OpenCL: can I do simultaneous "read" operations? - opencl

I have an OpenCL buffer created with the read and write flag. Can I access the same memory address simultaneously? say, calling enqueueReadBuffer and a kernel that doesn't modify the contents out-of-order without waitlists, or two calls to kernels that only read from the buffer.

Yes, you can do so. Create 2 queues, then call clEnqueieReadBuffer and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel on the different queue.
It ultimately depends on weather the device and driver supports executing different queues at the same time. Most GPUs can while embedded devices may or may not.


How does the host send OpenCL kernels and arguments to the GPU at the assembly level?

So you get a kernel and compile it. You set the cl_buffers for the arguments and then clSetKernelArg the two together.
You then enqueue the kernel to run and read back the buffer.
Now, how does the host program tell the GPU the instructions to run. e.g. I'm on a 2017 MBP with a Radeon Pro 460. At the assembly level what instructions are called in the host process to tell the GPU "here's what you're going to run." What mechanism lets the cl_buffers be read by the GPU?
In fact, if you can point me to an in detail explanation of all of this I'd be quite pleased. I'm a toolchain engineer and I'm curious about the toolchain aspects of GPU programming but I'm finding it incredibly hard to find good resources on it.
It pretty much all runs through the GPU driver. The kernel/shader compiler, etc. tend to live in a user space component, but when it comes down to issuing DMAs, memory-mapping, and responding to interrupts (GPU events), that part is at least to some extent covered by the kernel-based component of the GPU driver.
A very simple explanation is that the kernel compiler generates a GPU-model-specific code binary, this gets uploaded to VRAM via DMA, and then a request is added to the GPU's command queue to run a kernel with reference to the VRAM address where that kernel is stored.
With regard to OpenCL memory buffers, there are essentially 3 ways I can think of that this can be implemented:
A buffer is stored in VRAM, and when the CPU needs access to it, that range of VRAM is mapped onto a PCI BAR, which can then be memory-mapped by the CPU for direct access.
The buffer is stored entirely in System RAM, and when the GPU accesses it, it uses DMA to perform read and write operations.
Copies of the buffer are stored both in VRAM and system RAM; the GPU uses the VRAM copy and the CPU uses the system RAM copy. Whenever one processor needs to access the buffer after the other has made modifications to it, DMA is used to copy the newer copy across.
On GPUs with UMA (Intel IGP, AMD APUs, most mobile platforms, etc.) VRAM and system RAM are the same thing, so they can essentially use the best bits of methods 1 & 2.
If you want to take a deep dive on this, I'd say look into the open source GPU drivers on Linux.
The enqueue the kernel means ask an OpenCL driver to submit work to dedicated HW for execution. In OpenCL, for example, you would call the clEnqueueNativeKernel API, which will add the dispatch compute workload command to the command queue - cl_command_queue.
From the spec:
The command-queue can be used to queue a set of operations (referred to as commands) in order.
Next, the implementation of this API will trigger HW to process commands recorded into a command queue (which holds all actual commands in the format which particular HW understands). HW might have several queues and process them in parallel. Anyway after the workload from a queue is processed, HW will inform the KMD driver via an interrupt, and KMD is responsible to propagate this update to OpenCL driver via OpenCL supported event mechanism, which allows user to track workload execution status - see
To get better idea how the OpenCL driver interacts with a HW you could take a look into the opensource implementation, see:

Simultaneously use OpenCL buffer in host and kernel

After creating the OpenCL buffer, we need to map it on host side, populate the required data and unmap so that kernel can use it. For a read only OpenCL buffer, is it possible to use it on host side as well as kernel side simultaneously?
No, not if you're using map/unmap. The content of the host memory range is invalid after the unmap. Perhaps you could use clEnqueueWriteBuffer instead, and then the host memory that you used as the source will still be host memory you can use on the host side.
Again, not with regular memory. In general, you can share memory between the GPU and CPU concurrently even to communicate. Look into Shared Virtual Memory (AMD and Intel).
Non-standard CPU/GPU communication is pretty rare for the simple fact that one doesn't get to assume what order the ND range executes. An implementation can dispatch them in any order it desires. So if the buffer's contents were to be changing as the kernel dispatches new workgroups, you wouldn't have any control of the dataflow sequence.
Rare exceptions like "persistent kernels" where the kernel continues running (as if processing a stream) do exist, but I know less about this.

Using of the same GPU memeoy object

Suppose you create two threads and making both of them entering a loop there both of them start the same kernel which uses same opencl memory object (Buffer in cl.hpp in my case). Will it work properly? Do opencl allow to run in the same time different kernels with the same memory object?
(I am using opencl C++ wrapper cl.hpp and beignet Intel open source library.)
If both threads are using the same in-order command queue, it will work just fine; it just becomes a race as to which thread enqueues their work first. From the OpenCL runtime point of view, it's just commands in a queue.
OpenCL 1.1 (and newer) is threadsafe except for clSetKernelArg and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for a given kernel; you'll need to lock around that.
If however your threads are using two different command queues then you shouldn't be using the same memory object without then using OpenCL Event objects to synchronize. Unless it is read-only; that should be fine.
Read operation on same OpenCL memory objects, by concurrent kernels, wouldn't cause any functionality issue. In case of write operation, it sure will cause functionality issues.
What is the objective of running multiple kernels concurrently? Please check this answer to similar question.

OpenCL clEnqueueReadBuffer During Kernel Execution?

Can queued kernels continue to execute while an OpenCL clEnqueueReadBuffer operation is occurring?
In other words, is clEnqueueReadBuffer a blocking operation on the device?
From a host API point of view, clEnqueueReadBuffer can be blocking or not, depending on if you set the blocking_read parameter to CL_TRUE or CL_FALSE.
If you set it to not block, then the read just gets queued and you should use an event (or subsequent blocking call) to determine when it has finished (i.e., before you access the memory that you are reading to).
If you set it to block, the call won't return until the read is done. The memory being read to will be correct. Also (and answering your actual question) any operations you queued prior to the clEnqueueReadBuffer will all have to finish first before the read starts (see exception note below).
All clEnqueue* API calls are asynchronous, but some have "blocking" parameters you can set. Using it is the equivalent to using a non-blocking version and then calling clFinish instead. The command queue will be flushed to the device and your host thread won't continue until the work has finished. Of course, it is hard to keep the GPU always busy doing it this way, since now it doesn't have any work, but if you queue up new work fast enough you can still keep it reasonably busy.
This all assumes a single, in-order command queue. If your command queue is out-of-order and your device supports out-of-order queues then enqueued items can execute in any order that doesn't violate the event_wait_list parameters you provided. Likewise, you can have multiple command queues, which can again be executed in any order that doesn't violate the event_wait_list parameters you provided. Typically, they are used to overlap memory transfers and compute, and to keep multiple compute units busy. Out-of-order command queues and multiple command queues are both advanced OpenCL concepts and shouldn't be attempted until you fully understand and have experience with in-order command queues.
Clarification added later after DarkZeros pointed out the "on the device" part of the OP's question: My answer was from the host thread API point of view. On the device, with an in-order command queue all downstream commands are blocked by the current command. With an out-of-order queue they are only blocked by the event_wait_list. However, out-of-order command queues are not well supported in today's drivers. With multiple command queues, in theory commands are only blocked by prior commands (if in-order) and the event_wait_list. In reality, there are sometimes special vendor rules that prevent the free flowing of potentially non-blocked commands that you might like. This is often because the multiple OpenCL command queues get transferred to device-side memory and compute queues, and get executed in-order there. So depending on the order that you add commands to your multiple command queues, they might get interleaved in such a way that they block in sub-optimal ways. The best solution I'm aware of is to either be careful about the order you enqueue (based on knowledge of this implementation detail), or use one queue for memory and one for compute, which matches the device-side queueing.
If overlap of memory and compute is your goal, both AMD and NVIDIA both provide examples of how to overlap memory and compute operations, and for GPUs that support multiple compute operations, how to do that too. NVIDIA examples are hard to get ahold of but they are out there (from CUDA 4 days).

OpenCL: Sending same cl_mem to multiple devices

I am writing a multi-GPU parallel algorithm. One of the issues I am facing is to find out what would happen if I push one cl_mem to multiple devices, and let them run the same kernel at the same time. The kernel will make change to the memory passed to device.
It is very time consuming to code and debug OpenCL code. So before I start doing it I want to take some advices from fellow Stackoverflow users - I want to know the consequence of doing such thing, in both of below scenarios (e.g will there be any exception raised during execution? Are data synchronized? When CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR is used is the same region of memory pointed by this cl_mem get properly copied to device? etc.):
The memory is created with CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR
The memory is created with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR
I don't see anything explicit in the OpenCL specifications that guarantees that data will be synchronised across devices. I don't see how the OpenCL implementation would know how to distribute a buffer across multiple devices and how to aggregate those buffers again later.
The approach I've adopted is to create a separate context, read, write and kernel exec queues for each device. I then create separate buffers on each device and enqueue writes/reads to move data to/from the devices. Hence I explicitly handle all of that myself.
I'd like a better solution, but at least the above method works and doesn't rely on anything that is implementation specific.
Appendix A of the OpenCL Specification explains the required synchronization for objects shared between different command queues.
Basically it says you should use OpenCL events and clFlush to synchronize execution between the command queues. The OpenCL implementation will synchronize the contents of the memory objects between the different devices of the OpenCL context. USE/COPY _HOST_PTR does not make any difference, but USE_HOST_PTR will avoid a couple of extra copies of the data in host memory. Use clEnqueueMapBuffer to synchronize bits with the host at the end.
