Subset of features on external memory - r

I have a large file that I'm not able to load so I'm using a local file with xgb.DMatrix. But I'd like to use only a subset of the features. The documentation on xgboost says that the colset argument on slice is "currently not used" and there is no metion of this feature in the github page. And I haven't found any other clue of how to do column subsetting with external memory.
I wish to compare models generated with different features subsettings. The only thing I could think of is to create a new file with the features that I want to use but it's taking a long time and will take a lot of memory... I can't help wondering if there is a better way.
ps.: I tried using h2o package too but h2o.importFile froze.


R package building : what is the best solution to use large and external data that need to be regularly updated?

We are creating a package on R whose main function is to geocode addresses in Belgium (= transform a "number-street-postcode" string into X-Y spatial coordinates). To do this, we need several data files, namely all buildings with their geographical coordinates in Belgium, as well as municipal boundary data containing geometries.
We face two problems in creating this package:
The files take up space: about 300-400Mb in total. This size is a problem, because we want to eventually put this package on CRAN. A solution we found on Stackoverflow is to create another package only for the data, and to host this package elsewhere. But there is then a second problem that arises (see next point).
Some of the files we use are files produced by public authorities. These files are publicly available for download and they are updated weekly. We have created a function that downloads the data if the data on the computer is more than one week old, and transforms it for the geocoding function (we have created a specific structure to optimize the processing). We are new to package creation, but from what we understand, it is not possible to update data every week if it is originally contained in the package (maybe we are wrong?). It would be possible to create a weekly update of the package, but this would be very tedious for us. Instead, we want the user to be able to update the data whenever he wants, and for the data to persist.
So we are wondering what is the best solution regarding this data issue for our package. In summary, here is what we want:
Find a user-friendly way to download the data and use it with the package.
That the user can update the data whenever he wants with a function of the package, and that this data persists on the computer.
We found an example that could work: it is the Rpostal package, which also relies on large external data ( The author found the solution to install the data outside the package, and to specify the directory where they are located each time a function is used. It is then necessary to define libpostal_path as argument in the functions, so that it works.
However, we wonder if there is a solution to store the files in a directory internal to R or to our package, so we don't have to define this directory in the functions. Would it be possible, for example, to download these files into the package directory, without the user having the choice, so that we can know their path in any case and without the user having to mention it?
Are we on the right track or do you think there is a better solution for us?

Write custom metadata to Parquet file in Julia

I am currently storing the output (a Julia Dataframe) of my Julia simulation in a Parquet file using Parquet.jl. I would also like to save some of the simulation parameters (eg. a list of (byte-)strings) to that same output file.
Preferably, these parameters are different for each column as each column is the result of different starting conditions of my code. However, I could also work with a global parameter list and then untangle it afterwards by indexing.
I have found a solution for Python using pyarrow
Do you know a way how to do it in Julia?
It's not quite done yet, and it's not registered, but my rewrite of the Julia parquet package, Parquet2.jl does support both custom file metadata and individual column metadata (the keyword arguments metadata and column_metadata in Parquet2.writefile.
I haven't gotten to documentation for writing yet, but if you are feeling adventurous you can give it a shot. I do expect to finish up this package and register it within the next couple of weeks. I don't have unit tests in for writing yet, so of course, if you try it and have problems, please open an issue.
It's probably also worth mentioning that the main use case I recommend for parquet is if you must have parquet for compatibility reasons. Most of the time, Julia users are probably better off with Arrow.jl as the format has a number of advantages over parquet for most use cases, please see my FAQ answer on this. Of course, the reason I undertook writing the package is because parquet is arguably the only ubiquitous binary format in "big data world" so a robust writer is desperately needed.

R package, size of dataset vis-a-vis code

I am designing an R package ( to run the Wang-Wei-Zhu export decomposition (
The complete package is only about 79 kilobyte.
I want to supply an example dataset especially because the input objects are somewhat complex. A relevant real world dataset is available from, however, the total size of the .Rdata object would come to about 1 megabyte.
My question therefore is, would it be a good idea to include the relevant dataset that is so much larger than the package itself?
It is not usual for code to be significantly smaller than data. However, I will not be the only one to suggest the following (especially if you want to submit to CRAN):
Consult the R Extensions manual. In particular, make sure that the data file is in a compressed format and use LazyData when applicable.
The CRAN Repository Policies also have a thing or two to say about data files. There is a hard maximum of 5MB for documentation and data. If the code is likely to change and the data are not, consider creating a separate data package.
PDF documentation can also be distributed, so it is possible to write a "vignette" that is not built by running code when the package is bundled, but instead illustrates usage with static code snippets that show how to download the data. Downloading in the vignette itself is prohibited, as the manual states that all files necessary to build it must be available on the local file system.
I also would have to ask if including a subset of the data is not sufficient to illustrate the use of the package.
Finally, if you don't intend to submit to a package repository, I can't imagine a megabyte download being a breach of etiquette.

Big Data Process and Analysis in R

I know this is not a new concept by any stretch in R, and I have browsed the High Performance and Parallel Computing Task View. With that said, I am asking this question from a point of ignorance as I have no formal training in Computer Science and am entirely self taught.
Recently I collected data from the Twitter Streaming API and currently the raw JSON sits in a 10 GB text file. I know there have been great strides in adapting R to handle big data, so how would you go about this problem? Here are just a handful of the tasks that I am looking to do:
Read and process the data into a data frame
Basic descriptive analysis, including text mining (frequent terms, etc.)
Is it possible to use R entirely for this, or will I have to write some Python to parse the data and throw it into a database in order to take random samples small enough to fit into R.
Simply, any tips or pointers that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Again, I won't take offense if you describe solutions at a 3rd grade level either.
Thanks in advance.
If you need to operate on the entire 10GB file at once, then I second #Chase's point about getting a larger, possibly cloud-based computer.
(The Twitter streaming API returns a pretty rich object: a single 140-character tweet could weigh a couple kb of data. You might reduce memory overhead if you preprocess the data outside of R to extract only the content you need, such as author name and tweet text.)
On the other hand, if your analysis is amenable to segmenting the data -- for example, you want to first group the tweets by author, date/time, etc -- you could consider using Hadoop to drive R.
Granted, Hadoop will incur some overhead (both cluster setup and learning about the underlying MapReduce model); but if you plan to do a lot of big-data work, you probably want Hadoop in your toolbox anyway.
A couple of pointers:
an example in chapter 7 of Parallel R shows how to setup R and Hadoop for large-scale tweet analysis. The example uses the RHIPE package, but the concepts apply to any Hadoop/MapReduce work.
you can also get a Hadoop cluster via AWS/EC2. Check out
Elastic MapReduce
for an on-demand cluster, or use
if you need more control over your Hadoop deployment.
There's a brand-new package called colbycol that lets you read in only the variables you want from enormous text files:
read.table function remains the main data import function in R. This
function is memory inefficient and, according to some estimates, it
requires three times as much memory as the size of a dataset in order
to read it into R.
The reason for such inefficiency is that R stores data.frames in
memory as columns (a data.frame is no more than a list of equal length
vectors) whereas text files consist of rows of records. Therefore, R's
read.table needs to read whole lines, process them individually
breaking into tokens and transposing these tokens into column oriented
data structures.
ColByCol approach is memory efficient. Using Java code, tt reads the
input text file and outputs it into several text files, each holding
an individual column of the original dataset. Then, these files are
read individually into R thus avoiding R's memory bottleneck.
The approach works best for big files divided into many columns,
specially when these columns can be transformed into memory efficient
types and data structures: R representation of numbers (in some
cases), and character vectors with repeated levels via factors occupy
much less space than their character representation.
Package ColByCol has been successfully used to read multi-GB datasets
on a 2GB laptop.
10GB of JSON is rather inefficient for storage and analytical purposes. You can use RJSONIO to read it in efficiently. Then, I'd create a memory mapped file. You can use bigmemory (my favorite) to create different types of matrices (character, numeric, etc.), or store everything in one location, e.g. using HDF5 or SQL-esque versions (e.g. see RSQlite).
What will be more interesting is the number of rows of data and the number of columns.
As for other infrastructure, e.g. EC2, that's useful, but preparing a 10GB memory mapped file doesn't really require much infrastructure. I suspect you're working with just a few 10s of millions of rows and a few columns (beyond the actual text of the Tweet). This is easily handled on a laptop with efficient use of memory mapped files. Doing complex statistics will require either more hardware, cleverer use of familiar packages, and/or experimenting with some unfamiliar packages. I'd recommend following up with a more specific question when you reach that stage. The first stage of such work is simply data normalization, storage and retrieval. My answer for that is simple: memory mapped files.
To read chunks of the JSON file in, you can use the scan() function. Take a look at the skip and nlines arguments. I'm not sure how much performance you'll get versus using a database.

R: Help reading a particular .mat file into R

So I've been trying to read this particular .mat file into R. I don't know too much about matlab, but I know enough that the R.matlab package can only read uncompressed data into R, and to save it as uncompressed I need to save it as such in matlab by using
save new.mat -v6.
Okay, so I did that, but when I used readMat("new.mat") in R, it just got stuck loading that forever. I also tried using package hdf5 via:
> hdf5load("new.mat", load=FALSE)->g
Error in hdf5load("new.mat", load = FALSE) :
can't handle hdf type 201331051
I'm not sure what this problem could be, but if anyone wants to try to figure this out the file is located at and is called inventory.mat (the first file).
Thanks for your help!
This particular file has one object, inventory, which is a struct object, with a lot of different things inside of it. Some are cell arrays, others are vectors of doubles or logicals, and a couple are matrices of doubles. It looks like R.matlab does not like cells arrays within structs, but I'm not sure what's causing issues for R to load this. For reasons like this, I'd generally recommend avoiding mapping structs in Matlab to objects in R. It is similar to a list, and this one can be transformed to a list, but it's not always a good idea.
I recommend creating a new file, one for each object, e.g. ids = inventory.instance_ids and save each object to either a separate .mat file, or save all of them, except for the inventory object, into 1 file. Even better is to go to text, e.g via csvwrite, so that you can see what's being created.
I realize that's going around use of a Matlab to R reader, but having things in a common, universal format is much more useful for reproducibility than to acquire a bunch of different readers for a proprietary format.
Alternatively, you can pass objects in memory via R.matlab, or this set of functions + the R/DCOM interface (on Windows).
Although this doesn't address how to use R.matlab, I've done a lot of transferring of data between R and Matlab, in both directions, and I find that it's best to avoid .mat files (and, similarly, .rdat files). I like to pass objects in memory, so that I can inspect them on each side, or via standard text files. Dealing with application specific file formats, especially those that change quite a bit and are inefficient (I'm looking at you MathWorks), is not a good use of time. I appreciate the folks who work on readers, but having a lot more control over the data structures used in the target language is very much worth the space overhead of using a simple output file format. In-memory data transfer is very nice because you can interface programs, but that may be a distraction if your only goal is to move data.
Have you run the examples in on pages 22 to 24? That will test your ability to read from versions 4 and 5. I'm not sure that R cannot read compressed files. There is an Rcompresssion package in Omegahat.
