delete igraph vertices but retain all edges in R - r

Is there a way to delete (or selectively display) vertices but retain edges in an igraph plot? For example, in the code below, we delete vertices but that deletes edges between them. My goal is to highlight a specific node but keep all edges.
g <- make_ring(10) %>%
set_vertex_attr("name", value = LETTERS[1:10])
g2 <- delete_vertices(g, c(1,5)) %>%

If you delete the vertices, the edges no longer make any sense. However, if all you want is to not display the vertices, you can just use vertex.size=0.
plot(g, vertex.size=0)
If you do not want to even see the node names, add vertex.label=NA
You can show just one node by making a vector of vertex sizes and labels
VS = rep(0, vcount(g))
VS[2] = 14
VL = rep(NA, vcount(g))
VL[2] = V(g)$name[2]
VFC = rep(NA, vcount(g))
VFC[2] = "black"
VC = rep(NA, vcount(g))
VC[2] = 1
plot(g, vertex.size=VS, vertex.label=VL, vertex.color=VC,


Does igraph has a function that generates sub-graphs limited by weights? dfs, random_walk

I have a weighted graph in igraph R environment.
And need to obtain sub-graphs recursively, starting from any random node. The sum of weights in each sub-graph has to be less them a number.
The Deep First Search algorithm seems to deal with this problem. Also the random walk function.
Does anybody know which igraph function could tackle this?
This iterative function finds the sub-graph grown from vertex vertex of any undirected graph which contains the biggest possible weight-sum below a value spevified in limit.
A challange in finding such a graph is the computational load of evaluating the weight sum of any possible sub-graphs. Consider this example, where one iteration has found a sub-graph A-B with a weight sum of 1.
The shortest path to any new vertex is A-C (with a weight of 3), a sub-graph of A-B-D has a weight-sum of 6, while A-B-C would have a weight-sum of 12 because of the inclusion of the edge B-C in the sub-graph.
The function below looks ahead and evaluates iterative steps by choosing to gradually enlarge the sub-graph by including the next vertex that would result in the lowest sub-graph weight-sum rather than that vertex which has the shortest direct paths.
In terms of optimisation, this leaves something to be desired, but I think id does what you requested in your first question.
find_maxweight_subgraph_from <- function(graph, vertex, limit=0, sub_graph=c(vertex), current_ws=0){
# Keep a shortlist of possible edges to go next
shortlist = data.frame(k=integer(0),ws=numeric(0))
limit <- min(limit, sum(E(graph)$weight))
while(current_ws < limit){
# To find the next possible vertexes to include, a listing of
# potential candidates is computed to be able to choose the most
# efficient one.
# Each iteration chooses amongst vertecies that are connected to the sub-graph:
adjacents <- as.vector(adjacent_vertices(graph, vertex, mode="all")[[1]])
# A shortlist of possible enlargements of the sub-graph is kept to be able
# to compare each potential enlargement of the sub-graph and always choose
# the one which results in the smallest increase of sub-graph weight-sum.
# The shortlist is enlarged by vertecies that are:
# 1) adjacent to the latest added vertex
# 2) not alread IN the sub-graph
new_k <- adjacents[!adjacents %in% sub_graph]
shortlist <- rbind(shortlist[!$k),],
data.frame(k = new_k,
ws = rep(Inf, length(new_k)) )
# The addition to the weight-sum is NOT calculated by the weight on individual
# edges leading to vertecies on the shortlist BUT on the ACTUAL weight-sum of
# a sub-graph that would be the result of adding a vertex `k` to the sub-graph.
shortlist$ws <- sapply(shortlist$k, function(x) sum( E(induced_subgraph(graph, c(sub_graph,x)))$weight ) )
# We choose the vertex with the lowest impact on weight-sum:
shortlist <- shortlist[order(shortlist$ws),]
vertex <- shortlist$k[1]
current_ws <- shortlist$ws[1]
shortlist <- shortlist[2:nrow(shortlist),]
# Each iteration adds a new vertex to the sub-graph
if(current_ws <= limit){
sub_graph <- c(sub_graph, vertex)
(induced_subgraph(graph, sub_graph))
# Test function using a random graph
g <-, 30, type="gnm", directed=F)
E(g)$weight <- sample(1:1000/100, length(E(g)))
plot(g, edge.width = E(g)$weight, vertex.size=2)
sg <- find_maxweight_subgraph_from(g, vertex=12, limit=60)
plot(sg, edge.width = E(sg)$weight, vertex.size=2)
# Test function using your example code:
g <- make_tree(10, children = 2, mode = c("undirected"))
s <- seq(1:10)
g <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value= s)
plot(g, edge.width = E(g)$weight)
sg <- find_maxweight_subgraph_from(g, 2, 47)
plot(sg, edge.width = E(g)$weight)
It is done here below, however, it does not seem to be effective.
#######Example code
g <- make_tree(10, children = 2, mode = c("undirected"))
s <- seq(1:19)
g <- set_edge_attr(g, "weight", value= s)
threshold <- 5
eval <- function(r){
#r <- 10
Vertice_dfs <- dfs(g, root = r)
Sequencia <- as.numeric(Vertice_dfs$order)
for (i in 1:length(Sequencia)) {
#i <- 2
# function callback by vertice to dfs <- function(graph, data, extra) {
data[1] == Sequencia[i]-1
# DFS algorithm to the function
dfs <- dfs(g, root = r,
# Vertices resulted from DFS
dfs_eges <- na.omit(as.numeric(dfs$order))
# Rsulted subgraph
g2 <- induced_subgraph(g, dfs_eges)
# Total weight subgraph g2
T_W <- sum(E(g2)$weight)
if (T_W > threshold) {
#search by vertice
result <- lapply(1:length(V(g)),eval)

How to remove vertices by condition in igraph object, color edges by group, and size arrows based on attribute?

I am trying to do something similar to this and this post. I have an igraph object and want to remove vertices(arrows) based on an values in a column of the edges dataframe, color the edges(circles) by a group, and change the line/arrow size based on the same column in the edges dataframe. Here is some reproducible code that looks exactly like my data:
# Data
edges <- data.frame(
"agency.from" = c(rep("a",4),rep("b",4),rep("c",4),rep("d",4)),
"" = c(rep(c("a","b","c","d"),4)),
"comm.freq" = sample(0:5,16, replace=TRUE))
nodes <- data.frame(
"agency" = c("a","b","c","d"),
"group" = c("x", "y", "x", "y"),
"state" = c("i", "j", "j", "i"))
# make igraph object
net <- graph_from_data_frame(d=edges, vertices=nodes, directed=T)
# remove loops
net2 <- simplify(net, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T)
Which gives me:
# remove vertices where communication frequency is 1 and 0
net3 <- delete.vertices(net2, which(E(net2)$comm.freq == 1))
net4 <- delete.vertices(net3, which(E(net2)$comm.freq == 0))
Which does not change the plot at all
Then I try to change the colors and sizes:
# color edges by group
colrs <- c("gray50", "tomato")
V(net4)$color <- colrs[V(net4)$group]
# make size of arrow based on communication frequency
plot(net4, edge.width = E(net4)$comm.freq * 5, edge.arrow.size = E(net4)$comm.freq)
And still nothing changes
I followed the code provided in the other posts and I'm just really confused why nothing will work.
Any help is much appreciated!
The simplify() function removed your edge attributes. You need to specify how you want those values to be preserved when simplifying your graph. If you just want to keep the first possible value, you can do
net2 <- simplify(net, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T, edge.attr.comb=list("first"))
And then you use delete.vertices but you are passing indexes for edges, not vertices. If you want to drop both vertices that are adjacent to an edge with that given property, it should look more like
net3 <- delete_vertices(net2, V(net2)[.inc(E(net2)[comm.freq==1])])
net4 <- delete_vertices(net3, V(net3)[.inc(E(net3)[comm.freq==0])])
And then for the colors you have values like "x" and "y" for group, but you are indexing into the colrs vector which has no idea what "x" and "y" correspond to. It would be better to use a named vector. For example
colrs <- c(x="gray50", y="tomato")
V(net4)$color <- colrs[V(net4)$group]

Labels on only root and terminal vertices in igraph (R)?

inst2 = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
motherinst2 = c(7, 8, 2, 10, 11)
km = c(20, 30, 40, 25, 60)
df2 = data.frame(inst2, motherinst2)
df2 = cbind(df2, km)
g2 = graph_from_data_frame(df2)
how would I approach adding labels to exclusively my root and terminal vertices in a graph? I know it would involve this function, but how would you set it up? Assuming the graph object is just called 'g', or something obvious.
vertex.label =
The solution from #eipi1o is good, but the OP says "I'm finding it difficult to apply to my large data set effectively." I suspect that the issue is finding which are the intermediate nodes whose name should be blanked out. I will continue the example of #eipi10. Since my answer is based on his, if you upvote my answer, please upvote his as well.
You can use the neighbors function to determine which points are sources and sinks. Everything else is an intermediate node.
## original graph from eipi10
g = graph_from_edgelist(cbind(c(rep(1,10),2:11), c(2:21)))
## Identify which nodes are intermediate
SOURCES = which(sapply(V(g), function(x) length(neighbors(g, x, mode="in"))) == 0)
SINKS = which(sapply(V(g), function(x) length(neighbors(g, x, mode="out"))) == 0)
INTERMED = setdiff(V(g), c(SINKS, SOURCES))
## Fix up the node names and plot
V(g)$name = V(g)
V(g)$name[INTERMED] = ""
Using your example graph, we'll identify the root and terminal vertices and remove the labels for other vertices. Here's what the initial graph looks like:
Now let's identify and remove the names of the intermediate vertices
# Get all edges
e = get.edgelist(g2)
# Root vertices are in first column but not in second column
root = setdiff(e[,1],e[,2])
# Terminal vertices are in second column but not in first column
terminal = setdiff(e[,2], e[,1])
# Vertices to remove are not in root or terminal vertices
remove = setdiff(unique(c(e)), c(root, terminal))
# Remove names of intermediate vertices
V(g2)$name[V(g2)$name %in% remove] = ""
Original Answer
You can use set.vertex.attribute to change the label names. Here's an example:
# Create a graph to work with
g = graph_from_edgelist(cbind(c(rep(1,10),2:11), c(2:21)))
Now we can remove the labels from the intermediate vertices:
g = set.vertex.attribute(g, "name", value=c(1,rep("", length(2:11)),12:21))

Define Edge labels based on matching vertex type in R

I have a graph net with two different types (1 and 2) of vertices, appearing n1 and n2 times, respectively:
net %v% "type" <- c(rep("1", n1), rep("2", n2))
We have some edges which were generated randomly with probabilities ps and pd, where ps is the edge probability with a same type (1-1 or 2-2) and pd with a different type (1-2).
I would like to plot this graph such that the edges between same types (i.e. 1-1 or 2-2) have a different color than edges between different types (1-2).
How do I do this?
I tried playing around with the %e% operator of the network package, but I'm confused about how to grab the type of the end node of each edge.
Thank you!
Do you want that?
from <- sample(1:2, 10, replace = T)
to <- sample(1:2, 10, replace = T)
node <- cbind(from, to)
net <- graph_from_edgelist(node, directed = F)
edge_color <- function(from_to){
from_node <- from_to[1]
to_node <- from_to[2]
ifelse(from_node == to_node, return("red"), return("blue"))
color<- apply(node, 1, edge_color)
plot(net, edge.color=color)

R and Igraph edges

I ultimately wish to get a subset of my graph by removing connected components with 2 vertices (i.e. both vertices have an edge between them and)
You could rephrase this question as:
given an edge e = (s, d) if degree(s) == degree(d) == 1 then delete edge e
I am using R and Igraph, how would I do this? I know I can subset my graph to remove all nodes with zero degree by doing the following:
g = some_graph()
ldegs <- V(g)[degree(g) < 1]
g = delete.vertices(g, ldegs)
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this is too hard, you just find the list of nodes with degree == 1, find their neighbours, and if any of the neighbours are in the list, they're the ones to delete:
g =, 0.02)
ones = V(g)[degree(g) == 1]
one_ns = sapply(ones, neighbors, graph=g)
# If any of the neighbours are in ones, we
# can delete these
to_delete = one_ns[one_ns %in% ones]
# Visualize:
plot(g, mark.groups=to_delete)
