I have the following problem in my assignment:
"Verify, using Boolean algebra, the following equality:
I am able to do it with Karnaugh Maps and Truth tables, but I'm stuck on the formal procedure using Boolean Algebra.
Thanks in advance for your kind help!
Using DeMorgan's laws (http://www.ask-math.com/de-morgans-law.html) we can simplify down the left side:
!((A and !B) or (!A and B))
!(A and !B) and !(!A and B)
(!A or B) and (A or !B)
Next we use the Product of Sums to get:
(!A and A) or (B and A) or (!A and !B) or (B and !B)
Since (!A and A) is false and (B and !B) is false we reduce to:
(B and A) or (!A and !B).
This matches the right side of the equation.
I figured it out on my own:
~((A AND ~B) AND (~A AND B)) .... Original Eqn.
((~A OR ~~B) AND (~~A OR ~B)) .... DeMorgan's Law
((~A OR B ) AND (A OR ~B) .... Elimination of double negation
Introducing mathematical symbols as it makes it a bit clearer in my opinion
(~A (~B + A) * B (~B + A) .... "Factor out" (~A * B) and carry out multiplication
(~A*~B)+(~AA)+(B~B)+(B*A) .... "Multiply out the terms"
(~A*~B) + 1 + 1 + (B*A) .... Excluded middle
(~A*~B) + (A*B) .... Required Answer
I need to simplify this expression. I know the answer must be (Not A or Not C) but I keep getting C or (Not A and C)
Tried this in Lua:
local a = false
local b = true
local c = true
local f = (not b and not c) or (b and not c) or (not a and c)
local f_= not c or (not a and c)
print(f, f_)
Output: false, false
I also tried all the possibilities with all three variables and both 'f' and 'f_' remained identical.
F = (Not B and Not C) or (B and Not C) or (Not A and C)
-> (Not B and Not C) or (B and Not C) == Not C
F = Not C or (Not A and C)
I like using Karnaugh maps for boolean simplification:
For your example, we build a 2D truth table:
Then fill in the terms from your question, they all get 'or'd together:
Then you find the smallest number of squares/rectangles that cover the needed parts. The squares and rectangles must have powers of two as a dimension, so 2x2 is ok, 1x4 etc, but not 3x2 for example. These are called 'minterms' and the bigger the square, the simpler the boolean expression they represent. In the example below, the minterm for 'not C' wraps off one end of the map and on to the other, but is still considered a 2x2 square.
You can also do it by covering the unused space with 'maxterms', and then invert it again to get the original expression:
The results of 'not A or not C' and 'not (A and C)' are equivalent by De Morgan's laws. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Morgan%27s_laws)
(Not B and Not C) or (B and Not C) or (Not A and C)
| Distributive Law
((Not B or B) and Not C) or (Not A and C)
| Complement Law
Not C or (Not A and C)
| Absorption Law
Not C or Not A
This question already has an answer here:
Why can't I compare reals in Standard ML?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have the following code:
datatype complex = RealImg of real * real | Infinity;
fun divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(0.0, 0.0)) = Infinity
fun divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(c, d)) =
RealImg ((a * c + b * d) / (c * c + d * d), ((b * c) - (a * d))/ (c* c + d * d))
However it fails with this:
Error: syntax error: inserting EQUALOP
I am very confused. Why does this happen? I know that I can't compare two reals in SML, but how am I supposed to do pattern matching with 0?
As you said SML doesn't allow to pattern match real numbers, but recommends to use Real.== instead or compare the difference between these number against some delta.
What about just using a mere if statement for this? (also some Infinity cases added just to make the match against function params exhaustive, but feel free to change it, because it doesn't pretend to be correct)
datatype complex = RealImg of real * real | Infinity;
fun divisionComplex(Infinity, _) = Infinity
| divisionComplex(_, Infinity) = Infinity
| divisionComplex(RealImg(a, b), RealImg(c, d)) =
if Real.== (c, 0.0) andalso Real.== (d, 0.0)
then Infinity
RealImg ((a * c + b * d) / (c * c + d * d), ((b * c) - (a * d))/ (c* c + d * d))
UPDATE - Solution
Thanks to jacobm for his help, I came up with a solution.
// Folding Recursion
let reverse_list_3 theList =
List.fold_left (fun element recursive_call -> recursive_call::element) [] theList;;
I'm learning about the different ways of recursion in OCaml (for class) and for some exercise, I'm writing a function to reverse a list using different recursion styles.
// Forward Recursion
let rec reverse_list_forward theList =
match theList with [] -> [] | (head::tail) -> (reverse_list_1 tail) # [head];;
// Tail Recursion
let rec reverse_list_tail theList result =
match theList with [] -> result | (head::tail) -> reverse_list_2 tail (head::result);;
Now, I'm trying to write a reverse function using List.fold_left but I'm stuck and can't figure it out. How would I write this reverse function using folding?
Also, if anyone has good references on functional programming, the different types of recursion, higher-order-functions, etc..., links would be greatly appreciated :)
I find it helpful to think of the fold operations as a generalization of what to do with a sequence of operations
a + b + c + d + e
fold_right (+) 0 applies the + operation right-associatively, using 0 as a base case:
(a + (b + (c + (d + (e + 0)))))
fold_left 0 (+) applies it left-associatively:
(((((0 + a) + b) + c) + d) + e)
Now consider what happens if you replace + with :: and 0 with [] in both right- and left-folds.
It may also be useful to think about the way fold_left and fold_right work as "replacing" the :: and [] operators in a list. For instance, the list [1,2,3,4,5] is really just shorthand for 1::(2::(3::(4::(5::[])))). It may be useful to think of fold_right op base as letting you "replace" :: with op and [] with base: for instance
fold_right (+) 0 1::(2::(3::(4::(5::[]))))
1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + (5 + 0))))
:: became +, [] became 0. From this perspective, it's easy to see that fold_right (::) [] just gives you back your original list. fold_left base op does something a bit weirder: it rewrites all the parentheses around the list to go the other direction, moves [] from the back of the list to the front, and then replaces :: with op and [] with base. So for instance:
fold_left 0 (+) 1::(2::(3::(4::(5::[]))))
(((((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5)
With + and 0, fold_left and fold_right produce the same result. But in other cases, that's not so: for instance if instead of + you used - the results would be different: 1 - (2 - (3 - (4 - (5 - 0)))) = 3, but (((((0 - 1) - 2) - 3) - 4) - 5) = -15.
let rev =
List.fold_left ( fun lrev b ->
) [];;
# rev [1;2;3;4];;
- : int list = [4; 3; 2; 1]
I'm trying to figure out an equivalent expressions of the following equations using bitwise, addition, and/or subtraction operators. I know there's suppose to be an answer (which furthermore generalizes to work for any modulus 2^a-1, where a is a power of 2), but for some reason I can't seem to figure out what the relation is.
Initial expressions:
x = n % (2^32-1);
c = (int)n / (2^32-1); // ints are 32-bit, but x, c, and n may have a greater number of bits
My procedure for the first expression was to take the modulo of 2^32, then try to make up the difference between the two modulo's. I'm having trouble on this second part.
x = n & 0xFFFFFFFF + difference // how do I calculate difference?
I know that the difference n%(2^32)-n%(2^32-1) is periodic (with a period of 2^32*(2^32-1)), and there's a "spike up' starting at multiples of 2^32-1 and ending at 2^32. After each 2^32 multiple, the difference plot decreases by 1 (hopefully my descriptions make sense)
Similarly, the second expression could be calculated in a similar fashion:
c = n >> 32 + makeup // how do I calculate makeup?
I think makeup steadily increases by 1 at multiples of 2^32-1 (and decreases by 1 at multiples of 2^32), though I'm having troubles expressing this idea in terms of the available operators.
You can use these identities:
n mod (x - 1) = (((n div x) mod (x - 1)) + ((n mod x) mod (x - 1))) mod (x - 1)
n div (x - 1) = (n div x) + (((n div x) + (n mod x)) div (x - 1))
First comes from (ab+c) mod d = ((a mod d) (b mod d) + (c mod d)) mod d.
Second comes from expanding n = ax + b = a(x-1) + a + b, while dividing by x-1.
I think I've figured out the answer to my question:
Compute c first, then use the results to compute x. Assumes that the comparison returns 1 for true, 0 for false. Also, the shifts are all logical shifts.
c = (n>>32) + ((t & 0xFFFFFFFF) >= (0xFFFFFFFF - (n>>32)))
x = (0xFFFFFFFE - (n & 0xFFFFFFFF) - ((c - (n>>32))<<32)-c) & 0xFFFFFFFF
edit: changed x (only need to keep lower 32 bits, rest is "junk")
I have to write a program to solve quadratics, returning a complex number result.
I've gotten so far, with defining a complex number, declaring it to be part of num, so +,- and * - ing can take place.
I've also defined a data type for a quadratic equation, but im now stuck with the actual solving of the quadratic. My math is quite poor, so any help would be greatly appreciated...
data Complex = C {
re :: Float,
im :: Float
} deriving Eq
-- Display complex numbers in the normal way
instance Show Complex where
show (C r i)
| i == 0 = show r
| r == 0 = show i++"i"
| r < 0 && i < 0 = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
| r < 0 && i > 0 = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)
| r > 0 && i < 0 = show r ++ " - "++ show (C 0 (i*(-1)))
| r > 0 && i > 0 = show r ++ " + "++ show (C 0 i)
-- Define algebraic operations on complex numbers
instance Num Complex where
fromInteger n = C (fromInteger n) 0 -- tech reasons
(C a b) + (C x y) = C (a+x) (b+y)
(C a b) * (C x y) = C (a*x - b*y) (b*x + b*y)
negate (C a b) = C (-a) (-b)
instance Fractional Complex where
fromRational r = C (fromRational r) 0 -- tech reasons
recip (C a b) = C (a/((a^2)+(b^2))) (b/((a^2)+(b^2)))
root :: Complex -> Complex
root (C x y)
| y == 0 && x == 0 = C 0 0
| y == 0 && x > 0 = C (sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + 0 ) ) / 2 ) ) 0
| otherwise = C (sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + (y^2) ) ) / 2 ) ) ((y/(2*(sqrt ( ( x + sqrt ( (x^2) + (y^2) ) ) / 2 ) ) ) ) )
-- quadratic polynomial : a.x^2 + b.x + c
data Quad = Q {
aCoeff, bCoeff, cCoeff :: Complex
} deriving Eq
instance Show Quad where
show (Q a b c) = show a ++ "x^2 + " ++ show b ++ "x + " ++ show c
solve :: Quad -> (Complex, Complex)
solve (Q a b c) = STUCK!
EDIT: I seem to have missed out the whole point of using my own complex number datatype is to learn about custom datatypes. I'm well aware that i could use complex.data. Any help that could be given using my solution so far would be greatly appreciated.\
EDIT 2: It seems that my initial question was worded horribly. I'm aware that the quadratic formula will return both (or just the one) root to me. Where I am having trouble is returning these roots as a (complex, complex) tuple with the code above.
I'm well aware that I could use the built in quadratic functions as have been displayed below, but this is not the exercise. The idea behind the exercise, and creating ones own complex number data type, is to learn about custom data types.
Like newacct said, it's just the quadratic equation:
(-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a
module QuadraticSolver where
import Data.Complex
data Quadratic a = Quadratic a a a deriving (Show, Eq)
roots :: (RealFloat a) => Quadratic a -> [ Complex a ]
roots (Quadratic a b c) =
if discriminant == 0
then [ numer / denom ]
else [ (numer + root_discriminant) / denom,
(numer - root_discriminant) / denom ]
where discriminant = (b*b - 4*a*c)
root_discriminant = if (discriminant < 0)
then 0 :+ (sqrt $ -discriminant)
else (sqrt discriminant) :+ 0
denom = 2*a :+ 0
numer = (negate b) :+ 0
in practice:
ghci> :l QuadraticSolver
Ok, modules loaded: QuadraticSolver.
ghci> roots (Quadratic 1 2 1)
[(-1.0) :+ 0.0]
ghci> roots (Quadratic 1 0 1)
[0.0 :+ 1.0,(-0.0) :+ (-1.0)]
And adapting to use your terms:
solve :: Quad -> (Complex, Complex)
solve (Q a b c) = ( sol (+), sol (-) )
where sol op = (op (negate b) $ root $ b*b - 4*a*c) / (2 * a)
Although I haven't tested that code
Since Haskell's sqrt can also handle complex numbers, rampion's solution can even be further simplified:
import Data.Complex
-- roots for quadratic equations with complex coefficients
croots :: (RealFloat a) =>
(Complex a) -> (Complex a) -> (Complex a) -> [Complex a]
croots a b c
| disc == 0 = [solution (+)]
| otherwise = [solution (+), solution (-)]
where disc = b*b - 4*a*c
solution plmi = plmi (-b) (sqrt disc) / (2*a)
-- roots for quadratic equations with real coefficients
roots :: (RealFloat a) => a -> a -> a -> [Complex a]
roots a b c = croots (a :+ 0) (b :+ 0) (c :+ 0)
You can also use this croots function with your own datatype, if you change the types to fit your implementation (and call your root function instead of sqrt).