I'm sorry but I don't understand Janis's answer on this page
Open fancybox 3 into iframe parent , this is too technical for me as it doesn't give a precise answer.
I can't work out what should be the script needed to open in a parent page from that answer that is pointing to the documentation (which is found in a section about opening iframes, instead of opening FROM an iframe into a parent page) and unfortunately I can't comment on that page so here I am.
How to access and control fancybox in parent window from inside an iframe:
// Close current fancybox instance
// Adjust iframe height according to the contents
OK so that closes or updates the parent window, but how to open various links in the parent window ?
Then Janis says:
This should give you a clue that you can use parent.jQuery.fancybox to use API from the parent page.
But how to "phrase" it ? in a script ?
Then, API section should give you a clue how to open image gallery programmatically:
src : '1_b.jpg',
opts : {
caption : 'First caption',
thumb : '1_s.jpg'
src : '2_b.jpg',
opts : {
caption : 'Second caption',
thumb : '2_s.jpg'
], {
loop : false
Does that mean you have to make a list of all the images you want to open in the parent page in one script ?
If so that doesn't make sense when you have many images and defeats the purpose of making each link call fancybox individually like so :
<a href="images1.jpg" data-fancybox data-caption="image 1">
<img src="images/image1_sm.jpg" alt="" class="image"/></a>
Or does it mean you have to make a script for each picture you want to be opened in the parent page ?
Here is a snippet that would open image gallery in current page or in parent page:
var $fb_links = $('[data-fancybox="images"]');
$fb_links.click(function() {
if ( window.self !== window.top ) {
window.parent.jQuery.fancybox.open( $fb_links, {
//animationEffect : 'fade',
hash : false
}, $fb_links.index( this ) );
} else {
$.fancybox.open( $fb_links, {}, $fb_links.index( this ) );
return false;
I hope you can see that it is not so scary to create your own click event that starts the script.
I have homepage which is created by using multiple small template pages in wordpress. I have set menus on it . now i want to go on particular section/ template using menu. like if i press contact menu button then it should go smoothly downwards of homepage where the contact template has been called. I am using "Page scroll to id" plugin of wordpress but its not working. I have also seen that this plugin work when the page is created by dashoard page. Please help me , how can i navigate to my template page/section using this plugin. If any other plugin is there , please tell me about it . i will try to use that too.
To create smooth scroll on link click follow the below steps :
Step 1: Add section ids in menu href including #section1 from admin section Appearance >> Menu .
Step 2: Create section or div with id name section1.
<div id="section1"></div>
Step 3: Paste the below code under your custom js file.
// Add smooth scrolling to all links
$("a").on('click', function(event) {
// Make sure this.hash has a value before overriding default behavior
if (this.hash !== "") {
// Prevent default anchor click behavior
// Store hash
var hash = this.hash;
// Using jQuery's animate() method to add smooth page scroll
// The optional number (800) specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to scroll to the specified area
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top
}, 800, function(){
// Add hash (#) to URL when done scrolling (default click behavior)
window.location.hash = hash;
} // End if
I hope it will helps you.
I want to disable/hide browse button for source and other parameters in insert/edit video screen. At present I son't have back end implementation to provide the list of videos but I want this option available for insert/edit image. I am using file_browser_callback in tiny init but it looks to me that a same file_browser_callback is used to handle the browse for all the screen. Can someone suggest me a way to hide the browse for "insert/edit" video plugins but allow in "insert/edit image"?
Please check Fiddle
There is indeed one file_browser_callback but within the callback you can target different types. In my implementation I've done the following:
file_browser_callback: function(field_name, url, type, win) {
if (type == 'file') {
diaTitle = 'Insert link';
browser = '/linkmanager/index.php'+'?field_id='+field_name;
} else if (type == 'image') {
diaTitle = 'Insert image';
browser = '/filemanager/dialog.php?type=1&field_id='+field_name;
title: diaTitle,
url: browser,
width: 860,
height: 600
oninsert: function(url) {
win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
Hope this can help you!
TinyMCE has provided a way to do this by using file_picker_types. You will need to add this to the tinymce.init, maybe right above your "file_browser_callback:"
file_picker_types: 'image',
I want to add a link named "Add to favorite" in the footer of my site. I don't find any module which can do it, so please is there any way to do this ?
Big Thanks
I will just explain what Pete already said.
You need to add this javascript code somehow to make your "Add to favorite" button functional:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#bookmarkme').click(function() {
if (window.sidebar && window.sidebar.addPanel) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark
} else if(window.external && ('AddFavorite' in window.external)) { // IE Favorite
} else if(window.opera && window.print) { // Opera Hotlist
return true;
} else { // webkit - safari/chrome
alert('Press ' + (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') != - 1 ? 'Command/Cmd' : 'CTRL') + ' + D to bookmark this page.');
You need to create a link in a block or template:
Add to favorite
If you have your own theme, then put the javascript in a separate file and add it in the theme info file:
scripts[] = myFile.js
You can add it via a custom module also with durpal_add_js() function.
The easiest & NOT RECOMMENDED way is to add it in the block body itself, just after adding the link. You need to set formatting as "Full HTML" or "PHP" though for this to work.
I have a partial page that shows a list of files on the server. I want to allow the user to choose a file and display it in a lightbox dialog using AngularUI. I can't figure out how to get the filename that should be displayed into the dialog template correctly. Here's my file list html:
<tr ng-repeat="file in files | orderBy:orderProp">
And here's the applicable part of that view's controller:
function FileListCtrl($scope, $http, $dialog)
$scope.openInLightbox = function(item){
var d = $dialog.dialog({
modalFade: false,
resolve: {item: function(){ return angular.copy(item); } }});
d.open('dialogs/lightboxTemplate.html', 'LightboxController');
and here's the lightboxController:
app.controller('LightboxController', ['$scope', 'dialog', 'item', function($scope, dialog, item){
$scope.item = item;
console.log("item:" + item);
$scope.submit = function(){
and here's my dialog template:
<img src={{item}} />
I have two things I don't understand:
1) I get a lightbox on the first image I choose correctly, but the console gives a 404 error getting "(URL path to image)/{{item}}". So I get an error, but the image still appears.
2) When I click outside the lightbox, it disappears and I can't reload a new image. I think this is due to having no close button?
Am I properly binding the "item" scope property into the dialog template? If not, what is the correct way?
Try using ng-src for example:
<img ng-src="{{item}}>
It will likely overcome the weirdness as /> is still valid html (just not html 5)
The Portlets in Plone are quite handy but I'd like to be able to provide some method to users to be able to temporarily hide/show the portlets column. That is, by clicking a button, the portlets column should collapse and you see the content page in full width. Then clicking again and the portlets panel on the left expands and the main content page width shrinks to accommodate.
I've observed the HTML ID of the portlets column is "portal-column-one" and I tried adding a button to the page that runs javascript to set the visibility property of that element to "hidden" but this seemed to have no effect. I was able to go into Firebug and add style="visibility:hidden;" to the "portal-column-one" element and it had the effect of making the region invisible w/o resizing the page.
I am using Plone 4.1. I have the site configured with navigation portlet on all pages except the main page which has Navigation, Review List and Recent Changes.
So it seems it must be possible to embed some javascript in the page (I was thinking of adding this to the plone.logo page which I've already customized). But I guess its more complicated than the few stabs I've made at it.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Solution (Thanks to input from Ulrich Schwarz and hvelarde):
The solution I arrived at uses JavaScript to set CSS attributes to show/hide the Portlets Column (Left side) and expand the content column to fill the space the porlets column filled.
I started by customizing the Plone header template to add a link for the user to toggle the view of the Porlets column. I also put the necessary javascript functions in this header.
To customize the header, go to the following page (need to be logged in as Admin of your Plone site):
SERVER is the address and port of your site (e.g. localhost:8080)
SITE is the short name of your Plone Site
To create this page:
Go to Site Setup (as Admin)
Go to Zope Management Interface
Click on "portal_view_customizations"
Click on "plone.logo" (or at least this is where I choose to put the button so it would be located just above the navigation Portlet)
Add the following to the page:
function getById(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function TogglePortletsPanel() {
var dispVal = getById('portal-column-one').style.display
if( dispVal == "none") { // Normal display
} else { // Full Screen Content
function SetPortletsPanelState(dispVal) {
var nav = getById('portal-column-one');
var content = getById('portal-column-content');
if( dispVal == "none") { // Normal display
content.className='cell width-full position-0';
// Set cookie to updated value
} else { // Full Screen Content
content.className='cell width-3:4 position-1:4';
// Set cookie to updated value
function InitializePortletsPanelState() {
var portletDisplayState=getCookie("portletDisplayState");
if (portletDisplayState!=null) SetPortletsPanelState(portletDisplayState);
function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays) {
// cookie format: document.cookie = 'name=value; expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2001 20:47:11 UTC; path=/'
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var exp= ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + escape(value) + exp + "; path=/";
function getCookie(c_name) {
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++) {
if (x==c_name) return unescape(y);
function addLoadEvent(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {oldonload(); }
<a style="font-size:50%;" href="javascript:TogglePortletsPanel();">Toggle Portlets Panel</a>
6. Save the page
I got the names of the plone div elements using Firebug.
I also used Firebug to experiment with different settings to speed up prototyping. For example, editing the HTML inline to verify settings do as expected.
There is a slight but of delay until the Left Portlet panel is hidden. This is only obvious on Safari for me (which is probably due to how fast it is) but not on Firefox or IE.
Maybe it's just a matter of setting the right property: you want display:none, not visibility:hidden.
But even then, the content area will probably not reflow automatically, you'll need to (dynamically) change the class on it as well.
Specifically, you'll need to put classes width-full and position-0 on portal-column-content, instead of width-1:2 and position-1:4.
This must be achieved client side by javascript (jquery).
You must first read documentation about the css grid framework used by plone: deco.gs. The website is down so, git clone this repo: https://github.com/limi/deco.gs and open pages in a webbrowser
Note: you just have to change css classes on the containers.
Try adi.fullscreen, it respects Plone's css-structure as Ulrich Schwarz thoughtfully mentioned.