Unable to do live preview for brackets - adobe-brackets

I have problem with opening brackets and do live preview recently. While launching brackets, it is showing the following info too. Does anyone has any idea?

This is because of Brackets unable to find PHP 7 runtime in the system path or 'brackets.json'
to fix this:
go to Debug > Open Preferences File and add
"php": {
"enablePhpTooling": true,
"executablePath": "your path to php.exe",
"memoryLimit": "4095M",
"validateOnType": "false"
PHP Support in Brackets


JavaFX-11 in VSCode: Error: Could not find or load main class Files\Java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib

I have been trying to set up JavaFX-11 in Visual Studio Code.
I found this post JavaFX-11 with VSCode, which explained how to do so, and followed the steps.
However, I need to include the module-path to the JavaFX SDK by adding an entry for the vmArgs in the launch.json file:
"configurations": [
"type": "java",
"name": "CodeLens (Launch) - Main",
"request": "launch",
"vmArgs": "--module-path C:\\Program Files\\Java\\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml",
"mainClass": "hellofx.Main",
"projectName": "hellofx"
As you can see in the vmArgs entry, is my local path to the JavaFX SDK. However, when I try to run the program I get the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class
Files\Java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib Caused by:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Files\Java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib
For the past hours I have trying to figure out why it doesn't work. Am I writing the arguments wrong? I saw there are .jmods files. Should I download those files? Is there any other way to specify the module path?
Is worth to mention that I am running Visual Studio Code in Windows 10, so I have to use escape sequence to use backslashes.
As you can see by the error you have posted:
Error: Could not find or load main class Files\Java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib
it is clear that the issue is related to the space you have in Program Files.
As a possible solution, you could move your JavaFX SDK to a folder without spaces in its path, and set your vmArgs accordingly, like:
"vmArgs": "--module-path C:\\Java\\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml",
While that works, if you still want to keep your current approach, you have to find a way to set the path with spaces.
Based on a similar issue, you can find that:
Paths containing spaces should be surrounded by (escaped) double quotes
So this will be the solution in your case:
"vmArgs": "--module-path \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\\lib\" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml",
Note this doesn't apply to the path added in the .classpath file with the JavaFX jars, that will be like this:
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\\lib\\javafx.base.jar"/>
Adding double quotes surrounding my environment variable in IntelliJ solved for me:
PATH_TO_FX="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib"
** If you are having this error on Eclipse**
"Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found"
Remove the JavaFX SDK library from the build path of the project!!

$2sxc is not defined

After adding Content module to a page, I just get a round blue icon with white glasses. Clicking on it produces an error in the console:
ReferenceError: $2sxc is not defined 1 ui.html:20:5
<anonymous> http://localhost/DotNetNuke/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/ng/ui.html:20:5
Clicking 'Change Template / Layout' in pencil menu also does nothing. This happened after upgrading from 2sxc 8.12 to 9.02. I checked the file and of course could not see $2sxc defined anywhere. I have installed on other sites and not had this problem, but it is failing on my localhost installation. DNN 9.1.1 I have tried uninstalling 2sxc and deleting all the Tosic... files I can find, then reinstalling, but I get the same results.
Similar to: Having some issues with 2sxc version 9.x: unable to select App/Content layout
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thx.
I fixed this after a little debugging and following the code. The problem happens on localhost implementations. There is a file: DesktopModules\ToSIC_SexyContent\dist\ng\ui.html
that contains the code in a script container:
path = window.location.pathname,
isDevMode = window.location.hostname === 'localhost',
The problem is that it thinks it is in 'DevMode' when it is on localhost and therefore sets:
devPath = 'http://2sxc.dev/desktopmodules/tosic_sexycontent/dist/a4/';
which is certainly not a valid URL on my system, and apparently not on the web either. So the solution is to have it avoid 'DevMode' and everything works as it should. I did this by modifying the 'localhost' to be 'xlocalhost' and it worked like a charm. You could also just set it to false.
So this was a bug in that version, it's fixed now.

WP8 Cordova - cordova-sqlite-legacy plugin not working

I am using the cordova-sqlite-legacy plugin on my windows phone 8 cordova project but I cannot get it to work. I am running cordova 3.5.0.
I have added the plugin through command line, and all the files have been added to my project successfully, but I can't seem to get the app to recognize the plugin.
This is what is in my cordova_plugins.js file referencing the plugin
"file": "plugins/cordova-sqlite-legacy/www/SQLitePlugin.js",
"id": "cordova-sqlite-legacy.SQLitePlugin",
"clobbers": [
"cordova-sqlite-legacy": "1.3.1"
My config.xml reference
<feature name="SQLitePlugin">
<param name="wp-package" value="SQLitePlugin" />
In my app I am trying to run the database code
SQLitePlugin.openDatabase({ name: 'cordova_demo.db', location: 'default' });
However, I get the following error
Uncaught ReferenceError: SQLitePlugin is not defined
I have tried changing the code to...
window.SQLitePlugin.openDatabase({ name: 'cordova_demo.db', location: 'default' });
...but still no luck.
Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? I have followed the instructions from the plugin website but I am getting nowhere
I fixed this by changing the command
SQLitePlugin.openDatabase({ name: 'cordova_demo.db', location: 'default' });
sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({ name: 'cordova_demo.db', location: 2 });
It was referenced as uppercase letters in the cordova_plugins file but it needs to be lowercase in order for it to work. Also the location needed to be a number too.
Hope this helps someone out.

gclient runhooks fails

I'm trying to build Chrome under windows, I got the chromium trunk using tortoiseSVN and I believe I got everything correctly, but when I run "gclient runhooks" I get the error: "Error: client not configured; see 'gclient config'".
Now, I know that it happens because I don't have a ".gclient" file on the same directory, but I couldn't find .gclient file anywhere in the project. I tried to create .gclient file myself but it says there's a solution missing.
I'm probably missing something, can anyone help me with that? I'm pretty stuck!
gclient config http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src
gclient runhooks
Or make a .gclient file with the following content, which skips the huge amount of webkit layout tests
solutions = [
{ "name" : "src",
"url" : "http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src",
"deps_file" : "DEPS",
"managed" : True,
"custom_deps" : {
"src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests": None,
"src/chrome_frame/tools/test/reference_build/chrome": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_mac": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_win": None,
"src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux": None,
"safesync_url": "",
The above solution is out-dated. Running with the SVN repository results in:
The chromium code repository has migrated completely to git.
Your SVN-based checkout is now obsolete; you need to create a brand-new
git checkout by following these instructions:
Now you need to create a .gclient file like this
solutions = [
"managed": False,
"name": "src",
"url": "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git",
"custom_deps": {},
"deps_file": ".DEPS.git",
"safesync_url": "",
and do:
gclient sync
Chromium does not include a preconfigured .gclient file for the Chromium build and does not automatically handle Visual Studio versioning changes and default Deploy toolkit hints. After you have successfully downloaded the deploy tools and the chromium source code as provided at chromium.org perform the following in the root directory where your deploy_tools and src code is located.
NOTE : If you receive errors try to start a new command prompt session and try again.
gclient config https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
gclient sync
gclient runhooks
cd src
ninja -C out\Debug chrome
The build will take some time gclient runhooks should generate the build folder.

javascript is not working in my wordpress on (wamp + windows 7)

i installed wordpress on my localhost (wamp on windows 7) but javascript is not working on my admin area
any help ?
i'm tracking the problem
it seems it's from /wp-admin/loadscripts.php line 123 "get_file" function .. when it's getting the javascript from the file it replaces " with \" it did preg_replace but it seems that there is something else .. i tried different function file_get_contents for example and still the same problem
here is 1 of the errors from firefox error window
Error: syntax error
Source File: mylocalhost/wordpress/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load=jquery,utils&ver=0e4de088c1d51cff99f6e17399d2c995
Line: 21, Column: 58
Source Code:
The reason for this is often conflicting plugins. If you installed any new plugins recently, try deactivating them one by one and see whether you can find the culprit.
Also, look in Firebug's "Net" tab to see whether there are any missing resources.
i solved that !!
when we open a javascript file and output in windows we need stripslashes and everything will work perfectly
stripslashes was the culprit. Spot on! If you guys have installed WAMP and are running wordpress on it. Go to WAMP > PHP Settings > and uncheck all Magic quotes options if they are checked and restart WAMP, You are good to go. Cheers.
