How to set style for an element in typescript?(Angular) - css

How can I set the background colour for an item within an if statement in typescript? I used querySelector but the answer can use anything to achieve the result.
The selector is (.mat-step:nth-child(2) .mat-step-header .mat-step-icon-selected).
Here is the code in a stackblitz.
I would appreciate any help!

The stackblitz example can be helpful but there is a lot in there to summarise what you are askign for, this answer is a generic way of doing so, meaning you can apply it to your code as and where you see fit.
Declare you boolean.
public value = true;
Now declare the CSS class you would like to use.
.exmaple-class {
background: red;
Then on the selected HTML element you want to apply the class.
<div [class.example-class]="value === true"></div>
or just
<div [class.example-class]="value"></div>
As this still equates to true. If value were set to false then the class would not be applied.
If you want to start building more classes and options for a specific element you can look into Angular's ngStyle.
Add in this, think this is what you are also asking for, little different. It only runs after the view is loaded, not working in you example because the HTML has not yet been drawn.
public ngAfterViewInit(): void
public changeColour() {
document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(".mat-step-icon-selected").style.backgroundColor = 'red';
Then add a click event to ensure that each time you select something the selector is updated.
<div class="center-contrainer" (click)=changeColour()>


CSS specificity testing

Are there any good tools or methods for automatic testing css selectors?
I'm developing a SCSS framework and would like to include automated tests in it.
Specifically I would like to have tests to ensure that the css selectors are working properly.
Say for instance that I have the html:
<input class="btn" disabled id="test"></input>
and css
.btn {
color: red;
.btn:disabled {
color: green;
I would like to have a test that ensures that the element above with id=test, have the .btn:disabled as the css class with highest priority (last class with highest specificity) and .btn as the second highest priority. In other words, I would like to ensure that the .btn:disabled and .btn css style is applied on the element and that styles in .btn:disabled are overwriting the styles in .btn.
I'm thinking of doing this in selenium. Are there any good ways of doing this? I would not like to hard code the css values into the tests.
The method I settled with is to use getComputedStyle to get the style with "highest priority". In the css I add a "tag" to the content property. In jasmine I then check if the desired tag is the computedStyle. (I will extend this in scss so that the content property is set by a mixin if test mode is used and not set in production.) This only makes a unit test for the class of highest priority, but not for the second highest etc.
Below is a tests to illustrate the example (only the first and last should pass).
// specs code
describe("CSS", function() {
it("Div element of class test should be handled by .test", () => {
const testdiv = document.getElementById("testdiv")
m = window.getComputedStyle(testdiv).getPropertyValue("content");
it("Div element of class test should be handled by div", () => {
const testdiv = document.getElementById("testdiv")
m = window.getComputedStyle(testdiv).getPropertyValue("content");
it("Div element should be handled by .test", () => {
const testdiv = document.getElementById("testdiv2")
m = window.getComputedStyle(testdiv).getPropertyValue("content");
it("Div element of class test should be handled by div", () => {
const testdiv = document.getElementById("testdiv2")
m = window.getComputedStyle(testdiv).getPropertyValue("content");
// load jasmine htmlReporter
(function() {
var env = jasmine.getEnv();
env.addReporter(new jasmine.HtmlReporter());
.test {
content: '.test';
div {
content: 'div';
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="test" id="testdiv">TestDiv</div>
<div id="testdiv2">TestDiv</div>
If I understand the question correctly, you're basically asking for a test (for your example) like this:
if -> Element.ComputedStyle.color = green
then -> test passed
else -> test failed (you have CSS structure errors)
Obviously, the browser will interpret specificity correctly. So you're really testing if changes you made by adding/overriding CSS caused unintended visual consequences.
That seems pretty manual question to answer since you'll have to decide what each of those correct states is and then maintain the tests. If you go this route, I'd look at something like Backstop.js. Though CSS visual regression testing is REALLY complex so be careful how much you expect from it.
The Manual Way
Could you solve the problem somewhat manually by creating a SCSS variable that's usually transparent? Then as you're adding/changing code add that variable and change the color to something like pink that's really obvious? At this point, you should see where things override when you render the page.
If you're making a CSS framework, I'd test against your documentation since that should show you previous examples that would be overridden.
CSS Blocks
You may also want to look into the CSS Blocks API. It's not going to be a "test" exactly but the API provides scoping and compile errors that might help you catch some of those issues sooner than later.
Here's the pertinent part:
With CSS Blocks new resolution system, cascade conflicts will be caught for you before you even know they exist and you will never have to fight a specificity war ever again.
As you have mentioned you can achieve this with Selenium. In terms of methodology, if you're looking to maintain this long term then I would recommend following the Page Object Model. The official documentation on this is available here, and there are some other articles in various language here, here, and here.
Essentially what it boils down to is create classes or models for the pages (or page sections/components (as in a form that has multiple controls)), this class will then have properties/fields for each of the elements on the page that you want to interact with. The advantages of this approach are:
A single place to change if you need to update a selector (maintainability)
The underlaying code which can be ugly can be exposed through a nice interface that uses fluent syntax (readability)
How this looks (since you haven't specified a language I'll go with C#:
public class LoginPage
// FindBy attributes should decorate each property to specify the selector
public WebElement UsernameInput { get; set; }
public WebElement PasswordInput { get; set; }
public WebElement LoginButton { get; set; }
public LoginPage()
public LoginPage Load(this LoginPage page)
// code to navigate to the login page
public LoginPage EnterCredentials(this LoginPage page, string username, string password)
// code to fill out inputs
public HomePage Login(this LoginPage page)
// code to click login button
// Other methods
How this looks when you use it:
HomePage homePage =
new LoginPage()
.EnterCredentials("user", "pass")
// Now you can perform operations on the HomePage
CSS Specificity
As per the documentation Specificity is the logic by which the browser decides which CSS property values are the most relevant to an element incase there are two or more conflicting CSS rules that point to the same element and which will be applied. Specificity is calculated based on the matching rules which are composed as per different CSS selectors.
How to calculate Specificity
There are a couple of rules to calculate Specificity based on points which are as follows:
style attribute: 1000
id attribute: 100
class or pseudo-class: 1
Calculating the CSS Specificity
Let us calculate the Specificity of both the CSS
Sample A:
.btn {
color: red;
Explanation: Contains a class i.e. btn. So Specificity is 1.
Sample B:
.btn:disabled {
color: green;
Explanation: Contains a class i.e. btn and a pseudo-class i.e. disabled. So Specificity is 2.
The CSS specificity can also be visually verified through Specificity Calculator:
As the CSS sample B has a greater Specificity, so CSS sample B will be applied to the element:
<input class="btn" disabled id="test"></input>
However there are some more granular CSS Specificity Rules on:
Equal specificity: the latest rule counts.
ID selectors have a higher specificity than attribute selectors.
Contextual selectors are more specific than a single element selector.
A class selector beats any number of element selectors.
You can find a detailed documentation in CSS Specificity

How to dynamically generate CSS class and/or set its property

The title is not really a question it is more like an idea, I don't know what approach is best for my situation.
So, the problem. I have some 3rd party component that have some complex structure and styling. Some part of it has some predefined CSS class that I can override with CSS in my surrounding component. Something like this:
my component:
<div class="my-cmp-container">
3rd party component:
<div class="3rd-party-css-class">
For example, 3rd-party-css-class has style background-color: #f00, I can override it with .my-cmp-container .3rd-party-css-class { background-color: #fff; } etc. But. What if I need to set color dynamically, it's stored in a DB for example and I can't predefine each case in my class' CSS. I just have the color in hex.
In theory I can generate unique string to set as CSS class for every instance of some-3rd-party-cmp and somehow generate CSS in my component? I'm lost a little, what is the best approach for this?
Edit: Code sample to illustrate the situation
What you are trying to do is the subject of this open issue about stylesheet binding in Angular. Until that feature is available, you can get what you want with a custom directive. Here is a directive that retrieves the checkbox element generated by ng-zorro-antd and applies two color attributes to it. The two colors are #Input properties and the directive implements OnChanges which allows to react to property binding changes.
selector: "[nz-checkbox][nz-chk-style]"
export class CheckBoxStyleDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges {
#Input("nz-chk-bkgnd") chkBkgndColor: string;
#Input("nz-chk-border") chkBorderColor: string;
private checkbox: HTMLElement;
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2, private el: ElementRef) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.checkbox = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector(".ant-checkbox-inner");
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes.chkBkgndColor) {
if (changes.chkBorderColor) {
updateBackgroundColor() {
if (this.checkbox) {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.checkbox, "background-color", this.chkBkgndColor);
updateBorderColor() {
if (this.checkbox) {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.checkbox, "border-color", this.chkBorderColor);
Once the directive attribute selector nz-chk-style is applied to the 3rd party element, you can set the checkbox background and border colors with property binding as follows:
<span nz-checkbox nz-chk-style [nz-chk-bkgnd]="bkgndColor" [nz-chk-border]="borderColor" >
See this interactive stackblitz for a demo.
Not sure if you are using Angular but you tagged it, so I guess you are.
If you want to change only the color and nothing more, instead of having a .3rd-party-css-class class, you could just have your with an ng-style like so:
<some-3rd-party-cmp ng-style="{ color: your_color_hex_variable }"></some-3rd-party-cmp>
You can also define a whole object if styles and pass it.
You can also use ng-class and pass one or an array of class names what you want to put additionally on your component:
<some-3rd-party-cmp ng-class="[cls1, cls2, cls3]"></some-3rd-party-cmp>
<some-3rd-party-cmp ng-class="[3rd-party-css-class, someCondition ? 'another-class-name' : '']"></some-3rd-party-cmp>
In the classes you can define the css rules you want to apply and thats it.
With this solutions you can avoid having extra wrapper elements for styling purposes which is a nice thing.

Css selector for getting web element based on text

Below is the dom structure of the page :
I have tried
I also tried
none of them work.
Need way to get elements when element attribute is not defined.
PS: textContent() return srave as outcome.
I have many such button elements on the page. I know I can iterate through all of them and check text. But I want to get web element directly based on the text it contains to reduce the execution time
Did you try: button[class='k-button k-button-icontext'] or button[dir='ltr'] I don't think the cssSelectors you were attempting in your example are correct because you pluralized button. If neither of these work, it may be that there are more than one button on the page with the same selector. In which case it might be better to use xpath or you could get a list of all the elements with the same selector and then get whichever one from that list you created and click it.
No, you can't use CSS Selector. You can use XPath.
You can use jquery for get the same because css is not select the text.
Working fiddle
fiddle link
Try this
You can use following css to get the button name with "srave".
<button data-name="srave">
button[data-name="srave"] {
To add to danidangerbear here is a java method that will do what you want:
public String getElementText(String elementText){
List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("button"));
String elementText = null;
for(WebElement element : elements)
elementText = element.getText();
} else {
elementText = "element text does not exist";
return elementText;

Add CSS property in Angualr2 with MetaWidget

I am trying to add CSS when clicked on row or column of table, Following is code
private rowClicked(event: Event): void {
event.srcElement.setAttribute("class", "highlighted");
But it's not working as accepted. Am I doing in wrong way, Is there any alternate way to add CSS dynamically?
Is there any way to add CSS using dom element, my table has thousands of data and to create this table, I have used MetaWidget.
The easiest way to your problem is to assign a unique ID to each included element together with employing another variable to hold selected ID. The logic to turn on my-class CSS class will now be based on the selected ID.
Your new HTML template:
<div (click)="rowClicked(1);" [ngClass]="{'my-class': highlightedDiv === 1}">
> I'm a div that gets styled on click
Your rowClicked function:
highlightedDiv: number;
rowClicked(newValue: number) {
if (this.highlightedDiv === newValue) {
this.highlightedDiv = 0;
else {
this.highlightedDiv = newValue;
A working demo is here.
More can be found here.
You are using MetaWidget, but you are not mentioning what version you are using.
If you want work with Angular2 and MetaWidget, you should have use a compatible version of MetaWidget, which can be found here-
Using this library will be the best solution for you.
Angular does not work based on DOM, it works based on Component.
If you like to work on DOM, then you should include jQuery in tour angular project from here-
How to use jQuery with Angular2?
But it is not a good practice.

Change CSS class's property on click

I've read around a little bit and have a good start to what I ultimately want. This was helpful, along with another article which I forgot the link to. However, everything I've read ADDS a CSS class or property to an element. I want to CHANGE a property of an existing CSS class, but I don't know how to target it.
I think I want to use ng-class in one of these use cases taken from the Angular documentation:
If the expression evaluates to a string, the string should be one or more space-delimited class names.
If the expression evaluates to an object, then for each key-value pair of the object with a truthy value the corresponding key is used as a class name.
My existing code uses ng-class along with some controller logic.
<div ng-controller="ngToggle">
<div ng-class="{'inset-gray-border' : style}">
<div class="subcontainer" ng-click="toggleStyle()">{{}}</div>
This currently adds the inset-gray-border class to the nested div, but I just want to change the border property in the subcontainer class.
angular.module('app').controller('ngToggle', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$ = false;
$scope.toggleStyle = function() {
$ = $ === false ? true: false;
I considered using a directive, but I believe that would be overkill. I think this can be achieved in a controller.
EDIT: After further research I think jQLite can do the trick, but that would probably require a directive.
CHANGE a property of an existing CSS class
Add a css rule that does that using the new class you added using ng-class. The specificity will over ride the original rule
color : blue
.inset-gray-border .subcontainer{
Instead of a big toggleStyle function, you can write that stuff in UI side only.
Here is fiddle. As you want to change border property of .subcontainer, Overwrite that property by adding .insert-gray-border
<div ng-controller="ngToggle">
<div >
<div ng-class="{'subcontainer':true,'inset-gray-border' : style}" ng-click="style=!style">{{}}</div>
The benifit of this is , it uses local scope instead of controller scope.
The best bet would be to have two CSS classes defined, one for the base (untoggled) case, another with all the properties that you want for when the property is toggled on.
In this case you may want something like:
.container .subcontainer {}
.container .subcontainer-bordered { border: solid 1px #123456}
Then your HTML code be updated to reflect this structure
<div ng-controller="ngToggle">
<div class="container">
<div class="subcontainer" ng-class="{'subcontainer-bordered': style}" ng-click="style = !style">{{}}</div>
