rnorm(20)))
# Create formula - apply f function to all columns names excluding the first
form <- formula(paste(names(dat)[1], " ~ ",
paste0("poly(", names(dat)[-1], ", 2)", collapse="+")))
# run regression
lm(form , data=dat)

Get Index of variables from stepAIC

I am regressing a gene on another gene subset. Then I use stepAIC to reduce the number of explanatory genes. How do I get the index of the NON-omitted variables, so that I could analyse them?
gene_subset=c(y=genes[,i], genes[,other_genes]);
Here is one solution that I got from r-help mail list, any other more efficient ways would be welcome.
# create example data frame
y <- rnorm(30)
gene_subset <- data.frame(y, x1=rnorm(30), x2=rnorm(30), x3=100*y+rnorm(30))
# fit a full linear model
fit <- lm(y ~ ., df)
# reduce the model
reduced_model <- stepAIC(fit, trace=FALSE)
# NON-omitted variables (excluding the response)
keepx <- names(reduced_model$model)[-1]
index <- match(keepx, names(gene_subset))
