using ShiftedArrays
struct CircularMatrix{T} <: AbstractArray{T,2}
function CircularMatrix{T}(dims...) where T
data = zeros(T, dims...)
CircularMatrix(data, ShiftedArrays.circshift(data, (0, -1)), 1)
Base.size(M::CircularMatrix) = size(
Base.eltype(::Type{CircularMatrix{T}}) where {T} = T
function shift_forward!(M::CircularMatrix)
function shift_forward!(M::CircularMatrix, n)
# replace the view with a view shifted forwards.
M.currentIndex += n
M.view = ShiftedArrays.circshift(, (n, M.currentIndex))
#inline Base.#propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i) = M.view[i]
#inline Base.#propagate_inbounds function Base.setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, data, i) = M.view[i] = data
How can I make CircularMatrix act just like a regular matrix.
So that I can access it like
m = CircularMatrix{Int}(4,4)
m[1, 1] = 5
x = view(m, 1, :)
Your matrix type is defined to be a subtype of AbstractArray{T, 2}. You need to implement a few methods in the informal array interface of Julia for your type to make functions and features that work on AbstractArray{T, 2} to also work on your custom type, that is, to make your CircularMatrix an iterable, indexable, completely functioning matrix.
The methods to implement are
getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
getindex(M::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, N})
setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, i::Int)
setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, I::Vararg{Int, N})
You already implement 1, 2 and 4 but have not yet set your indexing style. You might not need 3 and 5 if you choose linear indexing style. You only need to set IndexStyle to be IndexLinear() and maybe a few modifications, then everything should just work for your matrix.
1. size(M::CircularMatrix)
The first one is size. size(A::CircularMatrix) returns a Tuple of dimensions of A. I believe for your matrix probably something like the following
Base.size(M::CircularMatrix) = size(
2. getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
This method is needed if you choose linear indexing style. getindex(M, i::Int) should give you the value at linear index i. You already implement it in your code. If you choose linear indexing, you need to set IndexStyle for your type and then you simply skip 3 and 5. Julia will automatically convert multiple index accesses, e.g. a[3, 5], to a linear index access.
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:CircularMatrix}) = IndexLinear()
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(M::CircularMatrix, i::Int)
#boundscheck checkbounds(M, i)
#inbounds M.view[i]
It might be better to use #inbounds here on the second line. If the caller doesn't use #inbounds, we check the bounds first and this hopefully makes the subsequent bounds check unnecessary. You might want to omit this during development, though.
3. getindex(M::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, N})
The third one is for Cartesian indexing style. If you choose this style you need to implement this method. Vararg{Int, N} in the signature stands for "exactly N Int arguments". Here N should be equal to the dimensionality of CircularMatrix. Since this is a matrix, N should be two. If you choose this style, you need to define something like the following
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::CircularMatrix, I::Vararg{Int, 2})
#boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...)
#inbounds A.view[# convert I[1]` and `I[2]` to a linear index in `view`]
or since your dimensionality is not parametric and a matrix is 2D, simply
Base.#propogate_inbounds function Base.getindex(A::CircularMatrix, i::Int, j::Int)
#boundscheck checkbounds(A, i, j)
#inbounds A.view[# convert i` and `j` to a linear index in `view`]
4. setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, i::Int)
The fourth one is similar to the second. This method should set the value at linear index i, if you choose linear indexing style.
5. setindex!(M::CircularMatrix, v, I::Vararg{Int, N})
The fifth one should be similar to the third, if you choose Cartesian indexing style.
After the implementations for 1, 2, and 4 and setting IndexStyle, you should have a custom matrix type that just works.
m[1, 1] = 5
x = view(m, 1, :)
for e in
for i in eachindex(m)
map(f, A)
These should all work.
A few notes
There is a documentation for Abstract Arrays interface here with a few examples. You can also see Optional Methods to implement.
There is a JuliaArray organization on GitHub that provides lots of useful custom array implementations including StaticArrays, OffsetArrays, etc. and also a JuliaMatrices organization that provides custom matrix types. You might want to take a look at their implementations.
#inline is redundant if you use Base.#propogate_inbounds.
Tells the compiler to inline a function while retaining the caller's
inbounds context.
You do not need to define eltype for your matrix, since there is already a definition for AbstractArray{T, N} which returns T.
I have two 1-D arrays in which I would like to calculate the approximate cumulative integral of 1 array with respect to the scalar spacing specified by the 2nd array. MATLAB has a function called cumtrapz that handles this scenario. Is there something similar that I can try within Julia to accomplish the same thing?
The expected result is another 1-D array with the integral calculated for each element.
There is a numerical integration package for Julia (see the link) that defines cumul_integrate(X, Y) and uses the trapezoidal rule by default.
If this package didn't exist, though, you could easily write the function yourself and have a very efficient implementation out of the box because the loop does not come with a performance penalty.
Edit: Added an #assert to check matching vector dimensions and fixed a typo.
function cumtrapz(X::T, Y::T) where {T <: AbstractVector}
# Check matching vector length
#assert length(X) == length(Y)
# Initialize Output
out = similar(X)
out[1] = 0
# Iterate over arrays
for i in 2:length(X)
out[i] = out[i-1] + 0.5*(X[i] - X[i-1])*(Y[i] + Y[i-1])
# Return output
Let x::Vector{Vector{T}}. What is the best way to iterate over all the elements of each inner vector (that is, all elements of type T)? The best I can come up with is a double iteration using the single-line notation, ie:
for n in eachindex(x), m in eachindex(x[n])
but I'm wondering if there is a single iterator, perhaps in the Iterators package, designed specifically for this purpose, e.g. for i in some_iterator(x) ; x[i] ; end.
More generally, what about iterating over the inner-most elements of any array of arrays (that is, arrays of any dimension)?
Your way
for n in eachindex(x), m in eachindex(x[n])
is pretty fast. If you want best speed, use
for n in eachindex(x)
y = x[n]
for m in eachindex(y)
which avoids dereferencing twice (the first dereference is hard to optimize out because arrays are mutable, and so getindex isn't pure). Alternatively, if you don't need m and n, you could just use
for y in x, for z in y
which is also fast.
Note that column-major storage is irrelevant, since all arrays here are one-dimensional.
To answer your general question:
If the number of dimensions is a compile-time constant, see Base.Cartesian
If the number of dimensions is not a compile-time constant, use recursion
And finally, as Dan Getz mentioned in a comment:
using Iterators
for z in chain(x...)
also works. This however has a bit of a performance penalty.
I'm wondering if there is a single iterator, perhaps in the Iterators package, designed specifically for this purpose, e.g. for i in some_iterator(x) ; x[i] ; end
Today (in Julia 1.x versions), Iterators.flatten is exactly this.
help?> Iterators.flatten
Given an iterator that yields iterators, return an iterator that
yields the elements of those iterators. Put differently, the
elements of the argument iterator are concatenated.
julia> x = [1:5, [π, ℯ, 42], 'a':'e']
3-element Vector{AbstractVector}:
[3.141592653589793, 2.718281828459045, 42.0]
julia> for el in Iterators.flatten(x)
print(el, " ")
1 2 3 4 5 3.141592653589793 2.718281828459045 42.0 a b c d e
I recently started learning Julia by coding a simple implementation of Self Organizing Maps. I want the size and dimensions of the map to be specified by the user, which means I can't really use for loops to work on the map arrays because I don't know in advance how many layers of loops I will need. So I absolutely need broadcasting and slicing functions that work on arrays of arbitrary dimensions.
Right now, I need to construct an array of indices of the map. Say my map is defined by an array of size mapsize = (5, 10, 15), I need to construct an array indices of size (3, 5, 10, 15) where indices[:, a, b, c] should return [a, b, c].
I come from a Python/NumPy background, in which the solution is already given by a specific "function", mgrid :
indices = numpy.mgrid[:5, :10, :15]
print indices.shape # gives (3, 5, 10, 15)
print indices[:, 1, 2, 3] gives [1, 2, 3]
I didn't expect Julia to have such a function on the get-go, so I turned to broadcasting. In NumPy, broadcasting is based on a set of rules that I find quite clear and logical. You can use arrays of different dimensions in the same expression as long as the sizes in each dimension match or one of it is 1 :
(5, 10, 15) broadcasts to (5, 10, 15)
(10, 1)
(5, 1, 15) also broadcasts to (5, 10, 15)
(1, 10, 1)
To help with this, you can also use numpy.newaxis or None to easily add new dimensions to your array :
array = numpy.zeros((5, 15))
array[:,None,:] has shape (5, 1, 15)
This helps broadcast arrays easily :
A = numpy.arange(5)
B = numpy.arange(10)
C = numpy.arange(15)
bA, bB, bC = numpy.broadcast_arrays(A[:,None,None], B[None,:,None], C[None,None,:])
bA.shape == bB.shape == bC.shape = (5, 10, 15)
Using this, creating the indices array is rather straightforward :
indices = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_arrays(A[:,None,None], B[None,:,None], C[None,None,:]))
(indices == numpy.mgrid[:5,:10,:15]).all() returns True
The general case is of course a bit more complicated, but can be worked around using list comprehension and slices :
arrays = [ numpy.arange(i)[tuple([None if m!=n else slice(None) for m in range(len(mapsize))])] for n, i in enumerate(mapsize) ]
indices = numpy.array(numpy.broadcast_arrays(*arrays))
So back to Julia. I tried to apply the same kind of rationale and ended up achieving the equivalent of the arrays list of the code above. This ended up being rather simpler than the NumPy counterpart thanks to the compound expression syntax :
arrays = [ (idx = ones(Int, length(mapsize)); idx[n] = i;reshape([1:i], tuple(idx...))) for (n,i)=enumerate(mapsize) ]
Now I'm stuck here, as I don't really know how to apply the broadcasting to my list of generating arrays here... The broadcast[!] functions ask for a function f to apply, and I don't have any. I tried using a for loop to try forcing the broadcasting:
indices = Array(Int, tuple(unshift!([i for i=mapsize], length(mapsize))...))
for i=1:length(mapsize)
A[i] = arrays[i]
But this gives me an error : ERROR: convert has no method matching convert(::Type{Int64}, ::Array{Int64,3})
Am I doing this the right way? Did I overlook something important? Any help is appreciated.
If you're running julia 0.4, you can do this:
julia> function mgrid(mapsize)
T = typeof(CartesianIndex(mapsize))
indices = Array(T, mapsize)
for I in eachindex(indices)
indices[I] = I
It would be even nicer if one could just say
indices = [I for I in CartesianRange(CartesianIndex(mapsize))]
I'll look into that :-).
Broadcasting in Julia has been modelled pretty much on broadcasting in NumPy, so you should hopefully find that it obeys more or less the same simple rules (not sure if the way to pad dimensions when not all inputs have the same number of dimensions is the same though, since Julia arrays are column-major).
A number of useful things like newaxis indexing and broadcast_arrays have not been implemented (yet) however. (I hope they will.) Also note that indexing works a bit differently in Julia compared to NumPy: when you leave off indices for trailing dimensions in NumPy, the remaining indices default to colons. In Julia they could be said to default to ones instead.
I'm not sure if you actually need a meshgrid function, most things that you would want to use it for could be done by using the original entries of your arrays array with broadcasting operations. The major reason that meshgrid is useful in matlab is because it is terrible at broadcasting.
But it is quite straightforward to accomplish what you want to do using the broadcast! function:
# assume mapsize is a vector with the desired shape, e.g. mapsize = [2,3,4]
N = length(mapsize)
# Your line to create arrays below, with an extra initial dimension on each array
arrays = [ (idx = ones(Int, N+1); idx[n+1] = i;reshape([1:i], tuple(idx...))) for (n,i) in enumerate(mapsize) ]
# Create indices and fill it one coordinate at a time
indices = zeros(Int, tuple(N, mapsize...))
for (i,arr) in enumerate(arrays)
dest = sub(indices, i, [Colon() for j=1:N]...)
broadcast!(identity, dest, arr)
I had to add an initial singleton dimension on the entries of arrays to line up with the axes of indices (newaxis had been useful here...).
Then I go through each coordinate, create a subarray (a view) on the relevant part of indices, and fill it. (Indexing will default to returning subarrays in Julia 0.4, but for now we have to use sub explicitly).
The call to broadcast! just evaluates the identity function identity(x)=x on the input arr=arrays[i], broadcasts to the shape of the output. There's no efficiency lost in using the identity function for this; broadcast! generates a specialized function based on the given function, number of arguments, and number of dimensions of the result.
I guess this is the same as the MATLAB meshgrid functionality. I've never really thought about the generalization to more than two dimensions, so its a bit harder to get my head around.
First, here is my completely general version, which is kinda crazy but I can't think of a better way to do it without generating code for common dimensions (e.g. 2, 3)
function numpy_mgridN(dims...)
X = Any[zeros(Int,dims...) for d in 1:length(dims)]
for d in 1:length(dims)
base_idx = Any[1:nd for nd in dims]
for i in 1:dims[d]
cur_idx = copy(base_idx)
cur_idx[d] = i
X[d][cur_idx...] = i
#show X
X = numpy_mgridN(3,4,5)
#show X[1][1,2,3] # 1
#show X[2][1,2,3] # 2
#show X[3][1,2,3] # 3
Now, what I mean by code generation is that, for the 2D case, you can simply do
function numpy_mgrid(dim1,dim2)
X = [i for i in 1:dim1, j in 1:dim2]
Y = [j for i in 1:dim1, j in 1:dim2]
return X,Y
and for the 3D case:
function numpy_mgrid(dim1,dim2,dim3)
X = [i for i in 1:dim1, j in 1:dim2, k in 1:dim3]
Y = [j for i in 1:dim1, j in 1:dim2, k in 1:dim3]
Z = [k for i in 1:dim1, j in 1:dim2, k in 1:dim3]
return X,Y,Z
Test with, e.g.
#show X
#show Y
#show Z
I guess mgrid shoves them all into one tensor, so you could do that like this
all = cat(4,X,Y,Z)
which is still slightly different:
julia> all[1,2,3,:]
1x1x1x3 Array{Int64,4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
[:, :, 1, 2] =
[:, :, 1, 3] =
julia> vec(all[1,2,3,:])
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
I have an application in which I need to define a piecewise function, IE, f(x) = g(x) for [x in some range], f(x)=h(x) for [x in some other range], ... etc.
Is there a nice way to do this in Julia? I'd rather not use if-else because it seems that I'd have to check every range for large values of x. The way that I was thinking was to construct an array of functions and an array of bounds/ranges, then when f(x) is called, do a binary search on the ranges to find the appropriate index and use the corresponding function (IE, h(x), g(x), etc.
It seems as though such a mathematically friendly language might have some functionality for this, but the documentation doesn't mention piecewise in this manner. Hopefully someone else has given this some thought, thanks!
with a Heaviside function you can do a interval function:
function heaviside(t)
0.5 * (sign(t) + 1)
function interval(t, a, b)
heaviside(t-a) - heaviside(t-b)
function piecewise(t)
sinc(t) .* interval(t,-3,3) + cos(t) .* interval(t, 4,7)
and I think it could also implement a subtype Interval, it would be much more elegant
I tried to implement a piecewise function for Julia, and this is the result:
function piecewise(x::Symbol,c::Expr,f::Expr)
#assert n==length(c.args)
#assert c.head==:vect
#assert f.head==:vect
for i in 1:n
vf[i]=#eval $x->$(f.args[i])
return #eval ($x)->($(vf)[findfirst($c)])($x)
pf=piecewise(:x,:([x>0, x==0, x<0]),:([2*x,-1,-x]))
pf(1) # => 2
pf(-2) # => 2
pf(0) # => -1
Why not something like this?
function piecewise(x::Float64, breakpts::Vector{Float64}, f::Vector{Function})
#assert(length(breakpts) == length(f)+1)
b = searchsortedfirst(breakpts, x)
return f[b](x)
piecewise(X::Vector{Float64}, bpts, f) = [ piecewise(x,bpts,f) for x in X ]
Here you have a list of (sorted) breakpoints, and you can use the optimized searchsortedfirst to find the first breakpoint b greater than x. The edge case when no breakpoint is greater than x is also handled appropriately since length(breakpts)+1 is returned, so b is the correct index into the vector of functions f.
Mathematica has a built-in function ArgMax for functions over infinite domains, based on the standard mathematical definition.
The analog for finite domains is a handy utility function.
Given a function and a list (call it the domain of the function), return the element(s) of the list that maximize the function.
Here's an example of finite argmax in action:
Canonicalize NFL team names
And here's my implementation of it (along with argmin for good measure):
(* argmax[f, domain] returns the element of domain for which f of
that element is maximal -- breaks ties in favor of first occurrence. *)
SetAttributes[{argmax, argmin}, HoldFirst];
argmax[f_, dom_List] := Fold[If[f[#1]>=f[#2], #1, #2]&, First[dom], Rest[dom]]
argmin[f_, dom_List] := argmax[-f[#]&, dom]
First, is that the most efficient way to implement argmax?
What if you want the list of all maximal elements instead of just the first one?
Second, how about the related function posmax that, instead of returning the maximal element(s), returns the position(s) of the maximal elements?
#dreeves, you're correct in that Ordering is the key to the fastest implementation of ArgMax over a finite domain:
ArgMax[f_, dom_List] := dom[[Ordering[f /# dom, -1]]]
Part of the problem with your original implementation using Fold is that you end up evaluating f twice as much as necessary, which is inefficient, especially when computing f is slow. Here we only evaluate f once for each member of the domain. When the domain has many duplicated elements, we can further optimize by memoizing the values of f:
ArgMax[f_, dom_List] :=
g[e___] := g[e] = f[e]; (* memoize *)
dom[[Ordering[g /# dom, -1]]]
This was about 30% faster in some basic tests for a list of 100,000 random integers between 0 and 100.
For a posmax function, this somewhat non-elegant approach is the fastest thing I can come up with:
PosMax[f_, dom_List] :=
Module[{y = f/#dom},
Flatten#Position[y, Max[y]]
Of course, we can apply memoization again:
PosMax[f_, dom_List] :=
Module[{g, y},
g[e___] := g[e] = f[e];
y = g /# dom;
Flatten#Position[y, Max[y]]
To get all the maximal elements, you could now just implement ArgMax in terms of PosMax:
ArgMax[f_, dom_List] := dom[[PosMax[f, dom]]]
For posmax, you can first map the function over the list and then just ask for the position of the maximal element(s). Ie:
posmax[f_, dom_List] := posmax[f /# dom]
where posmax[list] is polymorphically defined to just return the position of the maximal element(s).
It turns out there's a built-in function, Ordering that essentially does this.
So we can define the single-argument version of posmax like this:
posmax[dom_List] := Ordering[dom, -1][[1]]
I just tested that against a loop-based version and a recursive version and Ordering is many times faster.
The recursive version is pretty so I'll show it off here, but don't ever try to run it on large inputs!
(* posmax0 is a helper function for posmax that returns a pair with the position
and value of the max element. n is an accumulator variable, in lisp-speak. *)
posmax0[{h_}, n_:0] := {n+1, h}
posmax0[{h_, t___}, n_:0] := With[{best = posmax0[{t}, n+1]},
If[h >= best[[2]], {n+1, h}, best]]
posmax[dom_List] := First#posmax0[dom, 0]
posmax[f_, dom_List] := First#posmax0[f /# dom, 0]
posmax[_, {}] := 0
None of this addresses the question of how to find all the maximal elements (or positions of them).
That doesn't normally come up for me in practice, though I think it would be good to have.