How to customize showing NULLs for a given column - report

In my Interactive Report I am trying to customise the way of displaying NULLs for a given NUMERIC column. That is I am trying to display value "NO DATA" instead of default dash "-".
I know there is a way to set this up for a whole report in the Pagination section via 'Show Null Values as'. The case is that I want to have it customised only for a given 1 column, not the whole report. So I can't use this solution.
Definition of this column must stay NUMERIC and since I can't mix Numbers with Strings NVL is not an option here.


How to export dataset elements from Birt to .docx as numbered list

I have a birt report which contains numbered list of questions. It built with some dataset elements + label (text).
But after exporting it to .docx numbers usually merge with the text (as a part of text). I need it to be splitted out of the text (as the formatted numbered list in MS Word).
What can I do?
I expect of splitted numberes and question text
As I said in my comment, I doubt this is possible.
If you can live with a different structure that more or less has the same properties regarding visual appearance and editability (does that word exist?), what I do is:
Use something like a RUNNINGCOUNT aggregate to generate the item numbers.
Use a two-column table to render the ordered list: Left column contains the number, right column contains the text.
This takes care of the visual appearance.
To insert items inbetween manually later, one can insert a row into the table, but it's necessary to re-number the following items manually.

Suppress/Filter a row

I am fairly new to using PeopleSoft BI Publisher plugin for MS Word and integrating it with PS Query Manager. My question is whether in the RTF file you can put logic to suppress or filter out data?
I have a for-each grouping that prints a line (row). I would like to add logic to NOT print the line if the Witholding amount field (M.WTHD_AMT) is equal to 0 (zero). My question is what would the syntax look like, and where should I place it (on the For Each grouping below, the Field level, or somewhere else?) I know I can alter the PS Query (data source) to do the filtering but I would like to leave that as-is and handle this in the template.
I see that there is another conditional IF statement ("rmt_") so I'm not sure if I can add this additional logic to that element or if I need a separate one. I appreciate any feedback!
I've added a new "Conditional Region" as suggested, and it works with just the WTHD_AMT criteria !0 to zero, however I tried added additional criteria where L.PYMNT_TYPE = 'R' and when I run the process it doesn't display data on the PDF output. Is there something wrong with the syntax? Do I need to have a separate Conditional Region for this 2nd criteria? I've seen another BI report where they have 2 or 3 criteria as part of one element.
<?if:number(M.WTHD_AMT)!=0.00?> and <?if:L.PYMNT_TYPE='R'?>
Option 1
You can nest <?if?> statements. Just add another <?end if?> at the end. Make sure there are no spaces between the all of the IF or END IF objects at the beginning or end of the content/row, else the row may still be displayed.
Option 2
You can add conditions in the repeating section. Below will repeat the region for every record where M.WTHD_AMT is not 0.00
'Conditional Region' is the button you are looking for.
When using this button, make sure to double check where the if/endif or C/EC elements are added. It tends to ignore the selected element and join the elements to the start and end of the line. You will then need to cut and paste it into the right spot. For you this will probably be right after the F element and before the E element.

Mixed types in Shiny datatable

So I have a Shiny App that is basically a dataframe passed to the datatable function and formatted in a specific way (see picture below).
I want to put a string where there are 99999999999% values and blank cells while I keep the rest of the cells as numeric (I need the rest of the cells to be of numeric type so as to apply a color scale formatting on them). However, because of the very nature of dataframes, it is not possible to have different types in the same columns.
The question is: Do you know a way to have strings and numeric types in the same column of a data frame? Should I make some other workaround? In this case: Any idea?

Extract formula from Excel Data Table (What-If Analysis)

I am faced with rewriting an Excel project in R. I see a table in which a cell {= TABLE (F2, C2)} is shown. I understand how to create a Table like this (What-If Analysis, Data Table...).
As I have to understand this to rewrite in R, how can I find the original formula which stands behind that cell?
EXAMPLE: I have created a Data Table as shown here and the sheet looks like this:
In my case, I don't know how the sheet was created, and I want to know the initial formula. Now this is shown as {=TABLE(,C4)}.
(In the example I know the answer, it is in the cell (D10), but where is reference for this cell in Data Table?)
I'm using Excel 2007 but have no reason to believe things differ in other versions.
#Stanislav was right to reject my comment suggestion that TABLE was a name; it is an EXCEL function. But it is a very strange function :-}
There isn't any help on the TABLE function in the local help, it isn't listed in "List of worksheet functions (alphabetical)".
You can't manually enter or edit the TABLE function; error "That function is not valid".
Copy/Pasting cells containing the TABLE function pastes their values, not their formulae, even when you specify Paste Special > Formulas
You can't insert rows/columns immediately above/left of cells containing the TABLE function; error "Cannot change part of a data table".
Pace #pnuts using Formulas > Formula Auditing cells containing the TABLE function shows no precedents and no cells show them as dependents. Although in a VBA sheet auditing tool which I use the Range.DirectDependents Property finds the "formula range" dependent on the "margin" cells containing the formulas, but not those containg the values (see below for explanation of those terms).
I haven't been able to find anything I regard as decent documentation of TABLE(). I have found lots of illustrations of how to produce and use that function, but nothing clearly specifying the arguments and result. The best I've found is I'd be pleased if anyone can point me to better documentation.
I deduce the bahaviour as described here:
TABLE(Rowinp,Colinp) is an array formula in a contiguous array of cells. I'll refer to that contiguous array as the "formula range" of the data table.
The cells immediately above/left of the formula range are also part of the data table, even though they do not contain a TABLE() function and can be edited; I'll refer to those cells as the "margins" of the data table.
Rowinp and Colinp must be blank or references to single cells.
Rowinp and Colinp must be different (or error "Input cell reference is not valid"), they must not both be blank.
The values in the formula range are calculated by taking formula(s) from the margin(s) and substituting references to Rowinp and/or Colinp with values from the margin(s).
There are three mutually exclusive possibilities, corresponding to Rowinp blank or not.
TABLE(Rowinp, ) Colinp blank. The formula is that in the left margin of the same row with instances of Rowinp replaced by values from the upper margin of the same column.
TABLE( , Colinp) Rowinp blank. The formula is that in the top margin of the same column with instances of Colinp replaced by values from the the left margin of the same row.
TABLE(Rowinp, Colinp) Neither blank. The formula is that in the cell at the intersection of the left and top margins with instances of Rowinp replaced by values from the upper margin of the same column and instances of Colinp replaced by values from the the left margin of the same row.
I think that should let you work out what the effective formula is in each cell of the formula range.
But I wouldn't be surprised to learn that any of the above is wrong :-0
I welcome pointers to anything more authoritative.
I think in your example the F2 and C2 are effectively only the addresses of parameters for a function (TABLE) where that may be located anywhere, with the associated formula in the table's top left cell.
So I suggest go to C2, FORMULAS > Formula Auditing and click Trace Dependents, repeat for F2 and see where the arrows converge.

How to make RDLC report two column

I have a simple report which is supposed to be used for printing stickers. The sticker paper is A4 size and it has two columns. I successfully managed to print data to left column. I also want to print data to right column too. My current report looks like this :
How can I make my report to fill data to two columns? Thanks.
I have generated another column as suggested in other questions. But the result is still one column, Can anyone tell me the next step?
The simplest way to do it [I think] is to:
add additional "columnNumber" column and make it "1" for, say, all odd rows and "2" for all even rows.
then place two tables side by side and make the same DataSetName property for both of them
then filter the data in each table based on the columnNumber Value (add Filter to Filters property of the table)
