After I select print button then "Save PDF File As" pop-up will appear.
I want to press enter or press save button but I can not handle it.
However, I can handle the same pop-up in another page of system.
I use a lot solutions but not work. The pop-up did not change anything.
When I click "save" button by manual or press "Enter" by manual
log shown step passed.
This below solotions is not work for me.
1) [use SikuliLibrary]
SikuliLibrary.Press Special Key ENTER
2) [use Sikuli]
Click ${path_picture_save_button}
3) [use Autoit]
Control Focus strTitle=Save PDF File As strText=&Save strControl=Button2
Control Click strTitle=Save PDF File As strText=&Save strControl=Button2
4) [use resource function python"sendkeys"]
import SendKeys
def send_enter_key():
Sends ENTER key to application
Works only in Windows
enter image description here
My app behave like this:
Add items -> user clicks Add button -> app return to main page
IF there are too many items, after user clicks Add button -> new dialog prompt 'waiting...', then user click OK button -> user click send button again
it is a loop if the new dialog prompt after send button is clicked. (from manual testing, this dialog could appear 2-3 times only).
I have written test case after click add ->
if there is dialog appear then click ok -> click add -> back to mainpage.
it is working fine when the new dialog appear.
I noticed if the new dialog does not appear, ROBOT still proceed to the ${VERIFIED} lines....this causing the script pausing for quite sometimes. no error but how do I get rid of it?
However the application may prompt the dialog many times when server loading is slow.
I want robot press this ok whenever dialog appear again then click add.
How do I achieve it?
Add Item
Click Add
${VERIFIED} Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element ${ANDROID-WIDGET-TEXT-VIEW}\[#text='Please wait'] 3s
Run Keyword If ${VERIFIED} Wait Until Page Contains And Click ${ANDROID-WIDGET-BUTTON}\[#text='OK']
Run Keyword If ${VERIFIED} Click Add
Wait Until Page Contains Navigation Bar Title MainPage
How can I create a ReplyKeyboardButton in telegram with a specified text, which sends a specified command when it is being clicked.
For example the text is "Yes" and when I click yes, it sends /1 as a command. In the documentation creating a button just gets a text as input.
Following picture is from Telegram documentation which demonstrate the idea:
If you make it an inline-keyboard, each button can have an associated data-value along with the button text.
At present, regular buttons return their text as the reply value in a return message.
However, If you have a unique text or unique text+emoji as the text for each button, then your command processor code can simple do a switch-case on returned message-text
If you mean that when the user presses the button, the user actually sends a command, it is not possible.
When the user presses a regular button (not inline) he just sends the text inside the button.
So the only way to do this is to write a command in the button or at least a command and parameters.
What you see in the picture is the bot that sends a message where you have to possibility to answer: pressing buttons or pressing commands in the message.
Anyway you can also use the same functions to handle a command and a button.
I have a windows form and I have a textbox on it and user will write a number in that and I want to do some calculation on that number. My form is like this:
If one of those radio button is checked AFTER clicking on the button I want to show a console and write my math calculation step by step on that.
What should I do?
(As I said I want to show the console after clicking on the button not before that by choosing console application on output in project -> properties )
I want to create Upload document in my module. I am creating Upload process using Binary type field. It is showing three buttons (select, save as, clear). Those three buttons are executing same process (upload documents only). "clear" buttons should be clear Field. What do i do?
'file_upload': fields.binary('Documents')
<field name="file_upload"/>
These three button are doing only upload process.
I want it are doing separate process.
can anyone help me.
Try to move on to the 'Save As' Button by pressing TAB. Then press ENTER.
It seem's that the buttons are doing their jobs correctly, but the 'Save As' Button is not touchable for your mouse pointer.
We have found that there is an unvisible element that obviously shall overlaying the 'Select' Button only, but it covers the 'Save As' Button as well. So you are always clicking on this unvisible tag.
I have been unable to work out how to edit build settings using the pop-up shown below.
I can enter multiple lines in the pop-up by clicking the '+'. My questions are :-
What is the checkbox next to the setting used for?
Once I have entered one or more settings in the pop-up, how do I make them transfer to the setting I am editing. There isn't a 'Save' button, and clicking off the pop-up closes it but doesn't seem to save the entered data.
To delete, check the checkbox and click "-".
To make a new one, click "+".
To save, click "Done".
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