I am trying to get my text area to display with row height recognition. I've followed several of the suggestions that have been made on this board.
I currently import componentClass from react-bootstrap and in my form field, I have:
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="overview">Outline your proposal</label>
"form-control" +
(errors.overview && touched.overview ? " is-invalid" : "")
<ErrorMessage name="overview" component="div" className="invalid-feedback" />
It still renders in a single line.
What is the hidden secret about making this work with row numbers for text area?
I am trying to learn Tailwind CSS and generally working better with CSS. In this case, I am trying to make my search icon appear inside of my search input field.
I found some tutorials online but they mostly use plain CSS.
Is there any simple way to achieve this using Tailwind?
import React from "react";
import { FaSearch } from "react-icons/fa";
const SearchBar = () => {
return (
<input className="bg-slate-50 hover:bg-red-200 rounded-3xl h-12 w-56" />
<FaSearch />
I also tried to wrap the input elment in a <div> and <form> tags, but none of those worked.
This should do it:
<div className='flex items-center'>
<input className='bg-slate-50 hover:bg-red-200 rounded-3xl h-12 w-56' />
<SearchIcon className='-ml-9' />
align items | MDN
using negative margins | MDN
I have those purple lines ( as my screen bellow ).
I doing some conditionnal rendering, I'd like to know if I can remove all those purple lines.
I've heard removing all divs and adding React.Fragments might help, this what I've done so far. But the issue is still there.
If anyone could tell where the issue might come from, I'd be grateful !
the main view / Render 1
<div className="user-infos">
<h4><u> Parameters </u></h4>
{ (componentState == "edit") ?
<form >
<Render 3/>
: (componentState == "index") ?
<Render 2/>
: (componentState == "delete") ?
<p> Are you sure you want to leave us ? </p>
<p> If yes, you have to type your email and press "confirm".</p>
<input type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="confirm email"/>
<button> Delete ur account</button>
<button> Cancel </button>
: ""
Render 2
return (
<p> Username : John </p>
<p> Timezone : London </p>
<button> Edit Profile </button>
<button> Delete account </<button>>
Render 3
return (
<label for="email"> Username :
<input type="text"/>
<label for="text"> Timezone :
<button type="submit"> Save Profile </button>
<button> Cancel </button>
By default, chrome adds styling to your html. In the case of <p>, it adds the following css to your element.
If you want the margin to disappear, you need to set margin: 0; on your <p> element to overwrite chrome's styling.
The purple dash line occurs when there is available space for the elements to expand into. See here. From what I can tell from comparing flexboxes with other display types, the purple dash with purple background is specifically for space inside flexboxes (display:flex in CSS).
Would need to see your CSS to be sure, but I imagine there's justify-content: space-between telling the flexbox to evenly distribute the remaining empty space between the elements as well as flex-direction: column telling the flexbox to stack the child elements vertically.
If that's the case, you can remove justify-content: space-between and use flexbox styling to change things to how you want it to look. I found this website helpful: A Complete Guide to Flexbox
I tried to add a required element (when the box become red if not text is inside) on my form but without success, I installed react-strap, Bootstrap. when I apply many changed it didn't work for no reason
and it's just not moving if someone know why I would be happy.
render() {
return (
<form class="needs-validation" novalidate>
<InputGroup size="sm">
<InputGroupAddon addonType="append" className="m-2">
placeholder="Add a new To-Do. "
onChange={(e) => this.updateInput(e.target.value)}
export default connect(null, { addTodo })(AddTodo);
// export default AddTodo;
What you are doing is passing required as a prop to your class Input. You need to add the html tag when the field renders, i.e. in Input.js:
return (
<input ... required={this.props.required}>
i think you should add the 'is-invalid' class to the input element if that field is empty.
I've got this component in react:
<div className={"form-group "+ this.props.className}>
I returns a column with a label as Header. Now I want it to return a column with the exact same height if I don't specify the label-property. If I just set a label without a value in it react won't display it.
I am using react-bootstrap with a project and one component is having code as below. I want the input and button to appear together and take up the whole space provided by the Col. These both(input and button) are showing up together but the complete space is not occupied. Please Help!
<Col xs={12} md={10} mdOffset={1} >
<Form className="addGoalForm" inline onSubmit={
} >
<FormGroup className="addGoalForm">
<FormControl ref={textInput} type="text"/>
<Button bsStyle="primary" type="submit"> Add Goal </Button>
Try taking the inline prop off from the Form
The problem with your code is, you created an outer column, and added two elements inside it, they will just stack to the left - this is default behavior.
Add column size for both input and button.
Bootstrap col-xs-10 for input and col-xs-2 for button to occupy col-xs-12 of parent(consider your grid size for md, l sizes)
Create custom classes with width 80%/20% or as required.