A simple setup: department: employee, 1:M and a search form that filters on FirstName =, lastname =, email contains, age >=, join date <= and related department = .
A submit button will then open up a results page with the datasource set to the appropriate search method. I have direct filtering where we bind to #datasource,query.filters.FirstName_equals, etc. I have a datasource based on a query buillder solution and a third solution based on a query script. A appropriate search results page opens on Submit and the datasource of the results page is set to the appropriate datasource: filter, query builder or query script.
The solution that uses a query script and a results page based on this datasource is as follows:-
query script
var params = query.parameters;
return getEmployeeRecords_(
function getEmployeeRecords_( firstName, lastName, email, startDate, age,
department) {
var ds = app.models.Employee.newQuery();
if ( firstName )
ds.filters.FirstName._equals = firstName;
if ( lastName )
ds.filters.LastName._equals = lastName;
if ( email )
ds.filters.Email._contains = email;
if ( startDate )
ds.filters.StartDate._greaterThanOrEquals = startDate;
if ( age )
ds.filters.Age._lessThanOrEquals = parseInt(age, 10);
if ( department )
ds.filters.Department.Department._equals = department;
var records = ds.run();
var recs = records.length;
// update calculated model with record count
var calculatedModelRecords = [];
var calculatedModelRecord = app.models.Employee_RecordCount.newRecord();
calculatedModelRecord.RecordCount = recs;
return records;
On the results page for the query script datasource paging is just broken. A query that correctly returns 8 records where the query page size is set to 5 allows me to get the pager to go to page 1000 if I wished, but the datasource always stays on the first page of records. With page size set to e.g., 100 the correct result set is clearly displayed. The direct binding and query builder datasources work as expected.
The reason for doing these different searches is as a test and evaluate each option, and also to be able to return a record count, which I can only do with a query script.
Anyone any ideas as to the cause of this aberrant App Maker behaviour ?
Also when I query the calculated model Employee_RecordCount to retrieve the record count using a UI label with text of "Number of Records: " + #datasources.Employee_RecordCount.item.RecordCount this shows null.
What's the best way to retrieve the record count using the calculated model Employee_RecordCount?
I'm not sure if your actual code omits the {} with each if statement or if you just didn't include them in your question. However, see my proposed changes to your code below:
function getEmployeeRecords_( firstName, lastName, email, startDate, age, department) {
var ds = app.models.Employee.newQuery();
if ( firstName !== null ) {
ds.filters.FirstName._equals = firstName;
if ( lastName !== null ) {
ds.filters.LastName._equals = lastName;
if ( email !== null) {
ds.filters.Email._contains = email;
if ( startDate !== null) {
ds.filters.StartDate._greaterThanOrEquals = startDate;
if ( age !== null) {
ds.filters.Age._lessThanOrEquals = parseInt(age, 10);
if ( department !== null) {
ds.filters.Department.Department._equals = department;
var records = ds.run();
var recs = records.length;
// update calculated model with record count
var calculatedModelRecord = app.models.Employee_RecordCount.newRecord();
calculatedModelRecord.RecordCount = recs;
return [calculatedModelRecord];
As for the paging issue, for some reason AM has always had that problem with calculated models. There may be a bug report filed in their AM issue tracker.
Error only appears when accessing the data from child table. If i remove the Employee table data, error disapear. Even for the department with no employee seems to give no errors.
public IEnumerable<Department> GetEmployeesByDepartId(long companyId)
List<Department> dep = _context.Department.Where(s => s.CompanyId == companyId).ToList();
List<Employee> employees = _context.Employee.ToList();
var result = (from rw in dep
select new Department
DepId = rw.DepId ,
Name = rw.Name,
Employee = (from employee in employees
where employee.DepId == Convert.ToInt32(rw.DepId)
select employee).ToList(),
return result;
I am trying to make a login page. When I try to receive the userdata with linq I get an exception because I try to use Parse in my query. I searched a bit online and found out it is because Linq doesn't recognize Parse. From what I understand I have to translate the not recognisable code to code that linq/slq recognises. Since I have just started using linq queries I have no idea how to accomplish this.
My query:
public static UserDetails GetUser(UserDetails userde)
var usr = from u in db.Users
join r in db.Roles on u.RoleId equals r.IdRole
where u.Email == userde.Email && u.Active == true
select new UserDetails
{ Firstname = u.Firstname,
Surname = u.Surname,
Email = u.Email,
Function = u.Function,
Password = u.Password,
Salt = u.Salt,
Userroles = (UserRoles)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserRoles), r.Role1)
return usr.FirstOrDefault();
I checked these articles:
linq to entities does not recognize method
linq to entities does not recognize the methods system object parsesystem type
you should first use FirstOrDefault() and parse it later. Otherwise linq is still trying to build the select-statement. After FirstOrDefault (or ToList,...) you have your result and can then parse it without problems.
Should be something like this:
public static UserDetails GetUser(UserDetails userde)
var usr = from u in db.Users
join r in db.Roles on u.RoleId equals r.IdRole
where u.Email == userde.Email && u.Active == true
select new UserDetails { Firstname = u.Firstname,
Surname = u.Surname,
Email = u.Email,
Function = u.Function,
Password = u.Password,
Salt = u.Salt,
// store the database-value in another property
UserrolesUnparsed = r.Role1
// get the database-results
UserDetails details = usr.FirstOrDefault();
// parse the database-value and set it to the property you want to
details.Userroles = (UserRoles)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserRoles), details.UserrolesUnparsed);
return details;
sure, there are better/cleaner methods, but this is just to explain you.
I am using a database-first approach with a custom html helper to get a state of a checkbox using ajax (without using form in the view). I have two tables:
Tbl_1 -> Id, state (true or false), name (name of checkbox)
Tbl_2 -> Id, user_guid, timestamp, Tbl_1Id (foreign_key)
When I do insert operations, it does without any problem but when I try to update it (based upon the logged in user as it also gets GUID, the table gets appended/inserted with new data).
My controller:
public ActionResult SetState(checkboxstate cbstate)
var UserId = new Guid(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("sub").Value);
var ent = new StartopDatabaseEntities();
var cbs = ent.checkboxstates.Where(w => w.Name == "World").FirstOrDefault();
if (cbs == null) // when there are no records in the database
ent.checkboxstateUpdates.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == cbstate.Id);
var cbsOp = new checkboxstateUpdates();
cbsOp.timestamp = DateTime.Now;
cbsOp.user_guid = UserId;
} // record in database, update (I've only one user now, so has to update only this one)
var cbsOp = new checkboxstateUpdates(); // declare in global
var chc = new checkboxstate(); // to be declared in global
var newCbs = ent.checkboxstateUpdates.Include(c => c.checkboxstate).ToList();
foreach (var u in newCbs)
if(u.user_guid==UserId && u.CheckboxStateId == u.checkboxstate.Id)
chc.state = cbstate.state;
chc.name = cbstate.name;
cbsOp.Tidspunkt = DateTime.Now;
cbsOp.OpdateretAfBruger = UserId;
Can anyone explain please why it's not updating but appending/inserting same data with a new Id (primary key)? I have a simple view where Ajax sends a call to the controller with the state and name of the checkbox. I have also tried
Db.Entry(obj).state = EntityState.Modified
without any help
You have not written the code for the logic which want to achieve..
I am not clear on the logic of if block also but the else part can be fixed as following.
var newCbs = ent.checkboxstateUpdates.Include(c => c.checkboxstate).Where(u.user_guid == UserId).FirstOrDefault();
if(newCbs != null) {
newCbs.checkboxstate.state = cbstate.state;
newCbs.checkboxstate.name = cbstate.name;
newCbs.Tidspunkt = DateTime.Now;
newCbs.OpdateretAfBruger = UserId;
Solved this with the help from #David & #Chetan:
I did some modify in the code as per David:
I was using the wrong logic i.e. getting instance of the class rather than the 'ent' object. Thanks guys for the help.
// Hi everyone
i do this call in Action :
public virtual ActionResult JsonGetProvinces(int countryId)
//WebSiteContext WbContext = new WebSiteContext();
//UnitOfWork UnitofWork = new UnitOfWork(WbContext);
var provinces =
from province in unitofWork.ProvinceRepository.All
where province.CountryId == countryId
select new
Id = province.Id,
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
return Json(provinces, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
something is wrong with my query :
var provinces =
from province in unitofWork.ProvinceRepository.All
where province.CountryId == countryId
select new
Id = province.Id,
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
Name = province.GetType().GetProperty("Name_" + CultureManager.GetCurrentCultureShortName()).GetValue(province)
In BDD, there is Name_fr, Name_en columns
and i'm trying to take one dynamically... Is it possible ?
Of course, i can take both and choose dynamically the column in View but i would to know how do...
Thank you for your help
The short answer is you need to change your code a bit and using expression tree inside. Look at this question
EF can not translate function calls to SQL. Using expression trees can be comlicated see this question
Here is a sample with expression trees. The GetQuery2 is the same as GetQuery but with expression tree and a propertyname parameter.
public static IQueryable<Foo> GetQuery(BlogContext context)
var query = from x in context.BlogEntries
select new Foo
NameX = x.Name
return query;
public static IQueryable<Foo> GetQuery2(BlogContext context, string propertyName)
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(Foo).GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
MethodInfo miFooGetName = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("set_NameX");
MethodInfo miBlogEntry = typeof(BlogEntry).GetMethod("get_" + propertyName);
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(BlogEntry), "x");
IQueryable<Foo> result = Queryable.Select<BlogEntry, Foo>(
Expression.Lambda<Func<BlogEntry, Foo>>(
Expression.New(ci, new Expression[0]),
new MemberBinding[]{
return result;
It is easier the fetch all all language strings and write an additional Property Name that does the magic.
The following query is working successfully.
var tabs = (
from r in db.TabMasters
orderby r.colID
select new { r.colID, r.FirstName, r.LastName })
.Skip(rows * (page - 1)).Take(rows);
Now I want to return JsonResult as like
var jsonData = new
total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)rows),
page = page,
records = totalRecords,
rows = (from r in tabs
select new { id = r.colID, cell = new string[] { r.FirstName, r.LastName } }).ToArray()
return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
But it will gives me an error like:
The array type 'System.String[]' cannot be initialized in a query result. Consider using 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]' instead.
What should I do to get expected result?
I suspect that it's as simple as pushing the last part into an in-process query using AsEnumerable():
var jsonData = new
total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)rows),
page = page,
records = totalRecords,
rows = (from r in tabs.AsEnumerable()
select new { id = r.colID,
cell = new[] { r.FirstName, r.LastName } }
return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
You may want to pull that query out of the anonymous type initializer, for clarity:
var rows = tabs.AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => new { id = r.colID,
cell = new[] { r.FirstName, r.LastName })
var jsonData = new {
total = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)rows),
records = totalRecords,
It's because it's adding to the LINQ query that is your tabs IQueryable. That is then trying to turn the LINQ expression into a SQL query and the provider doesn't support projecting arrays.
You can either change the assignment of the tabs variable's LINQ expression to use ToList to materialize the DB results right then and there, or you can add .AsEnumerable() to the LINQ expression assigned to the rows field of the anonymous type that is your JsonResult. AsEnumerable will demote the IQueryable to an IEnumerable which will prevent your second LINQ query from trying to be added to the DB query and just make it a LINQ-to-objects call like it needs to be.