In webhook what is has_custom_certificate: false? - telegram

I have a teegram bot that has an issue because send many times same message.
Maybe because bot don't say to telegram the first operation is correct.
Is really slowly and so telegram send again message.
I'm tring to understand the reason but nothing....
Now i noticed that for getWebhookInfo i have:
has_custom_certificate: false
maybe this is the problem ?

You must upgrade the SSL certificate
To a self-signed one that uses the same requirements as Telegram
In order to avoid any problems in data transmission

And I remembered that this problem had occurred to me even though everything was correct
Then I knew that the problem was from Telegram, where he restricted the bot from responding to any transmission codes, so I deleted the bot and created a new one and it was running on the same domain that I was using without doing anything.


Telegram autoposting python script is leading to systematic bans

I want to make a simple auto posting script to post picture + text to multiple groups where it is welcome to not get any reports.
I already made a script without any proxies on a Telethon python module. It connects the virtual numbers with an app_id and hash_id so that it can send automatically messages to sertain groups and it all works fine untill it reaches 5 messages limit, then it results in spam block of telegram account.
On some of the account this number varies from 5 to 30+ message limit.
● Question: Is there any logical explanation based on what is telegram deciding to spam block the accounts usually right after 5th message? Is it a problem of messages text being the same? Or it only cares about delays? If anybody had experienced same problem, please share a solution of how to not get spam blocked and what are the requirements to not act as a spam?
I have tried changing text and sending the posts manually, but it always gives a negative result in the end.
Sending messages to Telegram groups (chats) shouldn't be a problem, since on my main Telegram account I usually chat and send lots of messages daily, but manually. Hope someone will help me take the stone off shoulders.

Hot to get callback data from telegram bot message

I'm developing a Telegram Bot via PHP and I want users to answer bot question.
For Example:
Bot: What is your name?
User: (Reply)
But I don't know how to process user reply for specific question from bot.
If I receive user reply via webhook, it doesn't contain last bot message, and I don't know what question this reply is.
Webhook has parameter callback_query, but it works only for messages that contains inline keyboard.
Can you help please?
This process is called conversation. There are various ways to implement this.
The best and common way is to implement a Finite State Machine which will save the current state and accordingly, have a conversation with a user. Famous libraries like python-telegram-bot already implement it, which can give you a general idea on how to do this. Other ways can be storing last message in a database, etc; which is not recommended.

Is it possible to send messages via Telegram Bot to a specific phone number (not chat_id/username)?

I understand that this question has been asked before, but those topics are dated 4 years ago, so I wonder if anything changed.
I understand the concern that sending messages via phone number would make users vulnerable for spam. But there is something I discovered that makes me reconsider this. If I /start a chat with Telegram Bot, chat_id is generated. Interesting thing is, this chat_id is the same for my conversations in other chats. I might be wrong here, but it seems that spam issue should be handled in a different way. Thus, I wonder if there is a possibility to send messages straight to user's phone number.
Thank you for your time.
No, you can't. Each user's ID is unique and not changing during conversation/chats. But you can't send the message to user if he did not accepted it by starting your bot as i know. Also, phone number can be shared only from user side. You can't find users by phone number, at least, official api doesn't provide such methods.

Restoring access to telegram bots after deleting the owner's account

Telegram deleted my account by timing (after half a year without activity), this account had several combat bots. After deleting the account, the bots were not deleted, but now I don’t understand how I can restore access to them. I tried to re-register on a new account. The list of bots is empty.
I wrote to Telegram support, 2 weeks have passed and there is no response from them. I was looking for a similar situation on the Internet but did not find a similar one. Out of despair, I am writing here.
I think that the only way to solve this is to ask support.
Because if you'll create bot with the same name again - you'll lose your users. As you would normally delete and create bot.
So, ping them in all available channels, hope and wait.

Cloud Vision Sample app failed to make API request

I am having trouble getting the Google Vision Sample App to have a successful API request.
I made sure the billing, API-key, were correct. I even tried using a browser key and service key, but had no luck.
The error coming back is:
failed to make API request because of other IOException Unable to
resolve host "": No address associated with
If you have any ideas, I would surely appreciate it.
Something was wrong with the Wifi on my phone. I think it was suffering from being off. I also changed the API-Key to Browser which is not the ideal solution, but will do for now.
