How to get email parameters from database - symfony

I use SwiftMailerBundle, but I want to get email username and password from the database, not from config parameters. It is possible?
I can use SwiftMailer and setting as I want, but I would like to use SwiftMailerBundle.

Yes, It is possible but, you have to make sure SMTP Transport called in your controller or service. You have to do in following way:
following snippet put in your controller or service
$transport = (new \Swift_SmtpTransport('smtp.XXXX.XXX.XXX', <portno>))
->setUsername($username) //username from database
->setPassword($password) //password from database
// Create the Mailer using your created Transport
$mailer = new \Swift_Mailer($transport);


Transport username sent instead of sender's email | Symfony Mailer

I'am experiencing the issue of receiving the transport username (email) as the sender instead of the email written in the from() function when sending emails using Symfony Mailer.
Here is the code:
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Bridge\Google\Transport\GmailSmtpTransport;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Mailer;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
$transport = new GmailSmtpTransport($username, $password);
$mailer = new Mailer($transport);
$email = (new Email())
->from(new Address($data["email"]))
->subject(sprintf("Apply for a %s.", ucfirst($data["subject"])))
Any idea how to fix it?
To fix this issue, I found the following solutions:
Use a different SMTP server that does not override the From header. You can try using a different email service provider or configuring your own SMTP server to avoid this issue.
Set the Sender header in your email message. This header specifies the email address that should be used as the actual sender of the message, while the From header specifies the name and email address of the person or entity sending the message. You can set the Sender header using the sender() method of the Symfony\Component\Mime\Email class.
For example:
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
$email = (new Email())
->from(new Address($data["email"]))
->subject(sprintf("Apply for a %s.", ucfirst($data["subject"])))
->sender(new Address($data["email"]));
Configure your SMTP server to allow sending emails with a different From address. This may require modifying the configuration of your email service provider or SMTP server to allow sending emails with a different From address. You can consult the documentation of your email service provider or SMTP server for more information on how to do this.
Note that some SMTP servers may still override the From header even if you set the Sender header or configure the server to allow sending emails with a different From address. In such cases, you may need to use a different SMTP server that does not override the From header.

Integrate API authentication to WordPress

I have a website where I have to authenticate the users registered in another system (in this case the Kayako support system).
I think I have to use the APIs to resolve this problem, but I don't really know how to get started.
Can someone please help me solve this problem? How can I send the data required for the authentication and how do I manage the response I get from Kayako.
Figure out how the API of the Kayako system looks like. In WordPress you can do something similar like this in order to authenticate the users:
// this action is executed just before the invocation of the WordPress authentication process
function checkTheUserAuthentication() {
// try to log into the external service or database with username and password
$ext_auth = try2AuthenticateExternalService($username,$password);
// if external authentication was successful
if($ext_auth) {
// find a way to get the user id
$user_id = username_exists($username);
// userdata will contain all information about the user
$userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
$user = set_current_user($user_id,$username);
// this will actually make the user authenticated as soon as the cookie is in the browser
// the wp_login action is used by a lot of plugins, just decide if you need it
// you can redirect the authenticated user to the "logged-in-page", define('MY_PROFILE_PAGE',1); f.e. first
The try2AuthenticateExternalService() method should contain some curl-request (or similar) to the remote service.

symfony2 get login username while encoding password

Hi i am gooling but without result.
I am trying to check one field in DB while encoding password to user. How?
The service
class: TB\WelcomePageBundle\Security\Encoder\MyPasswordEncoder
namespace TB\WelcomePageBundle\Security\Encoder;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\BasePasswordEncoder;
use TB\UserBundle\Entity\User;
class MyPasswordEncoder extends BasePasswordEncoder
public function encodePassword($raw, $salt)
$user = new User;
The point:
1. withdrawn one field from DB from current logging user.
2. Depend on the value i need: encode his password MY WAY and log in + CHANGE THE PASSWORD THE SYMFONY WAY and update DB.
3. Depend on the value just use the symfony way.
There is easy condition. The problem is just how i can withdrawn this field + encode password symfony way. (how encode password my way i know). + encode the password not more via my way but symfony and update DB.
My points is to migrate low secure passwords to symfony2. Why? Because i have existing DB where the passwords are encoded my way. So i need to "update" them.

Novell eDirectory with .NET DirectoryServices

In our company, we have a project which should use Novell eDirectory with .net applications.
I have tried Novell Api ( to connect between .NET applications. It is working fine.
But, as per requirement, we specifically need .net API to connect not with Novell Api, which is not working. Connection and binding with .NET Api DirectoryServices not working.
Our Novell eDirectory is installed with following credentials:
IP address: 10.0.x.xx(
Tree : SXXXX
New Tree Context: WIxxxK01-NDS.OU=STATE.O=ORG
ADMIN Context is: ou=STATE,o=ORG
admin : admin
password: admin
I used Novell Api and used following code
String ldapHost ="10.0.x.xx";
String loginDN = "cn=admin,cn=WIxxxK01-NDS,OU=STATE,o=ORG";
String password = string.Empty;
String searchBase = "o=ORG";
String searchFilter = "(objectclass=*)";
Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection lc = new Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapConnection();
// connect to the server
lc.Connect(ldapHost, LdapPort);
// bind to the server
lc.Bind(LdapVersion, loginDN, password);
This is binding correctly and searching can be done.
Now my issue is with when I trying to use .NET APi and to use System.DirectoryServices
or System.DirectoryServices.Protocols, it is not connecting or binding.
I can't even test the following DirectoryEntry.Exists method. It is going to exception.
string myADSPath = "LDAP://10.0.x.xx:636/OU=STATE,O=ORG";
// Determine whether the given path is correct for the DirectoryEntry.
if (DirectoryEntry.Exists(myADSPath))
Console.WriteLine("The path {0} is valid",myADSPath);
Console.WriteLine("The path {0} is invalid",myADSPath);
It is saying Server is not operational or Local error occurred etc. I don't know what is happening with directory path.
I tried
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://10.0.x.xx:636/O=ORG,DC=witsxxx,DC=companyname,DC=com", "cn=admin,cn=WIxxxK01-NDS,o=ORG", "admin");
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(de, "&(objectClass=user)");
var test = ds.FindAll();
All are going to exceptions.
Could you please help me to solve this? How should be the userDN for DirectoryEntry?
I used System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection too with LdapDirectoryIdentifier and System.Net.NetworkCredential but no result. Only same exceptions.
I appreciate your valuable time and help.
To diagnose your LDAP connection error, get access to the eDirectory server from the admins, and use iMonitor (serverIP:8028/nds and select Dstrace), in Dstrace clear all tabs and enable LDAP tracing, then do your bind see what happens on the LDAP side to see if there is a more descriptive error there. Or if you even get far enough to bind and make a connection.

Can I allow users to be logged in to symfony using a link with a secret key?

I'd like to e-mail all my users a link to a symfony site that I am writing, and have it so that when they follow that link they are logged in to the site (probably with a special role, like IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED), and redirected to a certain page. How can I do this?
So the link would be something like:[some sort secret key with their account encoded in it]
i'd do something like this: generate the key with a hash function over the username.
Then send them a link to
In the action that will recieve this url you can get the request parameter username and hash, apply the same hash funcion to the username you recived and compare the result to the hash key in the request parameters.
If match, just set the appropiate credentials to the user and log him in
Lets see some code, in your authentication class you should have a function to authenticate a user with the $user and $password parameters. Here or extending this class you can define a funciton like this:
function authenticate($user,$hash-key){
if(hashFunction($user) == $hash-key){
$user->setAuthFunction(true);//sort of
Hope it helped you!
Not so easy to implement I can tell you but you got to take a look to the UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener::attemptAuthentication method...
Make your own service to atteptAuthentication automaticaly.
Inspired by this message and this code, I wrote a controller that gets the user from the database, verifies the secret key, then fakes a login token as follows:
$providerKey = 'secured_area'; // Name of firewall from security.yml - not sure this is correct.
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, $providerKey, array('AUTO_LOGIN'));
(you need this at the top of your file)
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken;
It seems to work, and the user has a role of AUTO_LOGIN so I can easily restrict them from accessing more sensitive stuff until they have logged in with a username and password as normal.
