How to use AFRAME.TWEEN - aframe

I found a response from Diego Marcos "FYI, You don't have to import TWEEN.js again. You can access the version bundled with A-Frame via AFRAME.TWEEN: new AFRAME.TWEEN.Tween(animation)" but I can not do it works with frame 0.9.0 version.

A-Frame moved away from TWEEN and it now uses anime.js. It’s exposed on AFRAME.ANIME


qt3d and the oculus sdk

Given qt3d's structure, is it possible to integrate the oculus sdk with a qt3d application?
I have tried but my two main obstacles are:
I cant use the textures from the texture swap chain created by the oculus sdk as a render target attachment
I am not able to call ovr_SubmitFrame at the end of each frame since qt3d doesnt have a signal that would allow me to do so.
Has anyone successfully gotten the oculus sdk to work with qt3d? If so, how did you overcome these issues?
Are there any plans for allowing the integration of VR SDKs (not just oculus') in qt3d in further releases?
You could probably do it with some sort of custom framegraph that encapsulated the stereo rendering functionality and included a custom component that could take the currently rendered content and submitted it to the SDK prior to the swapbuffer call.
Alternatively you could dive into the code that processes the framegraph itself and see how hard it would be to customize it to work against a VR API. I've done significant work with integrating Qt apps with VR, but not specifically with Qt3D.
The frame graph will indeed provide one part of the solution for the stereoscopic rendering setup. There is already an anaglyphic stereo example showing most of what you need that ships with Qt 3D.
To integrate the swap chain of the occulus SDK will require deeper integration. I do not know the details of the Occulus SDK as yet but we can take a look.
From what I can see you should be able to do something analogous to the Scene3D custom Qt Quick 2 item to be able to render to the textures provided by the Occulus SDK and to tell Qt 3D which OpenGL Context to use. See
Nicolas, I also do not appreciate you publicly saying that KDAB are not much help. I only received an email from Karsten on Friday which I responded to despite being on vacation saying that we can help but it will be on a best efforts basis since you are not paying and I have a very full workload preparing Qt 3D for release at the end of the month along with Qt 5.7. Today is a public holiday in the UK, as you are aware, yet you are already saying detrimental things about us.
You were also directed to post to the mailing list on the qt-forums as I do not tend to monitor SO or the qt-forums on a regular basis. You could have also emailed us directly or via the development#qt-interest mailing list.
We would be more than happy to set up a support agreement with you.

Use an offline interactive map in QML

I'd like to inject a chunk of map that I got from OpenStreetMap under the form of an osm file.
From what I've read in the documentation, the Open Street Map Plugin doesn't seem to have any parameter taking a source file as a map. It only works with a server. Problem is I won't have an Internet connection when running my application. I need to use a map internally.
Ditto for Mapbox and HERE plugins.
Is there any other way to do this?
Here is the boilerplate to create a Map:
Plugin {
id: somePlugin
// code here to choose the plugin as necessary
Map {
id: map
plugin: somePlugin
center {
latitude: -27
longitude: 153
zoomLevel: map.minimumZoomLevel
gesture.enabled: true
Update April 2017: QtLocation now supports offline OSM tiles.
As you note, QtLocation currently does not give you the offline option. Also, for basemaps it currently only supports image tiles (not the XML vector OSM data you are talking about).
You have a few alternatives:
In QML: you can use the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt.
Starting from version 10.26 it supports adding custom map layers with offline tiles. You will need to get PNG/JPG tiles of your OSM data first. Here is an example layer that supports OSM slippymap tiles.
In C++: you will find a few options to display vector data that might require or not conversion from the OSM format and more work on your side:
QGis is made in Qt, as are many other opensource geographic projects, so they might be helpful
Also, don't forget to vote for the issues mentioned above in Qt Bugtracker!
You can generate or download tiles for offline usage. For generating tiles take a look at TileMill or Maperitive. Downloading tiles can be achieved via Marble and various other tools, but please respect the tile server's usage policy! Downloading high zoom tiles causes high load on the tile server because these tiles are usually not cached and need to be rendered on the fly.

Equivalent to JGraph for JavaFX8?

I want to port an old swing tool which uses an also old version of JGraph to JavaFX8. However, since JGraph is a Swing-Based library, is thought about replacing it, too. So, is there something equivalent to JGraph, but working with JavaFX8?
So, is there something equivalent to JGraph, but working with JavaFX8?
Following Jonathan Giles Blog, I can't remember having read anything about a JavaFX based graph library yet -> so, most likely, no
But you should be able to use Swing controls in JavaFX:

Which paper.js file do I use in their dist directory?

I want to use paper.js, but there are 3 different versions of paper.js that I can't find an explanation for the differences of. Which do I use?
from paper.js' dist directory:
There's actually a 4th, paper-node.js, but I assume that's for Node.js which I'm not using at the moment.
As answered on the Github issues tracker already:
paper.js is the same as paper-full.js
Use paper-full.js if you're working with PaperScript code.
Use paper-core.js if you just need the Paper API without the PaperScript extensions.
The reason why paper-full.js is the same as paper.js has to do partly with legacy, and partly with how paper.js is loaded in development through You can read on it here:

graph component in GTK/Qt (like in blueJ)

I'm about to make a program (qt/gtk) where I need to display some kind of UML diagrams (like in BlueJ),
I wanted to ask you if there is such a component in GTK
It must work with new version of Gtk - gi.repository
The name of library is enough for me, I'll read docs, but if somebody post here some simple demo, it'll be appreciated.
Thank you
Dia (Old homepage) is a GTK based UML drawing tool. It is a very good tool with a lot of options. It is available on a number distros from their repositories. It has both application & library (libdia) components. There are python bindings available as well. If you have not checked it out, you should.
Hope this helps!
I found gaphas
You should checkout GooCanvas, I think is the more complete library for that kind of work.
I use python and pygtk, and use matplotlib to draw graphs in the GUI.
See a sample here :
