I'm trying to specify a cluster variable after plm using vcovCR() in clubSandwich package for my simulated data (which I use for power simulation), but I get the following error message:
"Error in [.data.frame(eval(mf$data, envir), , index_names) : undefined columns selected"
I'm not sure if this is specific to vcovCR() or something general about R, but could anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? (I saw a related post here How to cluster standard errors of plm at different level rather than id or time?, but it didn't solve my problem).
My code:
N <- 100;id <- 1:N;id <- c(id,id);gid <- 1:(N/2);
gid <- c(gid,gid,gid,gid);T <- rep(0,N);T = c(T,T+1)
a <- qnorm(runif(N),mean=0,sd=0.005)
gp <- qnorm(runif(N/2),mean=0,sd=0.0005)
u <- qnorm(runif(N*2),mean=0,sd=0.05)
a <- c(a,a);gp = c(gp,gp,gp,gp)
Ylatent <- -0.05*T + a + u
Data <- data.frame(
Y = ifelse(Ylatent > 0, 1, 0),
id = id,gid = gid,T = T
fe.fit <- plm(formula = Y ~ T, data = Data, model = "within", index = "id",effect = "individual", singular.ok = FALSE)
vcovCR(fe.fit,cluster=Data$id,type = "CR2") # doesn't work, but I can run this by not specifying cluster as in the next line
vcovCR(fe.fit,type = "CR2")
vcovCR(fe.fit,cluster=Data$gid,type = "CR2") # I ultimately want to run this
Make your data a pdata.frame first. This is safer, especially if you want to have the time index created automatically (seems to be the case looking at your code).
Continuing what you have:
pData <- pdata.frame(Data, index = "id") # time index is created automatically
fe.fit2 <- plm(formula = Y ~ T, data = pData, model = "within", effect = "individual")
vcovCR(fe.fit2, cluster=Data$id,type = "CR2")
vcovCR(fe.fit2, type = "CR2")
vcovCR(fe.fit2,cluster=Data$gid,type = "CR2")
Your example does not work due to a bug in clubSandwich's data extraction function get_index_order (from version 0.3.3) for plm objects. It assumes both index variables are in the original data but this is not the case in your example where the time index is created automatically by only specifying the individual dimension by the index argument.
I am trying to run a multinomial regression with imputed data. I can do this with the nnet package, however I want to use mlogit. Using the mlogit package I keep getting the following error "Error in 1:nrow(data) : argument of length 0".
So making the data
df <- data.frame(vax = sample(1:6, 500, replace = T),
age = runif(500, 12, 18),
var1 = sample(1:2, 500, replace = T),
var2 = sample(1:5, 500, replace = T))
# Create missing data using the mice package:
df2 <- ampute(df, prop = 0.15)
df3 <- df2$amp
df3$vax <- as.factor(df3$vax)
df3$var1 <- as.factor(df3$var1)
df3$var2 <- as.factor(df3$var2)
# Inpute missing data:
df4 <- mice(df3, m = 5, print = T, seed = 123)
It works using nnet's multinom:
multinomtest <- with(df4, multinom(vax ~ age + var1 + var2, data = df, model = T))
But throws up an error when I try to reshape the data into mlogit format
test <- with(df4, dfidx(data = df4, choice = "vax", shape = "wide"))
Does anyone have any idea how I can get the imputed data into mlogit format, or even whether mlogit has compatibility with mice or any other imputation package?
You are using with.mids incorrectly, and thus both lines of code are wrong; the multinom line just doesn't give an error. If you want to apply multiple functions to the imputed datasets, you're better off using something like lapply:
analyses <- lapply(seq_len(df4$m), function(i) {
data.i <- complete(df4, i)
data.idx <- dfidx(data = data.i, choice = "vax", shape = "wide")
mlogit(vax ~ 1 | age + var1 + var2,
data = data.idx,
reflevel = "1",
nests = list(type1 = c("1", "2"), type2 = c("3","4"), type3 = c("5","6")))
test <- list(call = "", call1 = df4$call, nmis = df4$nmis, analyses = analyses)
oldClass(test) <- c("mira", "matrix")
How with.mids works
When you apply with to a mids object (AKA the output of mice::mice), then you are actually calling with.mids.
If you use getAnywhere(with.mids) (or just type mice:::with.mids), you'll find that it does a couple of things:
It loops over all imputed datasets.
It uses complete to get one dataset.
It runs the expression with the dataset as the environment.
The third step is the problem. For functions that use formulas (like lm, glm and multinom), you can use that formula within a given environment. If the variables are not in the current environment (but rather in e.g. a data frame), you can specify a new environment by setting the data variable.
The problems
This is where both your problems derive from:
In your multinom call, you set the data variable to be df. Hence, you are actually running your multinom on the original df, NOT the imputed dataset!
In your dfidx call, you are again filling in data directly. This is also wrong. However, leaving it empty also gives an error. This is because with.mids doesn't fill in the data argument, but only the environment. That isn't sufficient for you.
Fixing multinom
The solution for your multinom line is simple: just don't specify data:
multinomtest <- with(df4, multinom(vax ~ age + var1 + var2, model = T))
As you will see, this will yield very different results! But it is important to realise that this is what you are trying to obtain.
Fixing dfidx (and mlogit)
We cannot do this with with.mids, since it uses the imputed dataset as the environment, but you want to use the modified dataset (after dfidx) as your environment. So, we have to write our own code. You could just do this with any looping function, e.g. lapply:
analyses <- lapply(seq_len(df4$m), function(i) {
data.i <- complete(df4, i)
data.idx <- dfidx(data = data.i, choice = "vax", shape = "wide")
mlogit(vax ~ 1 | age + var1 + var2, data = data.idx, reflevel = "1", nests = list(type1 = c("1", "2"), type2 = c("3","4"), type3 = c("5","6")))
From there, all we have to do is make something that looks like a mira object, so that we can still use pool:
test <- list(call = "", call1 = df4$call, nmis = df4$nmis, analyses = analyses)
oldClass(test) <- c("mira", "matrix")
Offering this as a way forward to circumvent the error with dfidx():
df5 <- df4$imp %>%
# work with a list, where each top-element is a different imputation run (imp_n)
map(~as.list(.x)) %>%
transpose %>%
# for each run, impute and return the full (imputed) data set
map(function(imp_n.x) {
df_out <- df4$data
df_out$vax[is.na(df_out$vax)] <- imp_n.x$vax
df_out$age[is.na(df_out$age)] <- imp_n.x$age
df_out$var1[is.na(df_out$var1)] <- imp_n.x$var1
df_out$var2[is.na(df_out$var2)] <- imp_n.x$var2
}) %>%
# No errors with dfidx() now
map(function(imp_n.x) {
dfidx(data = imp_n.x, choice = "vax", shape = "wide")
However, I'm not too familiar with mlogit(), so can't help beyond this.
Update 8/2/21
As #slamballais mentioned in their answer, the issue is with dataset you refer to when fitting the model. I assume that mldata (from your code in the comments section) is a data.frame? This is probably why you are seeing the same coefficients - you are not referring to the imputed data sets (which I've identified as imp_n.x in the functions). The function purrr::map() is very similar to lapply(), where you apply a function to elements of a list. So to get the code working properly, you would want to change mldata to imp_n.x:
# To fit mlogit() for each imputed data set
df5 %>%
map(function(imp_n.x) {
# form as specified in the comments
mlogit(vax ~ 1 | age + var1 + var2,
data = imp_n.x,
reflevel = "1",
nests = list(type1 = c('1', '2'),
type2 = c('3','4'),
type3 = c('5','6')))
I'm quite new to R and I think my problem is quite simple but I cannot seem to work it out. I've looked at similar problems on here but I can't seem to get a solution to work for my specific problem.
I'm using the Wage data set that comes as part of the ISLR package to try and model wage as a function of age of differing polynomial degrees.
I'm performing regression onto wage with age up to degree 10 and then I want to apply the anova test to each model and investigate the results. The closest I have got is this;
for (i in 1:10) {
fit[[i]] <- lm(wage~poly(age, i) , data = Wage)
result[[i]] <- aov(as.formula(paste(fit[i], "~ wage")))
which results in this error;
Error in model.frame.default(formula = as.formula(paste(fit[i], "~ wage")), :
invalid type (list) for variable 'list(coefficients = c((Intercept) = 111.703608201744, poly(age, i) = 447.067852758315), residuals = c(231655 = -19.3925481434428, 86582 = -28.2033380861585, 161300 = 17.4500251413464, 155159 = 42.5676926169455, 11443 = -42.0253778623369, 376662 = 7.21810821763668, 450601 = 56.7036617292801, 377954 = 8.79783605559716, 228963 = 8.18131081863092, 81404 = 10.197404483506, 302778 = 3.61466467869064, 305706 = -24.4688637359983, 8690 = -16.9669134309657, 153561 = 25.4168784550536, 449654 = 14.807739524331, 447660 = -27.2938944517631, 160191 = -25.1943075097583, 230312 = 95.773820436023, 301585 = 7.84450555272621, 153682 = -9.27460094600634, 158226 = 91.9620415895517, 11141 = -59.5891117312741, 448410 = -49.3664897185768, 305116 = 50.6467028157233, 233002 = -14.5085059894098, 8684 = 161.240161560035, 229379 = -28.0716427246922, 86064 = -40.6412633049063, 378472 = -5.75413931818888, `1
Any help would be greatly appriciate and apologises for being such a R noob.
To answer your question, you can do:
fit <- vector("list",10)
result <- vector("list",10)
for (i in 1:10) {
thisForm <- paste0("wage~poly(age, ",i,")")
fit[[i]] <- lm(thisForm , data = Wage)
result[[i]] <- aov(fit[[i]])
Above I created the formula so that you can see it in the fit / aov object, instead of having i.
Note that the lm fit is already in the aov object, meaning, you can get coefficients, predict and do things you need with lm directly on the aov object. You don't need to store the lm fit separately:
coefficients(result[[1]]) ; coefficients(fit[[1]])
(Intercept) poly(age, i)
111.7036 447.0679
(Intercept) poly(age, i)
111.7036 447.0679
There are two things I need to do. Firstly I would like to be able to create new variables in a coda mcmc object that have been calculated from existing variables so that I can run chain diagnostics on the new variable. Secondly I would like to be able to index single variables in some of the coda plot functions while still viewing all chains.
Toy data. Bayesian t-test on the sleep data using JAGS and rjags.
# read in data
y <- sleep$extra
x <- as.numeric(as.factor(sleep$group))
nTotal <- length(y)
nGroup <- length(unique(x))
mY <- mean(y)
sdY <- sd(y)
# make dataList
dataList <- list(y = y, x = x, nTotal = nTotal, nGroup = nGroup, mY = mY, sdY = sdY)
# model string
modelString <- "
for (oIdx in 1:nTotal) {
y[oIdx] ~ dnorm(mu[x[oIdx]], 1/sigma[x[oIdx]]^2)
for (gIdx in 1:nGroup) {
mu[gIdx] ~ dnorm(mY, 1/sdY)
sigma[gIdx] ~ dunif(sdY/10, sdY*10)
writeLines(modelString, con = "tempModel.txt")
# chains
# 1. adapt
jagsModel <- jags.model(file = "tempModel.txt",
data = dataList,
n.chains = 3,
n.adapt = 1000)
# 2. burn-in
update(jagsModel, n.iter = 1000)
# 3. generate
codaSamples <- coda.samples(model = jagsModel,
variable.names = c("mu", "sigma"),
thin = 15,
n.iter = 10000*15/3)
Problem one
If I convert the coda object to a dataframe I can calculate the difference between the estimates for the two groups and plot this new variable, like so...
df <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(codaSamples))
names(df) <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", names(df), perl = T) # remove brackets
df$diff <- df$mu1 - df$mu2
ggplot(df, aes(x = diff)) +
geom_histogram(bins = 100, fill = "skyblue") +
geom_vline(xintercept = mean(df$diff), colour = "red", size = 1, linetype = "dashed")
...but how do I get a traceplot? I can get one for existing variables within the coda object like so...
...but I would like to be able to get them for the the new diff variable.
Problem Two
Which brings me to the second problem. I would like to be able to get a traceplot (among other things) for individual variables. As I have shown above I can get them for a single variable if I only want to see one chain but I'd like to see all chains. I can see all chains for all variables in the model with the simple
...but what if I don't want or need to see all variables? What if I just want to see the trace and/or desnity plots for one, or even two, variables (but not all variables) but with all chains in the plot?
I have a bnlearn model in R that is learned using the gs function with 4 categorical variables and 8 numerical variables.
when I try to validate my model with a test set, I get this error when trying to predict some of the nodes:
Error in check.fit.vs.data(fitted = object, data = data, subset = object[[node]]$parents) :
'Keyword' has different number of levels in the node and in the data.
Is it not possible to use both numerical and categorical variables with bnlearn? and if it is possible, what am I doing wrong?
mydata$A <- as.factor(mydata$A)
mydata$B <- as.numeric(mydata$B)
mydata$C <- as.numeric(mydata$C)
mydata$D <- as.numeric(mydata$D)
mydata$E <- as.factor(mydata$E)
mydata$F <- as.numeric(mydata$F)
mydata$G <- as.numeric(mydata$G)
mydata$H <- as.numeric(mydata$H)
mydata$I <- as.numeric(mydata$I)
mydata$J <- as.numeric(mydata$J)
mydata$K <- as.numeric(mydata$K)
mydata$L <- as.numeric(mydata$L)
mydata$M <- as.numeric(mydata$M)
mydata$N <- as.numeric(mydata$N)
mydata$O <- as.numeric(mydata$O)
mydata$P <- as.numeric(mydata$P)
mydata$Q <- as.numeric(mydata$Q)
#create vector of black arcs
temp1=vector(mode = "character", length = 0)
for (i in 1:length(varnames)){
for (j in 1:length(varnames)){
temp1 <- c(temp1,varnames[i])
temp2=vector(mode = "character", length = 0)
for (i in 1:length(varnames)){
temp2 <- c(temp2,varnames)
#creat to arcs of the model
arcdata = read.csv("C:/users/asaf/desktop/in progress/whitearcs.csv", header = T)
whitelist = data.frame(from = wfrom,to =wto)
#block unwanted arcs
blacklist = data.frame(from = temp1, to = temp2)
#fit and plot the model
#gaussian method
model = gs(mydata, whitelist = whitelist, blacklist = blacklist)
#inference procedure
learntmodel = bn.fit(model,mydata,method = "mle",debug = F)
myvalidation=read.csv("C:/users/asaf/desktop/in progress/val.csv", header = T)
#predicate A
pred = predict(learntmodel, node="A", myvalidation)
myvalidation$A <- pred
#predicate B
pred = predict(learntmodel, node="B", myvalidation)
myvalidation$B <- pred
at this point it throws the following error :
Error in check.fit.vs.data(fitted = object, data = data, subset = object[[node]]$parents) :
'A' has different number of levels in the node and in the data.
bnlearn can't work with mixed variables (qualitative and quantitative) at same time, I read it is possible in deal package.
Another possibility is to use discretize to transform your continous variables into discrete variables:
dmydata <- discretize(mydata, breaks = 2, method = "interval")
model <- gs(dmydata, whitelist = whitelist, blacklist = blacklist)
... and continue your code.
Actually I had the same problem today, I resolved it by ensuring that the other nodes that are connected to the one in question... i.e. $A, had also the same number of levels.
I have written a function to run phylogenetic generalized least squares, and everything looks like it should work fine, but for some reason, a specific variable which is defined in the script (W) keeps coming up as undefined. I have stared at this code for hours and cannot figure out where the problem is.
Any ideas?
myou <- function(alpha, datax, datay, tree){
W<-diag(vcv.phylo(tree)) # Weights
fm <- gls(Trait1 ~ Trait2, data=dat, correlation = corMartins(alpha, tree, fixed = TRUE),weights = ~ W,method = "REML")
corMartins2<-function(datax, datay, tree){
result <- optimize(f = myou, interval = c(0, 4), datax=datax,datay=datay, tree = tree, maximum = TRUE)
W<-diag(vcv.phylo(tree)) # Weights
fm <- gls(Trait1 ~ Trait2, data = dat, correlation = corMartins(result$maximum, tree, fixed =T),weights = ~ W,method = "REML")
list(fm, result$maximum)}
returns "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'W' not found"
even though W is specifically defined!
The error's occuring in the gls calls in myou and corMatrins2: you have to pass in W as a column in dat because gls is looking for it there (when you put weights = ~W as a formula like that it looks for dat$W and can't find it).
Just change data=dat to data=cbind(dat,W=W) in both functions.
The example is not reproducible for me, as lowerB and upperB are not defined, however, perhaps the following will work for you, cbinding dat with W:
myou <- function(alpha, datax, datay, tree){
W<-diag(vcv.phylo(tree)) # Weights
### cbind W to dat
dat <- cbind(dat, W = W)
fm <- gls(Trait1 ~ Trait2, data=dat, correlation = corMartins(alpha, tree, fixed = TRUE),weights = ~ W,method = "REML")
corMartins2<-function(datax, datay, tree){
result <- optimize(f = myou, interval = c(lowerB, upperB), datax=datax,datay=datay, tree = tree, maximum = TRUE)
W<-diag(vcv.phylo(tree)) # Weights
### cbind W to dat
dat <- cbind(dat, W = W)
fm <- gls(Trait1 ~ Trait2, data = dat, correlation = corMartins(result$maximum, tree, fixed =T),weights = ~ W,method = "REML")
list(fm, result$maximum)}