How to get document ids of a firestore collection - firebase

Here is my firestore strcuture. i want to get 'RecodeBook' collections's document id's to a List in dart.
i looked everywhere for a solution here. but i could not find.
here is the image link of firestore

Use getDocuments() method, you'll end up with querysnapshot. Get DocumentSnapshot with .documents. Print their documentId in a loop.
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await Firestore.instance.collection("RecodeBook").getDocuments();
var list = querySnapshot.documents;
list.forEach((f) {


Flutter Firestore - How to get data from a Document Reference in a Document Field?

I'm building a Self-learning app with differente questions types. Right now, one of the questions have a field containing a list of DocumentReferences:
In Flutter, I have the following code:
Query<Map<String, dynamic>> questionsRef = firestore
.where('lesson_id', isEqualTo: lessonId);
await questionsRef.get().then((snapshot) { {
var questionTemp;
switch (['question_type']) {
case 'cards':
questionTemp = CardsQuestionModel.fromJson(;
} =;
Now, with "questionTemp" I can access all the fields (lesson_id,options,question_type, etc..), but when it comes to the "cards" field, how Can I access the data from that document reference?
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each one? and, if so, how can I do that?
Thank you for your support in advance!
Is there a way to tell firestore.instance to get the data from those
references automatically? Or do I need to make a new call for each
No there isn't any way to get these documents automatically. You need to build, for each array element, the corresponding DocumentReference and fetch the document.
To build the reference, use the doc() method
DocumentReference docRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.doc("cards/WzU...");
and then use the get() method on this DocumentReference.
.then((DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
print('Document exists on the database');
Concretely, you can loop over the cards Array and pass all the Futures returned by the get() method to the wait() method which "waits for multiple futures to complete and collects their results". See this SO answer for more details and also note that "the value of the returned future will be a list of all the values that were produced in the order that the futures are provided by iterating futures."

Get data from subcollection in firestore flutter

In the 1st screen shot there are many documents in collection users. Each documents contains further collection jobPost and that collection contains further documents and its meta data.
What I want here is go to the every document of collection users and further subcollection jobPost and fetch all the documents.
Suppose first it should go to document 1 in collection users, in the document 1 it should fetch all the documnets in subcollection jobPost then it should go to the 2nd document of collection users and then get all the documents in the subcollection jobPost and so on. what will be the query or implementation to this technique
What you're describing is known as a collection group query, which allows you to query all collections with a specific name. Unlike what the name suggests, you can actually read all documents from all subcollections named jobPost that way with:
When performing a query, Firestore returns either a QuerySnapshot or a DocumentSnapshot.
A QuerySnapshot is returned from a collection query and allows you to inspect the collection.
To access the documents within a QuerySnapshot, call the docs property, which returns a List containing DocumentSnapshot classes.
But subcollection data are not included in document snapshots because Firestore queries are shallow. You have to make a new query using the subcollection name to get subcollection data.
.then((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) { {
if you not have field in first collection document then its shows italic thats means its delte by default otherwise if you have field in first collection document then you can access it easily so this is the best way that i share
static Future<List<PostSrc>> getAllFeedPosts()async
List<PostSrc> allPosts = [];
var query= await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("posts").get();
for(var userdoc in
QuerySnapshot feed = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("posts")
for (var postDoc in ) {
PostSrc post = PostSrc.fromDoc(postDoc);
return allPosts;

Flutter and Firebase - Get Specific Documents From Firebase

When you go into posts collection there are documents based on userId. And inside a document there is a new collection named userPosts. Inside userposts you can find postId and the details about the post.
I can get specific user post by using this code
postRef = Firestore.instance.collection('posts');
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await postRef
But I want to get all the user posts without naming a specific user. How could I achieve this?
You can use a collection group query to query documents among all collections with same name.
QuerySnapshot snapshot = await Firestore.instance

how to retrieve unknown sub collection from document in flutter

I have the following code with the objective of retring all the documents like this: Collection('A').document(currentUser), this should give me the document YRZ1**** as you may see in the first image. Now what I want to do is get all the documents in the t22o9*** subcollection, as showned on the second image, how can I do that?
var docPath=Firestore.instance.document('Messages/$currentUser');
docPath.snapshots().listen((event) {
print('Hello 12 ${}');
In order to get data from subcollection you can do the following:
var db = Firestore.instance;
//This is a reference to the YRZ1**** doc
var messagesDoc = db.collection('Messages').document('Messages/$currentUser');
//collectionId is the t22o9*** id, you need to have this set previosly in your code
var docList = [];
.then((QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
snapshot.documents.forEach((doc) => docList.add(doc)'));
With this code, docList will be a list of the documents located at your subcollection t22o9*** of the YRZ1*** document.
Also you can check this link with some examples on how to get data from firestore using flutter.
As per what you have clarified on the comments, getting the subcollection data is a bit more complicated with subcollections that were created dynamically, as you can see on this link, which I assume is the case you have. The most feasible solution in your case would be to create a list of ids of subcollections in your parent document, so for example your YRZ1*** document would have this structure
id: YRZ1***
subCollectionIds : [subCollectionId1, subCollectionId2,...]
Having this structure you could use this code to retrieve the list of subcollections and the first document of each subcollection, ordered by whatever field you'd like:
var db = Firestore.instance;
var listFirstDocSub = []
//This is a reference to the YRZ1**** doc
.then((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
var listSubCollections = doc["subCollectionIds"];
listSubCollections.forEach((id) {
.then((DocumentSnapshot snapshot) {
NOTE: With this approach, everytime you add a new subcollection, you will also need to add it's id to the subCollectionIds list.
Hope This helps.

Firebase Firstore subcollection

please how can I get all the value of my IndividualTaxData subcollection in Flutter.
First, you must get the reference to the parent document:
DocumentReference parentRef = Firestore.intances.collection('TaxData').document(taxDataId);
You can do the previous part with a direct reference to the document (like the code above) or with a query. Later, you must get the reference of the subcollection and the document that you get the information:
DocumentReference subRef = parentRef.collection('IndividualTaxData').document(individualTaxId);
And finally, get the data:
DocumentSnapshot docSnap = await subRef.get();
For you to return a simple document, you can use the following code for it.
var document = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').document('<document_name>');
document.get() => then(function(document) {
// you can print other fields from your document
With the above code, you will reference your collection IndividualTaxData and then load it's data to a variable that you can print the values.
In case you want to retrieve all the documents from your collection, you can start using the below code.
final QuerySnapshot result = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').getDocuments();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.documents;
documents.forEach((data) => print(data));
// This print is just an example of it.
With this, you will load all your documents into a list that you iterate and print after - or that you can use with another method.
In addition to that, as future references, I would recommend you to check the following links as well.
Query a single document from Firestore in Flutter (cloud_firestore Plugin)
How to use Cloud Firestore with Flutter
Le me know if the information helped you!
