Groovy script to change all users to uppercase - magnolia

I'm trying to change all user names with in a magnolia application to uppercase since we are having case sensitivity issues with our login.
I wrote this groovy script, following an example used to reset passwords to "", to capture the users and change them uppercase but it appears the name property is not being set.
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
import info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypePredicate
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
session = ctx.getJCRSession("users")
users = NodeUtil.collectAllChildren(session.getNode("/public"), new NodeTypePredicate(NodeTypes.User.NAME))
users.each() {
changedName =;
it.setProperty("name", changedName);
println "1 " + changedName;
println "2 " +;
When I'm checking it is return how they are stored in the mangolia, and not as all uppercase and they are also not being changed in the security app when looking at the username.

import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeUtil
import info.magnolia.jcr.predicate.NodeTypePredicate
import info.magnolia.jcr.util.NodeTypes
session = ctx.getJCRSession("users")
users = NodeUtil.collectAllChildren(session.getNode("/admin"), new NodeTypePredicate(NodeTypes.User.NAME))
users.each() {
name =
changedName =;
it.setProperty("name", changedName)
it.setProperty("jcrName", changedName)
NodeUtil.renameNode(it, changedName)
it.getNode("acl_users").getNodes().each { node ->
newPath = node.getProperty("path").getString().replace(name, changedName)
node.setProperty("path", newPath)
Hey, maybe this is what u are looking for. You need to change the Node name and the jcrName in my Version I iterate over the acl_users Node and change the path of each. Hope this works for you.

IIRC there's 3 things you need to change.
name is one of them, then there's jcrName property and then you need to change the name of the node itself. At least if you want to see it in security app that way.
For the login itself, what you did should be already sufficient.

Try to use the setProperty method of PropertyUtil.
You have to extract all nodes that you need and then loops through them. Supposing that the variable node is the Node you want to change the name, do this:
String newName = StringUtils.upperCase(PropertyUtil.getString(node, "jcrName"));
PropertyUtil.setProperty(node, "jcrName", newName);
jcrName is the property you need to overwrite. Wrap the code into a try/catch block and here we go.
Hope it helps.


How to use the widget fullpath to access widget's properties?

I know that using widget.getFullPath() method, we can retrieve the full path of a widget as a string in the format "pagename.child1name.child2name....childNname.widgetname".
I am trying to find a way for using this string to access the original widget.
I was successful using this:
app.pages["pagename"].children["child1name"].children["child2name"]....children["childNname"].children["widgetname"].text = "some text";
but I don't know how to change this in a more general function, independent by the depth of the path.
Any idea would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
The parent root descendents should have everything on the page, so try:
you might alternately need to do this if you want ANYTHING to be a variable
My intention is to access the widget's property from another page. The root of a widget is its page, and it is the string before the first dot in the full path.
I eventually wrote a function which builds the object after splitting the full path string in an array:
function getWidgetPath(pathString) {
var pathArray = pathString.split('.');
var widgetPath = app.pages[pathArray[0]];
for( i=1; i<pathArray.length; i++ ) {
widgetPath = widgetPath.children[pathArray[i]];
return widgetPath;
The function can be used to build the target object. I.e., considering that the target widget is a label and I want to change its text property, I use:
var targetPath = 'parentpage.panel1.panel2.panel3.label1';
var targetWidget = getWidgetPath(targetPath);
targetWidget.text = 'some text';
I have the feeling that it's not very Javascriptian, though.

How to parse a variable into firebase.database().ref().set({...})

i am trying to add firebase into my react-native application, and have the following code:
var userPath = "/Users/Johnny/files/";
var storageString = ("Johnny Johnson\n"+ date + "\n" +
var name = fileName;
name : storageString
But as you can probably guess, this isn't getting the name variable and storing it as the key. It is simply storing it in the database as..
Users -> Johnny -> files -> {name: "whatever the string was i saved"}
and then simply overriding it every time i try and make a new file. Just wondering how i go about parsing in this fileName variable? It is getting the child value correctly - which is why i am confused.
Any help would be appreciated, i'm pretty new to this.
If you put brackets around name it will use the name variable instead of creating a key called name.
[name] : storageString

Umbraco: x.GetPropertyValue("myProp") vs x.myProp

I use Umbraco v4, but think this should be a common problem.
I have a generic property "myNode" of "Content Picker", that should obtain a DynamicNode...
so doying myObj.myNode I obtain the node itself... so can use myObj.myNode.Url
But doying the myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode") I obtain the ... string ID value of the node... so can't anymore do myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode").Url (string does not have Url property)
I can't use directly myObj.myNode, because the name is "dynamic" (the same function should use "your"+"Node" or "their"+"Node" upon conditions - the example is very aproximative, but hope the idea is clear)...
I even did myObj.GetPropertyValue<DynamicNode>("myNode"), but the result was the same: "8124" (the node id)
So, how to obtain the real property value, not just string representation of it?
Your content picker does not contain a node, it contains an id of a node.
myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode") does exactly what is says, gets the value of a property called myNode on the instantiated DynamicNode object. It is not designed to return the node itself.
If you want to return the node whose ID your 'myNode' property contains then you have to use that value in a call to instantiate another DynamicNode
DynamicNode myNewNode = new DynamicNode(myObj.GetPropertyValue("myNode"))
Use somethings like: mynode = Umbraco.Content(CurrentPage.myNode).Url (for Umbraco 6 and 7) For Umbraco 4 i use this Model.NodeById(Model.myNode).Url; in a script file. (I think it need at least Umbraco 4.7.x)
See also
A not so elegant solution, but at least a solution that work:
var linkNode = image.GetPropertyValue("imgLinkNode" + model._lang.ToUpper());
if (linkNode is string)
string id = linkNode;
linkNode = model.NodeById(id);
var linkNodeUrl = linkNode.Url;

find last editor aka author of Item in Sitecore

Ok I've used this in the past to get last editor and it works great when running on sites that use workflow but it doesnt return any users for sites that do not use workflow..
var contentWorkflow = contentItem.Database.WorkflowProvider.GetWorkflow(contentItem);
var contentHistory = contentWorkflow.GetHistory(contentItem);
if (contentHistory.Length > 0)
//submitting user (string)
string lastUser = contentHistory[contentHistory.Length - 1].User;
Can you reply with a way to get last editor of an item regardless of whether they use workflow or not?
Try to use
You can check more members of the ItemStatistics class here.

How should I get and set a folder's group and user permission settings via Core Service?

I can get strings representing group and user permissions for a given folder with the following.
// assumes Core Service client "client"
var folderData = client.Read("tcm:5-26-2", new ReadOptions()) as FolderData;
var accessControlEntryDataArray =
foreach (var accessControlEntryData in accessControlEntryDataArray)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1}",
Some Folder
Everyone has Read
Editor has None
Chief Editor has None
Publication Manager has None
Interaction Manager has None
T2011-CB-R2\areyes has All
[scope] Editor 020 Create has Read, Write
T2011-CB-R2\local1 has Read, Write, Delete
[rights] Author - Content has None
Seems like the four possible values for `AllowedPermissions are:
Read, Write
Read, Write, Delete
This works great for my use case to create a folder permissions report. I can .Replace() these to a familiar notation (e.g. rw-- or rwdl).
But is manipulating these string values the right approach to set permissions as well? I'd imagine I'd want objects or maybe enums instead. Could someone point me in the right direction?
Also I noticed I get some, but not all non-applicable groups set as None. I don't specifically need them here, but I'm curious at what determines whether those get returned--did I miss something in my code?
Rights and Permissions are enums, indeed. You can set using the method below. If you want to set multiple rights you should do something like "Rights.Read | Rights.Write"
Keep in mind that this method will return you object that you have to save \ update \ create after
public static OrganizationalItemData SetPermissionsOnOrganizationalItem(
OrganizationalItemData organizationalItem,
TrusteeData trustee,
Permissions allowedPermissions,
Permissions deniedPermissions = Permissions.None)
if (organizationalItem.AccessControlList == null)
= new AccessControlListData
{AccessControlEntries = new AccessControlEntryData[0]};
var entries = organizationalItem.AccessControlList
// First check if this trustee already has some permissions
var entry = entries.SingleOrDefault(
ace => ace.Trustee.IdRef == trustee.Id);
if (entry != null)
// Remove this entry
entries.Add(new AccessControlEntryData
AllowedPermissions = allowedPermissions,
DeniedPermissions = deniedPermissions,
Trustee = new LinkToTrusteeData { IdRef = trustee.Id }
= entries.ToArray();
return organizationalItem;
